It's 90 degrees in New York City, in early April...

Vast LWC

Aug 4, 2009
Where did all the right-wing talk about heavy snowfall proving that there's no global warming go?

It's been awfully quiet on that front lately, hasn't it?

Now, I'm not one to say a few abnormally hot weeks in early spring are absolute proof of Global Warming...

...But I wonder if an official apology from the James Inholfe crowd will be forthcoming, after their comments about Al Gore being a "criminal" due to the fact that it snowed a lot this winter?

I won't hold my breath.
Its going to be back down to the 60s by thursday/friday. This happens every spring. just like we get that hot patch in September/October.

Both sides seem to like pointing to the weather when it suits them.
I'm still waiting for one repeatable laboratory experiment that can demonstrate the instantaneous, cataclysmic changes that occur when you increase CO2 from 280 to 500PPM.
It gets cold, it's gets warm. There you have it.

And that's how the world works.
Where did all the right-wing talk about heavy snowfall proving that there's no global warming go?

It's been awfully quiet on that front lately, hasn't it?

Now, I'm not one to say a few abnormally hot weeks in early spring are absolute proof of Global Warming...

...But I wonder if an official apology from the James Inholfe crowd will be forthcoming, after their comments about Al Gore being a "criminal" due to the fact that it snowed a lot this winter?

I won't hold my breath.

Don't hold your breath Vast, Cruiser Skank has already shown you what their polite response would be.

Interestingly enough, they only looked at Washington DC and bitched about the snow to disprove global warming, yet they completely ignored the fact that Vancouver's Winter Olympics was having spring in the middle of winter.

Shit.........they had to truck in snow for crying out loud!
Hot Weather Convinces Media of Climate Change; Cold Weather Ignored
From 2003 heat wave that killed thousands, to melting Peruvian glaciers the news media find examples of global warming.

By Julia A. Seymour
Business & Media Institute
1/4/2010 3:34:22 PM

The news media constantly misuse extreme weather examples to generate fear of global warming, but when record cold or record snow sets in journalists don’t mention the possibility of global cooling trends. While climatologists would say weather isn’t necessarily an indication of climate, it has been in the media, but only when the weather could be spun as part of global warming.

In Iowa, temperatures are 30 degrees below normal according to the Des Moines Register. That’s a near-record low. Beijing is facing the coldest temperatures in decades according to Australia’s The Age.

Hot Weather Convinces Media of Climate Change; Cold Weather Ignored
We are sorry we ever doubted you Al Gore!

Where did all the right-wing talk about heavy snowfall proving that there's no global warming go?

It's been awfully quiet on that front lately, hasn't it?

Now, I'm not one to say a few abnormally hot weeks in early spring are absolute proof of Global Warming...

...But I wonder if an official apology from the James Inholfe crowd will be forthcoming, after their comments about Al Gore being a "criminal" due to the fact that it snowed a lot this winter?

I won't hold my breath.

Don't hold your breath Vast, Cruiser Skank has already shown you what their polite response would be.

Interestingly enough, they only looked at Washington DC and bitched about the snow to disprove global warming, yet they completely ignored the fact that Vancouver's Winter Olympics was having spring in the middle of winter.

Shit.........they had to truck in snow for crying out loud!

Sammy Stinkfinger, I'm still waiting for one repeatable laboratory experiment that can demonstrate the instantaneous, cataclysmic changes that occur when you increase CO2 from 280 to 500PPM.

Just one experiment that duplicates "ManMade" Global Warming.

Can ya do that?
...Sitting at a red light and seeing a Toyota Prius coming at you in your rearview mirror!"
It's pretty warm in Maryland too. It hit like 96 yesterday, were I am. But winter... so i guess it'd make sense for the temperatures to be warm?
Sammy Stinkfinger, I'm still waiting for one repeatable laboratory experiment that can demonstrate the instantaneous, cataclysmic changes that occur when you increase CO2 from 280 to 500PPM.

Just one experiment that duplicates "ManMade" Global Warming.

Can ya do that?

What exactly would you be looking for in such an experiment?

A gradual temperature change that takes place over decades from relatively small increases in greenhouse gas levels?

Been done, many times.

No-one ever claimed that there would be some sort of sudden cataclysmic reaction from Global Warming, the effects are long-term and cumulative.
Its going to be back down to the 60s by thursday/friday. This happens every spring. just like we get that hot patch in September/October.

Both sides seem to like pointing to the weather when it suits them.

That was exactly my point.

I was making a comment on the fact that Inholfe, all the Right-Wing Pundits, and a few posters on this board were screaming "Fraud!" due to the extra precipitation we had over the winter.

I was pointing out how foolish it is to use the weather from a location on any given day and say it proves or disproves Global Warming.
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Just typical cycles in the changes of temperatures through the last billion years.

Where are all the global fear mongering alarmists?
Just typical cycles in the changes of temperatures through the last billion years.

Where are all the global fear mongering alarmists?

Hey, I do believe that the Global Warming theory is correct, so I guess I might fit that description, lol.

I just don't think that people should point to a hot or cold day and claim it proves their side of the argument.
Sammy Stinkfinger, I'm still waiting for one repeatable laboratory experiment that can demonstrate the instantaneous, cataclysmic changes that occur when you increase CO2 from 280 to 500PPM.

Just one experiment that duplicates "ManMade" Global Warming.

Can ya do that?

What exactly would you be looking for in such an experiment?

A gradual temperature change that takes place over decades from relatively small increases in greenhouse gas levels?

Been done, many times.

No-one ever claimed that there would be some sort of sudden cataclysmic reaction from Global Warming, the effects are long-term and cumulative.

Decades? LOL Meaningful changes in climate usually take place over geological time. One warmer talked about the last CO2 burst changing the climate over a period of "millions of years"

But I'll let you add 300PPM of deadly CO2 in a second and see how long it takes for the Cat 5 hurricanes to spawn in the tank

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