IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

Even you cannot be that naive, can you? Think about this, this team of "experts" examined a total of 9 birth certificates, to include Obama's and somehow out of those nine they were lucky enough to find the exact one that was used in the forgery?

If you believe that I have some nice ocean view land for sale right next to Sheriff Joe's ranch in Arizona.

Where do you get this "9 birth certificates" crap? The video is entitled "9 points," not "9 birth certificates."

I love how you people blindly post this crap without even knowing the details, I guess it is part of being a partisan hack.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, still a 'birther,' says 5-year investigation proves Obama birth certificate is 'fake'

He said the investigators analyzed nine Hawaii birth
certificates, and that one of them, belonging to a woman named Johanna Ah’Nee, was the source of the copied text

The author of the article didn't quote Arpaio saying that. He simply claimed Arpaio said it. It appears to me he misunderstood what Arpaio said.

You are right, they quoted Mike Zullo saying that, the guy that did all the talking at the Presser. It appears to me you have no brain, it has been replaced by Trump's ass. There were only 9 they looked at, which is why Zullo also said this...“I have to be honest with you, that’s a really good question,” he said. “Because either that’s an unbelievable coincidence, or there’s something else going on.

And also, they got that one birth certificate from Jerome Corsi, not the state of Hawaii. They admit they did not ask Corsi where he got it or even verified it was authentic. If you do not know who Jerome Corsi is, which would surprise me as he is another brain dead partisan hack, he is a guy that has written multiple books attacking Obama, he is a "the government did it" 9/11 guy and he think that Hitler died of old age in Argentina.

They didn't quote anyone, dumbass, because that sentence isn't in quotes.

It doesn't matter if some birth certificate that wasn't used in the analysis is not authentic. All that matters is that the one they used is authentic.

It's clear you idiots are too fucking stupid to understand what the analysis shows. You're spouting talking points that don't support your claims.

Ok, now it is clear that you have been drinking. THey only looked at 9 birth certificates ,that is without question. I gave you a quote that is in "quote marks" and you still ignore it. I gave you the proof. I you can find proof they looked at more, then bring it forward. Till then you are nothing but a drunk partisan hack.

We do not know if the one they used in the analysis was authentic as they never verified that it was. They got it from a biased source and took his word that it was good. We do not even know if Johanna Ah’Nee is real person or if her birth certificate was real. Please, just for 10 seconds get your head out of Trump's ass and think for yourself.
Then why aren't all you snowflakes demanding that the yearbook be turned over for examination?
Because they are not in a court of law. If Moore wants access to that yearbook, he has to sue. He can’t just make demands and expect people to bow down to him.

Sure he can demand, would prove the accused is telling the truth? Right? And we all want the accused story verified, Right?
Moron, read for clarity next time, would ya?

I didn’t say Moore can’t demand — I said he can’t demand AND expect people to bow down to him him.


And I responded that if she really wanted to be taken seriously she would WANT to have it verified.

Why doesn’t she? That’s the relevant issue here.
Based on the response she’s receiving, it looks to me like she’s being taken very seriously.

She is prosecuting a case in the court of public opinion. But that’s far different then presenting indisputable fact.

It appears you could care less about the truth when there is a simple way to verify.

Says much about you.
Sure he can demand, would prove the accused is telling the truth? Right? And we all want the accused story verified, Right?
Moron, read for clarity next time, would ya?

I didn’t say Moore can’t demand — I said he can’t demand AND expect people to bow down to him him.


And I responded that if she really wanted to be taken seriously she would WANT to have it verified.

Why doesn’t she? That’s the relevant issue here.
Based on the response she’s receiving, it looks to me like she’s being taken very seriously.

All that shows is the gullibility of the American public.

Riiiight..... it’s not you who’s gullible..... it’s the American public.


There is one way to prove who’s right, but you don’t appear to want the year book signature verified by experts.

Again, that says much about you and your opinion.
The 9 points of forgery were not debunked.
thoroughly debunked. Only the most devoted to insanity still believe otherwise...

Joe the Sheriff claimed Obama copied & pasted portions of his birth certificate from others, including the name, “Oahu.” Only "Oahu" is not identical. The 'O' on Obama's birth certificate is slightly thinner and slightly higher than the 'O' on the Ah'nee BC. The image on the bottom is where I added red lines which accentuate the 'O' is raised on Obama's BC.

The 'a' and 'h' on Obama's BC are touching but are not touching on the Ah'nee BC .

Had they been copied and pasted, they would appear identical.


