It was me: Sworn Trump enemy John McCain admits he handed smear dossier to FBI

have any of you given to his country what john mccain has? i would say fuck no.....give the man the respect that a former pow has earned....

On to the 21 Century:
He is political now, not military. We are dealing with his politics not his military record. You have the two confused.
He has no place in the Republican party. He would make a great Democrat. He has the two confused.
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have any of you given to his country what john mccain has? i would say fuck no.....give the man the respect that a former pow has earned....
None of that stopped you leftist assholes from attacking him when he was running for President so save your outrage missy!

None of that stopped you rightist assholes from attacking him when he was running for President, or disagreeing with Trump, or disagreeing with Bush, or generally doing anything other than following your warped right wing agenda.
I voted for MCCain and was verbally against Trump insulting him. If MCCain admits to this leak I suspect it is political payback. Trump owns that.
Trump's nemesis John McCain kicked off 'Kremlin memo' scandal by handing dossier to FBI | Daily Mail Online

It was me: Sworn Trump enemy John McCain admits HE handed smear dossier to FBI - as details surface of document's bizarre journey from British former spy and diplomat

  • Arizona Senator who disowned Trump before election admits he handed document outlining claims of Kremlin blackmail to FBI
  • ----------------------------------------------------
We warned and warned the political Trump haters like this traitor ARE CROOKED, JUST LIKE CLINTON, JUST LIKE BILL CLINTON and the sappy azz cry babies that had a breakdown over her losing what pathetic wussies with a P.

Exactly what is wrong with a U.S. Senator turning over documents to the FBI?

False documents that were use to smear the incoming president

Documents that were also leaked to sudo news

Put him on trial. Let's find out if they're real.

Again, I PROMISE you Trump doesn't want that.

Don't be as stupid as the Trumpsters.

Put him on trial for what? Unsubstantiated allegations.

McCain turned documents over to the FBI. The FBI can and should investigate- that is what they are supposed to do. But calling for a trial is as idiotic and premature as the asshole Trumpsters who were calling for a trial of Clinton because the FBI was investigating.

The so called press like buzzfeed and CNN got and published these false documents.

McCain though he has the golden apple and it was full of worms
Trump's nemesis John McCain kicked off 'Kremlin memo' scandal by handing dossier to FBI | Daily Mail Online

It was me: Sworn Trump enemy John McCain admits HE handed smear dossier to FBI - as details surface of document's bizarre journey from British former spy and diplomat

  • Arizona Senator who disowned Trump before election admits he handed document outlining claims of Kremlin blackmail to FBI
  • ----------------------------------------------------
We warned and warned the political Trump haters like this traitor ARE CROOKED, JUST LIKE CLINTON, JUST LIKE BILL CLINTON and the sappy azz cry babies that had a breakdown over her losing what pathetic wussies with a P.

Exactly what is wrong with a U.S. Senator turning over documents to the FBI?

False documents that were use to smear the incoming president

Documents that were also leaked to sudo news

The FBI is supposed to determine whether or not they are false- not a U.S. Senator.

McCain would have been complicit if he didn't turn over the information to the FBI.

The FBI covers up for their authoritarian dictators because they have too much dirt on their little FBI gophers why do you think they turn on their own Country in certain issues.
The FBI rents whores, does drugs, have been caught with child porn in fact they have planted Child porn onto peoples' computers.............and you want to trust this bs organization. LOL
have any of you given to his country what john mccain has? i would say fuck no.....give the man the respect that a former pow has earned....
None of that stopped you leftist assholes from attacking him when he was running for President so save your outrage missy!

Apparently, you have a short memory. We were not attacking McCain. We were attacking Palin. If we had been attacking McCain, and ignoring Palin, it would have been like changing the plot line in The Man who Shot Liberty Valance so that Andy Devine was gunned down, while Lee Marvin lived.
I have a long memory. You attacked MCCain because he was a Republican, because he chose Sarah Palin, because he had suffered from skin cancer and went so far as to say how many planes he had lost in the Vietnam war. You attacked Palin, her husband and her children, you attacked Palin because someone hacked into her computer. As always you were vile!

Well, now Willow, I never had anything against McCain, myself. I plead guilty to voicing my opinion about Palin, and even confess that his choice of her as his running mate was so bad that I lost all faith in his judgement after that.
Trump's nemesis John McCain kicked off 'Kremlin memo' scandal by handing dossier to FBI | Daily Mail Online

It was me: Sworn Trump enemy John McCain admits HE handed smear dossier to FBI - as details surface of document's bizarre journey from British former spy and diplomat

  • Arizona Senator who disowned Trump before election admits he handed document outlining claims of Kremlin blackmail to FBI
  • ----------------------------------------------------
We warned and warned the political Trump haters like this traitor ARE CROOKED, JUST LIKE CLINTON, JUST LIKE BILL CLINTON and the sappy azz cry babies that had a breakdown over her losing what pathetic wussies with a P.

