It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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Nope. Can you just skip ahead to your incest argument, my little one trick pony. Then we can tell you that nothing you've insisted must happen has. And you can pretend that you know the future. And we can all get our chuckle.

Incest is irrelevant...

The next natural progression to the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, is the licensing of the deviancy OKA: Pedophilia.

We're seeing this played out as the US Federal Government is now licensing Pedophilia in US Combat zones, where the lowly Muslims; who being saddled with the same mental disorder as homosexuals are known far and wide for their desire to pursue children for sexual gratification.

This is resulting in the removal of Americans who take action to check child rape... whereupon the same government that has recently licenses degeneracy in the US is forcing those troops out of the US Armed Forces.

Such is a natural and wholly inevitable consequence of the Supreme Legislature's recent decision.

As I said, it is only a matter of time before this is pushed domestically... and such will trigger a reversal of fortunes for the degenerates... resulting in the removal of those individuals from the US Culture.

The efficiency of which will be markedly improved by the reference of the would-be 'marriage' licenses signed by sexual deviants.
To form a new family where there was none previously.


Huh? Do you want to put that in the form of a complete sentence with a subject?

We were talking about the purpose of marriage? Correct?

Nope. Can you just skip ahead to your incest argument, my little one trick pony. Then we can tell you that nothing you've insisted must happen has. And you can pretend that you know the future. And we can all get our chuckle.

Do you agree with what I posted.

Is that really that difficult?

Obviously not. We were not discussing the 'purpose of marriage'. You're desperately trying to shift the conversation to the same silly 'incest' fallacy as you ever do.

While I appreciate the rhetorical foreplay, really...just jump ahead to the part where we start laughing. For time's sake.

Oh, I see, the reasoning for the law has no purpose.

Why do you suppose the government has an interest in the formation of the family where there was none previously? Or, for that matter, why this unit must be comprised of those that were not previously a member?
Nope. Can you just skip ahead to your incest argument, my little one trick pony. Then we can tell you that nothing you've insisted must happen has. And you can pretend that you know the future. And we can all get our chuckle.

Incest is irrelevant...

The next natural progression to the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, is the licensing of the deviancy OKA: Pedophilia.

Nope. Same sex marriage has been legal in parts of our country for 10 years. Pedophilia is still illegal everywhere.

I don't think 'naturally' means what you think it means. As so far you're equating 'naturally' with any batshit you can possibly make up.
There is no marriage in 'nature'.

Well, the only thing that needs to be established for that to be true, is that humanity must be removed from Nature.

Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.

Yes, we invented it to serve a purpose.
Huh? Do you want to put that in the form of a complete sentence with a subject?

We were talking about the purpose of marriage? Correct?

Nope. Can you just skip ahead to your incest argument, my little one trick pony. Then we can tell you that nothing you've insisted must happen has. And you can pretend that you know the future. And we can all get our chuckle.

Do you agree with what I posted.

Is that really that difficult?

Obviously not. We were not discussing the 'purpose of marriage'. You're desperately trying to shift the conversation to the same silly 'incest' fallacy as you ever do.

While I appreciate the rhetorical foreplay, really...just jump ahead to the part where we start laughing. For time's sake.

Oh, I see, the reasoning for the law has no purpose.

What reasoning? If you have an argument to make for incest....make your case.
Nope. Can you just skip ahead to your incest argument, my little one trick pony. Then we can tell you that nothing you've insisted must happen has. And you can pretend that you know the future. And we can all get our chuckle.

Incest is irrelevant...

The next natural progression to the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, is the licensing of the deviancy OKA: Pedophilia.

We're seeing this played out as the US Federal Government is now licensing Pedophilia in US Combat zones, where the lowly Muslims; who being saddled with the same mental disorder as homosexuals are known far and wide for their desire to pursue children for sexual gratification.

