It was just "Southern" Democrats who hated blacks Dems say; Oregon banned blacks...period.

It has always been social conservatives who hated blacks and race mixing. Democrats once had the social conservative vote, when they were the party of populism. The party is now socially very liberal, and the people who dislike those that are different from them are now firmly rooted in the GOP.

Except in WV, anyway.

There appear to be a lot of still-registered Dems there who are anything but tolerant.
The hill people of West VA are a strange bunch.
Why do the racist Democrat party hold old on to their racist party history name but reject their Confederate flag?

good question

why do they hold Margaret Higgins Sanger in high regard

Margaret Sanger advocated for the rights of women, including their right to have contraceptive and other birth control.

Which is why Conservatives despise her.

That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.
Why do the racist Democrat party hold old on to their racist party history name but reject their Confederate flag?

good question

why do they hold Margaret Higgins Sanger in high regard

Margaret Sanger advocated for the rights of women, including their right to have contraceptive and other birth control.

Which is why Conservatives despise her.

she was indeed a racist that is why you love her
Why do the racist Democrat party hold old on to their racist party history name but reject their Confederate flag?

good question

why do they hold Margaret Higgins Sanger in high regard

Margaret Sanger advocated for the rights of women, including their right to have contraceptive and other birth control.

Which is why Conservatives despise her.

That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.

And in under two minutes ----- QED ^^

She collaborated with African American leaders and professionals who saw a need for birth control in their communities. In 1929, James H. Hubert, a black social worker and leader of New York's Urban League, asked Sanger to open a clinic in Harlem.[83] Sanger secured funding from the Julius Rosenwald Fund and opened the clinic, staffed with black doctors, in 1930. The clinic was directed by a 15-member advisory board consisting of black doctors, nurses, clergy, journalists, and social workers. The clinic was publicized in the African-American press and in black churches, and it received the approval of W. E. B. Du Bois, civil rights legend and author of The Souls Of Black Folk, co-founder of the NAACP and editor of its magazine, Crisis, whom Martin Luther King Jr. would eulogize as "unsurpassed as an intellect."[84][85][86][87] Sanger did not tolerate bigotry among her staff, nor would she tolerate any refusal to work within interracial projects.[88] Sanger's work with minorities earned praise from Martin Luther King, Jr., in his 1966 acceptance speech for the Margaret Sanger award.[89]

From 1939 to 1942 Sanger was an honorary delegate of the Birth Control Federation of America, which included a supervisory role—alongside Mary Lasker and Clarence Gamble—in the Negro Project, an effort to deliver birth control to poor black people.[90] Sanger wanted the Negro Project to include black ministers in leadership roles, but other supervisors did not. << (Wiki)
Why do the racist Democrat party hold old on to their racist party history name but reject their Confederate flag?

good question

why do they hold Margaret Higgins Sanger in high regard

Margaret Sanger advocated for the rights of women, including their right to have contraceptive and other birth control.

Which is why Conservatives despise her.

That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.

And in under two minutes ----- QED ^^

sure pogo

she also favored forced sterilization
The party of the KKK.
The party of slavery.
The party of Jim Crowe and Bull Connor.
The party of black exterminationist Margaret Sanger (who Hillary praises!!)

But....Dems say....oh was just Southern Democrats who committed the atrocities against blacks. was just Democrats and still is.

Under DEMOCRAT governor John Whitaker.....Oregon banned black people. Yes. Banned them from being in Oregon. Period. Just banned them.

That's your Democrat Party guys. Oh.....I've got more coming.........

In 1859?
The party of the KKK.
The party of slavery.
The party of Jim Crowe and Bull Connor.
The party of black exterminationist Margaret Sanger (who Hillary praises!!)

But....Dems say....oh was just Southern Democrats who committed the atrocities against blacks. was just Democrats and still is.

Under DEMOCRAT governor John Whitaker.....Oregon banned black people. Yes. Banned them from being in Oregon. Period. Just banned them.

That's your Democrat Party guys. Oh.....I've got more coming.........

and all of the bigoted white trash pondscum are republicans now.
Why do the racist Democrat party hold old on to their racist party history name but reject their Confederate flag?

good question

why do they hold Margaret Higgins Sanger in high regard

Margaret Sanger advocated for the rights of women, including their right to have contraceptive and other birth control.

Which is why Conservatives despise her.

That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.

And in under two minutes ----- QED ^^

sure pogo

she also favored forced sterilization

poor baby....

is she running for office.

