Italy refuses to accept dual loyalty Italian Jew turned Israeli as ambassador.

You're not a serious poster, oil can. That's for sure.

Big words from the woman who 95% fo the time posts one line comments that in no way further discussion of anything.

Where is the ADL? Probably busy watching every campus in the country.
The thing is a he. Probably a shmuck who doesn't realize the days of the Muslim students associations bullying US universities with their bigotry and racism are over. "HE" will eventually get himself into a ton of trouble, and get himself expelled. Then he can go work at the local gas station where his uncle Hakim works as cashier. :lmao:

You understand calling me a Muslim is just insulting yourself

You're the ones that worship Arabs

I'm descended from Hindus. If Muslims are animals what are Jews?

You're a goat fucker trying to project goat fucker traits on to me? Mud blood

Yikes, you sound like you forgot to take a pill or something.

So Harry Potter fantasies ?? have you considered upping your medication or is that not your call anymore ?

And what exactly does all that jive have to do with some dual citizen being appointed ambassador. Or why the Italians would make a fuss about it ?
Could be the mud blood, all those different backgrounds may have fucked up proper brain development. Who knows?

lol Jew that's the beauty of it

Once you put down endogamy why do you have to cry your mother was white, and her mother, and her mother

You don't have to be a mud blood, just be the white man you really are. As a Jew you are nothing

Although again by my forefathers standards. I am a Brahmin, you can take a wife of any social status and as long as you're married you retain what is makes you a Brahmin.

Sort of like your "jewish essence"
So how are you an "American" if you're a Muslim from India descendant from Hindus, dickhead? Your Hindu ancestors were invaded and raped by Arab Muslims, who killed hundreds of millions of Hindus. Taj Mahal is Muslim shrine.

And then your Hindu ancestors came to the US. And you go around like a pig calling Jews not Americans? This is fucking hilarious. I gotta admit.

Uhhh I've already explained my heritage

My father is Indian my mother is white and native. You see Jew when you live as a minority endogamy makes you a cult. So you stop practicing it.

There are Jews who are good Americans, just very few of them

You are certainly not one of them. As a descendant of natives I'm eminently qualified to say it.
Lots of Indians in the US with dual citizenship. So you have mud blood, congrats.

A grand total of 0 of them would die for the right to keep their dual citizenship

Hordes of Jews would take the rope to die in protest
What are you talking about? Most Jews do not hold dual citizenship. I certainly don't.

Relative to the native born populace?

At least 1 in 5 have israeli citizenship

I've didn't grow up with anyone who wasn't an immigrant who had dual citizenship

The thing about Israel is most American Jews didn't leave Israel to begin with.

Indians left India. Germans left Germany. They aren't going to pay a price to hold citizenship of a country they left, lol

OK then, sounds like you've had your medication and are a tad confused about this whole citizenship thing.

Although far be it for me to comment on anyone else's grammars ;--)

And just for giggles, what exactly was the problem with this ambassador ? So what if he's a dual citizen
I don't see where it mentions Jews, or Israel, or 67. Plus that is not the current law which accepts dual nationality, Mr. Mud Blood Hindu Indian Muslim. You can read English, or is Hindu your first language?

Dual Nationality

Dual Nationality

The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a national of two countries at the same time. Each country has its own nationality laws based on its own policy. Persons may have dual nationality by automatic operation of different laws rather than by choice. For example, a child born in a foreign country to U.S. national parents may be both a U.S. national and a national of the country of birth.

A U.S. national may acquire foreign nationality by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. national may not lose the nationality of the country of birth. U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one nationality or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another nationality does not risk losing U.S. nationality. However, a person who acquires a foreign nationality by applying for it may lose U.S. nationality. In order to lose U.S. nationality, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign nationality voluntarily, by free choice, and with the intention to give up U.S. nationality.

It's 38 pages long

You lose your citizenship if you vote in a foreign election

Jew lost every time until he finally got to the supreme court, where Jews said it didn't matter

What you linked was a summary, as it is labeled. The link to the actual document is at the top.