This is resulting in the removal of Americans who take action to check child rape... whereupon the same government that has recently licenses degeneracy in the US is forcing those troops out of the US Armed Forces.

Such is a natural and wholly inevitable consequence of the Supreme Legislature's recent decision.

As I said, it is only a matter of time before this is pushed domestically... and such will trigger a reversal of fortunes for the degenerates... resulting in the removal of those individuals from the US Culture.

The efficiency of which will be markedly improved by the reference of the would-be 'marriage' licenses signed by sexual deviants.

Was my post #750 regarding the pedophilia and the church too long to read, or do ya'll continue to ignore the reality of "traditional" values of the church being altered regularly and changed by society?
Obviously not. We were not discussing the 'purpose of marriage'.


The point of the purpose of marriage is now moot.

The purpose of Marriage is obvious and the deviants could not care less about it, as "PURPOSE" is an objective consideration.

Sexual Deviants possess no means to consider their environment objectively... they exist solely to serve their own subjective needs.

Time will solve this problem, as they do not possess the means to stop. They will continue to demand greater and more egregious "RIGHTS"... until the culture inevitably recognizes it error and turns to destroy them.

(This is not the first time this has happened. This is however the reason that the deviants have lived 99.999999~% of human existence IN THE CLOSET. Because every time that humanity has let them out, they have WRECKED THE PLACE! It happens the same way, every time.

And it is from THAT experiences is that sexual deviancy is known to present as a symptom of mental disorder.)
There is no marriage in 'nature'.

Well, the only thing that needs to be established for that to be true, is that humanity must be removed from Nature.

Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.

Yes, we invented it to serve a purpose.

Again, you don't need to shift the conversation to the 'purpose of marriage', so you can sneak in your incest nonsense. Just jump right in. Its your only argument.

Its not really a surprise anymore.
Was my post #750 regarding the pedophilia and the church too long to read, or do ya'll continue to ignore the reality of "traditional" values of the church being altered regularly and changed by society?


We're not entertaining the pitiful idiots at the moment. Please wait your turn.
Obviously not. We were not discussing the 'purpose of marriage'.


The point of the purpose of marriage is now moot.

The 'purpose of marriage'....according to who? Remember, no one is required to have kids or be able to have them to get married. And about 1 in 5 marriages never produce any child. Yet those marriages are just as valid as any other.

So there's clearly a valid purpose of marriage that has nothing to do with children or the ability to have them.

Just slaughtering your entire argument.
The purpose of Marriage is obvious and the deviants could not care less about it, as "PURPOSE" is an objective consideration.

You're not offering an 'objective consideration'. You're offering us your subjective personal opinion. And then desperately pleading with us to accept it as 'objective'.

Um, no. No one is held to the standards you insist we apply to gays. There's a reason why you were so laughably, comically wrong in predicting the law.
Homosexuals from the beginning have asked for- and demanded- and fought- to achieve legal equality.

No... they had legal equality. There is nowhere in the country where homosexuals did not have the same access, rights or affording of the same opportunities as heterosexuals. They couldn't marry same-gender but no one could marry same-gender, that isn't marriage and hasn't been marriage for more than 5k years it has existed.

You've demanded that something be changed to include homosexual relationships. Then demanded the thing you changed to be codified into law, against the will of the people. And I will tell you, as sure as the sun rose today, this will not stand.
You're still fucking deranged.

No matter how many times it's explained to you that gays did not have the right to marry the person they wanted to ... which is the primary purpose of marriage and why it's a right ... your brain remains too deformed to comprehend. :eusa_doh:

And again, using your twisted logic, blacks had equal rights to marry ... they could marry any other black person. :cuckoo:

Marriage IS: The Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Keys is the unraveling of a mind......
Umm, hate to kick your soap box out from under you ... buuuut ........ married gay couples are far less likely to spread HIV.










OEeewww MAN! That's funny.

Queers are disease sponges.

The premise is that once' Married', the fudge packer will somehow be struck with a sense of principle...

