It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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Umm, hate to kick your soap box out from under you ... buuuut ........ married gay couples are far less likely to spread HIV.










OEeewww MAN! That's funny.

Queers are disease sponges.

The premise is that once' Married', the fudge packer will somehow be struck with a sense of principle...

Principle, which of course, it had ignored from the first time it sucked cock... and every time it did so right up to and through the pretense of the 'wedding' night.

So... It's fairly unlikely that the unprincipled degenerate is going to find the strength of character to behave within principle... just because they're pretending to be principled, by claiming themselves married... in the hopes of being 'seen' as "Legitimate", OKA: "A person of principle."

If the lowly fag were capable of principled behavior... they wouldn't be a fag.
Spits the forum clown who called himself a "sexual deviant." :ack-1:
Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.
There is no "US" Skylar.

You are a sexual degenerate. Your cult is a feckless mob, which is fortunate only in normal people being busy, trying to earn a living.

In the vey near future the Left's economic policy will result in catastrophe... as it must.

When that happens, people will turn to survival and in so doing they will turn from themselves and toward the objective nature of God, as they must.

When that happens, they will realize that they have been poor stewards of God's gifts... and their foolishness in allowing you to lower the standards of civilization... which resulted in their allowing the Left to come to power... and that it was THAT that caused them to lose everything.

At which time they will go to work to clean the mess up.

And the records you so proudly signed, will be used to hunt your cult down as a means to cull you from humanity.

Again... this is not the first time this has happened. And it will not be the last.

Humanity learns things... those things lead to prosperity... the prosperity leads to many distractions. Distractions lead to losing focus, purpose and inevitably control.

Losing control leads to the loss of everything.

Rinse and repeat.

Please fix the quote, that is not mine.

To try and help you understand how this is going to go for you... and your fudge packing cult.

Take a look at the end of World War Two...

The most powerful people in Europe, who had ruled with an iron fist for a generation, were reduced to rats hiding in hovels, running in the shadows and being caught by what they had commonly referred to as peasants.

Mussolini was caught on the back of a flat-bed truck... wearing an overcoat of a German enlisted man. Weeks later he and his old lady would be hanging by their feet... being burned.

When he was arrested, Mussolini's response was "Why? I haven't done anything...".

And in truth... all he did was to impart a perversion of human reasoning upon his nation, which inevitably caused incalculable destruction.
Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.
There is no "US" Skylar.

You are a sexual degenerate. Your cult is a feckless mob, which is fortunate only in normal people being busy, trying to earn a living.

In the vey near future the Left's economic policy will result in catastrophe... as it must.

When that happens, people will turn to survival and in so doing they will turn from themselves and toward the objective nature of God, as they must.

When that happens, they will realize that they have been poor stewards of God's gifts... and their foolishness in allowing you to lower the standards of civilization... which resulted in their allowing the Left to come to power... and that it was THAT that caused them to lose everything.

At which time they will go to work to clean the mess up.

And the records you so proudly signed, will be used to hunt your cult down as a means to cull you from humanity.

Again... this is not the first time this has happened. And it will not be the last.

Humanity learns things... those things lead to prosperity... the prosperity leads to many distractions. Distractions lead to losing focus, purpose and inevitably control.

Losing control leads to the loss of everything.

Rinse and repeat.

Please fix the quote, that is not mine.

Pardon me Pops. I'll take care of it.
Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.
There is no "US" Skylar.

You are a sexual degenerate. Your cult is a feckless mob, which is fortunate only in normal people being busy, trying to earn a living.

In the vey near future the Left's economic policy will result in catastrophe... as it must.

When that happens, people will turn to survival and in so doing they will turn from themselves and toward the objective nature of God, as they must.

When that happens, they will realize that they have been poor stewards of God's gifts... and their foolishness in allowing you to lower the standards of civilization... which resulted in their allowing the Left to come to power... and that it was THAT that caused them to lose everything.

At which time they will go to work to clean the mess up.

And the records you so proudly signed, will be used to hunt your cult down as a means to cull you from humanity.

