It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

Lets start there

A Socialist controls the means of production, prices, labor rates and supervises what is produced and by whom.

Can you show where Democrats do that?
They have tried to do that in healthcare with HillaryCare, that was given a swift, merciful death. That little nugget was complete with quotas, geographical assignments of doctors, and penalties for daring to go outside the system.
They have tried to do that in healthcare with HillaryCare, that was given a swift, merciful death. That little nugget was complete with quotas, geographical assignments of doctors, and penalties for daring to go outside the system.

We would have been better off with Hillary Care rather than the hodge podge of programs under Obamacare
That doesn't change the fact that it meets your definition of socialist to a T.

Never happened you are making shit up again

Doesnt look like Socialism

The president delivered a major health care speech to the US Congress in September 1993, during which he proposed an enforced mandate for employers to provide health insurance coverage to all of their employees.
Never happened you are making shit up again

Doesnt look like Socialism

The president delivered a major health care speech to the US Congress in September 1993, during which he proposed an enforced mandate for employers to provide health insurance coverage to all of their employees.
"A Socialist controls the means of production, prices, labor rates and supervises what is produced and by whom."

Looks just like HillaryCare. That pile of dung controlled how many doctors could be in what fields of medicine, where they would be sent to practice, what they could earn, and imposed penalties for those who went outside the system. Socialism.
"A Socialist controls the means of production, prices, labor rates and supervises what is produced and by whom."

Looks just like HillaryCare. That pile of dung controlled how many doctors could be in what fields of medicine, where they would be sent to practice, what they could earn, and imposed penalties for those who went outside the system. Socialism.
What are you smoking?

How is employer healthcare socialism?
"A Socialist controls the means of production, prices, labor rates and supervises what is produced and by whom."

Looks just like HillaryCare. That pile of dung controlled how many doctors could be in what fields of medicine, where they would be sent to practice, what they could earn, and imposed penalties for those who went outside the system. Socialism.

Oh, I loved the days of capitalism when I had my first job out of school and worked for a doctor who charged what he wanted to charge, even if it was a bushel of apples or a half dozen butchered chickens, from one of his farmer patients, and actually practiced the kind of medicine he wanted to practice! It was glorious.


Oh, I loved the days of capitalism when I had my first job out of school and worked for a doctor who charged what he wanted to charge, even if it was a bushel of apples or a half dozen butchered chickens, from one of his farmer patients, and actually practiced the kind of medicine he wanted to practice! It was glorious.

My Dad was a doctor, and the last 5 years of his practice, he went down to 3 days a week because he refused to join an HMO and as a result the state wouldn't pay Medicare claims, so he lost 30% of his client base.

I would bet that if you went to a doctor and offered to pay him $200 cash/year for every member of your household, you could get a checkup for everyone, and you'd get better care. He would love to not have to wrangle with insurance companies.
I just posted it
Show me any Government control of healthcare
Look, don't be a moron. I specifically said HillaryCare was shot down, it was an ATTEMPT by democrats to impose socialism on healthcare. Do you not read what people write?
My Dad was a doctor, and the last 5 years of his practice, he went down to 3 days a week because he refused to join an HMO and as a result the state wouldn't pay Medicare claims, so he lost 30% of his client base.

I would bet that if you went to a doctor and offered to pay him $200 cash/year for every member of your household, you could get a checkup for everyone, and you'd get better care. He would love to not have to wrangle with insurance companies.

Bravo for your dad! I long for those days! Check out my post a couple of posts up.

Look, don't be a moron. I specifically said HillaryCare was shot down, it was an ATTEMPT by democrats to impose socialism on healthcare. Do you not read what people write?
Show me anything in that proposal that is a Government takeover of healthcare

How are employer provided plans a Government takeover?
Show me anything in that proposal that is a Government takeover of healthcare

How are employer provided plans a Government takeover?
"A Socialist controls the means of production, prices, labor rates and supervises what is produced and by whom."

That's YOUR definition and it describes HillaryCare.
"A Socialist controls the means of production, prices, labor rates and supervises what is produced and by whom."

That's YOUR definition and it describes HillaryCare.

How are employer controlled healthcare plans Government control?

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