It's About Time Somebody Said It

Not a conservative simply because she does not believer in the God you worship? All Progressives start off as atheist?
That is some of the most ridiculous shit I have ever read. You are pretty pitiful at being conservative and help give conservatives a bad name. It is funny how many of the howling right-wing, call themselves conservative. They have just about ruined the term, stripping it of value or identity. This is what is wrong with the Republican party now. They have traded being conservative for just claiming the label conservative, when all the main big name players are radical as hell.

Let's for the sake of argument remove word "conservative".

Should we abandon the constitution? Should we reject the principles that we, as western society, embrace? Should we abandon the Aristotle, Cicero, Adam Smith, Edmond Burke? So please tell us, whom should we embrace, Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro? Aren't you tired of "the world begin today" kind of thinking... while trying to erase all of our history, people who fought for it, and on whose shoulders we all stand today?

The problem is not conservatism per se, and it's philosophy and principles, the problem is the weak knees generation you are part of, the problem are also weak Republicans that have no gut to stand up to leftist degenerates and their demands. The issue is not conservatism, but the cowardice to stand for those conservative principles.
It's about time real conservatives stepped up to stop the madness.
Are there any left; and of those who might be left, do they have the courage.

The sad fact is that there’s little difference between ‘MAGA’ and conservative.

Trump is merely the product of the GOP and conservativism; ‘MAGA’ is but a variation on the conservative theme.

For decades conservativism has been illiberal, neo-fascist, and authoritarian, the Christo-fascist right in particular.

Conservativism has long embraced racism, bigotry, and anti-immigrant nativism.

Conservatives were practicing white grievance politics and racist replacement theory long before Trump.

And long after Trump is gone, conservativism will remain just as illiberal, just as authoritarian, and just as neo-fascist.
Anyone that voted for Trump twice shouldn’t consider themselves conservative. One time you could be fooled; twice, shame on you!
Worried about pronouns for politicians now? Is the left losing it's freaking collective mind or does it beat talking about Biden and Inflation and energy costs?
No they don't. But thats the lie the extremism you have been radicalized to believe tells you.

There are a whole lot of progressive ministers that prove your claim to be the lie it is.
Then you better get to steppin' and fetchin' a list of them if you want that post to be believed.

Tbh, I find it highly unlikely and implausible.
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