Principle, which of course, it had ignored from the first time it sucked cock... and every time it did so right up to and through the pretense of the 'wedding' night.

So... It's fairly unlikely that the unprincipled degenerate is going to find the strength of character to behave within principle... just because they're pretending to be principled, by claiming themselves married... in the hopes of being 'seen' as "Legitimate", OKA: "A person of principle."

If the lowly fag were capable of principled behavior... they wouldn't be a fag.

Thus spake the bigot.

By tomorrow the home will have taken his keyboard privelages away again.
There is no marriage in 'nature'.

Well, the only thing that needs to be established for that to be true, is that humanity must be removed from Nature.

Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.

Yes, we invented it to serve a purpose.

Again, you don't need to shift the conversation to the 'purpose of marriage', so you can sneak in your incest nonsense. Just jump right in. Its your only argument.

Its not really a surprise anymore.

You've yet to answer as to you agreed or not with my description as to what the marriage law was

Agree or disagree?
To form a new family where there was none previously.


Huh? Do you want to put that in the form of a complete sentence with a subject?

We were talking about the purpose of marriage? Correct?

Nope. Can you just skip ahead to your incest argument, my little one trick pony. Then we can tell you that nothing you've insisted must happen has. And you can pretend that you know the future. And we can all get our chuckle.

Do you agree with what I posted.

Is that really that difficult?

Obviously not. We were not discussing the 'purpose of marriage'. You're desperately trying to shift the conversation to the same silly 'incest' fallacy as you ever do.

While I appreciate the rhetorical foreplay, really...just jump ahead to the part where we start laughing. For time's sake.

I am already laughing at the image of Pop dancing with his strawman.
Obviously not. We were not discussing the 'purpose of marriage'.


The point of the purpose of marriage is now moot.

The 'purpose of marriage'....according to who? Remember, no one is required to have kids or be able to have them to get married. And about 1 in 5 marriages never produce any child. Yet those marriages are just as valid as any other.

So there's clearly a valid purpose of marriage that has nothing to do with children or the ability to have them.

Just slaughtering your entire argument.
The purpose of Marriage is obvious and the deviants could not care less about it, as "PURPOSE" is an objective consideration.

You're not offering an 'objective consideration'. You're offering us your subjective personal opinion. And then desperately pleading with us to accept it as 'objective'.

Um, no. No one is held to the standards you insist we apply to gays. There's a reason why you were so laughably, comically wrong in predicting the law.

Why do you suppose 1 in 5 hetro marriages never result in a child being produced by the members of the family?

Why do you suppose no children have ever been created by a same sex coupling?
Nope. Can you just skip ahead to your incest argument, my little one trick pony. Then we can tell you that nothing you've insisted must happen has. And you can pretend that you know the future. And we can all get our chuckle.

Incest is irrelevant...

The next natural progression to the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, is the licensing of the deviancy OKA: Pedophilia.

We're seeing this played out as the US Federal Government is now licensing Pedophilia in US Combat zones, where the lowly Muslims; who being saddled with the same mental disorder as homosexuals are known far and wide for their desire to pursue children for sexual gratification.

This is resulting in the removal of Americans who take action to check child rape... whereupon the same government that has recently licenses degeneracy in the US is forcing those troops out of the US Armed Forces.

Such is a natural and wholly inevitable consequence of the Supreme Legislature's recent decision.

As I said, it is only a matter of time before this is pushed domestically... and such will trigger a reversal of fortunes for the degenerates... resulting in the removal of those individuals from the US Culture.

The efficiency of which will be markedly improved by the reference of the would-be 'marriage' licenses signed by sexual deviants.

Was my post #750 regarding the pedophilia and the church too long to read, or do ya'll continue to ignore the reality of "traditional" values of the church being altered regularly and changed by society?