Again... this is not the first time this has happened. And it will not be the last.

Humanity learns things... those things lead to prosperity... the prosperity leads to many distractions. Distractions lead to losing focus, purpose and inevitably control.

Losing control leads to the loss of everything.

Rinse and repeat.
Day 94 of the Great Conservative Butthurt™. The butthurt goes on.

Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.
There is no "US" Skylar.

You are a sexual degenerate. Your cult is a feckless mob, which is fortunate only in normal people being busy, trying to earn a living.

In the vey near future the Left's economic policy will result in catastrophe... as it must.

When that happens, people will turn to survival and in so doing they will turn from themselves and toward the objective nature of God, as they must.

When that happens, they will realize that they have been poor stewards of God's gifts... and their foolishness in allowing you to lower the standards of civilization... which resulted in their allowing the Left to come to power... and that it was THAT that caused them to lose everything.

At which time they will go to work to clean the mess up.

And the records you so proudly signed, will be used to hunt your cult down as a means to cull you from humanity.

Again... this is not the first time this has happened. And it will not be the last.

Humanity learns things... those things lead to prosperity... the prosperity leads to many distractions. Distractions lead to losing focus, purpose and inevitably control.

Losing control leads to the loss of everything.

Rinse and repeat.
Day 94 of the Great Conservative Butthurt™. The butthurt goes on.


No one knows butthurt better than a homosexual I suppose
Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.
There is no "US" Skylar.

You are a sexual degenerate. Your cult is a feckless mob, which is fortunate only in normal people being busy, trying to earn a living.

In the vey near future the Left's economic policy will result in catastrophe... as it must.

When that happens, people will turn to survival and in so doing they will turn from themselves and toward the objective nature of God, as they must.

When that happens, they will realize that they have been poor stewards of God's gifts... and their foolishness in allowing you to lower the standards of civilization... which resulted in their allowing the Left to come to power... and that it was THAT that caused them to lose everything.

At which time they will go to work to clean the mess up.

And the records you so proudly signed, will be used to hunt your cult down as a means to cull you from humanity.

Again... this is not the first time this has happened. And it will not be the last.

Humanity learns things... those things lead to prosperity... the prosperity leads to many distractions. Distractions lead to losing focus, purpose and inevitably control.

Losing control leads to the loss of everything.

Rinse and repeat.

Please fix the quote, that is not mine.

Pardon me Pops. I'll take care of it.

Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.
There is no "US" Skylar.

You are a sexual degenerate. Your cult is a feckless mob, which is fortunate only in normal people being busy, trying to earn a living.

In the vey near future the Left's economic policy will result in catastrophe... as it must.

When that happens, people will turn to survival and in so doing they will turn from themselves and toward the objective nature of God, as they must.

When that happens, they will realize that they have been poor stewards of God's gifts... and their foolishness in allowing you to lower the standards of civilization... which resulted in their allowing the Left to come to power... and that it was THAT that caused them to lose everything.

At which time they will go to work to clean the mess up.

And the records you so proudly signed, will be used to hunt your cult down as a means to cull you from humanity.

Again... this is not the first time this has happened. And it will not be the last.

Humanity learns things... those things lead to prosperity... the prosperity leads to many distractions. Distractions lead to losing focus, purpose and inevitably control.

Losing control leads to the loss of everything.

Rinse and repeat.
Day 94 of the Great Conservative Butthurt™. The butthurt goes on.


Oh now that is ADORABLE!

I am always amazed at how imaginative the intellectually less fortunate are, in their means to concede to the standing points.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted, Degenerate.
To try and help you understand how this is going to go for you...
ummm .... here's how it went ...

No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they dorespect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find itsfulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.

The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is reversed.

It is so ordered.

Game ...

Set ...


... g'head ... this is where you bitch, moan, and call for the deaths of Liberals everywhere... :lmao:
Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.
There is no "US" Skylar.

You are a sexual degenerate. Your cult is a feckless mob, which is fortunate only in normal people being busy, trying to earn a living.

