It's Day One

Because politicians and bureaucrats can make you health care decisions better than you can!
Still no plan, I see.

Any tard, as you are proving, can attack the other guy's plan. It takes actual intelligence to come up with a solution, and actual courage to defend it.

You are lacking both.
Unlike you, I don't look to people who have shown themselves incapable of solving ANY problem for answers. In fact, if government does -by some miracle of happanstance- end up soling a problem they render themselves irrelevant, which no politician or bureaucrat ever wants. Government lives to expand its power and scope, not abate it.

Now, I believe that you were sputtering something about intelligence?
Why do you have to replace central planning you don't like with central planning of your own?

Do you worship legislation?
Health care costs have been outpacing inflation and GDP for DECADES.

In all that time, the GOP decided to do NOTHING.

Oh, wait. They did add a new $1 trillion government medical entitlement program in 2003 to buy senior votes to win the 2004 election. And they didn't arrange for any means to pay for this new program, so they just tossed it onto the national debt pile.

So that's what the GOP did the last time it controlled the White House and the Congress.

This is how I know all that howling they did over ObamaCare was just theater for the brainless rube herd, of which you are obviously a member.
Health care costs have been outpacing inflation (caused by government) BECAUSE of government meddling, like Medicare D, not in spite of it.

Duh! That was my point, dumbass.
Day One Update: Donald Trump has signed an Executive Order withdrawing from the TPP negotiating process.

China rejoices.

Trump signed another EO instituting the famed "Mexico City policy" begun by Ronald Reagan.

For those who were in diapers prior to 2009, the anniversary of Roe V. Wade happens to follow very close to Inauguration Day, and one of the first EOs Presidents sign is to either enact or repeal what has become known as the Mexico City policy.

This is a policy which forbids US family planning funds being given to foreign health organizations if they provide abortions or abortion counseling.

Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal withdrawal Trump's first executive action Monday -
Because politicians and bureaucrats can make you health care decisions better than you can!
Still no plan, I see.

Any tard, as you are proving, can attack the other guy's plan. It takes actual intelligence to come up with a solution, and actual courage to defend it.

You are lacking both.
Unlike you, I don't look to people who have shown themselves incapable of solving ANY problem for answers. In fact, if government does -by some miracle of happanstance- end up soling a problem they render themselves irrelevant, which no politician or bureaucrat ever wants. Government lives to expand its power and scope, not abate it.

Now, I believe that you were sputtering something about intelligence?
Still no solution, I see.

I have offered a solution many, many times. I would be real careful about what assumptions about me you are making, retard.

P.S., "Freedom!" is not a solution. It's a jingoistic idiocy which does not actually lay out a plan. So let me just save you the trouble of making a fool of yourself ahead of time.
I'm pretty sure the GOP plan up to now has been, "Let's pretend we hate single payer healthcare while doing nothing to stop it."

The rube herd was sold down the river to single payer healthcare. Every action by the GOP to this point has screamed this.
ObamaCare was enacted on March 23, 2010. For decades prior to that, the Democrats telegraphed what they would do if given a chance.

Not once has the GOP put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table.

Not. Once.

I've been asking since 2010, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

No answer.

They've had all this time to come up with an alternative plan, instead of just being whiny, complaining bitches.

Anyone can attack the other guy's plan. It takes real balls to put a comprehensive plan on the table and defend it.

The utterly spineless "Republicans" have been too cowardly to do so. The psuedocon tards have been too cowardly to do so.

I've outlined many, many times on this forum what we should do.

Let's see if Trump can get the ball rolling. He said he has a "beautiful" plan. I think he's full of shit. I think he is waiting for Paul Ryan to give him one.

He's waiting for the Wizard of Oz to give him a brain, first.
Still no solution, I see.

I have offered a solution many, many times. I would be real careful about what assumptions about me you are making, retard.

P.S., "Freedom!" is not a solution. It's a jingoistic idiocy which does not actually lay out a plan. So let me just save you the trouble of making a fool of yourself ahead of time.
I'm still not the one looking to people over whom I have no control, nor bear any culpability or penalty for failure, for the solution. You're the one doing that. You're the one insisting that you can pull off the economically impossible; creating better service through layer upon layer of middlemen who are insulated from the repercussions of their actions.?

The one making the fool of themself, through their economic illiteracy and ignorance of the nature of government is you, sport.
Still no solution, I see.

I have offered a solution many, many times. I would be real careful about what assumptions about me you are making, retard.

P.S., "Freedom!" is not a solution. It's a jingoistic idiocy which does not actually lay out a plan. So let me just save you the trouble of making a fool of yourself ahead of time.
I'm still not the one looking to people over whom I have no control, nor bear any culpability or penalty for failure, for the solution. You're the one doing that. You're the one insisting that you can pull off the economically impossible; creating better service through layer upon layer of middlemen who are insulated from the repercussions of their actions.?

The one making the fool of themself, through their economic illiteracy and ignorance of the nature of government is you, sport.
It's okay. We get it. You have no clue what to do about healthcare costs outpacing inflation for decades. You just don't have the intelligence to come up with an answer. It is not necessary to keep telling us this.

You are just like the GOP has been all this time. You have NOTHING.

This is why the Democrats have been winning the healthcare "reform" battles. The GOP surrendered.
We need to expand Medicare. I don't know of ANYONE who hates their Medicare, even all the rightwing nutjobs I know. They love it. The GOP should review what works and doesn't work with the former Romneycare and the Canadian health systems and also the number one health care system in the world, which is France's, and create a system tailored to our society/population based on our current Medicare system. We don't need to reinvent the wheel, it's been invented.
Still no solution, I see.

I have offered a solution many, many times. I would be real careful about what assumptions about me you are making, retard.

P.S., "Freedom!" is not a solution. It's a jingoistic idiocy which does not actually lay out a plan. So let me just save you the trouble of making a fool of yourself ahead of time.
I'm still not the one looking to people over whom I have no control, nor bear any culpability or penalty for failure, for the solution. You're the one doing that. You're the one insisting that you can pull off the economically impossible; creating better service through layer upon layer of middlemen who are insulated from the repercussions of their actions.?

The one making the fool of themself, through their economic illiteracy and ignorance of the nature of government is you, sport.
It's okay. We get it. You have no clue what to do about healthcare costs outpacing inflation for decades. You just don't have the intelligence to come up with an answer. It is not necessary to keep telling us this.

You are just like the GOP has been all this time. You have NOTHING.

This is why the Democrats have been winning the healthcare "reform" battles. The GOP surrendered.

Toads have warts for brains.
When things are fucked up, like healthcare is, and you offer the American people a choice between Plan A and NOTHING, they will always pick Plan A. Even if Plan A sucks.

That's how we got here. More and more Americans have been getting priced out of the health care market for decades, and the Democrats kept offering Plan A while the Republicans offered nothing.

So here we are. Stuck with ObamaCare.

Now the Republicans are going to repeal ObamaCare and they will own the fact that healthcare is still fucking broken. Prices will continue to skyrocket, and it will all be on the GOP.

That's what has them in a panic right now. They've been hammering and hammering ObamaCare for rising costs, and now they have to actually DO something that will brings costs down or look like fucking retards.

They own the healthcare cost problem now.

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