It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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I am probably one of the most tolerant people you'll ever meet. I just spent a week sleeping in a tent with a gay guy... didn't bother me or him one little bit. Like I said... plenty of gay friends and family members who I love and adore. But as tolerant as I am, I have my limits. I'm about done with my tolerance level when it comes to accepting things. If you can't live your gay life without infringing on me, go fuck yourself. I'm tired of defending myself, being called names, ridiculed and scorned because I won't stand for you trashing the Constitution in order to legitimize your homosexual behavior. Enough is enough!
Amen to this! We straight people have never once asked for special treatment because of our being straight, so why should anyone else get any? If the homosexuals are going to say that they stand for equality, then they need to learn how to make sure that their choice of actions match that statement, because a person's choice of action is what tells the real story in this "Talk is cheep." kind of world.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


You understand, I hope, that when homosexuals try to get equal treatment, it is because they have been treated less than equally, meaning heterosexuals have already had 'special treatment'? For example, if someone can be fired from their job for being gay but not for being straight, straights are getting 'special treatment'.
Maybe because straight is normal behavior.

Christianity is 'normal' behavior in the United States- that doesn't mean it is right to discriminate against Jews- which is abnormal behavior in the United States.
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.

It is the people who are not agreed with, who are held in disdain, who are disliked by the majority that our country's civil protections are most often for. What need for those protections for people who are doing and believing the same things as everyone else? No, it is the unpopular speech, the strange religious beliefs, the uncommon sexual preferences that require protections so that those people are not stripped of their constitutional rights for being unusual or disliked.

Now, there is nothing saying you cannot hate or be disgusted by or disapprove of any person. However, the law is meant to be impartial. As far as what society accepts or does not, in that, you're on your own, as are we all. Social norms are most often based on the feelings of the majority. If the majority of people in the country have decided to be tolerant of and comfortable with LGBTs, but you are not, well, that's unfortunate for you. Societal norms are always changing. Sometimes those changes are unpalatable to us.
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.

Oh, the USSC decision which declared sodomy laws unconstitutional didn't happen until 2003. Up until then it was still legally acceptable to imprison gays for consensual sex acts, and in fact the case was one in which two men were charged and convicted of, basically, having gay sex. So your contention that "queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them" has only been true for a little more than a decade, legally speaking.

I'm also curious why, if the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they would accept that behavior on a personal level? Where did homosexuals get the power to decide what is or is not socially acceptable?
I am probably one of the most tolerant people you'll ever meet. I just spent a week sleeping in a tent with a gay guy... didn't bother me or him one little bit. Like I said... plenty of gay friends and family members who I love and adore. But as tolerant as I am, I have my limits. I'm about done with my tolerance level when it comes to accepting things. If you can't live your gay life without infringing on me, go fuck yourself. I'm tired of defending myself, being called names, ridiculed and scorned because I won't stand for you trashing the Constitution in order to legitimize your homosexual behavior. Enough is enough!
Amen to this! We straight people have never once asked for special treatment because of our being straight, so why should anyone else get any? If the homosexuals are going to say that they stand for equality, then they need to learn how to make sure that their choice of actions match that statement, because a person's choice of action is what tells the real story in this "Talk is cheep." kind of world.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

You understand, I hope, that when homosexuals try to get equal treatment, it is because they have been treated less than equally, meaning heterosexuals have already had 'special treatment'? For example, if someone can be fired from their job for being gay but not for being straight, straights are getting 'special treatment'.
If you are under the impression that I think that homosexuals don't deserve things like jobs, homes, cars, etc., then you have the wrong impression of me. In my opinion, if a person is good at the job that they work and is always professional when they are at their job, they should be able to keep their job and to me everyone needs a home, food, etc. too no matter how they live their lives. What they are up to during their free time is what I will never be all in favor of.

