It's all about October 1!!!!

To the brain-dead right...

A private citizen making a complaint of sexual assault with as much evidence to back her story as any of the similar claims levied against Bill Clinton — is an anti-American traitorous bullshit ploy to stall a perfectly acceptable candidate for the Supreme Court....

But denying a sitting U.S. president his constitutional authority to work with the Senate to seat a replacement was patriotic and heroic and prevented a Muslim non-citizen President from seating another Communist on the highest bench in the land.

He has the authority to appoint, but the Senate has the authority to provide advice and consent, and there is no time limit on that.

Boo fucking hoo.

Another "fuh fuh fuh, Garland" fuh fuh fuh" cockless wonder from the left.
The Senate did not advise and consent.

Nothing in the Constitution places a time limit on them doing so.

The Japanese have a term for what the Senate did, Mokusatu.
I never said there was a time constraint. But in McConnell’s case, it was to shut out the president from filling a seat the president is empowered to appoint.

And my experience with politics is maneuvers like this ultimately result in paybacks. I have no doubt the day will come when Democrats return the favor.

I'm sure they will. but until then The Republicans in the Senate broke no rules in what they did.
They invented a new rule. One where a president can be denied replacing a Supreme Court Justice. Republicans did it for 11 months. Watch for the outrage from the right if Democrats do it for 4 years.
Is there anyone who doesn't understand that this circus is all about delaying a Senate confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh until after October 1, when the Supreme Court begins its new session? If he is not confirmed before then, he will have to sit out the entire session and not have a vote on any cases to be decided.

EVERYTHING the Democrats have done has been towards this end. It has NOTHING to do with an honest search for the truth, since they have already stated that a mere accusation is sufficient grounds to disqualify Judge Kavanaugh.

After Dr. Ford gets all the mileage and publicity she can out of her unsubstantiated allegation, she will "graciously" withdraw it "for the good of the country."

And many of you will swallow this crap.
Part of the ugliness of this story is the way the Democrats are pretending it's about sexual assault.

It doesn't get much more cynical than that.

Ignoring such allegations is as cynical as one coule be.
Merrick Garland.

Is that going to be your new moniker?

Nope. Just a tissue for your crocodile tears.
To the brain-dead right...

A private citizen making a complaint of sexual assault with as much evidence to back her story as any of the similar claims levied against Bill Clinton — is an anti-American traitorous bullshit ploy to stall a perfectly acceptable candidate for the Supreme Court....

But denying a sitting U.S. president his constitutional authority to work with the Senate to seat a replacement was patriotic and heroic and prevented a Muslim non-citizen President from seating another Communist on the highest bench in the land.

He has the authority to appoint, but the Senate has the authority to provide advice and consent, and there is no time limit on that.

Boo fucking hoo.

Another "fuh fuh fuh, Garland" fuh fuh fuh" cockless wonder from the left.

He has the authority to appoint, but the Senate has the authority to provide advice and consent, and there is no time limit on that.

Then by your own standard, we should let the American people decide on which party they want to fill any vacancies . The election that may very well flip the Senate is only five weeks away.
Merrick Garland.

Is that going to be your new moniker?

Refusal to give Garland a hearing was a fucked up thing the Repubs did. This seems like Dem payback for it.
payback for refusal to vote?
While i agree they should have voted (the repubs are hacks), this is wayyy beyond payback.
Yesterday was the most disgusting day in washington in my lifetime.

Republicans are the ones holding things up. They have enough senators to push it through, if they wanted to. Quit your whining.

Exactly. They don't have their 50 votes needed for confirmation. That's why they caved on an FBI investigation.
Is that going to be your new moniker?

Nope. Just a tissue for your crocodile tears.
To the brain-dead right...

A private citizen making a complaint of sexual assault with as much evidence to back her story as any of the similar claims levied against Bill Clinton — is an anti-American traitorous bullshit ploy to stall a perfectly acceptable candidate for the Supreme Court....

But denying a sitting U.S. president his constitutional authority to work with the Senate to seat a replacement was patriotic and heroic and prevented a Muslim non-citizen President from seating another Communist on the highest bench in the land.

He has the authority to appoint, but the Senate has the authority to provide advice and consent, and there is no time limit on that.

Boo fucking hoo.

Another "fuh fuh fuh, Garland" fuh fuh fuh" cockless wonder from the left.
The Senate did not advise and consent.

Nothing in the Constitution places a time limit on them doing so.

