It's all about October 1!!!!

Even Trump called Ford's account credible. As did Senator Flake. Listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.

Especially after the nominee has been caught lying repeated. Including under oath. Kavanaugh's credibility is shit. Which might explain why Kavanaugh refused to back an FBI investigation.
Why do you think i care what trump says? Or flake?

You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
I have heard people say he lied but i dont know anything about it. What did he lie about?

Here's one example
Kavanaugh lied under oath, Sen. Patrick Leahy says
Why do you think i care what trump says? Or flake?

You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
prove it? i mean in the same manner you want people to prove ford lied.

and now that you drop "sexual assault" so easily, it again comes down to whatever shit you fling you can make stick; ergo - bullshit politics we're sick and tired of.

He claimed that drinking was legal when he was 18 in highschool. That is a provable lie. As the drinking age was 21 in Maryland where Kavanaugh lived and went to school when he was 18.

Kavanaugh claims he never blacked out.....on Fox. Yet under oath, he refused to answer the question, instead insisting he 'didn't know'. You don't have to change your answer under oath if you're being truthful.

And even when changing his answer, he lied. Kavanaugh insisted he didn't drink to excess. Numerous of his classmates have contradicted his account, indidcating that Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker. With classmates describing him as 'belligerant' and 'agressive' when he drank, often incoherent.

Just off the top of my head.

Kavanaugh lied under oath. That alone destroys his credibility. His yelling and crying in a job interview demonstrate he has the wrong temperment for a USSC justice. His lunatic conpsiracy theories demonstrate he lacks the critical thinking skills to be a USSC justice.

And yet republicans are trying to push him through anyway.
he never tried to assault anyone.

the left is trying to attack him for it anyway.

welcome to america.
Why do you think i care what trump says? Or flake?

You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
I have heard people say he lied but i dont know anything about it. What did he lie about?

Here's one example
Kavanaugh lied under oath, Sen. Patrick Leahy says
Maybe he didnt know at the time? HE stated he learned about it on the news.. IDK that isnt a deal breaker. At least with only dealing with what i just read.
Why do you think i care what trump says? Or flake?

You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
I have heard people say he lied but i dont know anything about it. What did he lie about?

Here's one example
Kavanaugh lied under oath, Sen. Patrick Leahy says
one day the democrats will actually be correct in why they go after someone vs. going after the bullshit they find on a bullshit hunt.
Even Trump called Ford's account credible. As did Senator Flake. Listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.

Especially after the nominee has been caught lying repeated. Including under oath. Kavanaugh's credibility is shit. Which might explain why Kavanaugh refused to back an FBI investigation.
Why do you think i care what trump says? Or flake?

You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
prove it? i mean in the same manner you want people to prove ford lied.

and now that you drop "sexual assault" so easily, it again comes down to whatever shit you fling you can make stick; ergo - bullshit politics we're sick and tired of.

I never dropped sexual assault claims. I only said to consider other reasons to reject Kavanaugh for the moment.
Why do you think i care what trump says? Or flake?

You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
prove it? i mean in the same manner you want people to prove ford lied.

and now that you drop "sexual assault" so easily, it again comes down to whatever shit you fling you can make stick; ergo - bullshit politics we're sick and tired of.

I never dropped sexual assault claims. I only said to consider other reasons to reject Kavanaugh for the moment.
There are plenty of reasons to reject him.
You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
prove it? i mean in the same manner you want people to prove ford lied.

and now that you drop "sexual assault" so easily, it again comes down to whatever shit you fling you can make stick; ergo - bullshit politics we're sick and tired of.

He claimed that drinking was legal when he was 18 in highschool. That is a provable lie. As the drinking age was 21 in Maryland where Kavanaugh lived and went to school when he was 18.

Kavanaugh claims he never blacked out.....on Fox. Yet under oath, he refused to answer the question, instead insisting he 'didn't know'. You don't have to change your answer under oath if you're being truthful.

And even when changing his answer, he lied. Kavanaugh insisted he didn't drink to excess. Numerous of his classmates have contradicted his account, indidcating that Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker. With classmates describing him as 'belligerant' and 'agressive' when he drank, often incoherent.

