It was just "Southern" Democrats who hated blacks Dems say; Oregon banned blacks...period.

Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Whatever.

So if I'm Republican and I see that 10% of blacks do not have a photo ID and also realize that 90% of blacks vote Democrat.

Is requiring photo ID racist or just good politics?
Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Whatever.

Are you voting trump after all your talk about how bad the rich white guys are? The poster boy for rich white jerks gets your vote?
Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.
What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.
Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Whatever.

Are you voting trump after all your talk about how bad the rich white guys are? The poster boy for rich white jerks gets your vote?

Sorry, i won't support the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. So yes, Trump has my support.
What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Whatever.

Are you voting trump after all your talk about how bad the rich white guys are? The poster boy for rich white jerks gets your vote?

Sorry, i won't support the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. So yes, Trump has my support.

I don't recall Bill going to jail for that. Guess you like to make things up.

Trump U must have been the seller for you.
Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.

Yeah, cuz African Americans were gonna go out and vote Republican in droves. Sure they were. Seriously come on, they were always gonna vote for the corrupt skank and her serial pervert husband. But that being said, requiring a valid Voter ID has nothing to do with 'Racism.' You're just lying again.
Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.

Yeah, cuz African Americans were gonna go out and vote Republican in droves. Sure they were. Seriously come on, they were always gonna vote for the corrupt skank and her serial pervert husband. But that being said, requiring a valid Voter ID has nothing to do with 'Racism.' You're just lying again.

I didn't say it was racism. I said it was unpopular with that group. Pushing unpopular legislation does not get you that groups vote. Just common sense.
Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Whatever.

So if I'm Republican and I see that 10% of blacks do not have a photo ID and also realize that 90% of blacks vote Democrat.

Is requiring photo ID racist or just good politics?

There's nothing 'good' about playing Politics and shallow Race-Baiting. Requiring a valid Voter ID has nothing to do with 'Racism.' Y'all are just lying again.

Just quit the whining and get out there and support the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. Very few wanna to hear your tired stale Race-Baiting anymore.
Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.

Fuck em. Requiring valid Voter ID is common sense and right. They wanna play the Bullshite Race-Baiting Game, so be it. But it's still the common sense right thing to do.
Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.

Yeah, cuz African Americans were gonna go out and vote Republican in droves. Sure they were. Seriously come on, they were always gonna vote for the corrupt skank and her serial pervert husband. But that being said, requiring a valid Voter ID has nothing to do with 'Racism.' You're just lying again.

Get real. Voter-Id laws are indeed racist and intended to suppress the black vote. It's one of the many reasons why African-Americans are going to rush to the polls to vote for anybody but republicans.

AND, as the nation continues to evolve demographically, the Republican Party will continue to dissolve into the Whigs.

The irony is beautiful.
If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.

Yeah, cuz African Americans were gonna go out and vote Republican in droves. Sure they were. Seriously come on, they were always gonna vote for the corrupt skank and her serial pervert husband. But that being said, requiring a valid Voter ID has nothing to do with 'Racism.' You're just lying again.

I didn't say it was racism. I said it was unpopular with that group. Pushing unpopular legislation does not get you that groups vote. Just common sense.

Yes you did, in so many words. You're bitching and supporting a group that's claiming 'Racism' for requiring valid Voter ID. And guess what? I don't give a damn if requiring valid Voter ID pisses anyone off. It's the right thing to do. And that's more important than pandering to a small group that's full of shite.
If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.

Yeah, cuz African Americans were gonna go out and vote Republican in droves. Sure they were. Seriously come on, they were always gonna vote for the corrupt skank and her serial pervert husband. But that being said, requiring a valid Voter ID has nothing to do with 'Racism.' You're just lying again.

Get real. Voter-Id laws are indeed racist and intended to suppress the black vote. It's one of the many reasons why African-Americans are going to rush to the polls to vote for anybody but republicans.

AND, as the nation continues to evolve demographically, the Republican Party will continue to dissolve into the Whigs.

The irony is beautiful.

Doesn't mean they're right. Requiring valid Voter ID is actually the common sense right thing to do. If that pisses off a small group of Race-Baiting twats, than so be it. Fuck em.
What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Whatever.

So if I'm Republican and I see that 10% of blacks do not have a photo ID and also realize that 90% of blacks vote Democrat.

Is requiring photo ID racist or just good politics?

