It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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Would you prefer the use of homosexualphobe? ;)

I don't care what letters they use... they could use "LHBIV"NA"PHOBE". Such spelling would in no way alter the invalidity of the concept.

Contesting the normalization of homosexuality is perfectly rational. Therefore the use of the root 'phobia' is absurdly false and they dam' well know it's false.

But they do not care that what they are claiming is false, because THEY are irrational. And that is how we can KNOW that they are mired in the mental disorder, OKA: Sociopathy.
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Pretty much everyone who disagrees with the courts on Obergefell, agrees with the court when it overturns State laws which restrict gun rights.


Yes.. because the problem is that the judiciary exists. And certainly not that the Left only uses the pretense of a judiciary when it wholly departs from the purpose of the judiciary to use a simple majority to cast a constitutionally dismembered majority vote, as a means to impart 'social justice', which is entirely antithetical to actual justice.
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You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children?.

What is it with homophobes like you not understanding the idea of 'Consent'?

This comes up often- always with people who like you have a real issue with equal rights when it comes to homosexuals.

If you do not understand the concept of 'consent'- then I am concerned that no women or children would be safe around you.

Or is this just a strawman you are raising?

Well I thought I understood the concept of "marriage" but apparently I was wrong. So why is "consent" any different?

And how were gay people not being given equal rights? Marriage licenses are not issued on the basis of whether you are homosexual or heterosexual. IF that were what was happening, I could see your argument, but that's not what is happening. They aren't allowed to do something that IS NOT marriage and call that marriage. The same as not allowing a pedophile to "marry" children because he wants to have sex with children.
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.

LOL- our responses has sure made the homophobes foam at the mouth- you sure are threatened by homosexuals being treated exactly equally with heterosexuals.

FYI- you can have whatever feelings you want- but if you want to broadcast your bigotry- whether towards Jews or African Americans or homsoexuals- have the balls to take the criticism of your public bigotry without whining.

I'm not "threatened" by homosexuals being treated equal. They were being treated equally, but that wasn't good enough for them. They want special treatment, and they want to force others into accepting them.
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.

Oh, the USSC decision which declared sodomy laws unconstitutional didn't happen until 2003. Up until then it was still legally acceptable to imprison gays for consensual sex acts, and in fact the case was one in which two men were charged and convicted of, basically, having gay sex. So your contention that "queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them" has only been true for a little more than a decade, legally speaking.

I'm also curious why, if the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they would accept that behavior on a personal level? Where did homosexuals get the power to decide what is or is not socially acceptable?

Oh please, you're telling us that queers were afraid of being thrown in jail for their sexual acts? All because of some old law on the books that was never enforced? That's a load of crap and you know it.
I am probably one of the most tolerant people you'll ever meet. I just spent a week sleeping in a tent with a gay guy... didn't bother me or him one little bit. Like I said... plenty of gay friends and family members who I love and adore. But as tolerant as I am, I have my limits. I'm about done with my tolerance level when it comes to accepting things. If you can't live your gay life without infringing on me, go fuck yourself. I'm tired of defending myself, being called names, ridiculed and scorned because I won't stand for you trashing the Constitution in order to legitimize your homosexual behavior. Enough is enough!
Amen to this! We straight people have never once asked for special treatment because of our being straight, so why should anyone else get any? If the homosexuals are going to say that they stand for equality, then they need to learn how to make sure that their choice of actions match that statement, because a person's choice of action is what tells the real story in this "Talk is cheep." kind of world.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. As for what is wrong with homosexuals wanting what the rest of us have. Well when you put it like that, its an act of coveting which is against the Lord's ten commandments.

So you are also opposed to anyone of any race or religion or national origin- wanting to be treated equally?

So you are also opposed to anyone of any race or religion or national origin- wanting to be treated equally?
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.

Oh, the USSC decision which declared sodomy laws unconstitutional didn't happen until 2003. Up until then it was still legally acceptable to imprison gays for consensual sex acts, and in fact the case was one in which two men were charged and convicted of, basically, having gay sex. So your contention that "queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them" has only been true for a little more than a decade, legally speaking.

I'm also curious why, if the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they would accept that behavior on a personal level? Where did homosexuals get the power to decide what is or is not socially acceptable?

Oh please, you're telling us that queers were afraid of being thrown in jail for their sexual acts? All because of some old law on the books that was never enforced? That's a load of crap and you know it.

Hmmm are you really this ignorant?

The very Supreme Court case that overturned sodomy laws that were targeted against homosexuals were because of homosexuals who were arrested for sexual acts in the privacy of their bedroom.

Even after that- in Louisiana, gay men were being arrested for responding to solicitations for sex by police under cover operatives- those cases were thrown out because gay sex was no longer illegal but as recently as a few years ago, gay men were indeed being thrown in jail for sexual acts.