Nobody in the US gives a shit what bitter old men who no longer have the power to shift elections to their satisfaction.
Why do the racist Democrat party hold old on to their racist party history name but reject their Confederate flag?

good question

why do they hold Margaret Higgins Sanger in high regard

Margaret Sanger advocated for the rights of women, including their right to have contraceptive and other birth control.

Which is why Conservatives despise her.

That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.

And in under two minutes ----- QED ^^

sure pogo

she also favored forced sterilization

How False Narratives of Margaret Sanger Are Being Used to Shame Black Women - Rewire
good question

why do they hold Margaret Higgins Sanger in high regard

Margaret Sanger advocated for the rights of women, including their right to have contraceptive and other birth control.

Which is why Conservatives despise her.

That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.

And in under two minutes ----- QED ^^

sure pogo

she also favored forced sterilization

poor baby....

is she running for office.


the negro project

The Negro Project was initiated in 1939 by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. It was a collaborative effort between the American Birth Control League and Sanger’s Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau.1For a eugenist, it wasn’t controversial, it was integral to the implementation of eugenics to eliminate the ‘unfit’. Eugenics is “a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed”.2 Negative eugenics focused on preventing the birth of those it considered inferior or unfit. This was the foundation of Sanger’s Birth Control Policy and advocated throughout her writings, speeches, and her periodicals including “Pivot of Civilization”, “Plan for Peace” and countless Birth Control Review articles. The pseudo-science (racial hygiene theory) of negative eugenics influenced social policy and eugenics-based legislation (Immigration Act of 19243, segregation laws, sterilization laws) and led to the racial hygiene theory adopted by the Nazis. Noted eugenist, Eugen Fischer, who was funded by The Rockefeller Foundation (one of many same organizations that also financially supported Sanger’s work), was responsible for the Nazi adoption of racial hygiene theory at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute that led to the eugenics implementation of the holocaust.4 The connections between American Eugenics and the horrors of Nazi Germany are irrefutable. The preponderance of evidence of where Sanger wanted to go (although she decried the atrocities of the holocaust after WWII) shows the ignorance and naivete of eugenics philosophy and its eventual conclusion, left undeterred. The Negro Project was but a precursor to what eugenists wanted to implement on a much larger scale.

“…those of us who believe that the benefits of Planned Parenthood as a vital key to the elimination of human waste must reach the entire population, also believe that a double effort must be made to extend this program as a public health measure to Negroes who need is proportionately greater.”

The Negro Project
good question

why do they hold Margaret Higgins Sanger in high regard

Margaret Sanger advocated for the rights of women, including their right to have contraceptive and other birth control.

Which is why Conservatives despise her.

That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.

And in under two minutes ----- QED ^^

sure pogo

she also favored forced sterilization

How False Narratives of Margaret Sanger Are Being Used to Shame Black Women - Rewire

dude she spoke a a kkk rally in New Jersey


keep your head in the sand
Margaret Sanger advocated for the rights of women, including their right to have contraceptive and other birth control.

Which is why Conservatives despise her.

That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.

And in under two minutes ----- QED ^^

sure pogo

she also favored forced sterilization

How False Narratives of Margaret Sanger Are Being Used to Shame Black Women - Rewire

dude she spoke a a kkk rally in New Jersey


keep your head in the sand


And the article I linked to doesn't deny it, either:

And because Margaret Sanger was passionately committed to her birth control crusade, her fervor led her away from feminism and toward an allyship with racists and eugenicists. This included, as this favored anti-choice meme suggests, giving a speech at a KKK rally in Silver Lake, New Jersey, in 1926.

But before you recoil in abject horror, remember that the KKK was a powerful political movement at the time—five U.S. presidents were members of the KKK at one point or another—and if Sanger could convince the ladies of the KKK of the benefits of birth control, then it was worth it to her. That certainly doesn’t excuse her turning to this country’s most notorious domestic terrorist group for support (and personally, I find it deplorable) but there was no one whom Sanger wouldn’t talk to about birth control
That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.

And in under two minutes ----- QED ^^

sure pogo

she also favored forced sterilization

How False Narratives of Margaret Sanger Are Being Used to Shame Black Women - Rewire

dude she spoke a a kkk rally in New Jersey


keep your head in the sand


And the article I linked to doesn't deny it, either:

And because Margaret Sanger was passionately committed to her birth control crusade, her fervor led her away from feminism and toward an allyship with racists and eugenicists. This included, as this favored anti-choice meme suggests, giving a speech at a KKK rally in Silver Lake, New Jersey, in 1926.

