It was just "Southern" Democrats who hated blacks Dems say; Oregon banned blacks...period.

jake is proud that the anti lynching law was never passed because of democrat opposition

put a funny star on this one too --LOL
Are those the same Democrats as today? Yes or No.

same same buddy

democrats today view everything

through the prism of race color and sexual orientation
Racism today is defined by how much money you're willing to give out.
Ever seen a dem donate money to a conservative cause?
The Dems have always been the party of the social elites looking for slaves. They are into all the human vice and understand it better than the Republicans who have always just made like it doesn't exist until it does.

No, the Democrats traded Slavery for Jim Crow and Jim Crow for Welfare(financial slavery). Today it is the threat of losing the government cheese while keeping public schools dumbed down that keeps the poor and minorities voting for the democrats today. Always the threat of something to keep people in line.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Typical lib line of shit. It was the Republicans who both fought for these minorities in the civil war and during civil rights. The fact that you have to call blacks who don't back the left names proves that your take on reality is nothing but bullshit.
And a high percentage of Sanders supporters are going to vote for who?
Trump was providing jobs for black people while barry was hanging out with the choom gang.

This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Just because you keep posting your bullshit lie it doesn't make it become the truth. Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth. Once they do, they never look back.

Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth.

And you know this because?

Do you really think you are just that much smarter than minorities?
Or perhaps you think you are just so very much better informed than 'minorities'?

LOL....another example of why Republicans don't have a clue why the vast majority of minority voters in the United States do not vote Republican.
This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Typical lib line of shit. It was the Republicans who both fought for these minorities in the civil war and during civil rights. The fact that you have to call blacks who don't back the left names proves that your take on reality is nothing but bullshit.
And a high percentage of Sanders supporters are going to vote for who?
Trump was providing jobs for black people while barry was hanging out with the choom gang.

This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Just because you keep posting your bullshit lie it doesn't make it become the truth. Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth. Once they do, they never look back.

Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth.

And you know this because?

Do you really think you are just that much smarter than minorities?
Or perhaps you think you are just so very much better informed than 'minorities'?

LOL....another example of why Republicans don't have a clue why the vast majority of minority voters in the United States do not vote Republican.

You are a joke. I'm married to a minority. She votes Republican because she doesn't need to vote Democrat to make sure that the government cheese keeps coming in. Her whole family has left the Democratic Party over the last 7 years.

You don't know shit.
jake is proud that the anti lynching law was never passed because of democrat opposition

put a funny star on this one too --LOL
Are those the same Democrats as today? Yes or No.

same same buddy

democrats today view everything

through the prism of race color and sexual orientation
Racism today is defined by how much money you're willing to give out.
Ever seen a dem donate money to a conservative cause?
Typical lib line of shit. It was the Republicans who both fought for these minorities in the civil war and during civil rights. The fact that you have to call blacks who don't back the left names proves that your take on reality is nothing but bullshit.
And a high percentage of Sanders supporters are going to vote for who?
Trump was providing jobs for black people while barry was hanging out with the choom gang.

This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Just because you keep posting your bullshit lie it doesn't make it become the truth. Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth. Once they do, they never look back.

Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth.

And you know this because?

Do you really think you are just that much smarter than minorities?
Or perhaps you think you are just so very much better informed than 'minorities'?

LOL....another example of why Republicans don't have a clue why the vast majority of minority voters in the United States do not vote Republican.

You are a joke. I'm married to a minority. She votes Republican because she doesn't need to vote Democrat to make sure that the government cheese keeps coming in. Her whole family has left the Democratic Party over the last 7 years.

You don't know shit.

So you are saying that you are smarter than minorities- except the minorities who decide to vote Republican.

Yeah I know shit- your shit smells like the typical white guys telling minorities that you are just smarter than they are- which is why you vote Republican and they vote Democrat.

Until shit for brains like yourself realize accept that every voter is making up their own mind- as much as you are- until you stop telling 'minorities' that the only reason that they vote Democrat is because they are stupider than you- you are the reason why Republicans will continue to lose the minority voters.
jake is proud that the anti lynching law was never passed because of democrat opposition

put a funny star on this one too --LOL
Are those the same Democrats as today? Yes or No.

same same buddy

democrats today view everything

through the prism of race color and sexual orientation
Racism today is defined by how much money you're willing to give out.
Ever seen a dem donate money to a conservative cause?
And a high percentage of Sanders supporters are going to vote for who?
Trump was providing jobs for black people while barry was hanging out with the choom gang.