If you want information on the case law google 67 naturalization act

Afroyim v. Rusk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Speak English will ya? Dual citizenship is acceptable in US law. and no way 1 in 5 Jews hold Israeli citizenship. Your mosque Imam might disagree. And while you're at it Achmed, get me a pack of cigarettes and a diet coke.

lol Jew again you're a foreigner, what the fuck would you know? lol

How many years have you lived here? As long as the average American toddler?

I've met more American Jews than you guaranteed, and you people keep to your own for the most part.

As a nation, they are allowed duel citizenship, as a faith they are global.

Faith is fine

You can't hang orthodox Jews who are non zionist (granted they're terrible Americans but not traitors, we don't hang white nationalists either, they're not traitors and tend to be better Americans)
Well if you're looking to hang Zionists perhaps you should start with your govt. representatives in India, the Hindus seem to love Israel:
India and Israel's Secret Love Affair
Jayita Sarkar

The Indo-Israeli defense relationship is once again in focus following Benjamin Netanyahu's "sky is the limit" comment after meeting Narendra Modi in New York back in September—and especially after the signing of the long-delayed $144 million deal on Barak I missiles in October. Another milestone was crossed in November when New Delhi and Tel Aviv successfully tested the Barak 8 anti-missile system—a joint project developing an aerial defense system for naval vessels. Moreover, since Modi took power this summer, New Delhi has purchased a whopping $662 million worth of Israeli arms.

So is the Indo-Israeli strategic relationship likely to be fundamentally different now that Modi is in power?

Although Indo-Israeli ties are undoubtedly on the upswing, history suggests that Modi is not likely to have a fundamental impact on the substance of the bilateral relationship.

During the early part of the Cold War, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru briefly considered inviting Israel to the 1955 Bandung Conference, but eventually decided against doing so in order to appease Arab and Middle Eastern states. While this carved out India’s Cold War foreign policy of opposing Israel and siding with Palestine, New Delhi’s military ties with Tel Aviv, however modest, began by the 1960s. Not only did Israel provide military assistance to India in its wars in 1962, 1965 and 1971, but Tel Aviv was also one of the first countries to recognize Bangladesh following India’s victory in its 1971 war against Pakistan. When the traditionally pro-Israel and Hindu, right-wing, Jan Sangh-led government was briefly in power from 1977 to 1979, Israeli foreign minister Moshe Dayan paid a secret visit to New Delhi in August 1977 to further expand bilateral ties.

While Prime Minister Indira Gandhi mostly maintained her father’s pro-Palestine position, her son and successor Rajiv Gandhi met his Israeli counterpart in September 1985 during the UN General Assembly’s annual meeting, which was the first such open meeting between the prime ministers of the two states. Indian concerns over the fast-advancing Pakistani nuclear program are believed to have facilitated these improved ties. However, it was not until 1992—after the end of the Cold War and India’s 1991 economic liberalization—that New Delhi formally established diplomatic relations with Israel. Nevertheless, it is important to note that even without formal diplomatic relations, Indo-Israeli military ties existed during the Cold War. These ties have certainly increased in volume since the 1990s.

However, a constant theme in the history of Indo-Israeli relations has been that their public visibility has been conditioned on which party holds powers in New Delhi. Specifically, each time a Hindu nationalist coalition led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is in power in New Delhi, the visibility of the bilateral ties increases, but not the substance. On the other hand, the Congress Party has tended to downplay India’s ties to the Jewish state whenever it holds power.

In this sense, the Modi government’s proximity to Israel harkens back to the previous BJP-led National Democratic Alliance. In 2000, for instance, BJP leader L.K. Advani was the first senior Indian minister to visit Israel since the 1992 establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. An Indo-Israeli joint working group on terrorism was formed that year, and in 2003, then national security advisor Brajesh Mishra delivered a speech at the American Jewish Committee underlining the potential for cooperation among India, Israel and the United States in fighting Islamist extremism.
It's 38 pages long

You lose your citizenship if you vote in a foreign election

Jew lost every time until he finally got to the supreme court, where Jews said it didn't matter

What you linked was a summary, as it is labeled. The link to the actual document is at the top.