The Japanese have a term for what the Senate did, Mokusatu.

Great. Why the rush?
Merrick Garland.

Is that going to be your new moniker?

Refusal to give Garland a hearing was a fucked up thing the Repubs did. This seems like Dem payback for it.
payback for refusal to vote?
While i agree they should have voted (the repubs are hacks), this is wayyy beyond payback.
Yesterday was the most disgusting day in washington in my lifetime.

Republicans are the ones holding things up. They have enough senators to push it through, if they wanted to. Quit your whining.
I wasnt even talking about that. Do you even English bro? :dunno:
I dont even want this guy on the SC. I just think you Democrats are some nasty ass mother fuckers.
Fucking deplorable.
Is there anyone who doesn't understand that this circus is all about delaying a Senate confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh until after October 1, when the Supreme Court begins its new session? If he is not confirmed before then, he will have to sit out the entire session and not have a vote on any cases to be decided.

EVERYTHING the Democrats have done has been towards this end. It has NOTHING to do with an honest search for the truth, since they have already stated that a mere accusation is sufficient grounds to disqualify Judge Kavanaugh.

After Dr. Ford gets all the mileage and publicity she can out of her unsubstantiated allegation, she will "graciously" withdraw it "for the good of the country."

And many of you will swallow this crap.
Part of the ugliness of this story is the way the Democrats are pretending it's about sexual assault.

It doesn't get much more cynical than that.

To the women watching, it is about sexual assault.
He has the authority to appoint, but the Senate has the authority to provide advice and consent, and there is no time limit on that.

Boo fucking hoo.

Another "fuh fuh fuh, Garland" fuh fuh fuh" cockless wonder from the left.
The Senate did not advise and consent.

Nothing in the Constitution places a time limit on them doing so.

The Japanese have a term for what the Senate did, Mokusatu.
I never said there was a time constraint. But in McConnell’s case, it was to shut out the president from filling a seat the president is empowered to appoint.

And my experience with politics is maneuvers like this ultimately result in paybacks. I have no doubt the day will come when Democrats return the favor.

I'm sure they will. but until then The Republicans in the Senate broke no rules in what they did.
They invented a new rule. One where a president can be denied replacing a Supreme Court Justice. Republicans did it for 11 months. Watch for the outrage from the right if Democrats do it for 4 years.

GWB was denied an DC circuit court appointment for 23 months. Considering the DC Circuit is the 2nd most important court in the system, methinks your protest doth ring hollow.

And if Hillary would have won, Dems probably would have also carried the Senate, and they probably would have withdrawn the Garland nomination for someone more to the left.

The Republicans took a risk, and it paid off, it easily could have not paid off.
Merrick Garland.

Is that going to be your new moniker?

Nope. Just a tissue for your crocodile tears.
To the brain-dead right...

A private citizen making a complaint of sexual assault with as much evidence to back her story as any of the similar claims levied against Bill Clinton — is an anti-American traitorous bullshit ploy to stall a perfectly acceptable candidate for the Supreme Court....

But denying a sitting U.S. president his constitutional authority to work with the Senate to seat a replacement was patriotic and heroic and prevented a Muslim non-citizen President from seating another Communist on the highest bench in the land.

He has the authority to appoint, but the Senate has the authority to provide advice and consent, and there is no time limit on that.

Boo fucking hoo.

Another "fuh fuh fuh, Garland" fuh fuh fuh" cockless wonder from the left.

He has the authority to appoint, but the Senate has the authority to provide advice and consent, and there is no time limit on that.

Then by your own standard, we should let the American people decide on which party they want to fill any vacancies . The election that may very well flip the Senate is only five weeks away.

A resignation is different than a sudden death a few months before an election.

And considering what the party controlling the senate says goes, any protests for "fairness" are comical and childish.
Nope. Just a tissue for your crocodile tears.
To the brain-dead right...

A private citizen making a complaint of sexual assault with as much evidence to back her story as any of the similar claims levied against Bill Clinton — is an anti-American traitorous bullshit ploy to stall a perfectly acceptable candidate for the Supreme Court....

But denying a sitting U.S. president his constitutional authority to work with the Senate to seat a replacement was patriotic and heroic and prevented a Muslim non-citizen President from seating another Communist on the highest bench in the land.

He has the authority to appoint, but the Senate has the authority to provide advice and consent, and there is no time limit on that.

Boo fucking hoo.

Another "fuh fuh fuh, Garland" fuh fuh fuh" cockless wonder from the left.
The Senate did not advise and consent.

