It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children?.

What is it with homophobes like you not understanding the idea of 'Consent'?

This comes up often- always with people who like you have a real issue with equal rights when it comes to homosexuals.

If you do not understand the concept of 'consent'- then I am concerned that no women or children would be safe around you.

Or is this just a strawman you are raising?
And then idiots like you think Christians don't have the right to pray in schools. Hint, they do.
You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children? The ancient Greeks did this routinely. Even in the US, up until very recently, you could marry as young as 14 in some states. In Appalachian communities, girls were married sometimes at the age of 12. Shouldn't pedophiles be afforded the same rights as homosexuals? We can't discriminate, can we? Why should they be denied the same rights as you? What's wrong with them wanting what you have?

How about a brother and sister who want to marry? Who are we to deny them their rights? If the problem is, they might have retarded babies, we can make the stipulation that one of them has to be infertile or have a hysterectomy/vasectomy so no children are possible. Same with a father and daughter or mother and son. Lots of people we're discriminating against when it comes to marrying who they love. And we've not even touched on the pig fuckers... they should have rights to marry the pig they love too! Who are you to deny them that right? What harm does it do to your gay marriage?

And yes, before you say it, I already understand what "consent" means... we can change that as easily as we changed "marriage" to mean whatever pleases us. We're not confined by antiquated definitions anymore.

What is wrong is pedophilia and incest are crimes while homosexuality is not
You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children? The ancient Greeks did this routinely. Even in the US, up until very recently, you could marry as young as 14 in some states. In Appalachian communities, girls were married sometimes at the age of 12. Shouldn't pedophiles be afforded the same rights as homosexuals? We can't discriminate, can we? Why should they be denied the same rights as you? What's wrong with them wanting what you have?

How about a brother and sister who want to marry? Who are we to deny them their rights? If the problem is, they might have retarded babies, we can make the stipulation that one of them has to be infertile or have a hysterectomy/vasectomy so no children are possible. Same with a father and daughter or mother and son. Lots of people we're discriminating against when it comes to marrying who they love. And we've not even touched on the pig fuckers... they should have rights to marry the pig they love too! Who are you to deny them that right? What harm does it do to your gay marriage?

And yes, before you say it, I already understand what "consent" means... we can change that as easily as we changed "marriage" to mean whatever pleases us. We're not confined by antiquated definitions anymore.

What is wrong is pedophilia and incest are crimes while homosexuality is not
We can change consent laws, but what would make you think most people would want to?

When did what most people want come into play here? Most people don't condone or support homosexual marriage. That has been established everywhere it has been put on a ballot. The SCOTUS has ruled that it simply doesn't matter what people want, this is a right under the Constitution.

No ballot in the last three years has denied same sex marriage. Current polls show a majority of Americans support it

You are in the minority
Calling people homosexual has been the ultimate insult for their whole lives. They have not figured out that the insult has lost its power

The cat 'Family' and 'Subfamily' is 'Felidae'. The 'Genus' of cats is 'Felis', the 'Species' is
F. catis'. Should a cat be offended if he / she is referred to as a 'Felis Catis' or 'Felidae'?

The 'Genus', if you will, of man is 'Homo', the species is 'H. Sapien'. The intellectuals (smart people) of the world, being called 'Homo' would look back at the person trying to taunt them with a puzzled look, wondering why this idiot thinks this is a taunt to begin with, since it is true.

A further breakdown of the Species is 'Homo Sapien'. Based on sexual preference, the further classification includes but is now not limited to Homosexual or Heterosexual. Again, why would anyone be offended by being called or referenced to as exactly what they are...unless they are somehow ashamed of what they are? If that is the case, it is not the problem of the person who called them this but the person themselves who has the problem. Rather than being hyper-sensitive and easily offended by such an accurate 'labeling' (for lack of a better word here) they should come to grips with who they are / the choices they have made (based on your idea on this).

I can see an appropriate offense being taken by many other 'street slang' labels for homosexuals, but 'Homosexual' is not an insult - it is a scientific categorization.
What is wrong is pedophilia and incest are crimes while homosexuality is not

It used to be. And you're absolutely right, it is wrong. From a Constitutional rights perspective, how can you make one type of sexuality legitimate without making all sexuality legitimate? The Constitution is clear about equal protection. That is exactly the problem with legalizing sexuality as a basis for marriage. You've now opened Pandora's Box.
It used to be. And you're absolutely right, it is wrong. From a Constitutional rights perspective, how can you make one type of sexuality legitimate without making all sexuality legitimate? The Constitution is clear about equal protection. That is exactly the problem with legalizing sexuality as a basis for marriage. You've now opened Pandora's Box.

:eek: The Constitution says the government will not advocate one religion over another...never said anything about sexual preference....
What is wrong is pedophilia and incest are crimes while homosexuality is not

It used to be. And you're absolutely right, it is wrong. From a Constitutional rights perspective, how can you make one type of sexuality legitimate without making all sexuality legitimate? The Constitution is clear about equal protection. That is exactly the problem with legalizing sexuality as a basis for marriage. You've now opened Pandora's Box.