In the vey near future the Left's economic policy will result in catastrophe... as it must.

When that happens, people will turn to survival and in so doing they will turn from themselves and toward the objective nature of God, as they must.

When that happens, they will realize that they have been poor stewards of God's gifts... and their foolishness in allowing you to lower the standards of civilization... which resulted in their allowing the Left to come to power... and that it was THAT that caused them to lose everything.

At which time they will go to work to clean the mess up.

And the records you so proudly signed, will be used to hunt your cult down as a means to cull you from humanity.

Again... this is not the first time this has happened. And it will not be the last.

Humanity learns things... those things lead to prosperity... the prosperity leads to many distractions. Distractions lead to losing focus, purpose and inevitably control.

Losing control leads to the loss of everything.

Rinse and repeat.
Day 94 of the Great Conservative Butthurt™. The butthurt goes on.


Oh now that is ADORABLE!

I am always amazed at how imaginative the intellectually less fortunate are, in their means to concede to the standing points.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted, Degenerate.
Not as cute as you declaring victory after getting your butthurt again.
Outside of human society, there is no marriage. If marriage were 'law of nature', it would exist outside of human societies.

It never does.
It exists ONLY when we invent it. And it is defined by us. Marriage is what we say it is. And we define it as including one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

You can't get around that.
There is no "US" Skylar.

You are a sexual degenerate. Your cult is a feckless mob, which is fortunate only in normal people being busy, trying to earn a living.

In the vey near future the Left's economic policy will result in catastrophe... as it must.

When that happens, people will turn to survival and in so doing they will turn from themselves and toward the objective nature of God, as they must.

When that happens, they will realize that they have been poor stewards of God's gifts... and their foolishness in allowing you to lower the standards of civilization... which resulted in their allowing the Left to come to power... and that it was THAT that caused them to lose everything.

At which time they will go to work to clean the mess up.

And the records you so proudly signed, will be used to hunt your cult down as a means to cull you from humanity.

Again... this is not the first time this has happened. And it will not be the last.

Humanity learns things... those things lead to prosperity... the prosperity leads to many distractions. Distractions lead to losing focus, purpose and inevitably control.

Losing control leads to the loss of everything.

Rinse and repeat.
Day 94 of the Great Conservative Butthurt™. The butthurt goes on.


No one knows butthurt better than a homosexual I suppose
Could be, I wouldn't know. I do know that rightards across America are suffering the greatest butthurt since Roe v. Wade.

... and that's a good thing for America.
To try and help you understand how this is going to go for you...
ummm .... here's how it went ...

No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they dorespect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find itsfulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.

The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is reversed.

It is so ordered.

Game ...

Set ...


... g'head ... this is where you bitch, moan, and call for the deaths of Liberals everywhere... :lmao:

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
To try and help you understand how this is going to go for you...
ummm .... here's how it went ...

No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they dorespect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find itsfulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.

The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is reversed.

It is so ordered.

Game ...

Set ...


... g'head ... this is where you bitch, moan, and call for the deaths of Liberals everywhere... :lmao:

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Not in the U.S.. :mm:
I don't believe that there is any god.

This tells us all we need to know about you. You're an idiot who believes in fantasies... like universes that pop into existence from nothing.


And what pray tell do you believe in?

Surely you can come up with as creative a story for your own beliefs as you have made for me.

Oh, I believe in science, physics and logic, which all indicate a Creator.

So you in your own words- you are an idiot who believes in creators that pop into existence from nothing.

No, that is YOUR words. The Creator is non-physical so it doesn't need creating. Also, you do not need to explain the explanation. This only leads to no explanation for anything.
I fully understand this thread will catch a lot of flack from the left but I don't care. I also want to say, I have several dear and sweet homosexual friends and family members who I love very much and it makes what I am about to say very difficult for me personally.

I am starting to think it would be easier for us to condemn homosexuality than to tolerate it. Clearly to me, we (society) are trying to accept homosexuality in our culture without passing judgement but it's simply impossible because it won't be allowed. They continue to push harder for more and more special conditions to be established in order to accommodate their gayness. If there is the least bit of opposition, that is immediately turned into "homophobia" and the objector is vilified as a hater and bigot.