If you want information on the case law google 67 naturalization act

Afroyim v. Rusk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Speak English will ya? Dual citizenship is acceptable in US law. and no way 1 in 5 Jews hold Israeli citizenship. Your mosque Imam might disagree. And while you're at it Achmed, get me a pack of cigarettes and a diet coke.

lol Jew again you're a foreigner, what the fuck would you know? lol

How many years have you lived here? As long as the average American toddler?

I've met more American Jews than you guaranteed, and you people keep to your own for the most part.

As a nation, they are allowed duel citizenship, as a faith they are global.

Faith is fine

You can't hang orthodox Jews who are non zionist (granted they're terrible Americans but not traitors, we don't hang white nationalists either, they're not traitors and tend to be better Americans)
Well if you're looking to hang Zionists perhaps you should start with your govt. representatives in India, the Hindus seem to love Israel:
India and Israel's Secret Love Affair
Jayita Sarkar

The Indo-Israeli defense relationship is once again in focus following Benjamin Netanyahu's "sky is the limit" comment after meeting Narendra Modi in New York back in September—and especially after the signing of the long-delayed $144 million deal on Barak I missiles in October. Another milestone was crossed in November when New Delhi and Tel Aviv successfully tested the Barak 8 anti-missile system—a joint project developing an aerial defense system for naval vessels. Moreover, since Modi took power this summer, New Delhi has purchased a whopping $662 million worth of Israeli arms.

So is the Indo-Israeli strategic relationship likely to be fundamentally different now that Modi is in power?

Although Indo-Israeli ties are undoubtedly on the upswing, history suggests that Modi is not likely to have a fundamental impact on the substance of the bilateral relationship.

During the early part of the Cold War, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru briefly considered inviting Israel to the 1955 Bandung Conference, but eventually decided against doing so in order to appease Arab and Middle Eastern states. While this carved out India’s Cold War foreign policy of opposing Israel and siding with Palestine, New Delhi’s military ties with Tel Aviv, however modest, began by the 1960s. Not only did Israel provide military assistance to India in its wars in 1962, 1965 and 1971, but Tel Aviv was also one of the first countries to recognize Bangladesh following India’s victory in its 1971 war against Pakistan. When the traditionally pro-Israel and Hindu, right-wing, Jan Sangh-led government was briefly in power from 1977 to 1979, Israeli foreign minister Moshe Dayan paid a secret visit to New Delhi in August 1977 to further expand bilateral ties.

While Prime Minister Indira Gandhi mostly maintained her father’s pro-Palestine position, her son and successor Rajiv Gandhi met his Israeli counterpart in September 1985 during the UN General Assembly’s annual meeting, which was the first such open meeting between the prime ministers of the two states. Indian concerns over the fast-advancing Pakistani nuclear program are believed to have facilitated these improved ties. However, it was not until 1992—after the end of the Cold War and India’s 1991 economic liberalization—that New Delhi formally established diplomatic relations with Israel. Nevertheless, it is important to note that even without formal diplomatic relations, Indo-Israeli military ties existed during the Cold War. These ties have certainly increased in volume since the 1990s.

However, a constant theme in the history of Indo-Israeli relations has been that their public visibility has been conditioned on which party holds powers in New Delhi. Specifically, each time a Hindu nationalist coalition led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is in power in New Delhi, the visibility of the bilateral ties increases, but not the substance. On the other hand, the Congress Party has tended to downplay India’s ties to the Jewish state whenever it holds power.

In this sense, the Modi government’s proximity to Israel harkens back to the previous BJP-led National Democratic Alliance. In 2000, for instance, BJP leader L.K. Advani was the first senior Indian minister to visit Israel since the 1992 establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. An Indo-Israeli joint working group on terrorism was formed that year, and in 2003, then national security advisor Brajesh Mishra delivered a speech at the American Jewish Committee underlining the potential for cooperation among India, Israel and the United States in fighting Islamist extremism.

Yea we score points with rich jews and anglos

We're not known, our elites certainly aren't anyway, for their benevolent governance.

