It's About Time Somebody Said It

Rightwing racism, bigotry, and hate are clearly not consistent with Christian dogma.

Progressives in their opposition to rightwing racism, bigotry, and have a better understanding of that dogma.

Certainly the racism and bigotry part. Those seem to be the cornerstones of the demofascist party.

Soaring inflation, you faggotards!

Heh, I know for a fact that chart is wrong about eggs, they're up over 100%

They're saying it's less than what things actually are.


Biden is driving the US bus right off a cliff and you idiots think everything's just hunky-dory?

From what I can see, there will fuel shortages this winter.

The US is exporting oil again and Europe has a glut of natural gas.
They do, and they agree. In fact, I don't know anyone that thinks abortion is an ethical means of birth control.


Neither do I. That’s because abortion is not and has never been a method of birth control. Abortion is a valid medical procedure for women of reproductive age.

Pregnancy is difficult and dangerous, and it doesn’t always go well. Partial miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and a host of medical problems can and do arise.

Neither of my miscarriages ended cleanly. The second one had me carrying a dead fetus for two weeks, until I went and had a D&C. In Texas, that’s now illegal because my life was not yet in danger.

It’s not just terminating unintended pregnancies. This is what happens when MEN with no medical training or experience decide what’s good for women.
Neither do I. That’s because abortion is not and has never been a method of birth control. Abortion is a valid medical procedure for women of reproductive age.

Pregnancy is difficult and dangerous, and it doesn’t always go well. Partial miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and a host of medical problems can and do arise.

Neither of my miscarriages ended cleanly. The second one had me carrying a dead fetus for two weeks, until I went and had a D&C. In Texas, that’s now illegal because my life was not yet in danger.

It’s not just terminating unintended pregnancies. This is what happens when MEN with no medical training or experience decide what’s good for women.

Damn child, you act like pregnancy is a disease instead of a natural function of human reproduction. Yeah, there are occasional complications and it's perfectly legal to address those complications, even in TX. But your denying that the vast majority of abortions aren't medically necessary just proves what a fucking liar you are.

People who recognize the existence of racism and don't practice it because they know that racism creates additional government intrusion in the lives of American citizens
Define "racism"

I am all for less government intrusion. You know good and damn well I am. But, it seems that you have conflated "racism" with "free markets."
Labeling is stupid. It all becomes grey in the end. I consider myself moderately conservative in my outlook....and that's only my posture on things as they are NOW. In a different environment I could be considered a liberal! I vote for who I think serves our better interests and future. If "MAGA Republicans" as you call them happen to be voting for the same person I am, it doesn't make them conservatives and it doesn't make me a MAGA Republican, it means that we are simply voting for the same person....possibly even for DIFFERENT reasons. And I may vehemently disagree with some people who vote for Trump on certain topics. Don't be such a simpleton and seek to categorize people like this. It's called discrimination. We are all individuals with similarities and differences that all overlap at different places, just as the desert slowly blends into the forest. There is no need to to draw lines and segregate people so exactly.
Damn child, you act like pregnancy is a disease instead of a natural function of human reproduction. Yeah, there are occasional complications and it's perfectly legal to address those complications, even in TX. But your denying that the vast majority of abortions aren't medically necessary just proves what a fucking liar you are.


It’s really fucking easy for men to pretend being pregnant is no big deal, since you don’t have a clue what it’s like. It takes 2 years for a woman’s body to physically recover from pregnancy, and even then there’s always lasting damage.

The last month of pregnancy is so physically uncomfortable and painful you look forward to labour and delivery just to end it. It’s so physically demanding that even when you really want the baby, it’s an ordeal. I can’t imagine being forced to carry a child to term.

Insurance companies have tried to label pregnancy and childbirth as “pre-existing conditions”, and charge women who have had a baby a higher premium because their health has been compromised by this natural reproductive function.
It’s really fucking easy for men to pretend being pregnant is no big deal, since you don’t have a clue what it’s like. It takes 2 years for a woman’s body to physically recover from pregnancy, and even then there’s always lasting damage.

The last month of pregnancy is so physically uncomfortable and painful you look forward to labour and delivery just to end it. It’s so physically demanding that even when you really want the baby, it’s an ordeal. I can’t imagine being forced to carry a child to term.

Insurance companies have tried to label pregnancy and childbirth as “pre-existing conditions”, and charge women who have had a baby a higher premium because their health has been compromised by this natural reproductive function.

Child, the only thing you're proving is how soft first world humans have become. The people that settled our countries would be laughing the asses off at the crap you're spewing. Hell the illegal aliens that walk 3,000 miles while pregnant would be laughing their asses of at you. You really should be embarrassed.


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