Why was Pandora's Box not opened when marriage laws were changed in the past? Why is it only with same sex marriage? You might say that all the previous marriage laws involved a man and a woman, but so what? All marriage laws have still involved two consenting adults, so your arguments about pedophilia and bestiality shouldn't be an issue, right? Or is the problem actually your disapproval with the latest change to marriage law rather than any actual legal Pandora's Box....
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.

Oh, the USSC decision which declared sodomy laws unconstitutional didn't happen until 2003. Up until then it was still legally acceptable to imprison gays for consensual sex acts, and in fact the case was one in which two men were charged and convicted of, basically, having gay sex. So your contention that "queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them" has only been true for a little more than a decade, legally speaking.

I'm also curious why, if the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they would accept that behavior on a personal level? Where did homosexuals get the power to decide what is or is not socially acceptable?

Oh please, you're telling us that queers were afraid of being thrown in jail for their sexual acts? All because of some old law on the books that was never enforced? That's a load of crap and you know it.

As Syriusly pointed out, the case which ruled state sodomy laws unconstitutional was based on two gay men having been charged and convicted of having gay sex in their own home. So yes, gays had reason to be afraid of being thrown in jail for their sexual acts. That is exactly what was happening. It wasn't some old law on the books never enforced, it was a law that had been enforced and was challenged.
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.

LOL- our responses has sure made the homophobes foam at the mouth- you sure are threatened by homosexuals being treated exactly equally with heterosexuals.

FYI- you can have whatever feelings you want- but if you want to broadcast your bigotry- whether towards Jews or African Americans or homsoexuals- have the balls to take the criticism of your public bigotry without whining.

I'm not "threatened" by homosexuals being treated equal. They were being treated equally, but that wasn't good enough for them. They want special treatment, and they want to force others into accepting them.

Since when is equal treatment 'special treatment'?

Homosexuals for the last 200 years in America have been attacked both legally and socially for being homosexuals. Only relatively recently have homosexuals been treated somewhat equally- no longer discharged from the military, no longer arrested for being gay, no longer fired from teaching positions for being gay- and no longer being denied the right to marry the person that they wanted to marry.

So what is this special treatment you imagine?

So you agree they aren't being arrested for being gay. Nothing ever prevented two gays from being "married" to each other. But forcing society to recognize that as a legitmate marriage is absurd. .

Did you not even read what I posted?

Since when is equal treatment 'special treatment'?

Homosexuals for the last 200 years in America have been attacked both legally and socially for being homosexuals. Only relatively recently have homosexuals been treated somewhat equally- no longer discharged from the military, no longer arrested for being gay, no longer fired from teaching positions for being gay- and no longer being denied the right to marry the person that they wanted to marry.

So what is this special treatment you imagine?

Yes- the law did prevent two homosexuals from legally marrying each other- just as the law used to prevent two people from other races from marrying each other.

You don't have to recognize as 'legitimate' any marriage you don't approve of- but now legally gay couples are treated equally.

You insist on calling that 'special treatment'.

The rest of us call that 'equal treatment'
What is wrong is pedophilia and incest are crimes while homosexuality is not

It used to be. And you're absolutely right, it is wrong. From a Constitutional rights perspective, how can you make one type of sexuality legitimate without making all sexuality legitimate? The Constitution is clear about equal protection. That is exactly the problem with legalizing sexuality as a basis for marriage. You've now opened Pandora's Box.

Again- what is the issue with homophobes like yourself not understanding the concept of consent?

Two adults consenting to have sex with each other is not the same as an adult male raping a 4 year old girl.

You consistently seem unable to distinguish any difference between rape and consensual sex.

And that could be dangerous for anyone you interact with.
I'm not "threatened" by homosexuals being treated equal. They were being treated equally, but that wasn't good enough for them. They want special treatment, and they want to force others into accepting them.

I submit it is WORSE than forcing others into accepting them. From a psychological perspective, they can never feel accepted because they know homosexuality is wrong. It simply doesn't matter how much effort is made to accept them, they can't accept themselves..

Who is forcing you to accept anyone? How?
Wow, the OP has really sent the USMB Assclown Brigade off the deep end. They're foaming at the mouth to attack, like good little trained progressive bots.

The OP really hits the nail on the head, there is no appeasing the homo-progressives. The homo-progressive movement was never about 'tolerance'. There was always tolerance of homosexuals, they weren't being thrown in jail or persecuted by the government. Did people have disdain for them, and disgust for their actions, naturally. But queers could still live their lives in peace and do whatever they wanted in the bedroom and no one could stop them.