Go back further- and gays were thrown in jail not only for sexual acts but for merely appearing to be gay.
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.

LOL- our responses has sure made the homophobes foam at the mouth- you sure are threatened by homosexuals being treated exactly equally with heterosexuals.

FYI- you can have whatever feelings you want- but if you want to broadcast your bigotry- whether towards Jews or African Americans or homsoexuals- have the balls to take the criticism of your public bigotry without whining.

I'm not "threatened" by homosexuals being treated equal. They were being treated equally, but that wasn't good enough for them. They want special treatment, and they want to force others into accepting them.

Since when is equal treatment 'special treatment'?

Homosexuals for the last 200 years in America have been attacked both legally and socially for being homosexuals. Only relatively recently have homosexuals been treated somewhat equally- no longer discharged from the military, no longer arrested for being gay, no longer fired from teaching positions for being gay- and no longer being denied the right to marry the person that they wanted to marry.

So what is this special treatment you imagine?
You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children?.

What is it with homophobes like you not understanding the idea of 'Consent'?

This comes up often- always with people who like you have a real issue with equal rights when it comes to homosexuals.

If you do not understand the concept of 'consent'- then I am concerned that no women or children would be safe around you.

Or is this just a strawman you are raising?

Well I thought I understood the concept of "marriage" but apparently I was wrong. So why is "consent" any different?

I don't know - why don't you understand the concept of consent?

Why do you not understand that it is wrong to rape a 4 year old girl? Or a 40 year old girl?

The answer is consent.

If you don't understand consent- then you do know what rape is.
You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children?.

What is it with homophobes like you not understanding the idea of 'Consent'?

This comes up often- always with people who like you have a real issue with equal rights when it comes to homosexuals.

If you do not understand the concept of 'consent'- then I am concerned that no women or children would be safe around you.

Or is this just a strawman you are raising?
. The same as not allowing a pedophile to "marry" children because he wants to have sex with children.

You see no difference between two consenting adults marrying- and a pedophile marrying a 4 year old child?

How terribly sad for you- and how terribly dangerous for others.
Pretty much everyone who disagrees with the courts on Obergefell, agrees with the court when it overturns State laws which restrict gun rights.


Yes.. because the problem is that the judiciary exists. .

Because Keys doesn't want any judiciary to tell the Legislature or the Executive that what they are doing is
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.

LOL- our responses has sure made the homophobes foam at the mouth- you sure are threatened by homosexuals being treated exactly equally with heterosexuals.

FYI- you can have whatever feelings you want- but if you want to broadcast your bigotry- whether towards Jews or African Americans or homsoexuals- have the balls to take the criticism of your public bigotry without whining.

I'm not "threatened" by homosexuals being treated equal. They were being treated equally, but that wasn't good enough for them. They want special treatment, and they want to force others into accepting them.

Since when is equal treatment 'special treatment'?

Homosexuals for the last 200 years in America have been attacked both legally and socially for being homosexuals. Only relatively recently have homosexuals been treated somewhat equally- no longer discharged from the military, no longer arrested for being gay, no longer fired from teaching positions for being gay- and no longer being denied the right to marry the person that they wanted to marry.

So what is this special treatment you imagine?

So you agree they aren't being arrested for being gay. Nothing ever prevented two gays from being "married" to each other. But forcing society to recognize that as a legitmate marriage is absurd. A marriage is between a man and a woman, period. That doesn't prevent gays from being together or living together, or even calling it a "marriage" between themselves. Individuals have the right to NOT recognize gay marriage as legitamite. We have the right to NOT let them adopt our children.

Special treatment is when you expect everyone else to accomodate you. I don't expect gays to change their ways, I am not asking them to. Queers can be with each other all they want, I simply don't care. Yet, they want people like me to change our beliefs. They want to force us to accept their behavior as normal. It's NOT going to happen.
"It's easier to condemn homosexuality"

It's easier to discriminate against African-Americans.

It's easier to deny women their right to privacy.

It's easier to deny immigrants their due process rights.

It's easier to deny minorities their voting rights.

Yes, there are a lot of things that are 'easier,' that's what's comprehensively wrong with conservative dogma: it surrenders to and indulges the dark side of human nature – the intellectual laziness and contempt for critical thinking, the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – the hate that manifest as a result of fear and ignorance, the hate that most conservatives use to justify denying gay Americans their rights simply because of who they are.
You mean like gay tv shows hurt yours?

Heres a novel idea....

If the shows suck, theyll fail. Pussy.

Oh, they don't hurt me. I am probably one of the most tolerant people you'll ever meet. I just spent a week sleeping in a tent with a gay guy... didn't bother me or him one little bit. Like I said... plenty of gay friends and family members who I love and adore. But as tolerant as I am, I have my limits. I'm about done with my tolerance level when it comes to accepting things. If you can't live your gay life without infringing on me, go fuck yourself. I'm tired of defending myself, being called names, ridiculed and scorned because I won't stand for you trashing the Constitution in order to legitimize your homosexual behavior. Enough is enough!

brokeback mountain style?
"It's easier to condemn homosexuality"

It's easier to discriminate against African-Americans.