Case dismissed.

I don't know where you got that piece of shit, but if you watch this video, you'll see that both examples are identical. Furthermore, there are a number of other entries in the form that are identical.

It appears that not only do Dims forge signatures in year books, they also forge birth certificates.


You’re fucking insane. :cuckoo:

I got those images from the very same birth certificates Joe the Sheriff got them from.

This is his claim, not mine. He claims Obama copied the name, “Oahu,” from Ah’nee’s BC and pasted onto one he cobbled together to claim as his own. That’s easily debunked since if it were true, the images of, “Oahu,” would have been identical, but they’re clearly not...


...which immediately raises two questions... 1) why did Joe the Sheriff lie; and 2) why are you so fucking retarded and gullible to swallow such obviously debunked bullshit?

How would anyone know where you got the shit you posted from? If you watch the video, it shows both entire documents. It then shows how you can grab about 5 different entries, including the Island, and drag them as a group from one to the other, and the match is identical. The example you posted above does not show any context. The colors aren't even the same.

You obviously didn't even watch the video, because then you would have realized what a fucking gullible dumbass you are.


Again.... it’s on the very same birth certificates Joe the Sheriff claims were used to construct Obama’s birth certificate. That’s where I got it from. The top image is a direct copy from them. The bottom image is where I added red lines to accentuate the differences.

Dayam, you’re one stubbornly retarded conservative. :cuckoo:

How do we know it came from the "same birth certificates Joe the Sheriff claims were used to construct Obama’s birth certificate" since you only posted the one field? Do you know what "context" means, moron? The video I posted shows both entire birth certificates, and that field, along with 4 others, are identical.

You obviously know your "evidence" is fake.
Sure he can demand, would prove the accused is telling the truth? Right? And we all want the accused story verified, Right?
Moron, read for clarity next time, would ya?

I didn’t say Moore can’t demand — I said he can’t demand AND expect people to bow down to him him.


And I responded that if she really wanted to be taken seriously she would WANT to have it verified.

Why doesn’t she? That’s the relevant issue here.
Based on the response she’s receiving, it looks to me like she’s being taken very seriously.

All that shows is the gullibility of the American public.

Riiiight..... it’s not you who’s gullible..... it’s the American public.


Anyone who falls for this scam is gullible.
Look at the 'Y', moron. They are completely different.

One letter, 40 years later, while all the other letters match ....

Rightards: it’s all fake!


Then why aren't all you snowflakes demanding that the yearbook be turned over for examination?
Because they are not in a court of law. If Moore wants access to that yearbook, he has to sue. He can’t just make demands and expect people to bow down to him.

If the accuser wants the yearbook to be accepted as evidence, then she turns it over. Otherwise the yearbook is worthless as evidence. The fact that you insist on forcing Moore to resort to legal process only shows that you're a douchebag who knows it's a forgery.

Unless Moore files a lawsuit, she doesn’t have to do shit.

Yes, she can continue to lie until she gets dragged into court. You're hoping that won't be until after the election.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Last edited:
Where do you get this "9 birth certificates" crap? The video is entitled "9 points," not "9 birth certificates."

I love how you people blindly post this crap without even knowing the details, I guess it is part of being a partisan hack.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, still a 'birther,' says 5-year investigation proves Obama birth certificate is 'fake'

He said the investigators analyzed nine Hawaii birth
certificates, and that one of them, belonging to a woman named Johanna Ah’Nee, was the source of the copied text

The author of the article didn't quote Arpaio saying that. He simply claimed Arpaio said it. It appears to me he misunderstood what Arpaio said.

You are right, they quoted Mike Zullo saying that, the guy that did all the talking at the Presser. It appears to me you have no brain, it has been replaced by Trump's ass. There were only 9 they looked at, which is why Zullo also said this...“I have to be honest with you, that’s a really good question,” he said. “Because either that’s an unbelievable coincidence, or there’s something else going on.

And also, they got that one birth certificate from Jerome Corsi, not the state of Hawaii. They admit they did not ask Corsi where he got it or even verified it was authentic. If you do not know who Jerome Corsi is, which would surprise me as he is another brain dead partisan hack, he is a guy that has written multiple books attacking Obama, he is a "the government did it" 9/11 guy and he think that Hitler died of old age in Argentina.

They didn't quote anyone, dumbass, because that sentence isn't in quotes.

It doesn't matter if some birth certificate that wasn't used in the analysis is not authentic. All that matters is that the one they used is authentic.