Not to mention India is at the moment ruled by Hindu fascists who would do anything to spit in Muslim eyes, lol
Big words from the woman who 95% fo the time posts one line comments that in no way further discussion of anything.

Where is the ADL? Probably busy watching every campus in the country.
The thing is a he. Probably a shmuck who doesn't realize the days of the Muslim students associations bullying US universities with their bigotry and racism are over. "HE" will eventually get himself into a ton of trouble, and get himself expelled. Then he can go work at the local gas station where his uncle Hakim works as cashier. :lmao:

You understand calling me a Muslim is just insulting yourself

You're the ones that worship Arabs

I'm descended from Hindus. If Muslims are animals what are Jews?

You're a goat fucker trying to project goat fucker traits on to me? Mud blood

Yikes, you sound like you forgot to take a pill or something.

So Harry Potter fantasies ?? have you considered upping your medication or is that not your call anymore ?

And what exactly does all that jive have to do with some dual citizen being appointed ambassador. Or why the Italians would make a fuss about it ?
Could be the mud blood, all those different backgrounds may have fucked up proper brain development. Who knows?

lol Jew that's the beauty of it

Once you put down endogamy why do you have to cry your mother was white, and her mother, and her mother

You don't have to be a mud blood, just be the white man you really are. As a Jew you are nothing

Although again by my forefathers standards. I am a Brahmin, you can take a wife of any social status and as long as you're married you retain what is makes you a Brahmin.

Sort of like your "jewish essence"
Oh OK, so I am nothing and you with the Indian, Muslim, Brahmin, Hindu, White background are really something, and of course a true American. Got it.
Speak English will ya? Dual citizenship is acceptable in US law. and no way 1 in 5 Jews hold Israeli citizenship. Your mosque Imam might disagree. And while you're at it Achmed, get me a pack of cigarettes and a diet coke.

lol Jew again you're a foreigner, what the fuck would you know? lol

How many years have you lived here? As long as the average American toddler?

I've met more American Jews than you guaranteed, and you people keep to your own for the most part.

As a nation, they are allowed duel citizenship, as a faith they are global.

Faith is fine

You can't hang orthodox Jews who are non zionist (granted they're terrible Americans but not traitors, we don't hang white nationalists either, they're not traitors and tend to be better Americans)
Well if you're looking to hang Zionists perhaps you should start with your govt. representatives in India, the Hindus seem to love Israel:
India and Israel's Secret Love Affair
Jayita Sarkar

The Indo-Israeli defense relationship is once again in focus following Benjamin Netanyahu's "sky is the limit" comment after meeting Narendra Modi in New York back in September—and especially after the signing of the long-delayed $144 million deal on Barak I missiles in October. Another milestone was crossed in November when New Delhi and Tel Aviv successfully tested the Barak 8 anti-missile system—a joint project developing an aerial defense system for naval vessels. Moreover, since Modi took power this summer, New Delhi has purchased a whopping $662 million worth of Israeli arms.

So is the Indo-Israeli strategic relationship likely to be fundamentally different now that Modi is in power?

Although Indo-Israeli ties are undoubtedly on the upswing, history suggests that Modi is not likely to have a fundamental impact on the substance of the bilateral relationship.

During the early part of the Cold War, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru briefly considered inviting Israel to the 1955 Bandung Conference, but eventually decided against doing so in order to appease Arab and Middle Eastern states. While this carved out India’s Cold War foreign policy of opposing Israel and siding with Palestine, New Delhi’s military ties with Tel Aviv, however modest, began by the 1960s. Not only did Israel provide military assistance to India in its wars in 1962, 1965 and 1971, but Tel Aviv was also one of the first countries to recognize Bangladesh following India’s victory in its 1971 war against Pakistan. When the traditionally pro-Israel and Hindu, right-wing, Jan Sangh-led government was briefly in power from 1977 to 1979, Israeli foreign minister Moshe Dayan paid a secret visit to New Delhi in August 1977 to further expand bilateral ties.

