It's April 15.......I paid my taxes, why won't Trump pay his?

Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes

Tough shit.
Aren't we entitled to see if Trump is receiving foreign emoluments? They would be declared on his 1040 under income. Right?
Why does a one percenter, need a tax break?

It's the law....don't like it? Tough shit , prog
dear, the poor and Mr. Trump only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay.

don't complain; be Patriotic regarding social services for the poor.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes

Tough shit.
Aren't we entitled to see if Trump is receiving foreign emoluments? They would be declared on his 1040 under income. Right?
Why does a one percenter, need a tax break?

If you ever ran out of dope and got a job, you would have to pay taxes and would soon learn about deductions.
I thought American Capitalists were, exceptional.
Nobody should take the right wing seriously about economics; they still blame the poor for our ever increasing debt.

Show us. Come on, step up my good friend. Show us the source and link showing Conservatives blame the poor for our $20 TRILLION DEBT left us by petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.
dear, who got "bailed out"? It wasn't poor blacks.

Son, where did I even use the word black?
You are going to be audited.

Jihadist Jizz Drinkin does not count as a deduction and you can't count the little swimmers you swallow as dependents.

Besides that The President is not required to do this and America would be more interested in seeing what Hillary Rotten Clinton, Obama Bin Lying, Susan Lice Rice, Lying Lois Lerner, Lick Me Loretta Lynch, & Cum On Me Comey are hiding!

Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes

How in the hell can Trump advocate tax reform while he is hiding his own taxes?
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes

Tough shit.
Aren't we entitled to see if Trump is receiving foreign emoluments? They would be declared on his 1040 under income. Right?
Why does a one percenter, need a tax break?

It's the law....don't like it? Tough shit , prog
dear, the poor and Mr. Trump only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay.

don't complain; be Patriotic regarding social services for the poor.

THIS is being patriotic for the poor.

Tough shit.
Aren't we entitled to see if Trump is receiving foreign emoluments? They would be declared on his 1040 under income. Right?
Why does a one percenter, need a tax break?

It's the law....don't like it? Tough shit , prog
dear, the poor and Mr. Trump only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay.

don't complain; be Patriotic regarding social services for the poor.

THIS is being patriotic for the poor.

The poor have never benefitted from receiving less
Nobody should take the right wing seriously about economics; they still blame the poor for our ever increasing debt.

Show us. Come on, step up my good friend. Show us the source and link showing Conservatives blame the poor for our $20 TRILLION DEBT left us by petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.
dear, who got "bailed out"? It wasn't poor blacks.

Son, where did I even use the word black?
why do you even bother arguing politics?
Tough shit.
Aren't we entitled to see if Trump is receiving foreign emoluments? They would be declared on his 1040 under income. Right?
Why does a one percenter, need a tax break?

It's the law....don't like it? Tough shit , prog
dear, the poor and Mr. Trump only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay.

don't complain; be Patriotic regarding social services for the poor.

THIS is being patriotic for the poor.

just right wing class envy?

dear, the poor and Mr. Trump only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay.
I didn't care about obozo's grades and I don't care about Trump's taxes

Maybe you don't but WE do care -------- and wants to know his sinister tax returns. Remember only 63 millions ( less now) voted for this dude-------- deduct 212 millions from that didn't vote ---------- Those are the people that wants to know.
Well, I'm sure that big march today will change his mind.

That tells him that Americans would like to know if he is more crooked than Hillary.
During the campaign he claimed that only the media that are interested to know his tax returns ------- The demonstrations all over the US and the petition proved him wrong again.
His personal income tax return or that of his businesses? You can find all financial records by finding the CAFR or looking their financial standing on the Wall Street site "".

So, you filed your "confession" to the Puerto Rican Trust#62 that is the IRS, a collection agency of the International Monetary Fund where you (by signing) make a contract to claim that you are a 14th amendment "citizen" and an employee of a de-facto "gubermint" that is actually a corporate entity? So? What was your income.......can you scan it and the put it into a folder so that we can peruse it? Don't worry if it is multiple pages....they all scan the same. What I find hilarious is how leftards are so clueless about the 16th amendment, the fraud behind it and the four SCOTUS rulings that even if the 16th amendment was legit, it gave them no new taxing powers. Let's make this simple for the mentally challenged, shall we? Where in the Organic U.S constitution does it claim that the sweat of one's brow can be taxed at a disproportional rate? One that is laboring in one hour increments in exchange for something of value or means of exchange should be taxed because of? Did you know that the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th amendment were passed in the same year? Coincidence? Not hardly....and who do we have to "thank" for the signing of both? Socialist, dull-witted asswipe demcrat Woodrow Wilson.....questions????

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