It's clear you idiots are too fucking stupid to understand what the analysis shows. You're spouting talking points that don't support your claims.

Ok, now it is clear that you have been drinking. THey only looked at 9 birth certificates ,that is without question. I gave you a quote that is in "quote marks" and you still ignore it. I gave you the proof. I you can find proof they looked at more, then bring it forward. Till then you are nothing but a drunk partisan hack.

We do not know if the one they used in the analysis was authentic as they never verified that it was. They got it from a biased source and took his word that it was good. We do not even know if Johanna Ah’Nee is real person or if her birth certificate was real. Please, just for 10 seconds get your head out of Trump's ass and think for yourself.

Wrong, dumbass, what you posted isn't in quote marks in the article you cited. I tried to take a screen shot and include it in this post, but it's not working. The lurkers will have to go look at the article themselves.

You're just flat out lying.
Last edited:
His signature is in the public domain. How hard would it be to get it?
His signature matches.
No, it actually doesn't.
Actually it does. Anyone with a functioning brain can see that easily...


Look at the 'Y', moron. They are completely different.

One letter, 40 years later, while all the other letters match ....

Rightards: it’s all fake!


Just look at the capital R and capital M
Unchanged over 40 years
Because they are not in a court of law. If Moore wants access to that yearbook, he has to sue. He can’t just make demands and expect people to bow down to him.

Sure he can demand, would prove the accused is telling the truth? Right? And we all want the accused story verified, Right?
Moron, read for clarity next time, would ya?

I didn’t say Moore can’t demand — I said he can’t demand AND expect people to bow down to him him.


And I responded that if she really wanted to be taken seriously she would WANT to have it verified.

Why doesn’t she? That’s the relevant issue here.
Based on the response she’s receiving, it looks to me like she’s being taken very seriously.

She is prosecuting a case in the court of public opinion. But that’s far different then presenting indisputable fact.

It appears you could care less about the truth when there is a simple way to verify.

Says much about you.

It is conservatives in denial of the truth

Most Republicans are saying they believe the women......why wouldn't they?
When I was 34, I was married, had two kids and owned my own home

Creepy Roy was picking up tenth graders
I love how you people blindly post this crap without even knowing the details, I guess it is part of being a partisan hack.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, still a 'birther,' says 5-year investigation proves Obama birth certificate is 'fake'

He said the investigators analyzed nine Hawaii birth
certificates, and that one of them, belonging to a woman named Johanna Ah’Nee, was the source of the copied text

The author of the article didn't quote Arpaio saying that. He simply claimed Arpaio said it. It appears to me he misunderstood what Arpaio said.

You are right, they quoted Mike Zullo saying that, the guy that did all the talking at the Presser. It appears to me you have no brain, it has been replaced by Trump's ass. There were only 9 they looked at, which is why Zullo also said this...“I have to be honest with you, that’s a really good question,” he said. “Because either that’s an unbelievable coincidence, or there’s something else going on.

And also, they got that one birth certificate from Jerome Corsi, not the state of Hawaii. They admit they did not ask Corsi where he got it or even verified it was authentic. If you do not know who Jerome Corsi is, which would surprise me as he is another brain dead partisan hack, he is a guy that has written multiple books attacking Obama, he is a "the government did it" 9/11 guy and he think that Hitler died of old age in Argentina.

They didn't quote anyone, dumbass, because that sentence isn't in quotes.

It doesn't matter if some birth certificate that wasn't used in the analysis is not authentic. All that matters is that the one they used is authentic.

It's clear you idiots are too fucking stupid to understand what the analysis shows. You're spouting talking points that don't support your claims.

Ok, now it is clear that you have been drinking. THey only looked at 9 birth certificates ,that is without question. I gave you a quote that is in "quote marks" and you still ignore it. I gave you the proof. I you can find proof they looked at more, then bring it forward. Till then you are nothing but a drunk partisan hack.

We do not know if the one they used in the analysis was authentic as they never verified that it was. They got it from a biased source and took his word that it was good. We do not even know if Johanna Ah’Nee is real person or if her birth certificate was real. Please, just for 10 seconds get your head out of Trump's ass and think for yourself.

Wrong, dumbass, what you posted isn't in quote marks in the article you cited.

Here is a screenshot of the second quote I gave you, notice the quote marks that I highlighted for your drunk ass so you could see them.

thoroughly debunked. Only the most devoted to insanity still believe otherwise...