There's nothing 'good' about playing Politics and shallow Race-Baiting. Requiring a valid Voter ID has nothing to do with 'Racism.' Y'all are just lying again.

Just quit the whining and get out there and support the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. Very few wanna to hear your tired stale Race-Baiting anymore.
Requiring ID may have nothing to do with racism and everything to do with republicans winning elections

If you prevent ten legitimate voters from voting in order to stop one illegal voter it good legislation?
Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Whatever.

So if I'm Republican and I see that 10% of blacks do not have a photo ID and also realize that 90% of blacks vote Democrat.

Is requiring photo ID racist or just good politics?

There's nothing 'good' about playing Politics and shallow Race-Baiting. Requiring a valid Voter ID has nothing to do with 'Racism.' Y'all are just lying again.

Just quit the whining and get out there and support the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. Very few wanna to hear your tired stale Race-Baiting anymore.
Requiring ID may have nothing to do with racism and everything to do with republicans winning elections

If you prevent ten legitimate voters from voting in order to stop one illegal voter it good legislation?

Well, then go vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Problem solved. You're welcome.
Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.

Fuck em. Requiring valid Voter ID is common sense and right. They wanna play the Bullshite Race-Baiting Game, so be it. But it's still the common sense right thing to do.

And that attitude is exactly why you don't get their votes.
I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.

Yeah, cuz African Americans were gonna go out and vote Republican in droves. Sure they were. Seriously come on, they were always gonna vote for the corrupt skank and her serial pervert husband. But that being said, requiring a valid Voter ID has nothing to do with 'Racism.' You're just lying again.

I didn't say it was racism. I said it was unpopular with that group. Pushing unpopular legislation does not get you that groups vote. Just common sense.

Yes you did, in so many words. You're bitching and supporting a group that's claiming 'Racism' for requiring valid Voter ID. And guess what? I don't give a damn if requiring valid Voter ID pisses anyone off. It's the right thing to do. And that's more important than pandering to a small group that's full of shite.

You don't give a damn about their concerns and don't get their vote. It is common sense.

The right thing? The evidence of any fraud is pretty nonexistent. It is politics, not right or wrong.
I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.

Yeah, cuz African Americans were gonna go out and vote Republican in droves. Sure they were. Seriously come on, they were always gonna vote for the corrupt skank and her serial pervert husband. But that being said, requiring a valid Voter ID has nothing to do with 'Racism.' You're just lying again.

Get real. Voter-Id laws are indeed racist and intended to suppress the black vote. It's one of the many reasons why African-Americans are going to rush to the polls to vote for anybody but republicans.

AND, as the nation continues to evolve demographically, the Republican Party will continue to dissolve into the Whigs.

The irony is beautiful.

Doesn't mean they're right. Requiring valid Voter ID is actually the common sense right thing to do. If that pisses off a small group of Race-Baiting twats, than so be it. Fuck em.

Common sense because it fixes no problem? Or politics for the white party?
If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

BULLSHITE! You're pushing old tired Race-Baiting lies. We'll see if most of Americans buy it this time around. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they did. But i'm gonna try and stay optimistic and believe they're gonna call you Race-Baiter assholes on your tired B.S.

So you thnk pushing legislation a group hates is how you get their votes. Now that is funny.

Fuck em. Requiring valid Voter ID is common sense and right. They wanna play the Bullshite Race-Baiting Game, so be it. But it's still the common sense right thing to do.

And that attitude is exactly why you don't get their votes.

Doing right is more important than pandering to a small group of perpetual 'victims.' Requiring valid Voter ID isn't 'Racism.' Some may believe it is, but it isn't.
Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth.

When they see the truth, they will stop voting Democratic or Republican.

They see half the truth. They see the Republican party HATES minorities. This much is blazingly clear to them, but you appear to be completely oblivious.

They don't see the other half, and neither do you. They don't see the Democratic party wants to make EVERYONE dependent on government for their survival. You think it is just about minorities and that they are stupid, and that is what gives away your own unconscious bigotry.

In short, minorities see more of the truth than you do. They at least see half, you see less than that.

Nice try. Thanks for playing. Take your half full/half empty cup and shove the whole thing back up your ass from where you pulled it out of.

You are the one who is the racist and use the color division to keep these people in line. That is why you fools have to call the ones who break ranks, Uncle Toms. You are a piece of trash. Sell your anti-white racism somewhere else.

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