Nothing in the Constitution places a time limit on them doing so.

The Japanese have a term for what the Senate did, Mokusatu.

Great. Why the rush?

What "Rush"

Kennedy retired at the end of the last session, and the process to replace him has been going on since then. There is no "rush"
Merrick Garland.

Is that going to be your new moniker?

Refusal to give Garland a hearing was a fucked up thing the Repubs did. This seems like Dem payback for it.
payback for refusal to vote?
While i agree they should have voted (the repubs are hacks), this is wayyy beyond payback.
Yesterday was the most disgusting day in washington in my lifetime.

Republicans are the ones holding things up. They have enough senators to push it through, if they wanted to. Quit your whining.
I wasnt even talking about that. Do you even English bro? :dunno:
I dont even want this guy on the SC. I just think you Democrats are some nasty ass mother fuckers.
Fucking deplorable.

Whining because there is finally some push back for all the nasty ass deplorable stunts the right has been doing for years. How childishly right wing of you.
Is that going to be your new moniker?

Refusal to give Garland a hearing was a fucked up thing the Repubs did. This seems like Dem payback for it.
payback for refusal to vote?
While i agree they should have voted (the repubs are hacks), this is wayyy beyond payback.
Yesterday was the most disgusting day in washington in my lifetime.

Republicans are the ones holding things up. They have enough senators to push it through, if they wanted to. Quit your whining.
I wasnt even talking about that. Do you even English bro? :dunno:
I dont even want this guy on the SC. I just think you Democrats are some nasty ass mother fuckers.
Fucking deplorable.

Whining because there is finally some push back for all the nasty ass deplorable stunts the right has been doing for years. How childishly right wing of you.
Hacks are a disease to this country.
Push back? What a deplorable justification!
Is there anyone who doesn't understand that this circus is all about delaying a Senate confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh until after October 1, when the Supreme Court begins its new session? If he is not confirmed before then, he will have to sit out the entire session and not have a vote on any cases to be decided.

EVERYTHING the Democrats have done has been towards this end. It has NOTHING to do with an honest search for the truth, since they have already stated that a mere accusation is sufficient grounds to disqualify Judge Kavanaugh.

After Dr. Ford gets all the mileage and publicity she can out of her unsubstantiated allegation, she will "graciously" withdraw it "for the good of the country."

And many of you will swallow this crap.
Part of the ugliness of this story is the way the Democrats are pretending it's about sexual assault.

It doesn't get much more cynical than that.

It is partially about sexual assault. that is a fact. You might be a bit too cynical.
no it isn't. has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Refusal to give Garland a hearing was a fucked up thing the Repubs did. This seems like Dem payback for it.
payback for refusal to vote?
While i agree they should have voted (the repubs are hacks), this is wayyy beyond payback.
Yesterday was the most disgusting day in washington in my lifetime.

Republicans are the ones holding things up. They have enough senators to push it through, if they wanted to. Quit your whining.
I wasnt even talking about that. Do you even English bro? :dunno:
I dont even want this guy on the SC. I just think you Democrats are some nasty ass mother fuckers.
Fucking deplorable.

Whining because there is finally some push back for all the nasty ass deplorable stunts the right has been doing for years. How childishly right wing of you.
Hacks are a disease to this country.
Push back? What a deplorable justification!

But it's perfectly acceptable for a Supreme Court justice to embrace such an idea, and make it clear his rulings will be guided by that?
payback for refusal to vote?
While i agree they should have voted (the repubs are hacks), this is wayyy beyond payback.
Yesterday was the most disgusting day in washington in my lifetime.

Republicans are the ones holding things up. They have enough senators to push it through, if they wanted to. Quit your whining.
I wasnt even talking about that. Do you even English bro? :dunno:
I dont even want this guy on the SC. I just think you Democrats are some nasty ass mother fuckers.
Fucking deplorable.

Whining because there is finally some push back for all the nasty ass deplorable stunts the right has been doing for years. How childishly right wing of you.
Hacks are a disease to this country.
Push back? What a deplorable justification!

But it's perfectly acceptable for a Supreme Court justice to embrace such an idea, and make it clear his rulings will be guided by that?
Nope. As i said, i dont want that ideologue on the court.
Republicans are the ones holding things up. They have enough senators to push it through, if they wanted to. Quit your whining.
I wasnt even talking about that. Do you even English bro? :dunno:
I dont even want this guy on the SC. I just think you Democrats are some nasty ass mother fuckers.
Fucking deplorable.