Joe the Sheriff claimed Obama copied & pasted portions of his birth certificate from others, including the name, “Oahu.” Only "Oahu" is not identical. The 'O' on Obama's birth certificate is slightly thinner and slightly higher than the 'O' on the Ah'nee BC. The image on the bottom is where I added red lines which accentuate the 'O' is raised on Obama's BC.

The 'a' and 'h' on Obama's BC are touching but are not touching on the Ah'nee BC .

Had they been copied and pasted, they would appear identical.


Case dismissed.

I don't know where you got that piece of shit, but if you watch this video, you'll see that both examples are identical. Furthermore, there are a number of other entries in the form that are identical.

It appears that not only do Dims forge signatures in year books, they also forge birth certificates.


You’re fucking insane. :cuckoo:

I got those images from the very same birth certificates Joe the Sheriff got them from.

This is his claim, not mine. He claims Obama copied the name, “Oahu,” from Ah’nee’s BC and pasted onto one he cobbled together to claim as his own. That’s easily debunked since if it were true, the images of, “Oahu,” would have been identical, but they’re clearly not...


...which immediately raises two questions... 1) why did Joe the Sheriff lie; and 2) why are you so fucking retarded and gullible to swallow such obviously debunked bullshit?

How would anyone know where you got the shit you posted from? If you watch the video, it shows both entire documents. It then shows how you can grab about 5 different entries, including the Island, and drag them as a group from one to the other, and the match is identical. The example you posted above does not show any context. The colors aren't even the same.

You obviously didn't even watch the video, because then you would have realized what a fucking gullible dumbass you are.


Again.... it’s on the very same birth certificates Joe the Sheriff claims were used to construct Obama’s birth certificate. That’s where I got it from. The top image is a direct copy from them. The bottom image is where I added red lines to accentuate the differences.

Dayam, you’re one stubbornly retarded conservative. :cuckoo:

How do we know it came from the "same birth certificates Joe the Sheriff claims were used to construct Obama’s birth certificate" since you only posted the one field? Do you know what "context" means, moron? The video I posted shows both entire birth certificates, and that field, along with 4 others, are identical.

You obviously know your "evidence" is fake.

how do you know??

It’s on the birth certificates Joe the Sheriff claims Obama used, ya brain-dead con. :eusa_doh: how many times do I need to repeat that?? :cuckoo:


Moron, read for clarity next time, would ya?

I didn’t say Moore can’t demand — I said he can’t demand AND expect people to bow down to him him.


And I responded that if she really wanted to be taken seriously she would WANT to have it verified.

Why doesn’t she? That’s the relevant issue here.
Based on the response she’s receiving, it looks to me like she’s being taken very seriously.

All that shows is the gullibility of the American public.

Riiiight..... it’s not you who’s gullible..... it’s the American public.


Anyone who falls for this scam is gullible.
Says you — but you have thoroughly proven you’re the gullible one. Tell me again how you fell for “Oahu” is “identical.” :badgrin:

One letter, 40 years later, while all the other letters match ....

Rightards: it’s all fake!


Then why aren't all you snowflakes demanding that the yearbook be turned over for examination?
Because they are not in a court of law. If Moore wants access to that yearbook, he has to sue. He can’t just make demands and expect people to bow down to him.

If the accuser wants the yearbook to be accepted as evidence, then she turns it over. Otherwise the yearbook is worthless as evidence. The fact that you insist on forcing Moore to resort to legal process only shows that you're a douchebag who knows it's a forgery.

Unless Moore files a lawsuit, she doesn’t have to do shit.

Yes, she can continue to lie until she gets dragged into court. You're hoping that will be until after the election.

Who do you think you're fooling?
What the fuck are you whining about now? He can file a lawsuit today if he wanted to. So why doesn’t he?
His signature matches.
No, it actually doesn't.
Actually it does. Anyone with a functioning brain can see that easily...


Look at the 'Y', moron. They are completely different.

One letter, 40 years later, while all the other letters match ....

Rightards: it’s all fake!


Just look at the capital R and capital M
Unchanged over 40 years
As is the rest of his autograph. Look at his capital T’s... still the same.
Because they are not in a court of law. If Moore wants access to that yearbook, he has to sue. He can’t just make demands and expect people to bow down to him.

Sure he can demand, would prove the accused is telling the truth? Right? And we all want the accused story verified, Right?
Moron, read for clarity next time, would ya?

I didn’t say Moore can’t demand — I said he can’t demand AND expect people to bow down to him him.


And I responded that if she really wanted to be taken seriously she would WANT to have it verified.

