It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

You're ignoring the controls that HillaryCare put on the healthcare industry. Why are you ignoring all of them, are they too inconvenient?

Government has always had controls on healthcare
Doesnt mean they run it.
Government has always had controls on healthcare
Doesnt mean they run it.
HillaryCare took it to a whole new level, and penalized with fines and jail time those who didn't want to participate. Face it, it was an attempt to impose true socialism on American healthcare by your own definition, and thank God it failed.
HillaryCare took it to a whole new level, and penalized with fines and jail time those who didn't want to participate. Face it, it was an attempt to impose true socialism on American healthcare by your own definition, and thank God it failed.
Socialist ideas are so good, they want to mandate them onto the people
Lets start there

A Socialist controls the means of production, prices, labor rates and supervises what is produced and by whom.

Can you show where Democrats do that?

"A Socialist controls the means of production, prices, labor rates and supervises what is produced and by whom."

That's YOUR definition and it describes HillaryCare.
most definitions of socialism say it is a state which owns or regulates business and industry. Obviously we regulate our business and industry with regulations, unless the corrupt GOP is as usual busy creating corrupt bubbles and busts and recessions and depressions......

socialists and socialist parties, like they have in every other modern country (The UK Canada Australia and New Zealand have to call them greens or labor or Democratic Socialists), agree you have to have health care for all at least to be called Socialist, so we're still safe thanks to the scumbag GOP...
most definitions of socialism say it is a state which owns or regulates business and industry. Obviously we regulate our business and industry with regulations, unless the corrupt GOP is as usual busy creating corrupt bubbles and busts and recessions and depressions......

socialists and socialist parties, like they have in every other modern country (The UK Canada Australia and New Zealand have to call them greens or labor or Democratic Socialists), agree you have to have health care for all at least to be called Socialist, so we're still safe thanks to the scumbag GOP...
HillaryCare was an attempt by democrats to impose Socialism on American healthcare, to control it and to punish those who didn't want to participate. That's the bottom line.
HillaryCare was an attempt by democrats to impose Socialism on American healthcare, to control it and to punish those who didn't want to participate. That's the bottom line.
Brain washed functional morons are against national healthcare because communism. The stupidest crap ever, given to them by the big money big health big Pharma Big BS savage capitalists and the GOP lying scumbags... And Murdoch of course. The Great Divider....
Nothing to keep going. Woke went overboard and the market rejected it.
You mean the GOP crap propaganda machine rules and you are a brainwashed functional moron who will do whatever they say... Every corporation out there has done about the same thing as Bud Light did including Trump incorporated who have a pride thing going. Stupid like all your crap
Brain washed functional morons are against national healthcare because communism. The stupidest crap ever, given to them by the big money big health big Pharma Big BS savage capitalists and the GOP lying scumbags... And Murdoch of course. The Great Divider....
I see that you are doing better remembering to bash Murdoch after the "meeting" last week with the enforcers. HillaryCare was a dud from the start because of the draconian controls it placed on the entire medical profession, controls that democrats and socialist adore, but realists hate.

Oh, I loved the days of capitalism when I had my first job out of school and worked for a doctor who charged what he wanted to charge, even if it was a bushel of apples or a half dozen butchered chickens, from one of his farmer patients, and actually practiced the kind of medicine he wanted to practice! It was glorious.

They can still do that. And that is not capitalism. What we have now is capitalism with this GOP plan which could get no GOP votes LOL... My insurance here pays $2800 a month for medicine you can buy in India for $0.87 each...
My Dad was a doctor, and the last 5 years of his practice, he went down to 3 days a week because he refused to join an HMO and as a result the state wouldn't pay Medicare claims, so he lost 30% of his client base.

I would bet that if you went to a doctor and offered to pay him $200 cash/year for every member of your household, you could get a checkup for everyone, and you'd get better care. He would love to not have to wrangle with insurance companies.
He should have joined an HMO lOL... my father was a doctor also and the only Democrat around, they get awfully conservative and they believe a lot of crap. Think that education in medicine makes them smarter than everyone else even about political questions like that....
They can still do that. And that is not capitalism. What we have now is capitalism with this GOP plan which could get no GOP votes LOL... My insurance here pays $2800 a month for medicine you can buy in India for $0.87 each...

Mostly wrong.

But aren't you glad we live in America where it's okay to be mostly wrong?

I see that you are doing better remembering to bash Murdoch after the "meeting" last week with the enforcers. HillaryCare was a dud from the start because of the draconian controls it placed on the entire medical profession, controls that democrats and socialist adore, but realists hate.
Those are called regulations. Would be a hell of a lot better off than we are under this crap GOP system that Obama passed. And the GOP would not vote for it. Totally full of it. And conservative doctors just lap it up... my doctor quit because of Obamacare starting up which he was all wrong about and my physicians assistants were against it because they didn't even know that there were subsidies involved for poor people. Absolute idiocy.

Mostly wrong.

But aren't you glad we live in America where it's okay to be mostly wrong?

So you think these prices for drugs are fair? It is a seriously crap GOP Savage capitalist system. Is bare bones and the GOP refuses to improve it or do anything with it except cancel it. And I doubt very highly that you have exact examples of why I am wrong, just ideological BS.
So you think these prices for drugs are fair? It is a seriously crap GOP Savage capitalist system. Is bare bones and the GOP refuses to improve it or do anything with it except cancel it. And I doubt very highly that you have exact examples of why I am wrong, just ideological BS.

I don't give a fuck what pHARMaceutical drugs cost in this country because I don't use them and anyone stupid enough to do so deserves what they get.
But thanks for dropping by to be TRIGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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