But before you recoil in abject horror, remember that the KKK was a powerful political movement at the time—five U.S. presidents were members of the KKK at one point or another—and if Sanger could convince the ladies of the KKK of the benefits of birth control, then it was worth it to her. That certainly doesn’t excuse her turning to this country’s most notorious domestic terrorist group for support (and personally, I find it deplorable) but there was no one whom Sanger wouldn’t talk to about birth control

at least there is one lefty that is honest
The Dems have always been the party of the social elites looking for slaves. They are into all the human vice and understand it better than the Republicans who have always just made like it doesn't exist until it does.

No, the Democrats traded Slavery for Jim Crow and Jim Crow for Welfare(financial slavery). Today it is the threat of losing the government cheese while keeping public schools dumbed down that keeps the poor and minorities voting for the democrats today. Always the threat of something to keep people in line.

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This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Typical lib line of shit. It was the Republicans who both fought for these minorities in the civil war and during civil rights. The fact that you have to call blacks who don't back the left names proves that your take on reality is nothing but bullshit.
It has always been social conservatives who hated blacks and race mixing. Democrats once had the social conservative vote, when they were the party of populism. The party is now socially very liberal, and the people who dislike those that are different from them are now firmly rooted in the GOP.


Why are racist RWNJs so ashamed that they won't admit what they really are?

They love Trumpery because he's kkk racist slime but they just can't help but go on hiding under their sheets.
The KKK historically, has been made up of mostly Democrats. It was a Democrat creation. And it was mostly Democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act. But sadly, our Public School System isn't doing very well in teaching American children actual history.

The Republican Party has always been at the forefront of Civil Rights, dating back to Abraham Lincoln. But Communist/Progressive Democrats have hijacked our Public School System and MSM. They've rewritten history for the naive children and Dumbed-Down adults.
And the Democrats today are the same as back then? And the Republicans today are the same as back then? Yes or no.

Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.
and of course nothing fishey has ever gone wrong with military votes have they.
The Dems have always been the party of the social elites looking for slaves. They are into all the human vice and understand it better than the Republicans who have always just made like it doesn't exist until it does.

No, the Democrats traded Slavery for Jim Crow and Jim Crow for Welfare(financial slavery). Today it is the threat of losing the government cheese while keeping public schools dumbed down that keeps the poor and minorities voting for the democrats today. Always the threat of something to keep people in line.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Typical lib line of shit. It was the Republicans who both fought for these minorities in the civil war and during civil rights. The fact that you have to call blacks who don't back the left names proves that your take on reality is nothing but bullshit.
And a high percentage of Sanders supporters are going to vote for who?
Trump was providing jobs for black people while barry was hanging out with the choom gang.
The Dems have always been the party of the social elites looking for slaves. They are into all the human vice and understand it better than the Republicans who have always just made like it doesn't exist until it does.

No, the Democrats traded Slavery for Jim Crow and Jim Crow for Welfare(financial slavery). Today it is the threat of losing the government cheese while keeping public schools dumbed down that keeps the poor and minorities voting for the democrats today. Always the threat of something to keep people in line.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Typical lib line of shit. It was the Republicans who both fought for these minorities in the civil war and during civil rights. The fact that you have to call blacks who don't back the left names proves that your take on reality is nothing but bullshit.
And a high percentage of Sanders supporters are going to vote for who?
Trump was providing jobs for black people while barry was hanging out with the choom gang.

This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.
The Dems have always been the party of the social elites looking for slaves. They are into all the human vice and understand it better than the Republicans who have always just made like it doesn't exist until it does.

No, the Democrats traded Slavery for Jim Crow and Jim Crow for Welfare(financial slavery). Today it is the threat of losing the government cheese while keeping public schools dumbed down that keeps the poor and minorities voting for the democrats today. Always the threat of something to keep people in line.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Typical lib line of shit. It was the Republicans who both fought for these minorities in the civil war and during civil rights. The fact that you have to call blacks who don't back the left names proves that your take on reality is nothing but bullshit.
And a high percentage of Sanders supporters are going to vote for who?
Trump was providing jobs for black people while barry was hanging out with the choom gang.

This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Just because you keep posting your bullshit lie it doesn't make it become the truth. Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth. Once they do, they never look back.

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