I am probably one of the most tolerant people you'll ever meet. I just spent a week sleeping in a tent with a gay guy... didn't bother me or him one little bit. Like I said... plenty of gay friends and family members who I love and adore. But as tolerant as I am, I have my limits. I'm about done with my tolerance level when it comes to accepting things. If you can't live your gay life without infringing on me, go fuck yourself. I'm tired of defending myself, being called names, ridiculed and scorned because I won't stand for you trashing the Constitution in order to legitimize your homosexual behavior. Enough is enough!
Amen to this! We straight people have never once asked for special treatment because of our being straight, so why should anyone else get any? If the homosexuals are going to say that they stand for equality, then they need to learn how to make sure that their choice of actions match that statement, because a person's choice of action is what tells the real story in this "Talk is cheep." kind of world.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


LOL- yes- we straight people have never asked not to be fired for being heterosexual. We straight people have never asked not to be arrested for having consensual sex with our partner in our bedroom. We straight people have never asked to be allowed to marry the heterosexual we love.

We straight people have never once asked to be treated exactly the same as gay people.
Maybe the reason why we straight people have never had to ask for certain things is because of the fact that a straight man and woman, Adam and Ever that is, are who got the population of this planet started which means that the straight lifestyle is what was here first.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

I am probably one of the most tolerant people you'll ever meet. I just spent a week sleeping in a tent with a gay guy... didn't bother me or him one little bit. Like I said... plenty of gay friends and family members who I love and adore. But as tolerant as I am, I have my limits. I'm about done with my tolerance level when it comes to accepting things. If you can't live your gay life without infringing on me, go fuck yourself. I'm tired of defending myself, being called names, ridiculed and scorned because I won't stand for you trashing the Constitution in order to legitimize your homosexual behavior. Enough is enough!
Amen to this! We straight people have never once asked for special treatment because of our being straight, so why should anyone else get any? If the homosexuals are going to say that they stand for equality, then they need to learn how to make sure that their choice of actions match that statement, because a person's choice of action is what tells the real story in this "Talk is cheep." kind of world.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


You understand, I hope, that when homosexuals try to get equal treatment, it is because they have been treated less than equally, meaning heterosexuals have already had 'special treatment'? For example, if someone can be fired from their job for being gay but not for being straight, straights are getting 'special treatment'.
Maybe because straight is normal behavior.

Christianity is 'normal' behavior in the United States- that doesn't mean it is right to discriminate against Jews- which is abnormal behavior in the United States.
You are talking religion, gay is neither a religion nor normal.
Exactly, and it's not going to stop anytime soon. They don't intend to stop demanding and forcing their lifestyle down our throats against our will. One of these days, I can see them cheering a law making it acceptable for gay people to molest heterosexuals and daring anyone to stand against that out of fear of being called names. It's exactly where society is headed. Nothing is good enough for them. Those of us who have tolerated them are starting to wonder if it wouldn't have been an easier road to just condemn their acts and run them out of society on a rail. I hate to be like that but it's where I think they've pushed this. And ironically, I don't think it's necessarily the gay community behind all this... I think it's secular liberals with a political agenda against Christians. THAT is who is fueling all this controversy. They don't give the first rip about gays, they want to destroy the religious foundations of society... THAT's what this is all about.

I can see you still maintain your "yuck" factor towards homosexuals. You prefer the days when they were in the closet and were fine as long as they kept quiet about it.

We used to hear the same argument about blacks. Hollywood was pushing them in movies. They were given starring roles where the public was used to only whites getting those roles. There was outrage if blacks and whites kissed or had a relationship

Took a long time, but those attitudes have slowly changed.
Same will happen with gays and their relationships will become no big deal

That is what you fear

I am deeply offended that homosexuals want to compare their "plight" with people who are black. You have no control over your race, it's what you are born with and can't do a thing about. Your sexual behavior is something you CAN control. I don't give a shit how you are born... pedophiles are born with the propensity to mess with kids... they are expected to control that urge.

Attitudes HAVE changed, that's my whole point here. Despite the efforts made by millions like myself who have tolerated your behavior and accepted that you get sexual pleasure from homosexual acts, allowing you to live as you please and not condemning you for it... look where we are today... you can't be satisfied. It's never going to be enough.

I have to wonder, would it have just been easier to condemn homosexuality? We can't seem to do enough to please you or appease you... it keeps getting pushed to the next level and then, the next... no end in sight, no sense of rationality whatsoever. Just keep forcing more and more of it down our throats and demanding we accept it or face your wrath. When does this stop? At what point will homosexuals be satisfied? I don't think there IS a point. I think this is a futile effort and maybe we need to reconsider our positions? Maybe it's NOT the right thing to try and tolerate this?

