It's About Time Somebody Said It

Rightwing racism, bigotry, and hate are clearly not consistent with Christian dogma.

Progressives in their opposition to rightwing racism, bigotry, and have a better understanding of that dogma.

So Jesus would command us to cave to every desire of a black person's heart?
It’s really fucking easy for men to pretend being pregnant is no big deal, since you don’t have a clue what it’s like. It takes 2 years for a woman’s body to physically recover from pregnancy, and even then there’s always lasting damage.

The last month of pregnancy is so physically uncomfortable and painful you look forward to labour and delivery just to end it. It’s so physically demanding that even when you really want the baby, it’s an ordeal. I can’t imagine being forced to carry a child to term.

Insurance companies have tried to label pregnancy and childbirth as “pre-existing conditions”, and charge women who have had a baby a higher premium because their health has been compromised by this natural reproductive function.

Insurance companies have tried to label pregnancy and childbirth as “pre-existing conditions”, and charge women who have had a baby a higher premium because their health has been compromised by this natural reproductive function.

Flat out lie.
Insurance companies have tried to label pregnancy and childbirth as “pre-existing conditions”, and charge women who have had a baby a higher premium because their health has been compromised by this natural reproductive function.

Flat out lie.
Lie is all Dragonbreath does.
Child, the only thing you're proving is how soft first world humans have become. The people that settled our countries would be laughing the asses off at the crap you're spewing. Hell the illegal aliens that walk 3,000 miles while pregnant would be laughing their asses of at you. You really should be embarrassed.

You’re the one claiming that being pregnant is no big deal like you’re an expert. “Illegal aliens” is a really stupid term. Undocumented immigrants is accurate and correct. Refugees are NOT “illegal aliens”.

And nobody walks 3000 miles while pregnant. The chances of successfully carrying a baby to term while making such a journey are slim and none. And what happens if the are problems along the way?

Lie is all Dragonbreath does.

You keep calling me a liar on no proof. You lie so you believe everyone lies. That’s just not the case FuckBoi.

I see you still haven’t found work. How pathetic are you that you’re here all of the time, calling people liars and posting Trump’s lying bullshit.
You’re the one claiming that being pregnant is no big deal like you’re an expert. “Illegal aliens” is a really stupid term. Undocumented immigrants is accurate and correct. Refugees are NOT “illegal aliens”.

And nobody walks 3000 miles while pregnant. The chances of successfully carrying a baby to term while making such a journey are slim and none. And what happens if the are problems along the way?

Well child our law says they are illegal aliens, so here, that is the correct term. Also my grandmother gave birth to 9 children, my mother-in-law 8, and both either worked at a job or on the farm the whole time. So just STFU.

I love it when you call me a liar without doing a Google search first.

The date from your "source".
May 5, 2017
On October 7, 2016

Insurance is what I do, there are NO pre existing conditions that can be excluded, NONE. The one time you use a source and it's wrong and old.

For your reading aren't up for this.

Pre-Existing Conditions​

Health insurance companies cannot refuse coverage or charge you more just because you have a “pre-existing condition” — that is, a health problem you had before the date that new health coverage starts.
Health insurers can no longer charge more or deny coverage to you or your child because of a pre-existing health condition like asthma, diabetes, or cancer, as well as pregnancy. They cannot limit benefits for that condition either. Once you have insurance, they can't refuse to cover treatment for your pre-existing condition.

You’re the one claiming that being pregnant is no big deal like you’re an expert. “Illegal aliens” is a really stupid term. Undocumented immigrants is accurate and correct. Refugees are NOT “illegal aliens”.

And nobody walks 3000 miles while pregnant. The chances of successfully carrying a baby to term while making such a journey are slim and none. And what happens if the are problems along the way?

We should collect all of the "undocumented immigrants" at the border, and bus them directly to your border, and when they get off usher them into YOUR country.

Then we'd see how compassionate you really are.

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