While Prime Minister Indira Gandhi mostly maintained her father’s pro-Palestine position, her son and successor Rajiv Gandhi met his Israeli counterpart in September 1985 during the UN General Assembly’s annual meeting, which was the first such open meeting between the prime ministers of the two states. Indian concerns over the fast-advancing Pakistani nuclear program are believed to have facilitated these improved ties. However, it was not until 1992—after the end of the Cold War and India’s 1991 economic liberalization—that New Delhi formally established diplomatic relations with Israel. Nevertheless, it is important to note that even without formal diplomatic relations, Indo-Israeli military ties existed during the Cold War. These ties have certainly increased in volume since the 1990s.

However, a constant theme in the history of Indo-Israeli relations has been that their public visibility has been conditioned on which party holds powers in New Delhi. Specifically, each time a Hindu nationalist coalition led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is in power in New Delhi, the visibility of the bilateral ties increases, but not the substance. On the other hand, the Congress Party has tended to downplay India’s ties to the Jewish state whenever it holds power.

In this sense, the Modi government’s proximity to Israel harkens back to the previous BJP-led National Democratic Alliance. In 2000, for instance, BJP leader L.K. Advani was the first senior Indian minister to visit Israel since the 1992 establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. An Indo-Israeli joint working group on terrorism was formed that year, and in 2003, then national security advisor Brajesh Mishra delivered a speech at the American Jewish Committee underlining the potential for cooperation among India, Israel and the United States in fighting Islamist extremism.

Yea we score points with rich jews and anglos

We're not known, our elites certainly aren't anyway, for their benevolent governance.

Not to mention India is at the moment ruled by Hindu fascists who would do anything to spit in Muslim eyes, lol
It's a good thing that you are proud of your Indian background. Historically, Indians have a lot to be proud of, even though today it's a third world smelly, diseased ridden, impoverished, corrupt shithole, for the most part. I can understand why you don't want to go back to homeland India. Who would?
You're not a serious poster, oil can. That's for sure.

Big words from the woman who 95% fo the time posts one line comments that in no way further discussion of anything.

Where is the ADL? Probably busy watching every campus in the country.
The thing is a he. Probably a shmuck who doesn't realize the days of the Muslim students associations bullying US universities with their bigotry and racism are over. "HE" will eventually get himself into a ton of trouble, and get himself expelled. Then he can go work at the local gas station where his uncle Hakim works as cashier. :lmao:

You understand calling me a Muslim is just insulting yourself

You're the ones that worship Arabs

I'm descended from Hindus. If Muslims are animals what are Jews?

You're a goat fucker trying to project goat fucker traits on to me? Mud blood

Yikes, you sound like you forgot to take a pill or something.

So Harry Potter fantasies ?? have you considered upping your medication or is that not your call anymore ?

And what exactly does all that jive have to do with some dual citizen being appointed ambassador. Or why the Italians would make a fuss about it ?

Are you a Jew who thinks that some how you're better than Muslims who come from the exact same place as you imagine you do?

It's insanity that a bunch of barbaric Jews would try to paint Muslims as less civilized than them. They who practice a religion that is 2,000 years older

The good bits of Christianity come from Zoroastrianism, not Jews. Which is a different branch of my own forefathers faith

Actually I'm an innocent bystander who thinks you'd do a lot better around here if you took a deep breath acted like an adult instead of like some kinda inpatient who stole a key to the computer room.

Any chance you can actually formulate a coherent reason you have a problem with dual citizens ?
Uhhh I've already explained my heritage

My father is Indian my mother is white and native. You see Jew when you live as a minority endogamy makes you a cult. So you stop practicing it.

There are Jews who are good Americans, just very few of them

You are certainly not one of them. As a descendant of natives I'm eminently qualified to say it.
Lots of Indians in the US with dual citizenship. So you have mud blood, congrats.

A grand total of 0 of them would die for the right to keep their dual citizenship

Hordes of Jews would take the rope to die in protest
What are you talking about? Most Jews do not hold dual citizenship. I certainly don't.

Relative to the native born populace?

At least 1 in 5 have israeli citizenship

I've didn't grow up with anyone who wasn't an immigrant who had dual citizenship

The thing about Israel is most American Jews didn't leave Israel to begin with.