Don't ever expect any rational response from Keys.
Just accept them as the irrational ravings of a mad man.
Obviously not. We were not discussing the 'purpose of marriage'.


The point of the purpose of marriage is now moot.

The 'purpose of marriage'....according to who? Remember, no one is required to have kids or be able to have them to get married. And about 1 in 5 marriages never produce any child. Yet those marriages are just as valid as any other.

So there's clearly a valid purpose of marriage that has nothing to do with children or the ability to have them.

Just slaughtering your entire argument.
The purpose of Marriage is obvious and the deviants could not care less about it, as "PURPOSE" is an objective consideration.

You're not offering an 'objective consideration'. You're offering us your subjective personal opinion. And then desperately pleading with us to accept it as 'objective'.

Um, no. No one is held to the standards you insist we apply to gays. There's a reason why you were so laughably, comically wrong in predicting the law.

Why do you suppose 1 in 5 hetro marriages never result in a child being produced by the members of the family?

Why do you suppose no children have ever been created by a same sex coupling?

Why do you suppose Pop always posts in the form of a question?

Why does Pop avoid making declarative statements?
Huh? Do you want to put that in the form of a complete sentence with a subject?

We were talking about the purpose of marriage? Correct?

Nope. Can you just skip ahead to your incest argument, my little one trick pony. Then we can tell you that nothing you've insisted must happen has. And you can pretend that you know the future. And we can all get our chuckle.

Do you agree with what I posted.

Is that really that difficult?

Obviously not. We were not discussing the 'purpose of marriage'. You're desperately trying to shift the conversation to the same silly 'incest' fallacy as you ever do.

While I appreciate the rhetorical foreplay, really...just jump ahead to the part where we start laughing. For time's sake.

I am already laughing at the image of Pop dancing with his strawman.

You think that hurts?

You are stranger than can be explained.

My question is so tough that you can't answer for some odd reason.
Obviously not. We were not discussing the 'purpose of marriage'.


The point of the purpose of marriage is now moot.

The 'purpose of marriage'....according to who? Remember, no one is required to have kids or be able to have them to get married. And about 1 in 5 marriages never produce any child. Yet those marriages are just as valid as any other.

So there's clearly a valid purpose of marriage that has nothing to do with children or the ability to have them.

Just slaughtering your entire argument.
The purpose of Marriage is obvious and the deviants could not care less about it, as "PURPOSE" is an objective consideration.

You're not offering an 'objective consideration'. You're offering us your subjective personal opinion. And then desperately pleading with us to accept it as 'objective'.

Um, no. No one is held to the standards you insist we apply to gays. There's a reason why you were so laughably, comically wrong in predicting the law.

Why do you suppose 1 in 5 hetro marriages never result in a child being produced by the members of the family?

Why do you suppose no children have ever been created by a same sex coupling?

Why do you suppose Pop always posts in the form of a question?

Why does Pop avoid making declarative statements?

I made one earlier, yet skylar can't seem to agree or disagree with it.
Pitiful Sexual Deviant said:
Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.
There is no "US" Skylar.

You are a sexual degenerate. Your cult is a feckless mob, which is fortunate only in normal people being busy, trying to earn a living.

In the vey near future the Left's economic policy will result in catastrophe... as it must.

When that happens, people will turn to survival and in so doing they will turn from themselves and toward the objective nature of God, as they must.

When that happens, they will realize that they have been poor stewards of God's gifts... and their foolishness in allowing you to lower the standards of civilization... which resulted in their allowing the Left to come to power... and that it was THAT that caused them to lose everything.

At which time they will go to work to clean the mess up.

And the records you so proudly signed, will be used to hunt your cult down as a means to cull you from humanity.

Again... this is not the first time this has happened. And it will not be the last.

Humanity learns things... those things lead to prosperity... the prosperity leads to many distractions. Distractions lead to losing focus, purpose and inevitably control.

Losing control leads to the loss of everything.

Rinse and repeat.
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