We've bent over backwards to try and please them but they won't be satisfied. We've taught our kids to accept them, our pastors and ministers preach about being tolerant, love the sinner and hate the sin. We've allowed them the dignity of coming out of the closet but it seems no matter what efforts are made to try and accept their behavior, it's simply not enough. We're pushed and pushed even further. There is no end... it's becoming sheer madness.

One of these days, I look for some gay lobby to push for a law which allows gay men to openly shove their penis in your mouth or ass when in public, so as to accommodate their sexual urges... and IF you deny them that "right" you are a homophobic bigot! Don't laugh, it's where this kind of shit always ends because there is no giving them what they want. It will never be enough.

Don't you think you're being a tad melodramatic........and have a distorted view of reality....and FYI, you and a bunch of homophobes are condemning homosexuality. And, your little brag about bending over backwards to try and please them is a whole lot of and the rest have never accepted them much less bent over backward to please them. And here's a news flash for you..... "the country has allowed it". In case you're not aware of it, same-sex marriage has been deemed legal in the country by the Supreme Court......who wields a whole lot more authority than your puny little self.

If you don't like homosexuals, then don't be one. But, your little rant isn't going to change anything....they are tax-paying humans and deserve the same rights that everyone else does.

Don't you think you're being a tad melodramatic.

A tad. I always try to be a tad melodramatic for effect. It tends to bring the nutbags out of the woodwork. Yeah, homophobes are condemning homosexuality, christophobes are condemning Christianity, dogs are still chasing cats.... you're still posting nonsense without making your point... what are ya gunna do? :dunno:

In case you're not aware of it, same-sex marriage has been deemed legal in the country by the Supreme Court.

Yes... you hit the nail on the head... it has been DEEMED legal, by a rogue court legislating from the bench,. Same way Abortion was "deemed" legal... how's that one working out for ya? Have the Christians accepted it yet?

If you don't like homosexuals, then don't be one.

But what if I like homosexuals and I just don't like them changing our traditions to include their sexual behavior? Is this like the deal with the black people where I can't disagree with them without being a racist?

they are tax-paying humans and deserve the same rights that everyone else does.

Would one of you please tell me what right they didn't have that everyone else had?
Have you been arguing to get the gov out of the "marriage business" for your whole life, or only /now/ that the rules of the game are changing about your "ball"?

It has been my position since about 1996. Before that, I was conflicted. Part of me wanted to support gay marriage and part of me said homosexual behavior is wrong and immoral. I'm an open-minded person with gay friends. In 1986, I attended a gay wedding of two dear friends on a peaceful mountainside in rural Alabama. That may seem odd, given my current position, but it was a "wedding" and not a "marriage." It was not licensed or recognized by the state but you know what? I don't think a soul on that mountain gave a shit. The gay couple certainly didn't... in fact... that is where my current viewpoint comes from. Now they tell me their right to love each other is not affected by laws concerning gay marriage. They have been able to handle all their legal, insurance and finance issues through special contracts and arrangements, the only thing they don't have are the tax breaks. The civil unions idea presented, which comes from them, solves the issue of the tax breaks and is a much easier solution.
In the end, the constitution very correctly declares that marriage is a fundamental right of humans

funny, I don't find the word marriage in the Constitution. Can you please point out to me the Article and Section where you're reading this?
No matter how many times it's explained to you that gays did not have the right to marry the person they wanted to....

NO ONE has the right to marry the person they want to! If so, I'd be married to Kate Upton! But there are ALL KINDS of restrictions and conditions that apply to marriage, it's not a free-for-all where people just can marry whatever they hell they please! So no-- you simply do not have the right to marry the person you want to! NO ONE DOES! Get over it!