Civil rights are still civil rights
It doesn't matter if gays get to "choose" to be gay or not. You choose your religion but are still entitled to civil rights

Nobody is forcing you to accept are free to hate anyone you want

What you can't do is force the government to accept your hatred
Bull, gays have been forcing their perverse behavior on us for awhile now. Lying libtards.

What homosexual behavior have you been forced to do?

Be very specific- and use graphic terms for the body parts.
Another stupid idiot. You retarded libs don't know how to read. No wonder this country is in the shape it is.
Exactly, and it's not going to stop anytime soon. They don't intend to stop demanding and forcing their lifestyle down our throats against our will. One of these days, I can see them cheering a law making it acceptable for gay people to molest heterosexuals and daring anyone to stand against that out of fear of being called names. It's exactly where society is headed. Nothing is good enough for them. Those of us who have tolerated them are starting to wonder if it wouldn't have been an easier road to just condemn their acts and run them out of society on a rail. I hate to be like that but it's where I think they've pushed this. And ironically, I don't think it's necessarily the gay community behind all this... I think it's secular liberals with a political agenda against Christians. THAT is who is fueling all this controversy. They don't give the first rip about gays, they want to destroy the religious foundations of society... THAT's what this is all about.

I can see you still maintain your "yuck" factor towards homosexuals. You prefer the days when they were in the closet and were fine as long as they kept quiet about it.

We used to hear the same argument about blacks. Hollywood was pushing them in movies. They were given starring roles where the public was used to only whites getting those roles. There was outrage if blacks and whites kissed or had a relationship

Took a long time, but those attitudes have slowly changed.
Same will happen with gays and their relationships will become no big deal

That is what you fear

I am deeply offended that homosexuals want to compare their "plight" with people who are black. You have no control over your race, it's what you are born with and can't do a thing about. Your sexual behavior is something you CAN control. I don't give a shit how you are born... pedophiles are born with the propensity to mess with kids... they are expected to control that urge.

Attitudes HAVE changed, that's my whole point here. Despite the efforts made by millions like myself who have tolerated your behavior and accepted that you get sexual pleasure from homosexual acts, allowing you to live as you please and not condemning you for it... look where we are today... you can't be satisfied. It's never going to be enough.

I have to wonder, would it have just been easier to condemn homosexuality? We can't seem to do enough to please you or appease you... it keeps getting pushed to the next level and then, the next... no end in sight, no sense of rationality whatsoever. Just keep forcing more and more of it down our throats and demanding we accept it or face your wrath. When does this stop? At what point will homosexuals be satisfied? I don't think there IS a point. I think this is a futile effort and maybe we need to reconsider our positions? Maybe it's NOT the right thing to try and tolerate this?

Civil rights are still civil rights
It doesn't matter if gays get to "choose" to be gay or not. You choose your religion but are still entitled to civil rights

Nobody is forcing you to accept are free to hate anyone you want

What you can't do is force the government to accept your hatred
Bull, gays have been forcing their perverse behavior on us for awhile now. Lying libtards.

What homosexual behavior have you been forced to do?

Be very specific- and use graphic terms for the body parts.
Meh, two guys swapping spit on the it's a small world ride at Disneyland is completely normal. I mean, why would anyone consider the public display to be offensive?

I am probably one of the most tolerant people you'll ever meet. I just spent a week sleeping in a tent with a gay guy... didn't bother me or him one little bit. Like I said... plenty of gay friends and family members who I love and adore. But as tolerant as I am, I have my limits. I'm about done with my tolerance level when it comes to accepting things. If you can't live your gay life without infringing on me, go fuck yourself. I'm tired of defending myself, being called names, ridiculed and scorned because I won't stand for you trashing the Constitution in order to legitimize your homosexual behavior. Enough is enough!
Amen to this! We straight people have never once asked for special treatment because of our being straight, so why should anyone else get any? If the homosexuals are going to say that they stand for equality, then they need to learn how to make sure that their choice of actions match that statement, because a person's choice of action is what tells the real story in this "Talk is cheep." kind of world.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

You did get special treatment. You were allowed to serve your country. You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?
I can see you still maintain your "yuck" factor towards homosexuals. You prefer the days when they were in the closet and were fine as long as they kept quiet about it.