Whining because there is finally some push back for all the nasty ass deplorable stunts the right has been doing for years. How childishly right wing of you.
Hacks are a disease to this country.
Push back? What a deplorable justification!

But it's perfectly acceptable for a Supreme Court justice to embrace such an idea, and make it clear his rulings will be guided by that?
Nope. As i said, i dont want that ideologue on the court.

So what do you suggest? Just sit back and let the right install that political operative on our Supreme Court? Do you want to give the RNC a vote on all Supreme Court decisions?
I wasnt even talking about that. Do you even English bro? :dunno:
I dont even want this guy on the SC. I just think you Democrats are some nasty ass mother fuckers.
Fucking deplorable.

Whining because there is finally some push back for all the nasty ass deplorable stunts the right has been doing for years. How childishly right wing of you.
Hacks are a disease to this country.
Push back? What a deplorable justification!

But it's perfectly acceptable for a Supreme Court justice to embrace such an idea, and make it clear his rulings will be guided by that?
Nope. As i said, i dont want that ideologue on the court.

So what do you suggest? Just sit back and let the right install that political operative on our Supreme Court? Do you want to give the RNC a vote on all Supreme Court decisions?
I dont agree that socially assassinating this man with this bullshit is the right way to do it. Of course, im not an ideological hack dead set of depravity.
You need to understand i only like one justice. I havent had a respect for a full court since the early 19th century. And even then i only know of a few rulings.
The SC is nothing more than a high power political activist circle jerk.
Is there anyone who doesn't understand that this circus is all about delaying a Senate confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh until after October 1, when the Supreme Court begins its new session? If he is not confirmed before then, he will have to sit out the entire session and not have a vote on any cases to be decided.

EVERYTHING the Democrats have done has been towards this end. It has NOTHING to do with an honest search for the truth, since they have already stated that a mere accusation is sufficient grounds to disqualify Judge Kavanaugh.

After Dr. Ford gets all the mileage and publicity she can out of her unsubstantiated allegation, she will "graciously" withdraw it "for the good of the country."

And many of you will swallow this crap.

Yeah, Scalia's seat sat open for over a year. The Republicans wouldn't even speak to the nominee.

So pretending now that there is some sense of urgency in seating a justice before a session opens is laughably disingenuous. Especially when you're trying to use that manufactured 'urgency' to hurry or even forgo an investigation into sexual assault.
Whining because there is finally some push back for all the nasty ass deplorable stunts the right has been doing for years. How childishly right wing of you.
Hacks are a disease to this country.
Push back? What a deplorable justification!

But it's perfectly acceptable for a Supreme Court justice to embrace such an idea, and make it clear his rulings will be guided by that?
Nope. As i said, i dont want that ideologue on the court.

So what do you suggest? Just sit back and let the right install that political operative on our Supreme Court? Do you want to give the RNC a vote on all Supreme Court decisions?
I dont agree that socially assassinating this man with this bullshit is the right way to do it. Of course, im not an ideological hack dead set of depravity.
You need to understand i only like one justice. I havent had a respect for a full court since the early 19th century. And even then i only know of a few rulings.
The SC is nothing more than a high power political activist circle jerk.

Even Trump called Ford's account credible. As did Senator Flake. Listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.

Especially after the nominee has been caught lying repeated. Including under oath. Kavanaugh's credibility is shit. Which might explain why Kavanaugh refused to back an FBI investigation.
Hacks are a disease to this country.
Push back? What a deplorable justification!

But it's perfectly acceptable for a Supreme Court justice to embrace such an idea, and make it clear his rulings will be guided by that?
Nope. As i said, i dont want that ideologue on the court.

So what do you suggest? Just sit back and let the right install that political operative on our Supreme Court? Do you want to give the RNC a vote on all Supreme Court decisions?
I dont agree that socially assassinating this man with this bullshit is the right way to do it. Of course, im not an ideological hack dead set of depravity.
You need to understand i only like one justice. I havent had a respect for a full court since the early 19th century. And even then i only know of a few rulings.
The SC is nothing more than a high power political activist circle jerk.

Even Trump called Ford's account credible. As did Senator Flake. Listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.

Especially after the nominee has been caught lying repeated. Including under oath. Kavanaugh's credibility is shit. Which might explain why Kavanaugh refused to back an FBI investigation.
Why do you think i care what trump says? Or flake?

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