What you want to to do is redefine marriage to include your sexual behavior. Then claim you deserve a right to it. Now, we could also redefine "consent" and my right to marry Kate Upton can be upheld. And I am totally fine with passing a special law for Boss to be able to marry Kate Upton and for the SCOTUS to uphold that law against the wishes of anyone including Kate Upton. If this ever happens, by the way, I reserve the right to call you names and impugn your integrity for protesting it.
I fully understand this thread will catch a lot of flack from the left but I don't care. I also want to say, I have several dear and sweet homosexual friends and family members who I love very much and it makes what I am about to say very difficult for me personally.

I am starting to think it would be easier for us to condemn homosexuality than to tolerate it. Clearly to me, we (society) are trying to accept homosexuality in our culture without passing judgement but it's simply impossible because it won't be allowed. They continue to push harder for more and more special conditions to be established in order to accommodate their gayness. If there is the least bit of opposition, that is immediately turned into "homophobia" and the objector is vilified as a hater and bigot.

We've bent over backwards to try and please them but they won't be satisfied. We've taught our kids to accept them, our pastors and ministers preach about being tolerant, love the sinner and hate the sin. We've allowed them the dignity of coming out of the closet but it seems no matter what efforts are made to try and accept their behavior, it's simply not enough. We're pushed and pushed even further. There is no end... it's becoming sheer madness.

One of these days, I look for some gay lobby to push for a law which allows gay men to openly shove their penis in your mouth or ass when in public, so as to accommodate their sexual urges... and IF you deny them that "right" you are a homophobic bigot! Don't laugh, it's where this kind of shit always ends because there is no giving them what they want. It will never be enough.

Don't you think you're being a tad melodramatic........and have a distorted view of reality....and FYI, you and a bunch of homophobes are condemning homosexuality. And, your little brag about bending over backwards to try and please them is a whole lot of and the rest have never accepted them much less bent over backward to please them. And here's a news flash for you..... "the country has allowed it". In case you're not aware of it, same-sex marriage has been deemed legal in the country by the Supreme Court......who wields a whole lot more authority than your puny little self.

If you don't like homosexuals, then don't be one. But, your little rant isn't going to change anything....they are tax-paying humans and deserve the same rights that everyone else does.

Don't you think you're being a tad melodramatic.

A tad. I always try to be a tad melodramatic for effect. It tends to bring the nutbags out of the woodwork. Yeah, homophobes are condemning homosexuality, christophobes are condemning Christianity, dogs are still chasing cats.... you're still posting nonsense without making your point... what are ya gunna do? :dunno:

In case you're not aware of it, same-sex marriage has been deemed legal in the country by the Supreme Court.

Yes... you hit the nail on the head... it has been DEEMED legal, by a rogue court legislating from the bench,. Same way Abortion was "deemed" legal... how's that one working out for ya? Have the Christians accepted it yet?

If you don't like homosexuals, then don't be one.

But what if I like homosexuals and I just don't like them changing our traditions to include their sexual behavior? Is this like the deal with the black people where I can't disagree with them without being a racist?

they are tax-paying humans and deserve the same rights that everyone else does.

Would one of you please tell me what right they didn't have that everyone else had?
Tough shit.
No matter how many times it's explained to you that gays did not have the right to marry the person they wanted to....

NO ONE has the right to marry the person they want to! If so, I'd be married to Kate Upton! But there are ALL KINDS of restrictions and conditions that apply to marriage, it's not a free-for-all where people just can marry whatever they hell they please! So no-- you simply do not have the right to marry the person you want to! NO ONE DOES! Get over it!

What you want to to do is redefine marriage to include your sexual behavior. Then claim you deserve a right to it. Now, we could also redefine "consent" and my right to marry Kate Upton can be upheld. And I am totally fine with passing a special law for Boss to be able to marry Kate Upton and for the SCOTUS to uphold that law against the wishes of anyone including Kate Upton. If this ever happens, by the way, I reserve the right to call you names and impugn your integrity for protesting it.
Amazingly, you still don't get it. :eusa_doh:

It takes two consensual adults to marry.

How many more times are you gonna need to have that explained to ya? :dunno:
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