It's a medical fact. Life begins at conception.

So in your world, freedom to make your own choice is punishment.

How very interesting, and how very authoritarian.

Funny how pro aborts never, ever say what the "choice" is for. The choice to kill. Just say it. At least be honest.

And yeah I do think it is very authoritarian of you to play God by deciding an innocent person must die for your convenience. Especially when there are many couples who try for years and years to get pregnant and cannot conceive and want nothing more than a baby. And you treat it like trash. Then again, you're just blind.

So would you support a law putting a woman in prison for life if she killed a fetus?
Admin closed this thread because it contained no original content. So here it is.

ABSTRACT: The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception—fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is one of form, not nature. This statement focuses on the scientific evidence of when an individual human life begins.

So, if life begins at conception, doesn't that mean that it should be protected by the 14th Amendment? The only difference between a fully grown adult and a zygote is form, not nature. They both have a unique genetic identity. They are both members of the human species.

When Human Life Begins
What you conservatives don't realize is that when a liberal aborts their babies, 33,000 a month, that means in the future those dead infants wont grow up to be future democrat voters. It is as if the Democrats don't ever want to win an election ever again. Why else would Obama try to bring future democrat voters in from south of the border or Muslims who want to kill the rest of US? Don't try to persuade the liberals to stop aborting, and the world will soon be a better place.
So in your world, freedom to make your own choice is punishment.

How very interesting, and how very authoritarian.

Funny how pro aborts never, ever say what the "choice" is for. The choice to kill. Just say it. At least be honest.

And yeah I do think it is very authoritarian of you to play God by deciding an innocent person must die for your convenience. Especially when there are many couples who try for years and years to get pregnant and cannot conceive and want nothing more than a baby. And you treat it like trash. Then again, you're just blind.

So would you support a law putting a woman in prison for life if she killed a fetus?
I would give her a medal for preventing future traitors of the US from growing up...
So in your world, freedom to make your own choice is punishment.

How very interesting, and how very authoritarian.

Funny how pro aborts never, ever say what the "choice" is for. The choice to kill. Just say it. At least be honest.

And yeah I do think it is very authoritarian of you to play God by deciding an innocent person must die for your convenience. Especially when there are many couples who try for years and years to get pregnant and cannot conceive and want nothing more than a baby. And you treat it like trash. Then again, you're just blind.

So would you support a law putting a woman in prison for life if she killed a fetus?
I would give her a medal for preventing future traitors of the US from growing up...

IOW you can't reconcile your beliefs that abortion is murder on the one hand, but on the other hand you think it would be insane to put women in prison for life for having one.
So in your world, freedom to make your own choice is punishment.

How very interesting, and how very authoritarian.

Funny how pro aborts never, ever say what the "choice" is for. The choice to kill. Just say it. At least be honest.

And yeah I do think it is very authoritarian of you to play God by deciding an innocent person must die for your convenience. Especially when there are many couples who try for years and years to get pregnant and cannot conceive and want nothing more than a baby. And you treat it like trash. Then again, you're just blind.

So would you support a law putting a woman in prison for life if she killed a fetus?
I would give her a medal for preventing future traitors of the US from growing up...

IOW you can't reconcile your beliefs that abortion is murder on the one hand, but on the other hand you think it would be insane to put women in prison for life for having one.
If a liberal woman wants to kill her unborn baby, more power to her. I give up trying to save your sorry ass Political Party. Execute all of them, Democrats will never again gain power...
So in your world, freedom to make your own choice is punishment.

How very interesting, and how very authoritarian.

Funny how pro aborts never, ever say what the "choice" is for. The choice to kill. Just say it. At least be honest.

And yeah I do think it is very authoritarian of you to play God by deciding an innocent person must die for your convenience. Especially when there are many couples who try for years and years to get pregnant and cannot conceive and want nothing more than a baby. And you treat it like trash. Then again, you're just blind.

So would you support a law putting a woman in prison for life if she killed a fetus?
I would give her a medal for preventing future traitors of the US from growing up...

It's funny how the anti's melt down when faced with that question.

If you believe a human zygote is no different than a 2 year old child, why wouldn't you want a woman who kills either to be treated the same under the law.

Seems like a slam dunk case closed to me. Why would an anti-abortionist have to even think twice about that?
So in your world, freedom to make your own choice is punishment.

How very interesting, and how very authoritarian.

Funny how pro aborts never, ever say what the "choice" is for. The choice to kill. Just say it. At least be honest.

And yeah I do think it is very authoritarian of you to play God by deciding an innocent person must die for your convenience. Especially when there are many couples who try for years and years to get pregnant and cannot conceive and want nothing more than a baby. And you treat it like trash. Then again, you're just blind.