We used to hear the same argument about blacks. Hollywood was pushing them in movies. They were given starring roles where the public was used to only whites getting those roles. There was outrage if blacks and whites kissed or had a relationship

Took a long time, but those attitudes have slowly changed.
Same will happen with gays and their relationships will become no big deal

That is what you fear

I am deeply offended that homosexuals want to compare their "plight" with people who are black. You have no control over your race, it's what you are born with and can't do a thing about. Your sexual behavior is something you CAN control. I don't give a shit how you are born... pedophiles are born with the propensity to mess with kids... they are expected to control that urge.

Attitudes HAVE changed, that's my whole point here. Despite the efforts made by millions like myself who have tolerated your behavior and accepted that you get sexual pleasure from homosexual acts, allowing you to live as you please and not condemning you for it... look where we are today... you can't be satisfied. It's never going to be enough.

I have to wonder, would it have just been easier to condemn homosexuality? We can't seem to do enough to please you or appease you... it keeps getting pushed to the next level and then, the next... no end in sight, no sense of rationality whatsoever. Just keep forcing more and more of it down our throats and demanding we accept it or face your wrath. When does this stop? At what point will homosexuals be satisfied? I don't think there IS a point. I think this is a futile effort and maybe we need to reconsider our positions? Maybe it's NOT the right thing to try and tolerate this?

Civil rights are still civil rights
It doesn't matter if gays get to "choose" to be gay or not. You choose your religion but are still entitled to civil rights

Nobody is forcing you to accept are free to hate anyone you want

What you can't do is force the government to accept your hatred
Bull, gays have been forcing their perverse behavior on us for awhile now. Lying libtards.

What homosexual behavior have you been forced to do?

Be very specific- and use graphic terms for the body parts.
Meh, two guys swapping spit on the it's a small world ride at Disneyland is completely normal. I mean, why would anyone consider the public display to be offensive?

Would a straight couple swapping spit on a public ride be acceptable?
You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children? The ancient Greeks did this routinely. Even in the US, up until very recently, you could marry as young as 14 in some states. In Appalachian communities, girls were married sometimes at the age of 12. Shouldn't pedophiles be afforded the same rights as homosexuals? We can't discriminate, can we? Why should they be denied the same rights as you? What's wrong with them wanting what you have?

How about a brother and sister who want to marry? Who are we to deny them their rights? If the problem is, they might have retarded babies, we can make the stipulation that one of them has to be infertile or have a hysterectomy/vasectomy so no children are possible. Same with a father and daughter or mother and son. Lots of people we're discriminating against when it comes to marrying who they love. And we've not even touched on the pig fuckers... they should have rights to marry the pig they love too! Who are you to deny them that right? What harm does it do to your gay marriage?

And yes, before you say it, I already understand what "consent" means... we can change that as easily as we changed "marriage" to mean whatever pleases us. We're not confined by antiquated definitions anymore.
You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children? The ancient Greeks did this routinely. Even in the US, up until very recently, you could marry as young as 14 in some states. In Appalachian communities, girls were married sometimes at the age of 12. Shouldn't pedophiles be afforded the same rights as homosexuals? We can't discriminate, can we? Why should they be denied the same rights as you? What's wrong with them wanting what you have?

How about a brother and sister who want to marry? Who are we to deny them their rights? If the problem is, they might have retarded babies, we can make the stipulation that one of them has to be infertile or have a hysterectomy/vasectomy so no children are possible. Same with a father and daughter or mother and son. Lots of people we're discriminating against when it comes to marrying who they love. And we've not even touched on the pig fuckers... they should have rights to marry the pig they love too! Who are you to deny them that right? What harm does it do to your gay marriage?

And yes, before you say it, I already understand what "consent" means... we can change that as easily as we changed "marriage" to mean whatever pleases us. We're not confined by antiquated definitions anymore.

We can change consent laws, but what would make you think most people would want to? We have age of consent laws to (ostensibly) protect the young who cannot make informed decisions. That basic reasoning would apply to animals. Who needs protecting when it comes to adult homosexuals? It's an entirely different argument.

As far as I have seen you can still marry as young as 14 in some states, although it requires parental and sometimes judicial consent.

With parents and children, the issue is not simply one of offspring. There is a question of power in the relationship, of whether, again, informed consent can be made. It is similar to the reasoning behind preventing teachers and students from having relationships, even if it is legal based on their ages.

