“It’s awful because I’m worried for my kids"


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Protesting residents in Penhill Road

“It’s awful because I’m worried for my kids, I have a baby of 18 months. I won’t be leaving them to play in our garden anymore. Nothing like this has ever happened here.”

Tensions In South East London Over Refugee Housing
Not so long ago it was Fear of teh Faggot that kept their kids indoors and fat and playing video games.

Before that, the NIMBYs freaked out at group homes for the disabled being opened in their neighborhoods because their kids might catch Down's Syndrome or something.

Better check the kitchen staff at your favorite chip shop, mate. Might be an Islamic working the fryer, eh?

A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make way for asylum-seekers, amid growing concerns over how Germany will find accommodation for the hundreds of thousands of refugeesflooding into the country.

Bettina Halbey, a 51-year-old nurse, has lived alone in her flat in the small western German town of Nieheim since her children grew up.

On September 1, she received a letter from her landlord, the local municipality, telling her the building was being turned into a refugee shelter and she had until next May to leave.

German woman threatened with eviction to make way for refugees
A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make way for asylum-seekers, amid growing concerns over how Germany will find accommodation for the hundreds of thousands of refugeesflooding into the country.

Bettina Halbey, a 51-year-old nurse, has lived alone in her flat in the small western German town of Nieheim since her children grew up.

On September 1, she received a letter from her landlord, the local municipality, telling her the building was being turned into a refugee shelter and she had until next May to leave.

German woman threatened with eviction to make way for refugees

The Brexit referendum was lost on the streets of Germany, not England. People watched mass immigration into Germany on their televisions nightly.

The message many people got was, 'there is no control'. That is why the, "take back our borders", slogan caught fire.

If the EU refuses to reform the freedom of movement section of the single market, more countries will vote to leave the European Union.
If the UK voted to remain, the EU, and the main UK political parties, would have continued as usual. The EU would take it as a green light to speed up, "ever closer union".

The people who have legitimate concerns, would still be dismissed as, "mad, swivel-eyed loons". The Brexit referendum is a wake up call governments across Europe, and the European Union.

If they don't listen to the people, engage in reform to build public confidence and bring people along; voters will gravitate to political parties that do speak to their concerns.
A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make way for asylum-seekers, amid growing concerns over how Germany will find accommodation for the hundreds of thousands of refugeesflooding into the country.

Bettina Halbey, a 51-year-old nurse, has lived alone in her flat in the small western German town of Nieheim since her children grew up.

On September 1, she received a letter from her landlord, the local municipality, telling her the building was being turned into a refugee shelter and she had until next May to leave.

German woman threatened with eviction to make way for refugees
She may as well leave as the neighborhood will be a shithole anyway if enough of those 8th century vermin occupy it.

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