Indians left India. Germans left Germany. They aren't going to pay a price to hold citizenship of a country they left, lol

OK then, sounds like you've had your medication and are a tad confused about this whole citizenship thing.

Although far be it for me to comment on anyone else's grammars ;--)

And just for giggles, what exactly was the problem with this ambassador ? So what if he's a dual citizen

Well an ambassador is generally a puff post given to donors. I don't think it generally matters

But having 20 of them in our congress?

Getting national security briefs? I don't know if Ginsberg and Breyer are dual citizens but Breyer sure acts like it.

And it's so out of hand an Israeli PM speaks in our congress? A nation of 5 million talking to us like their opinion matters?

That's why it's a problem
Big words from the woman who 95% fo the time posts one line comments that in no way further discussion of anything.

Where is the ADL? Probably busy watching every campus in the country.
The thing is a he. Probably a shmuck who doesn't realize the days of the Muslim students associations bullying US universities with their bigotry and racism are over. "HE" will eventually get himself into a ton of trouble, and get himself expelled. Then he can go work at the local gas station where his uncle Hakim works as cashier. :lmao:

You understand calling me a Muslim is just insulting yourself

You're the ones that worship Arabs

I'm descended from Hindus. If Muslims are animals what are Jews?

You're a goat fucker trying to project goat fucker traits on to me? Mud blood

Yikes, you sound like you forgot to take a pill or something.

So Harry Potter fantasies ?? have you considered upping your medication or is that not your call anymore ?

And what exactly does all that jive have to do with some dual citizen being appointed ambassador. Or why the Italians would make a fuss about it ?

Are you a Jew who thinks that some how you're better than Muslims who come from the exact same place as you imagine you do?

It's insanity that a bunch of barbaric Jews would try to paint Muslims as less civilized than them. They who practice a religion that is 2,000 years older

The good bits of Christianity come from Zoroastrianism, not Jews. Which is a different branch of my own forefathers faith

Actually I'm an innocent bystander who thinks you'd do a lot better around here if you took a deep breath acted like an adult instead of like some kinda inpatient who stole a key to the computer room.

Any chance you can actually formulate a coherent reason you have a problem with dual citizens ?

Feinstein Under Fire For Israel Comments

No i need to treat you and stigmatize you like you're white nationalists. You're just a different cut of bigot

A traitorous cut

Bunch of fucking conniving Afrikaners masquerading as victims.
True to form, has a list of Jews in govt.

List of Jews?

The government is large and I have no desire to make a list, if you don't know the SCOTUS justices well....never mind forgot you're a foreigner

Can tell by the name and the position 99% of the time.

Like thinks we should give a fuck what Israelis think about our Iran deal, lollll

It's 38 pages long

You lose your citizenship if you vote in a foreign election

Jew lost every time until he finally got to the supreme court, where Jews said it didn't matter

What you linked was a summary, as it is labeled. The link to the actual document is at the top.

If you want information on the case law google 67 naturalization act

Afroyim v. Rusk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Speak English will ya? Dual citizenship is acceptable in US law. and no way 1 in 5 Jews hold Israeli citizenship. Your mosque Imam might disagree. And while you're at it Achmed, get me a pack of cigarettes and a diet coke.

lol Jew again you're a foreigner, what the fuck would you know? lol

How many years have you lived here? As long as the average American toddler?

I've met more American Jews than you guaranteed, and you people keep to your own for the most part.
There we go, a guy with Indian, Muslim, Hindu, Brahman background calling me a foreigner. Hilarious.
Where in hell did this mongrel spring from, I wonder?

Go home to the trailer pinky, take your arthritis pills
Whose sock are you? You ain't a bit funny.
Italy shows it does not accept dual loyalty Jews. Americans should take note.

"Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi conveyed a discreet message to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about six weeks ago, proposing that Netanyahu reconsider the appointment of former Italian MP Fiamma Nirenstein as Israel’s next ambassador to Rome, an Israeli source familiar with the matter told Haaretz."
read more: Italian prime minister asks Netanyahu to rethink choice of envoy to Rome - Israel News

"PM's pick for Israeli ambassador to Italy withdraws her candidacy"

PM's pick for Israeli ambassador to Italy withdraws her candidacy

Italy is one of the most screwed up countries on the planet. We should listen to them why?
True to form, has a list of Jews in govt.