This is always the party line of the bitter old white guys- who are telling African Americans and other minorities that minorities are sooooooo stupid- that they keep voting Democratic- and that the bitter old white guys are sooooo much smarter than the minorities.....because they understand what the minorities don't understand.

Everyone of these threads is nothing more than white supremacists telling minorities that the white supremacists know better than the minorities do- so minorities should vote Republican.

Just because you keep posting your bullshit lie it doesn't make it become the truth. Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth. Once they do, they never look back.

Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth.

And you know this because?

Do you really think you are just that much smarter than minorities?
Or perhaps you think you are just so very much better informed than 'minorities'?

LOL....another example of why Republicans don't have a clue why the vast majority of minority voters in the United States do not vote Republican.

You are a joke. I'm married to a minority. She votes Republican because she doesn't need to vote Democrat to make sure that the government cheese keeps coming in. Her whole family has left the Democratic Party over the last 7 years.

You don't know shit.

So you are saying that you are smarter than minorities- except the minorities who decide to vote Republican.

Yeah I know shit- your shit smells like the typical white guys telling minorities that you are just smarter than they are- which is why you vote Republican and they vote Democrat.

Until shit for brains like yourself realize accept that every voter is making up their own mind- as much as you are- until you stop telling 'minorities' that the only reason that they vote Democrat is because they are stupider than you- you are the reason why Republicans will continue to lose the minority voters.

The only party losing minority votes is the Democrats. There is nowhere but up for the Republicans. You keep calling the Republicans old and white but you have to ignore the candidates that each party put up this election cycle to do that. I get a laugh out of you diehards who can't see the forest for the trees. Everywhere I go, I see more and more people who are leaving the party of crybabies who just want free shit.

The independent voters will determine the coming election, not the vote your party Dems who are scared that the flow of free shit will stop.

More debt under you guys than all other Presidents combined. More people out of work than any time since Carter. Biggest wage discrepancy in modern times. First time ever that average wages have gone backwards.

There are so many reasons why people aren't buying your bullshit but the easiest is that you fools have made race relations worse than any time since the 60's. Decent people of all colors just want to get along.

You keep up your anti-white bullshit. It tells me all I need to know of the type of scumbag you are.
Margaret Sanger advocated for the rights of women, including their right to have contraceptive and other birth control.

Which is why Conservatives despise her.

That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.

And in under two minutes ----- QED ^^

sure pogo

she also favored forced sterilization

How False Narratives of Margaret Sanger Are Being Used to Shame Black Women - Rewire

dude she spoke a a kkk rally in New Jersey


keep your head in the sand
She talked to KKK women and told them not to have children

She did us a service
That, plus the more gullible are too damn stupid to vet the quotes they find on Googly Images to find out if they're actually real. The old "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" crapola.

And in under two minutes ----- QED ^^

sure pogo

she also favored forced sterilization

How False Narratives of Margaret Sanger Are Being Used to Shame Black Women - Rewire

dude she spoke a a kkk rally in New Jersey


keep your head in the sand
She talked to KKK women and told them not to have children

She did us a service

she spoke of creating a superior white race

dude she spoke a a kkk rally in New Jersey


keep your head in the sand
She talked to KKK women and told them not to have children

She did us a service

she spoke of creating a superior white race

No she didn't...she spoke about birth control like she did to all women
The party of the KKK.
The party of slavery.
The party of Jim Crowe and Bull Connor.
The party of black exterminationist Margaret Sanger (who Hillary praises!!)

But....Dems say....oh was just Southern Democrats who committed the atrocities against blacks. was just Democrats and still is.

Under DEMOCRAT governor John Whitaker.....Oregon banned black people. Yes. Banned them from being in Oregon. Period. Just banned them.

That's your Democrat Party guys. Oh.....I've got more coming.........

The first I remember was forced busing in Boston leading to riots. Doesn't get any bluer than that
The KKK historically, has been made up of mostly Democrats. It was a Democrat creation. And it was mostly Democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act. But sadly, our Public School System isn't doing very well in teaching American children actual history.