With brother and sister it is a much more difficult argument to make, particularly if no potential children are involved.

Of course these arguments have been around as long as there have been discussions about gay marriage. And as always, they are mostly silly. However, when it comes to things like polygamy and incest, if someone believes they are being treated unequally, they are free to bring it to the court system. Perhaps the courts would make a similar ruling in those cases. Also as always, any individual is completely free to disagree with any sort of relationship. Nothing in the law or the recent Obergefell ruling changes that.
However, the law is meant to be impartial.

The law is as impartial as the partial opinions or of those making the laws. Marijuana anybody?

As far as what society accepts or does not, in that, you're on your own, as are we all. Social norms are most often based on the feelings of the majority. If the majority of people in the country have decided to be tolerant of and comfortable with LGBTs, but you are not, well, that's unfortunate for you.
The overriding fact behind all this is that what this truly is is a marketing game. Sway public opinion and win the game. Less than ten years ago the first 30 states to vote on gay marriage referendums all voted against it including the liberal ones like California and Oregon. Even the “truthful” presidential candidate Barack Obama was against gay marriage. So what happened so quickly? The liberals of many stripes got more aggressive. Gay movements wanted govt benefits but that got quickly dismissed for gay marriage demands, because they really wanted total acceptance by all of society and its laws that gay is as normal and good as anything else. Moral law and Christianity be damned. And the heavily liberal mainstream media ran with it, as did of course the entertainment media, and the liberal universities, and the cowardly liberal and cowardly republican politicians, and then the courts. So who can stop all that?

Worst of all, and the largest contributing factor to society’s change in attitudes and beliefs, is that the majority of self-proclaimed Christians in this nation either did not care or were easily swayed by the liberal, secular spin by all vehicles noted above. In essence, they have forgotten their God and they probably never bothered much with Him in the first place unless they were in bad health or low on funds. The price we are paying was inevitable.

Societal norms are always changing. Sometimes those changes are unpalatable to us.
And sometimes that change is dead wrong --- such as the legalization of butchering infants in the womb.
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However, the law is meant to be impartial.

The law is as impartial as the partial opinions or of those making the laws. Marijuana anybody?

As far as what society accepts or does not, in that, you're on your own, as are we all. Social norms are most often based on the feelings of the majority. If the majority of people in the country have decided to be tolerant of and comfortable with LGBTs, but you are not, well, that's unfortunate for you.
The overriding fact behind all this is that what this truly is is a marketing game. Sway public opinion and win the game. Less than ten years ago the first 30 states to vote on gay marriage referendums all voted against it including the liberal ones like California and Oregon. Even the “truthful” presidential candidate Barack Obama was against gay marriage. So what happened so quickly? The liberals of many stripes got more aggressive. Gay movements wanted govt benefits but that got quickly dismissed for gay marriage demands, because they really wanted total acceptance by all of society and its laws that gay is as normal and good as anything else. Moral law and Christianity be damned. And the heavily liberal mainstream media ran with it, as did of course the entertainment media, and the liberal universities, and the cowardly liberal and cowardly republican politicians, and then the courts. So who can stop all that?

Worst of all, and the largest contributing factor to society’s change in attitudes and beliefs, is that the majority of self-proclaimed Christians in this nation either did not care or were easily swayed. They have forgotten their God and they probably never bothered much with Him in the first place unless they were in bad health or low on funds. The price we are paying was inevitable.

Societal norms are always changing. Sometimes those changes are unpalatable to us.
And sometimes that change is dead wrong --- such as the legalization of butchering infants in the womb.

Again, why were the liberals you speak of able to so successfully sway public opinion on this matter? Why weren't those who disagree able to put forth countering views to prevent this change in societal norms? Perhaps society just reached a tipping point it was already heading toward regarding homosexuals.

Right or wrong, tolerance for and acceptance of homosexuals has clearly been increasing in recent decades.

"I fully understand this thread will catch a lot of flack from the left..."

It has nothing to do with 'the left.'

It has to do with you being factually wrong and advocating something fundamentally un-Constitutional.