Exactly what is wrong with a U.S. Senator turning over documents to the FBI?

False documents that were use to smear the incoming president

Documents that were also leaked to sudo news

The FBI is supposed to determine whether or not they are false- not a U.S. Senator.

McCain would have been complicit if he didn't turn over the information to the FBI.

The FBI covers

Blah blah blah

you have your nose so firmly up Trump and Putin's asses that you are compelled to attack anyone and any agency that dares even make a hint of a suggestion that Trump has problems.
have any of you given to his country what john mccain has? i would say fuck no.....give the man the respect that a former pow has earned....
None of that stopped you leftist assholes from attacking him when he was running for President so save your outrage missy!

None of that stopped you rightist assholes from attacking him when he was running for President, or disagreeing with Trump, or disagreeing with Bush, or generally doing anything other than following your warped right wing agenda.
I voted for MCCain and was verbally against Trump insulting him. If MCCain admits to this leak I suspect it is political payback. Trump owns that.

'verbally against'?

The right has spent years attacking John McCain. To attack the 'left' for its attacks on McCain and ignore the fact that the right- from George Bush(when running against John McCain) to Donald Trump has attacked him even more than the left has.
Trump's nemesis John McCain kicked off 'Kremlin memo' scandal by handing dossier to FBI | Daily Mail Online

It was me: Sworn Trump enemy John McCain admits HE handed smear dossier to FBI - as details surface of document's bizarre journey from British former spy and diplomat

  • Arizona Senator who disowned Trump before election admits he handed document outlining claims of Kremlin blackmail to FBI
  • ----------------------------------------------------
We warned and warned the political Trump haters like this traitor ARE CROOKED, JUST LIKE CLINTON, JUST LIKE BILL CLINTON and the sappy azz cry babies that had a breakdown over her losing what pathetic wussies with a P.

Exactly what is wrong with a U.S. Senator turning over documents to the FBI?

False documents that were use to smear the incoming president

Documents that were also leaked to sudo news

The FBI is supposed to determine whether or not they are false- not a U.S. Senator.

McCain would have been complicit if he didn't turn over the information to the FBI.

The FBI covers

Blah blah blah

you have your nose so firmly up Trump and Putin's asses that you are compelled to attack anyone and any agency that dares even make a hint of a suggestion that Trump has problems.

It was fabricated by a private security firm
he may prove to be a great patriot once again.....i guess he should have dodged the draft like the orange jesus?

REmember how fast you lefties turned on him when he ran against Obama?

Suddenly your all discovered he was a hotheaded racist.

Now that the GOP is in charge again, suddenly you like him again, cause he now is useful to you and your agenda again.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Exactly what is wrong with a U.S. Senator turning over documents to the FBI?

False documents that were use to smear the incoming president

Documents that were also leaked to sudo news

The FBI is supposed to determine whether or not they are false- not a U.S. Senator.

McCain would have been complicit if he didn't turn over the information to the FBI.

The FBI covers

Blah blah blah

you have your nose so firmly up Trump and Putin's asses that you are compelled to attack anyone and any agency that dares even make a hint of a suggestion that Trump has problems.

It was fabricated by a private security firm

Who should determine that? The FBI or John McCain?
he may prove to be a great patriot once again.....i guess he should have dodged the draft like the orange jesus?

REmember how fast you lefties turned on him when he ran against Obama?

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Remember how fast you righties have turned on him when McCain ran against Bush?
And when he dared criticize Trump.
And when he dared work with Democrats?

Conservatives: You are all crack whores.
have any of you given to his country what john mccain has? i would say fuck no.....give the man the respect that a former pow has earned....
None of that stopped you leftist assholes from attacking him when he was running for President so save your outrage missy!

None of that stopped you rightist assholes from attacking him when he was running for President, or disagreeing with Trump, or disagreeing with Bush, or generally doing anything other than following your warped right wing agenda.
I voted for MCCain and was verbally against Trump insulting him. If MCCain admits to this leak I suspect it is political payback. Trump owns that.

'verbally against'?

The right has spent years attacking John McCain. To attack the 'left' for its attacks on McCain and ignore the fact that the right- from George Bush(when running against John McCain) to Donald Trump has attacked him even more than the left has.
he may prove to be a great patriot once again.....i guess he should have dodged the draft like the orange jesus?

REmember how fast you lefties turned on him when he ran against Obama?

