It's a Woman's Right to Choose

thanks for this

and even if it is a date rape pregnancy, it is NOT making everything OK to murder the child

I know someone who had one of those pregnancies. She resorted to adoption. Now both she and her child live..

But that's a sad story, apparently, to the death dealers on the left
More importantly, no one with any common sense is against the "Morning after" pill.
no, they are coming for everyone... save themselves...

They decree mayhem and murder for others but they are exempt from their own sick policies... except that if worse comes to worst and we end up exactly like Nazi Germany (as we are headed toward)... they will undoubtedly regret being so malicious and murderous

As I said in another post

What u do to others will be done to you...

Justice will not sleep forever
I want to cross-stitch that and hang it on my wall.

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