Your OP is inane, ridiculous, sophomoric, childish, boorish, and completely devoid of merit; it represents most on the reactionary right: those with an unwarranted fear and animosity toward change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

That you would seek to disadvantage gay Americans based on your inability to enjoy your favorite television programs is beyond moronic.

You won't 'catch flack' from just 'the left,' you'll 'catch flack' from any rational, thinking person.
We can change consent laws, but what would make you think most people would want to?

When did what most people want come into play here? Most people don't condone or support homosexual marriage. That has been established everywhere it has been put on a ballot. The SCOTUS has ruled that it simply doesn't matter what people want, this is a right under the Constitution.
Perhaps the courts would make a similar ruling in those cases.

Perhaps? Seems to me they have no choice. If we've redefined marriage to legitimize sexual behavior then the can of worms is open. You can't pick and choose which sexual behaviors are "icky" and which are not and dole out "fundamental rights" on that basis. We either have rights or we don't.
I am deeply offended that homosexuals want to compare their "plight" with people who are black. You have no control over your race, it's what you are born with and can't do a thing about. Your sexual behavior is something you CAN control. I don't give a shit how you are born... pedophiles are born with the propensity to mess with kids... they are expected to control that urge.

Attitudes HAVE changed, that's my whole point here. Despite the efforts made by millions like myself who have tolerated your behavior and accepted that you get sexual pleasure from homosexual acts, allowing you to live as you please and not condemning you for it... look where we are today... you can't be satisfied. It's never going to be enough.

I have to wonder, would it have just been easier to condemn homosexuality? We can't seem to do enough to please you or appease you... it keeps getting pushed to the next level and then, the next... no end in sight, no sense of rationality whatsoever. Just keep forcing more and more of it down our throats and demanding we accept it or face your wrath. When does this stop? At what point will homosexuals be satisfied? I don't think there IS a point. I think this is a futile effort and maybe we need to reconsider our positions? Maybe it's NOT the right thing to try and tolerate this?

Civil rights are still civil rights
It doesn't matter if gays get to "choose" to be gay or not. You choose your religion but are still entitled to civil rights

Nobody is forcing you to accept are free to hate anyone you want

What you can't do is force the government to accept your hatred
Bull, gays have been forcing their perverse behavior on us for awhile now. Lying libtards.

What homosexual behavior have you been forced to do?

Be very specific- and use graphic terms for the body parts.
Meh, two guys swapping spit on the it's a small world ride at Disneyland is completely normal. I mean, why would anyone consider the public display to be offensive?

Would a straight couple swapping spit on a public ride be acceptable?

I don't find it offensive at all.

Do you?


Perhaps the courts would make a similar ruling in those cases.

Perhaps? Seems to me they have no choice. If we've redefined marriage to legitimize sexual behavior then the can of worms is open. You can't pick and choose which sexual behaviors are "icky" and which are not and dole out "fundamental rights" on that basis. We either have rights or we don't.

It may seem that way to you. Clearly, based on your posts on the subject (claims of incredible tolerance notwithstanding), you have a tenuous grasp of the issues involved.

You say you understand consent, then just throw out 'well, consent laws can change'. Of course they can. However, homosexual marriage bans were ruled unconstitutional after homosexual relationships were legal. Your analogy is to have illegal relationships jump straight to marriages. If age of consent laws change, then you could argue that those relationships with currently underage youths should be allowed to become marriages. If animal / human relationships were made legal, then you could argue those relationships should be allowed to become marriages (ignoring the idiocy of the idea of animals entering into contracts). Just saying "If gays can marry, anyone can marry anything!" is a tired and completely asinine argument. It implies that marriage has never changed and any change to marriage means all rules or boundaries of marriage must disappear.
We can change consent laws, but what would make you think most people would want to?

When did what most people want come into play here? Most people don't condone or support homosexual marriage. That has been established everywhere it has been put on a ballot. The SCOTUS has ruled that it simply doesn't matter what people want, this is a right under the Constitution.

Unless age of consent laws are deemed unconstitutional, or there is a sudden shift in the opinions and policies of our representatives, it would take a majority of people either voting on referendums or voting into office willing representatives to change those laws.

As to most people condoning homosexual marriage, that seems to be a fairly evenly split subject based on polling. It also has not "been established everywhere it has been put on a ballot", as prior to the Obergefell decision some states had legalized same sex marriage though both legislature and referendum.
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