The Republican Party has always been at the forefront of Civil Rights, dating back to Abraham Lincoln. But Communist/Progressive Democrats have hijacked our Public School System and MSM. They've rewritten history for the naive children and Dumbed-Down adults.
And the Democrats today are the same as back then? And the Republicans today are the same as back then? Yes or no.

Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.
The KKK historically, has been made up of mostly Democrats. It was a Democrat creation. And it was mostly Democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act. But sadly, our Public School System isn't doing very well in teaching American children actual history.

The Republican Party has always been at the forefront of Civil Rights, dating back to Abraham Lincoln. But Communist/Progressive Democrats have hijacked our Public School System and MSM. They've rewritten history for the naive children and Dumbed-Down adults.
And the Democrats today are the same as back then? And the Republicans today are the same as back then? Yes or no.

Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.
The KKK historically, has been made up of mostly Democrats. It was a Democrat creation. And it was mostly Democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act. But sadly, our Public School System isn't doing very well in teaching American children actual history.

The Republican Party has always been at the forefront of Civil Rights, dating back to Abraham Lincoln. But Communist/Progressive Democrats have hijacked our Public School System and MSM. They've rewritten history for the naive children and Dumbed-Down adults.
And the Democrats today are the same as back then? And the Republicans today are the same as back then? Yes or no.

Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.
The KKK historically, has been made up of mostly Democrats. It was a Democrat creation. And it was mostly Democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act. But sadly, our Public School System isn't doing very well in teaching American children actual history.

The Republican Party has always been at the forefront of Civil Rights, dating back to Abraham Lincoln. But Communist/Progressive Democrats have hijacked our Public School System and MSM. They've rewritten history for the naive children and Dumbed-Down adults.
And the Democrats today are the same as back then? And the Republicans today are the same as back then? Yes or no.

Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

But it does impact some races more than others
Portland, OR is ultra liberal today and has been Democrat for decades yet they continue to segregate blacks, they have them penned up in the NE section of the city.
And the Democrats today are the same as back then? And the Republicans today are the same as back then? Yes or no.

Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

But it does impact some races more than others

Only a Race-Baiting degenerate Democrat would claim requiring Voter ID = 'Racism.' Y'all can go to hell. :)
The KKK historically, has been made up of mostly Democrats. It was a Democrat creation. And it was mostly Democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act. But sadly, our Public School System isn't doing very well in teaching American children actual history.

The Republican Party has always been at the forefront of Civil Rights, dating back to Abraham Lincoln. But Communist/Progressive Democrats have hijacked our Public School System and MSM. They've rewritten history for the naive children and Dumbed-Down adults.
And the Democrats today are the same as back then? And the Republicans today are the same as back then? Yes or no.

Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?
Minorities will vote Republican when they see the truth.

When they see the truth, they will stop voting Democratic or Republican.

They see half the truth. They see the Republican party HATES minorities. This much is blazingly clear to them, but you appear to be completely oblivious.

They don't see the other half, and neither do you. They don't see the Democratic party wants to make EVERYONE dependent on government for their survival. You think it is just about minorities and that they are stupid, and that is what gives away your own unconscious bigotry.

In short, minorities see more of the truth than you do. They at least see half, you see less than that.
Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

But it does impact some races more than others

Only a Race-Baiting degenerate Democrat would claim requiring Voter ID = 'Racism.' Y'all can go to hell. :)

Only a right wing moron would push policies a group hates and then be surprised when you don't get their votes.
And the Democrats today are the same as back then? And the Republicans today are the same as back then? Yes or no.

Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Whatever.
Funny how every blatant racist on here is a right winger. Also funny how they only care about minorities on election years. They push through voter ID and now ask for votes.

Requiring Voter ID does not = 'Racist.'

Stop being a dishonest hysterical little bitch.

What group was most opposed to it? You can't push policies they hate and expect to get votes. Stop being a moron.

Again, Voter ID does not = 'Racism.'

Stop pushing a despicable Race-Baiting lie.

Again, who was the most opposed to it? You can't push policies they don't like and then ask for votes. You can't really think repubs have been pushing it for fairness do you?

If you're gonna push Race-Baiting lies, fuck you and them. Y'all can vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Have fun.

I'm pushing common sense. You seem to not have any today.

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