Why doesn’t she? That’s the relevant issue here.
Based on the response she’s receiving, it looks to me like she’s being taken very seriously.

She is prosecuting a case in the court of public opinion. But that’s far different then presenting indisputable fact.

It appears you could care less about the truth when there is a simple way to verify.

Says much about you.
Moron... I’m the one championing the rule of law. You’re the one hoping Moore can dictate his demands upon others.
Moron, read for clarity next time, would ya?

I didn’t say Moore can’t demand — I said he can’t demand AND expect people to bow down to him him.


And I responded that if she really wanted to be taken seriously she would WANT to have it verified.

Why doesn’t she? That’s the relevant issue here.
Based on the response she’s receiving, it looks to me like she’s being taken very seriously.

All that shows is the gullibility of the American public.

Riiiight..... it’s not you who’s gullible..... it’s the American public.


There is one way to prove who’s right, but you don’t appear to want the year book signature verified by experts.

Again, that says much about you and your opinion.
Then let’s prove it... Moore files a lawsuit and then he can have access to that yearbook. What’s he afraid of?
And I responded that if she really wanted to be taken seriously she would WANT to have it verified.

Why doesn’t she? That’s the relevant issue here.
Based on the response she’s receiving, it looks to me like she’s being taken very seriously.

All that shows is the gullibility of the American public.

Riiiight..... it’s not you who’s gullible..... it’s the American public.


There is one way to prove who’s right, but you don’t appear to want the year book signature verified by experts.

Again, that says much about you and your opinion.
Then let’s prove it... Moore files a lawsuit and then he can have access to that yearbook. What’s he afraid of?

The woman has offered to testify under oath
Will Creepy Roy testify under oath and claim he never signed it?
The author of the article didn't quote Arpaio saying that. He simply claimed Arpaio said it. It appears to me he misunderstood what Arpaio said.

You are right, they quoted Mike Zullo saying that, the guy that did all the talking at the Presser. It appears to me you have no brain, it has been replaced by Trump's ass. There were only 9 they looked at, which is why Zullo also said this...“I have to be honest with you, that’s a really good question,” he said. “Because either that’s an unbelievable coincidence, or there’s something else going on.

And also, they got that one birth certificate from Jerome Corsi, not the state of Hawaii. They admit they did not ask Corsi where he got it or even verified it was authentic. If you do not know who Jerome Corsi is, which would surprise me as he is another brain dead partisan hack, he is a guy that has written multiple books attacking Obama, he is a "the government did it" 9/11 guy and he think that Hitler died of old age in Argentina.

They didn't quote anyone, dumbass, because that sentence isn't in quotes.

It doesn't matter if some birth certificate that wasn't used in the analysis is not authentic. All that matters is that the one they used is authentic.

It's clear you idiots are too fucking stupid to understand what the analysis shows. You're spouting talking points that don't support your claims.

Ok, now it is clear that you have been drinking. THey only looked at 9 birth certificates ,that is without question. I gave you a quote that is in "quote marks" and you still ignore it. I gave you the proof. I you can find proof they looked at more, then bring it forward. Till then you are nothing but a drunk partisan hack.

We do not know if the one they used in the analysis was authentic as they never verified that it was. They got it from a biased source and took his word that it was good. We do not even know if Johanna Ah’Nee is real person or if her birth certificate was real. Please, just for 10 seconds get your head out of Trump's ass and think for yourself.

Wrong, dumbass, what you posted isn't in quote marks in the article you cited.

Here is a screenshot of the second quote I gave you, notice the quote marks that I highlighted for your drunk ass so you could see them.

View attachment 161463

That isn't the statement we are discussing. The one that says

He said the investigators analyzed nine Hawaii birth certificates, and that one of them, belonging to a woman named Johanna Ah’Nee, was the source of the copied text
is the one we are discussing. That's where 9 birth certificates are mentioned, and it isn't in quotes.

Once again, the snowflake is too fucking dumb to follow the discussion.
Based on the response she’s receiving, it looks to me like she’s being taken very seriously.

All that shows is the gullibility of the American public.

Riiiight..... it’s not you who’s gullible..... it’s the American public.


There is one way to prove who’s right, but you don’t appear to want the year book signature verified by experts.

Again, that says much about you and your opinion.
Then let’s prove it... Moore files a lawsuit and then he can have access to that yearbook. What’s he afraid of?

The woman has offered to testify under oath
Will Creepy Roy testify under oath and claim he never signed it?

That couldn't possibly happen until after the election, dumbass.

Who do you think you're fooling?

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