It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

So you’re doing the same thing that you criticized the left of doing. You’re a hypocrite.

None of you ever claimed to be against fighting under specific situations. But you guys did claim to be against cancel culture, and you were completely full of shit.

“Hypocrite: a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that they do not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.”

It is odd how one side thinks they can defeat the other side by becoming them.
Your morals as you don't purchase products you find offensive or disturbing which in this case apparently many people have. The decay of our society when we have freaks and weirdos that represent one half of one percent of our population dictating what the majority should do.
I just got back from Kroger with my four cases of Bud Light. I don't even find Dylan to be offensive, much less my favorite beerverage.
If Ray drinks Bud Light he could catch the ghey
I pushed my cart with four cases of Bud Light around Kroger to see if there were any FAGAs there that would at least give me a scowl, and nothing. Of course, that's real life, where people can see me. If there were any scowls, they'd be given safely behind my back.
Of course you would. It's natural for a company to try and attract new markets or expand their market.

When I was young I drank Bud. As I got older I realized it was pretty nasty stuff. It became quality over quantity.

So if Bud understands it's future is not with the old but with the youth, you advertise to them.

They can market it to me all they want and I'm not going to drink it. Look at the 20 threads on this (thanks mods) and note how many have said the same.

That a person walks a different path than you, pisses you off, only says something about you.
There is an old saying "don't trample your old friends in the rush to make new ones". In both personal and commercial relations, you ignore this sage advice at your peril.
At this moment it appears the consumer is not buying as much Bud Light. Obviously the guy who runs Bud Lite screwed up by allowing the transexual commercial.

Hence my rule: If you run a business and want to see profit, avoid politics.

Give it a couple of months and all will be back to normal.
There is an old saying "don't trample your old friends in the rush to make new ones". In both personal and commercial relations, you ignore this sage advice at your peril.

And how were conservatives 'trampled'? How were they harmed in any way?

You're conflating conservatives being hysterically and irrationally triggered with actually being 'trampled' or harmed.
Give it a couple of months and all will be back to normal.
I’m not sure if Bud Lite sales will return to normal. The reaction to the picture of a transgender woman amazed me.

I can see people joking with men drinking a Bud Lite years in the future by saying, “You know Bud Lite will cause you to want to wear panties, don’t you?”

The problem for me is the boycott on Bud Lite will make it more difficult for me to find my favorite which is Coors Lite in the Silver Bullet.

Not holding freaks and weirdos as heroes is not showing you hate anybody. Just stay out of political and social issues and sell your beer and everything would be alright.

You mean Bud Light should only market to white guys

Showing your product being used by mixed race, blacks, homosexual couples or transsexuals will enrage Conservatives
You mean Bud Light should only market to white guys

Showing your product being used by mixed race, blacks, homosexual couples or transsexuals will enrage Conservatives
You are making a product and trying to sell it to everybody. You are not trying to prove anything except that your product is in some manner better than your competitors. Perhaps it is simply superior, perhaps it is equal but doesn’t cost as much.

You personally want to market to EVERYBODY. That means it is wise not to kiss the ass of one group if it will irritate another group.

Now of course there can be exceptions such as firearms. If you advertise you are making a concealed carry 9mm or a new AR-15 clone, you will piss off the anti-gun group. You also have to be careful not to emphasize how your weapon can be used to avoid ANY suggestion it might be used in a mass murder. Market your firearm as designed for sporting uses such as target shooting or hunting or for home defense or for self defense on our increasingly dangerous streets.
You mean Bud Light should only market to white guys

Showing your product being used by mixed race, blacks, homosexual couples or transsexuals will enrage Conservatives
A percentage of this is the shit sandwich that has been shoved down the throat of White males for many decades and has come to the forefront y the Prog agendas since President Obama. There is no violence. They just want to be left alone in their world where they do not leave, and they get interfered with endlessly. So, if part of their ritual is going to a corner tavern after a hard day's work, then they have the right to mingle with people of the same and to unwind. This product did not need to be put onto the stage with the image of the trannie. And that is the issue. We are actually enriching people who change their sex through operations and most with no their talents.
A percentage of this is the shit sandwich that has been shoved down the throat of White males for many decades and has come to the forefront y the Prog agendas since President Obama. There is no violence. They just want to be left alone in their world where they do not leave, and they get interfered with endlessly. So, if part of their ritual is going to a corner tavern after a hard day's work, then they have the right to mingle with people of the same and to unwind. This product did not need to be put onto the stage with the image of the trannie. And that is the issue. We are actually enriching people who change their sex through operations and most with no their talents.

Poor, poor white males

The world no longer belongs exclusively to them.
Marketing to anyone but white, straight males still enrages them
It is odd how one side thinks they can defeat the other side by becoming them.
You do not get it. If someone slaps, you...slap back and have the power structure behind you. Most Progs are peaceful as most Deplorables are. The Progs though are in your face with a vicious hate in their eyes over agendas. The people in the forefront who do that represent themselves as the whole Prog voting bloc. It is easy to stand in the rear and live as a cheerleader proving you are right while others sweat out the agendas. Anyway, there are no Deplorables standing up to this and frankly, they seem to eat their own at times causing the alliance to weaken. Time is running out on them.
You mean Bud Light should only market to white guys

Showing your product being used by mixed race, blacks, homosexual couples or transsexuals will enrage Conservatives

What does white have to do with this subject? Oh, that's right, you're a leftists. Leftists can't make a point without lying.

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