Just off the top of my head.

Kavanaugh lied under oath. That alone destroys his credibility. His yelling and crying in a job interview demonstrate he has the wrong temperment for a USSC justice. His lunatic conpsiracy theories demonstrate he lacks the critical thinking skills to be a USSC justice.

And yet republicans are trying to push him through anyway.
he never tried to assault anyone.

Not according to Chrstine Blasey Ford or accounts by classmates of fights that Kavanaugh started when he was drunk. There is also an accusation (that the FBI is currently investigating) of Kavanaugh pushing a woman against a wall 'sexually' when he'd been drinking.

And Kavanaugh lied under oath about his drinking, about the legality of his drinking.

Lying under oath is a deal breaker. Kavanaugh lied repeatedly.
Why do you think i care what trump says? Or flake?

You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
prove it? i mean in the same manner you want people to prove ford lied.

and now that you drop "sexual assault" so easily, it again comes down to whatever shit you fling you can make stick; ergo - bullshit politics we're sick and tired of.

I never dropped sexual assault claims. I only said to consider other reasons to reject Kavanaugh for the moment.
yea, anything that works is all you seem to give a shit about. if ford happens to be full of it, move onto something else.

like i said, bullshit revenge politics that is killing this country.
Is there anyone who doesn't understand that this circus is all about delaying a Senate confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh until after October 1, when the Supreme Court begins its new session? If he is not confirmed before then, he will have to sit out the entire session and not have a vote on any cases to be decided.

EVERYTHING the Democrats have done has been towards this end. It has NOTHING to do with an honest search for the truth, since they have already stated that a mere accusation is sufficient grounds to disqualify Judge Kavanaugh.

After Dr. Ford gets all the mileage and publicity she can out of her unsubstantiated allegation, she will "graciously" withdraw it "for the good of the country."

And many of you will swallow this crap.
Part of the ugliness of this story is the way the Democrats are pretending it's about sexual assault.

It doesn't get much more cynical than that.

It is partially about sexual assault. that is a fact. You might be a bit too cynical.
yea and that's like being partially pregnant. the only part of this being about SEXUAL ASSAULT is this is the dems playbook, page 1.

"if we don't like you - accuse you so the public turns regardless of the truth".

that shit and all who support it need to go away.

Ford's account was credible. With Kavanaugh caught lying repeatedly in his testimony before the Senate.

Ford called for an investigation. Kavanaugh refused to.

Ford passed a polygraph. Kavanaugh never did.

Wasn't that a drive thru rent a polygraph test?
Even Trump called Ford's account credible. As did Senator Flake. Listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.

Especially after the nominee has been caught lying repeated. Including under oath. Kavanaugh's credibility is shit. Which might explain why Kavanaugh refused to back an FBI investigation.
Why do you think i care what trump says? Or flake?

You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
I have heard people say he lied but i dont know anything about it. What did he lie about?
He said "boofing" meant flatulence, for one thing.
Why do you think i care what trump says? Or flake?

You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
I have heard people say he lied but i dont know anything about it. What did he lie about?
He said "boofing" meant flatulence, for one thing.
Lol wut?
From what I am reading, that is not true-

And, as the confirmations of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Samuel Alito demonstrated, a justice who arrives at the Supreme Court mid-term can get up to speed quickly, and can cast key votes in cases that have already been argued, the experts have said.

The Supreme Court also has shown a willingness to delay arguments and decisions on cases that might end up deadlocked until a ninth justice can be seated, as well as setting cases for re-argument in future terms.

In 2016, when Justice Antonin Scalia died unexpectedly, the Supreme Court bucked its usual procedure of hearing cases in the order in which they were granted certiorari to review a lower court's decision.
Supreme Court set to begin new term with empty seat amid Kavanaugh uncertainty
Is there anyone who doesn't understand that this circus is all about delaying a Senate confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh until after October 1, when the Supreme Court begins its new session? If he is not confirmed before then, he will have to sit out the entire session and not have a vote on any cases to be decided.