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Remember how fast you righties have turned on him when McCain ran against Bush?
And when he dared criticize Trump.
And when he dared work with Democrats?

Conservatives: You are all crack whores.

McCain has had a hostile relationship with conservatives for a long time. What the hell are you talking about?

My point stands, you lefties were always supportive of him, until he was a threat to Obama, then you suddenly realized he was a thin skinned racist.

Now, that the GOP is back in control, you realize that he really isn't a thin skinned racist, that was just talk.

You have the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
False documents that were use to smear the incoming president

Documents that were also leaked to sudo news

The FBI is supposed to determine whether or not they are false- not a U.S. Senator.

McCain would have been complicit if he didn't turn over the information to the FBI.

The FBI covers

Blah blah blah

you have your nose so firmly up Trump and Putin's asses that you are compelled to attack anyone and any agency that dares even make a hint of a suggestion that Trump has problems.

It was fabricated by a private security firm

Who should determine that? The FBI or John McCain?

Orbis Business Intelligence is responsible
have any of you given to his country what john mccain has? i would say fuck no.....give the man the respect that a former pow has earned....
Ohhh he got captured...not a very good pilot was he!?

Cuckservatives assuage their guilt about sending young men to die in pointless overseas wars by fellating every veteran as a “war hero,” no matter how they actually spent their service. For example, John McCain, the king of cuckservatives, is constantly lauded as a “hero” for his time in Vietnam, despite the fact that he spent most of it in a jail cell after being captured by the North Vietnamese. Donald Trump was lambasted by both left and right for pointing out that not only didn’t McCain engage in anything that could remotely be called “heroic,” as a senator, he has done nothing to aid veterans.

John McCain is a “war hero” in the same way that pink slime is a nutritious meal. Not only did McCain confess to breaking under torture and selling out his country, there’s considerable evidence that he may have actively collaborated with the communist Vietnamese (ex: his fellow POWs nicknamed him “Songbird”). McCain’s father was a highly decorated admiral and could have easily used his influence to suppress knowledge of his son’s traitorous activity.
have any of you given to his country what john mccain has? i would say fuck no.....give the man the respect that a former pow has earned....
Ohhh he got captured...not a very good pilot was he!?

Cuckservatives assuage their guilt about sending young men to die in pointless overseas wars by fellating every veteran as a “war hero,” no matter how they actually spent their service. For example, John McCain, the king of cuckservatives, is constantly lauded as a “hero” for his time in Vietnam, despite the fact that he spent most of it in a jail cell after being captured by the North Vietnamese. Donald Trump was lambasted by both left and right for pointing out that not only didn’t McCain engage in anything that could remotely be called “heroic,” as a senator, he has done nothing to aid veterans.

John McCain is a “war hero” in the same way that pink slime is a nutritious meal. Not only did McCain confess to breaking under torture and selling out his country, there’s considerable evidence that he may have actively collaborated with the communist Vietnamese (ex: his fellow POWs nicknamed him “Songbird”). McCain’s father was a highly decorated admiral and could have easily used his influence to suppress knowledge of his son’s traitorous activity.

Don't know about board members but there are many people who did and more

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>>Reagan has made the recovery of 2,477 American soldiers "the highest national priority."<<

he may prove to be a great patriot once again.....i guess he should have dodged the draft like the orange jesus?

Oath Keepers Founder: Traitor McCain Should Be 'Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

Rhodes recalled serving as a Nevada delegate for former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) during the 2008 presidential campaign. He accused McCain and the "GOP machine" of manipulating the convention to sabotage Paul's chances of winning the state's delegates, according to a video of his speech posted by Right Wing Watch.

“John Cain (sic) is a traitor to the Constitution,” Rhodes later said, misstating the senator's last name. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you."

"He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we would give him a trial by jury," Rhodes added. "Then after we convict him he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

Oath Keepers Founder: Traitor McCain Should Be 'Hung By The Neck Until Dead'
why? because he outed trump and his golden showers
he may prove to be a great patriot once again.....i guess he should have dodged the draft like the orange jesus?

Oath Keepers Founder: Traitor McCain Should Be 'Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

Rhodes recalled serving as a Nevada delegate for former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) during the 2008 presidential campaign. He accused McCain and the "GOP machine" of manipulating the convention to sabotage Paul's chances of winning the state's delegates, according to a video of his speech posted by Right Wing Watch.

“John Cain (sic) is a traitor to the Constitution,” Rhodes later said, misstating the senator's last name. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you."

"He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we would give him a trial by jury," Rhodes added. "Then after we convict him he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

Oath Keepers Founder: Traitor McCain Should Be 'Hung By The Neck Until Dead'
why? because he outed trump and his golden showers

You really believe someone peed on Obama's bed.............intentionally?

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