It's Called the Biden Rule, Leftists


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Named after its author, Democrat Senator Joe Biden. You might have heard of him. He was Democrat President Barack Obama’s Democrat Vice President for the last eight years. Anyway, Joe came up with the Biden Rule in 1992 when the Democrats controlled the Senate, to stop Republican President Bush from naming a conservative to the court during the last quarter of his Administration. Some might have considered that a partisan act.

With Republicans controlling both Houses and the Harry Reid Rule in place thanks to Democrats again, the game is over.

Karma is a bitch.
Named after its author, Democrat Senator Joe Biden. You might have heard of him. He was Democrat President Barack Obama’s Democrat Vice President for the last eight years. Anyway, Joe came up with the Biden Rule in 1992 when the Democrats controlled the Senate, to stop Republican President Bush from naming a conservative to the court during the last quarter of his Administration. Some might have considered that a partisan act.

With Republicans controlling both Houses and the Harry Reid Rule in place thanks to Democrats again, the game is over.

Karma is a bitch.
Just like Merrick Garland, Neil Gorsuch is a respected judge. He should receive the same type of fair & honest consideration in the Senate.
Just like Merrick Garland, Neil Gorsuch is a respected judge. He should receive the same type of fair & honest consideration in the Senate.

Garland was a desperate attempt by a fading Marxist lame duck to push the SCOTUS to the left.

Fuck him for trying that shit, fuck Garland for being a tool, and fuck any Dimmocrat that is going to try and play that stupid bullshit.

Gorsuch is going to be your SCOTUS judge, just like Trump is your President, no matter how much you and a thousand other fools whine like little bitches.
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Just like Merrick Garland, Neil Gorsuch is a respected judge. He should receive the same type of fair & honest consideration in the Senate.

Garland was a desperate attempt by a fading Marxist lame duck to push the SCOTUS to the left.

Fuck him for trying that shit, fuck Garland for being a tool, and fuck any Dimmocrat that is going to try and play that stupid bullshit.

Gorsuch is going to be your SCOTUS judge, just like Trump is your President, no matter how much you are a thousand other fools whine like little bitches.
Yes old fogey,,,,,one more nail in Americas coffin placed by retarded republicans
Yes old fogey,,,,,one more nail in Americas coffin placed by retarded republicans
No, dim wit, the coffin is being stripped of its nails and chopped up for firewood to heat our celebration.

America is being reborn and you idiots cannot stop us.
Just like Merrick Garland, Neil Gorsuch is a respected judge. He should receive the same type of fair & honest consideration in the Senate.

Garland was a desperate attempt by a fading Marxist lame duck to push the SCOTUS to the left.

Fuck him for trying that shit, fuck Garland for being a tool, and fuck any Dimmocrat that is going to try and play that stupid bullshit.

Gorsuch is going to be your SCOTUS judge, just like Trump is your President, no matter how much you are a thousand other fools whine like little bitches.
Yes old fogey,,,,,one more nail in Americas coffin placed by retarded republicans
Can't wait until Trump replaces Ginsburg with a conservative Constitutionalist. Watching the lefts heads explode will be great entertainment.
The Biden rule was to prevent politically timed retirements by Judges .

Scalia died .
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Biden did not say Bush should not name a nominee. That's an outright lie.

“If a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow … or at the end of the summer, President Bush should not name a nominee until after the November election is completed.”

He said that, in such a theoretical case, Bush should name a nominee after the election. At that point, they'd vote on him.

That is, the "Biden Rule" is a total fiction. What a surprise, that Republicans are brazenly lying to everyone's face.

I understand that some of them didn't know they were lying. Their cult feeds them crap, and they regurgitate it. Independent thought is not something they're known for. However, they know it's a lie now. And every one of them will still proudly repeat it. Their cult told them to lie, so they're going to lie, period.

I spend my life seeking for one honest Republican. I haven't found one yet. Without exception, every one of them lies proudly and often.
Biden did not say Bush should not name a nominee. That's an outright lie.

“If a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow … or at the end of the summer, President Bush should not name a nominee until after the November election is completed.”

He said that, in such a theoretical case, Bush should name a nominee after the election. At that point, they'd vote on him.

That is, the "Biden Rule" is a total fiction. What a surprise, that Republicans are brazenly lying to everyone's face.