EVERYTHING the Democrats have done has been towards this end. It has NOTHING to do with an honest search for the truth, since they have already stated that a mere accusation is sufficient grounds to disqualify Judge Kavanaugh.

After Dr. Ford gets all the mileage and publicity she can out of her unsubstantiated allegation, she will "graciously" withdraw it "for the good of the country."

And many of you will swallow this crap.
You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
I have heard people say he lied but i dont know anything about it. What did he lie about?

Here's one example
Kavanaugh lied under oath, Sen. Patrick Leahy says
Maybe he didnt know at the time? HE stated he learned about it on the news.. IDK that isnt a deal breaker. At least with only dealing with what i just read.

Add to that his temperament expressed by crying, insulting the questioners, and refusing to answer simple strait forward questions, along with credible sexual assault claims, and it's obvious the man has to be blocked from our courts.
A friend of mine knew Merrick Garland in high school. Merrick used to abuse the gerbils in Science Class. He'd take them into the bathroom with him and sometimes they'd be absolutely terrified when he brought them back. I have an unnamed witness who will testify - if we're able to find him or her, that she often hear high-pitched, gerbil-like screaming coming from the boys bathroom, shortly after Merrick went in, "looking real shady, like he was hiding a something, maybe a small rodent in his pants pocket."
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
I have heard people say he lied but i dont know anything about it. What did he lie about?

Here's one example
Kavanaugh lied under oath, Sen. Patrick Leahy says
Maybe he didnt know at the time? HE stated he learned about it on the news.. IDK that isnt a deal breaker. At least with only dealing with what i just read.

Add to that his temperament expressed by crying, insulting the questioners, and refusing to answer simple strait forward questions, along with credible sexual assault claims, and it's obvious the man has to be blocked from our courts.
what's obvious is you don't care about the reason why - just block him.

shit like that needs to stop.
You should care about a credible witness. Which Ford was. And you should certainly care about attempted forcible rape. And Kavanaugh lying repeatedly.

Again, listening to a credible witness about something as serious as attempted forcible rape is hardly 'character assassination'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
prove it? i mean in the same manner you want people to prove ford lied.

and now that you drop "sexual assault" so easily, it again comes down to whatever shit you fling you can make stick; ergo - bullshit politics we're sick and tired of.

I never dropped sexual assault claims. I only said to consider other reasons to reject Kavanaugh for the moment.
yea, anything that works is all you seem to give a shit about. if ford happens to be full of it, move onto something else.

like i said, bullshit revenge politics that is killing this country.

Then you must really be against appointing a supreme court justice that has made it clear that revenge will be a part of his decisions.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
I have heard people say he lied but i dont know anything about it. What did he lie about?

Here's one example
Kavanaugh lied under oath, Sen. Patrick Leahy says
Maybe he didnt know at the time? HE stated he learned about it on the news.. IDK that isnt a deal breaker. At least with only dealing with what i just read.

Add to that his temperament expressed by crying, insulting the questioners, and refusing to answer simple strait forward questions, along with credible sexual assault claims, and it's obvious the man has to be blocked from our courts.

Lets not forget his lunatic conspiracy theories that the hearings were a 'revenge for Clinton'.
I think she is full of shit. I dont consider her credible. I dont care what other peoples opinions are.

OK. Forget Ford for the moment. Kavanaugh lied. That alone is reason to deny him a place on the court.
prove it? i mean in the same manner you want people to prove ford lied.

and now that you drop "sexual assault" so easily, it again comes down to whatever shit you fling you can make stick; ergo - bullshit politics we're sick and tired of.

I never dropped sexual assault claims. I only said to consider other reasons to reject Kavanaugh for the moment.
yea, anything that works is all you seem to give a shit about. if ford happens to be full of it, move onto something else.

like i said, bullshit revenge politics that is killing this country.

Then you must really be against appointing a supreme court justice that has made it clear that revenge will be a part of his decisions.
if you feel strongly about it - then i do believe you're wrong.

and if *revenge* is part of his platform, then he'll fit right in.

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