It's About Time Somebody Said It

Cupp is the Romney, Bush, late John McCain type of Republican the status quo type and the type the left loves when they attack those on the right but the left will trash these same people royally when they aren’t doing that.
The word "conservative" should be stricken for the gop political lexicon and replaced with honest broker.

It's easy to stand there and call yourself a "conservative" as it's so watered down by now to where it's almost meaningless.

It's another thing altogether to call yourself a honest broker when everyone knows you are a fuckin' crook.
It is funny how many of the howling right-wing, call themselves conservative. They have just about ruined the term, stripping it of value or identity. This is what is wrong with the Republican party now. They have traded being conservative for just claiming the label conservative, when all the main big name players are radical as hell.

I'm going to focus on just this part of your thought, White. Reason being is that someone had recently mentioned, and correctly so, that I was painting too broad of a brush in a description I'd made. While the description was correct, it was indeed painted with too broad of a brush. So that's something with which I said that I'd try to do better.

Anyhow. That said, you're correct in that the term (or concept, more clearly) has been bastardized. As has the term liberalism.

As has the term patriotism.

Today these are some of the most misused/misapplied terms in the American lexicon.

Technically speaking liberalism is conservatism. As such, classical liberals tend to represent conservatism most aptly. I, for one, am offended to have to accept an adjective in order to placate confused statists. Unfortunately, the concepts/terms have taken on new contrarian meanings as virtue in society has eroded and are now presented/discussed/practiced/written as if they're contrary to one another. And, so, we get what we have. A false dichotomy. Which renders relevant, critical discussion almost impossible out in the political wild.

Really, the terms conservative and liberal only seem to serve as a yardstick for measuring the lesser or greater statist anymore. Collectively speaking, of course...
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Says the 6 year old kid the could pop a bird in public without his parents whipping his ass, like good conservatives should. Remember, you are using the avatar of a rebellious out of control 6 year old, hardly a conservative.
This is how he likes to see children -
Really, the terms conservative and liberal only seem to serve as a yardstick for measuring the lesser or greater statist anymore. Collectively speaking, of course...
No. Really they're terms for distinguishing which classes are deemed to be eligible to be beneficiaries of state policies.
So, a hypocrite then. Got it.
Wrong. Your tactic is stupid given the reality of the American population. We are outnumbers by whites 5:1, so we have to learn about how different parts of the white community think. You don't have to do that and it is apparent by the many purely ignorant responses whites who think like you give, it is apparent that you know no blacks or have never seriously discussed race with anyone black.

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