List of Jews?

The government is large and I have no desire to make a list, if you don't know the SCOTUS justices well....never mind forgot you're a foreigner

Can tell by the name and the position 99% of the time.

Like thinks we should give a fuck what Israelis think about our Iran deal, lollll

So scrotum brain, you think Breyer and Ginsburg are dual citizens? Can you post any proof to that affect?
There we go, a guy with Indian, Muslim, Hindu, Brahman background calling me a foreigner. Hilarious.
Where in hell did this mongrel spring from, I wonder?

Go home to the trailer pinky, take your arthritis pills
Whose sock are you? You ain't a bit funny.
He's funny just being himself.

He wants to see you burn when his lord comes, lol

He is not your friend

Very strange how Jews are willing to even talk to Evangelicals
Where in hell did this mongrel spring from, I wonder?

Go home to the trailer pinky, take your arthritis pills
Whose sock are you? You ain't a bit funny.
He's funny just being himself.

He wants to see you burn when his lord comes, lol

He is not your friend

Very strange how Jews are willing to even talk to Evangelicals

Going to have to work on those interwebs skills if you want to link an image
Where in hell did this mongrel spring from, I wonder?

Go home to the trailer pinky, take your arthritis pills
Whose sock are you? You ain't a bit funny.
He's funny just being himself.

He wants to see you burn when his lord comes, lol

He is not your friend

Very strange how Jews are willing to even talk to Evangelicals
Sorry, don't have a gibberish translator.

Talk to an American evangelical, I know you probably haven't met many

They'll tell you what happens when they group you up in Israel
True to form, has a list of Jews in govt.

List of Jews?

The government is large and I have no desire to make a list, if you don't know the SCOTUS justices well....never mind forgot you're a foreigner

Can tell by the name and the position 99% of the time.

Like thinks we should give a fuck what Israelis think about our Iran deal, lollll

So scrotum brain, you think Breyer and Ginsburg are dual citizens? Can you post any proof to that affect?

scrotum brain? you are really socially malformed, did you ever even get teased in English?

I didn't say they were, I suspect that's why you didn't quote me directly, lol

Only the Israeli government knows
Aha. So you don't have proof just some suspicions at your mosque about them being dual citizens. Anything else?
Sorry I meant sell. Wrong profession. You Indian / Pakistani Muslims also run a lot of those cell phone stores don't you?

How do you think an Indian got the money to open up a franchise in the US?

He has an engineering degree

lol Indian paupers don't come to America. 90% of us have a bachelors. And the 10% that don't are house wives
I know, I run into all those Indian engineers at gas stations, 7-11's, and cell phone stores. Ha ha ha.

Ask teh old man at your local tobacco store or liquor store

90% of us have bachelors, lol
So as an Indian Muslim with Hindu ancestry, do you eat a lot of steak?

Yea jew, I'm an American

My father didnt' tell me about caste until I was an adult, and he sure as shit never said I was a Brahmin. Or one of the "chosen people" (lol chosen for what I wonder)

Do you eat bacon Jew? Probably not because you're not a good American

Goat fucker

edit - and I mean American bacon you foreigner, lol

A lot of people don't eat bacon, pork can be hard to digest. If not cooked properly, it can make you very ill.

why do you have to eat bacon to be a good american, a lot of people don't eat meat.
Go home to the trailer pinky, take your arthritis pills
Whose sock are you? You ain't a bit funny.
He's funny just being himself.

He wants to see you burn when his lord comes, lol

He is not your friend

Very strange how Jews are willing to even talk to Evangelicals
Sorry, don't have a gibberish translator.

Talk to an American evangelical, I know you probably haven't met many

They'll tell you what happens when they group you up in Israel
Okay Mud Blood, so you don't like Jews, and evangelicals because they don't hate Jews like you do, don't don't like them either.

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