So would you support a law putting a woman in prison for life if she killed a fetus?
I would give her a medal for preventing future traitors of the US from growing up...

It's funny how the anti's melt down when faced with that question.

If you believe a human zygote is no different than a 2 year old child, why wouldn't you want a woman who kills either to be treated the same under the law.

Seems like a slam dunk case closed to me. Why would an anti-abortionist have to even think twice about that?
I don't think about you guys killing your babies at all. The more you kill the better the world will be...
So in your world, freedom to make your own choice is punishment.

How very interesting, and how very authoritarian.

Funny how pro aborts never, ever say what the "choice" is for. The choice to kill. Just say it. At least be honest.

And yeah I do think it is very authoritarian of you to play God by deciding an innocent person must die for your convenience. Especially when there are many couples who try for years and years to get pregnant and cannot conceive and want nothing more than a baby. And you treat it like trash. Then again, you're just blind.

So would you support a law putting a woman in prison for life if she killed a fetus?
I would give her a medal for preventing future traitors of the US from growing up...

It's funny how the anti's melt down when faced with that question.

If you believe a human zygote is no different than a 2 year old child, why wouldn't you want a woman who kills either to be treated the same under the law.

Seems like a slam dunk case closed to me. Why would an anti-abortionist have to even think twice about that?
I don't think about you guys killing your babies at all. The more you kill the better the world will be...

So you concede you're pro-choice. Just as I am.

lol, I've outed a convert.
Funny how pro aborts never, ever say what the "choice" is for. The choice to kill. Just say it. At least be honest.

And yeah I do think it is very authoritarian of you to play God by deciding an innocent person must die for your convenience. Especially when there are many couples who try for years and years to get pregnant and cannot conceive and want nothing more than a baby. And you treat it like trash. Then again, you're just blind.

So would you support a law putting a woman in prison for life if she killed a fetus?
I would give her a medal for preventing future traitors of the US from growing up...

It's funny how the anti's melt down when faced with that question.

If you believe a human zygote is no different than a 2 year old child, why wouldn't you want a woman who kills either to be treated the same under the law.

Seems like a slam dunk case closed to me. Why would an anti-abortionist have to even think twice about that?
I don't think about you guys killing your babies at all. The more you kill the better the world will be...

So you concede you're pro-choice. Just as I am.

lol, I've outed a convert.
I am pro choice because it will eventually eliminate the Democrat party. It is like (RAID) killing cockroaches. Get rid of the varmints and the place gets better...

Hey Democrats: You Might Win More Elections If You’d Stop Killing Your Voters in the Womb |
I can’t help but notice a potential correlation between their eagerness to murder the next generation and their inability to win elections. There is an argument to be made, at least, that you can’t cultivate future voters by ripping them to pieces and selling them for parts. Nobody can say for sure how many of the 50 million children murdered since Roe would have grown up to be Democrats — and their political affiliation certainly has no bearing on their inherent human value and dignity — but I think we can make a few safe assumptions.
With 50 million babies aborted since Roe imagine where the US would be today if those victims hadn't been executed? HItlerly would of won by a land slide and most of the Congress and Senate would be a super Democrat Majority. I applaud you liberals for Making America Great Again, and again in 2020...
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But not fact of law.
It was a fact of law that negroes were only 3/5 human.
Fuck you G, the 3/5 clause, not a law, was put in because it took 30,000 people to get 1 representative for that state. Since slaves were property of Southern White Democrats, who the fuck would those slaves vote for? Democrats. So the northerners created the 3/5 clause because a table couldn't vote or a horse couldn't vote, but it would take 50,000 slaves to equal 30,000 free people to do the same. But again, with 33,000 born and unborn liberal babies being executed a month, how many representatives would be in the Democrat party today? Amazing...
Admin closed this thread because it contained no original content. So here it is.

ABSTRACT: The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception—fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is one of form, not nature. This statement focuses on the scientific evidence of when an individual human life begins.

So, if life begins at conception, doesn't that mean that it should be protected by the 14th Amendment? The only difference between a fully grown adult and a zygote is form, not nature. They both have a unique genetic identity. They are both members of the human species.

When Human Life Begins

It's fact that all animals, you know, the ones you eat, HAVE LIFE.

I can kill a cow after it is born.

And you thought you were making a point.
This is equivocation bullshit, and you know it.

I know you can't refute my simple statement, so you're evading by rage-pouting.

Life existed before conception. That's not debatable by any honest person. Hence, pro-lifers try to debate it. And if life exists before conception, life can't start at concepetion. Biology and logic, learn it.
GG, you are not the law, you don't understand the law, so you can write as silly as you want, and is only that: just silly.

A fetus has neither parity nor priority over the mother: flat fact.
No that is not a flat fact.

It is a legal fact at this time, not a moral one.

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