I understand that some of them didn't know they were lying. Their cult feeds them crap, and they regurgitate it. Independent thought is not something they're known for. However, they know it's a lie now. And every one of them will still proudly repeat it. Their cult told them to lie, so they're going to lie, period.

I spend my life seeking for one honest Republican. I haven't found one yet. Without exception, every one of them lies proudly and often.

Like I said, you now know you're lying, but you're still doing it. After all, the other kewl kids are lying, and if you didn't lie, you couldn't hang out with them. It would take integrity to admit you had been misled by propagandists, and you have none.

Again, here's the quote you're running from.

“If a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow … or at the end of the summer, President Bush should not name a nominee until after the November election is completed.”

He specifically said Bush _should_ name a nominee after the election. It was not a statement that Bush had no right to name a nominee. It was a statement that the vote on such a nominee should wait until after the election.

You are lying, and now you're doing it deliberately.
Biden did not say Bush should not name a nominee. That's an outright lie.

“If a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow … or at the end of the summer, President Bush should not name a nominee until after the November election is completed.”

He said that, in such a theoretical case, Bush should name a nominee after the election. At that point, they'd vote on him.

That is, the "Biden Rule" is a total fiction. What a surprise, that Republicans are brazenly lying to everyone's face.

I understand that some of them didn't know they were lying. Their cult feeds them crap, and they regurgitate it. Independent thought is not something they're known for. However, they know it's a lie now. And every one of them will still proudly repeat it. Their cult told them to lie, so they're going to lie, period.

I spend my life seeking for one honest Republican. I haven't found one yet. Without exception, every one of them lies proudly and often.

Exactly. There was no such rule. It was a theoretical discussion. The right is trying to wiggle it's way out and justify stealing a SCOTUS seat.

They set a precedent.
Exactly. There was no such rule. It was a theoretical discussion. The right is trying to wiggle it's way out and justify stealing a SCOTUS seat.

They set a precedent.

That would be the loser's side of the story but the truth is -- THE most important decision a POTUS makes these days is his nominations for SCOTUS.

In the last year of a sitting President's term, it is only fair to let THE PEOPLE decide who should be nominated....... NOT an outgoing President who won't be around to take responsibility for his/her appointment.

The People decided. You lost.

Get over it.

Or not. Don't really care.

BTW, what do you people plan on campaigning on in 2018 and 2020? Inclusiveness? Cooperation?

How about Peace, like after the election all over the Country how dimocraps showed us just how peaceful they are. Or right now in Berkeley. Or in the BLM?

All you people got is complaints. No solutions. Just violence, hatred and complaints.
Exactly. There was no such rule. It was a theoretical discussion. The right is trying to wiggle it's way out and justify stealing a SCOTUS seat.

They set a precedent.

That would be the loser's side of the story but the truth is -- THE most important decision a POTUS makes these days is his nominations for SCOTUS.

In the last year of a sitting President's term, it is only fair to let THE PEOPLE decide who should be nominated....... NOT an outgoing President who won't be around to take responsibility for his/her appointment.

The People decided. You lost.

Get over it.

Or not. Don't really care.

BTW, what do you people plan on campaigning on in 2018 and 2020? Inclusiveness? Cooperation?

the assholiness of your leader ,,,for starters
No it will be the McConnell rule. The Presidents party must control the Senate to get a SCJ on the bench. Good Job Mitch!
Libs are pretty pi$$ed at the GOP despite the fact that they are the ones who made the rules and gave the GOP the tools to do what is driving them so crazy right now. As the OP said, Karma is a bit@h. :p
It's Called the Biden Rule, Leftists

It's called Arguments Five Year Olds Make, psuedocons.

"B-b-b-b-but Billy did it, too!"

And I have the same response your mother probably gave you: If the Democrats jumped off a bridge, would you follow them?

Why are you so hot to model your childish behavior after the Democrats? This is fascinating.

Karma is a bitch.
Yep. Turnabout is fair play, and you are going to be on the receiving end of every benchmark you pseudocons set for the past eight years.

Holding your breath till you turn blue. Making up lie after lie after lie. Obstructionism. Whining. Thrashing about. Moaning. Flying into fits of rage over small and imaginary slights.

Fun times ahead.

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