It's easier to deny women their right to privacy.

It's easier to deny immigrants their due process rights.

It's easier to deny minorities their voting rights.

Yes, there are a lot of things that are 'easier,' that's what's comprehensively wrong with conservative dogma: it surrenders to and indulges the dark side of human nature – the intellectual laziness and contempt for critical thinking, the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – the hate that manifest as a result of fear and ignorance, the hate that most conservatives use to justify denying gay Americans their rights simply because of who they are.

bullshit. none of what you listed is true you lib hack. This is a perfect example of how the left lies and tries to portray right as bigots, sexists, homophobes.
You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children?.

What is it with homophobes like you not understanding the idea of 'Consent'?

This comes up often- always with people who like you have a real issue with equal rights when it comes to homosexuals.

If you do not understand the concept of 'consent'- then I am concerned that no women or children would be safe around you.

Or is this just a strawman you are raising?

Well I thought I understood the concept of "marriage" but apparently I was wrong. So why is "consent" any different?

I don't know - why don't you understand the concept of consent?

Why do you not understand that it is wrong to rape a 4 year old girl? Or a 40 year old girl?

The answer is consent.

If you don't understand consent- then you do know what rape is.

I've already told you... I understand consent. I also thought I understood marriage. Why do you not understand that two people of the same gender can't marry? It doesn't matter if they are straight, gay or whatever... marriage is the union of a male and female. Men can't have babies, women can't produce sperm, these are not discrimination, they are facts of life. You could shove a baby up your male lover's ass, let him shit it out and pretend he gave birth... that's not giving birth. It doesn't become that because you call it that. You can't change the meaning of giving birth so that it includes that.

What I understand by all this is, if we can alter the meaning of what "marriage" is, we can also alter the meaning of what "consent" is... not hard to do. In fact, you've made it easy to do because all that needs to happen is someone claim a violation of their rights is occurring and a liberal activist court agreeing with them... poof... the word is changed!
I'm not "threatened" by homosexuals being treated equal. They were being treated equally, but that wasn't good enough for them. They want special treatment, and they want to force others into accepting them.

I submit it is WORSE than forcing others into accepting them. From a psychological perspective, they can never feel accepted because they know homosexuality is wrong. It simply doesn't matter how much effort is made to accept them, they can't accept themselves.

Another area we see similar behavior is in those who attempt suicide. We can counsel them, tell them all the reasons they have to live, we can care about their feelings and problems all day long... at the end of the day, we can't keep them from killing themselves. We can't fix whatever demons are inside them, it doesn't matter what we do.
You mean like gay tv shows hurt yours?

Heres a novel idea....

If the shows suck, theyll fail. Pussy.

Oh, they don't hurt me. I am probably one of the most tolerant people you'll ever meet. I just spent a week sleeping in a tent with a gay guy... didn't bother me or him one little bit. Like I said... plenty of gay friends and family members who I love and adore. But as tolerant as I am, I have my limits. I'm about done with my tolerance level when it comes to accepting things. If you can't live your gay life without infringing on me, go fuck yourself. I'm tired of defending myself, being called names, ridiculed and scorned because I won't stand for you trashing the Constitution in order to legitimize your homosexual behavior. Enough is enough!

brokeback mountain style?

More like old hippies at a music festival style. I have a lot of artistic friends and many of them are gay or bisexual. It doesn't bother me, I even had a couple of close transgender friends. One of them killed themselves a few years ago, it was very sad. We talked often, I could feel their pain. They felt trapped in a world that didn't accept them. The other one, I've helped him pick out "drag-wear" and put on makeup! He's more of an entertainer and has a strong self-esteem about who he is... he won't be a suicide. Some of my gay friends are activists, flaming gay all over the place, others are so understated you'd never know they were gay. People come in many varieties.... I don't judge anyone based on a stereotype.

But none of my gay or transgender friends have ever had a problem controlling their sexual urges. They know that I am straight and it doesn't bother them. They've never made any sort of advance or tried to 'convert' me... they might have flirted a bit but that's okay with me. I do wonder sometimes... is it okay to find it flattering your gay friend is flirting with you? At the end of the day, I know that I am not gay and that I like women. I'm comfortable enough with my masculinity and sexuality to sleep in a tent with a gay guy... or even wear a pink shirt... doesn't bother me. People are individuals and assholes come in all forms. (No pun intended)

It's very humorous to me, the persona I seem to have here among the lefties is so totally opposite of who I really am in real life. I guarantee you, these people who trash me here, could meet me out somewhere at a party and we'd have a great time together. We might even become best buds... I might even go help them pick out drag-wear! ;)
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