But, that wasn't good enough for them. So they started demanding that there be no consequences for coming out of the closet. That anyone should be able to be openly gay and that everyone must accept that. Even though the vast majority of people are disgusted by queers, they were all expected to put their natural revulsion aside and 'accept' a behavior that everyone knows is wrong. If you didn't alter your behavior and feelings towards homosexuality then you would be harassed and labeled a homophobe and bigot. But, society still went along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. Now we are being told that we have to accept 'transgender' people as if they are normal. We now have to pretend a mutilated cross-dressing queer is a 'woman'. Sorry, but no.

LOL- our responses has sure made the homophobes foam at the mouth- you sure are threatened by homosexuals being treated exactly equally with heterosexuals.

FYI- you can have whatever feelings you want- but if you want to broadcast your bigotry- whether towards Jews or African Americans or homsoexuals- have the balls to take the criticism of your public bigotry without whining.

I'm not "threatened" by homosexuals being treated equal. They were being treated equally, but that wasn't good enough for them. They want special treatment, and they want to force others into accepting them.

Since when is equal treatment 'special treatment'?

Homosexuals for the last 200 years in America have been attacked both legally and socially for being homosexuals. Only relatively recently have homosexuals been treated somewhat equally- no longer discharged from the military, no longer arrested for being gay, no longer fired from teaching positions for being gay- and no longer being denied the right to marry the person that they wanted to marry.

So what is this special treatment you imagine?

Special treatment is when you expect everyone else to accomodate you. I don't expect gays to change their ways, I am not asking them to. Queers can be with each other all they want, I simply don't care. Yet, they want people like me to change our beliefs. They want to force us to accept their behavior as normal. It's NOT going to happen.

I doubt any gays care about your 'beliefs' any more than Jews care about the 'beliefs' of anti-semites.

Simply treating gay Americans exactly equal to non-gay Americans is not special treatment- except in the eyes of the paranoid anti-gays like yourself.
I fully understand this thread will catch a lot of flack from the left but I don't care. I also want to say, I have several dear and sweet homosexual friends and family members who I love very much and it makes what I am about to say very difficult for me personally.

I am starting to think it would be easier for us to condemn homosexuality than to tolerate it. Clearly to me, we (society) are trying to accept homosexuality in our culture without passing judgement but it's simply impossible because it won't be allowed. They continue to push harder for more and more special conditions to be established in order to accommodate their gayness. If there is the least bit of opposition, that is immediately turned into "homophobia" and the objector is vilified as a hater and bigot.

We've bent over backwards to try and please them but they won't be satisfied. We've taught our kids to accept them, our pastors and ministers preach about being tolerant, love the sinner and hate the sin. We've allowed them the dignity of coming out of the closet but it seems no matter what efforts are made to try and accept their behavior, it's simply not enough. We're pushed and pushed even further. There is no end... it's becoming sheer madness.

One of these days, I look for some gay lobby to push for a law which allows gay men to openly shove their penis in your mouth or ass when in public, so as to accommodate their sexual urges... and IF you deny them that "right" you are a homophobic bigot! Don't laugh, it's where this kind of shit always ends because there is no giving them what they want. It will never be enough.

At what point does society STOP being tolerant and PC? When do we reach that tipping point where we say... ya know what, maybe it was a mistake to accept you people and tolerate this? Perhaps your behavior is inappropriate and wrong, and we have been foolish trying to condone it for all this time? Could we ever reach such a 'backlash' point? I think we can because inevitably it's where they are going to push us. They are bound and determined to turn America against them or die trying. Change your laws! Make marriage be about your sexual behaviors and not what it has traditionally meant for 5,000 years! Tolerate it in your face every day 24/7 or face being castigated as a bigot.

No... You can't enjoy your favorite TV show anymore, we're going to make you watch two men kissing because you are a bigot who needs it shoved in your face. No, you can't hold your own personal religious beliefs anymore, it violates our rights! We gay people demand you accept our sexually deviant behavior as "normal" and not compare us with other deviants because we're fucking special! You got that, bigot?

When does society stand up and say, you know what? We're done being nice! Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU... YOU have to tolerate US! --WE don't have to accept you being gay... you need to abandon that behavior or get help, but don't ask for special treatment anymore... we're done!

What will it take? Anthony Kennedy legislating from the bench to "find a right" for homos to publicly molest heterosexuals without fear of reprisal? Eventually, this is where this all leads because we can't ever give them what they want. They seek legitimacy for an abnormal sexual behavior which they know and realize is abnormal. What we are doing is encouraging and enabling their condition.... it's like offering kiddie porn to pedophiles. It's NEVER going to be enough!

Now, patiently we've tried for the past 30 years or so, to accept gay people and be tolerant of their lifestyles. We're no closer to appeasing them now than we've ever been and I don't know that we can ever appease them enough. It might just be easier to roll all this back and start over with the mindset that something is wrong with you gay people and we're not going to accept it into our culture anymore. If you don't like it, move to France or somewhere homosexuality is normal.

...Let the flames begin!

Shall we condemn left-handed people as well.

A society that can not accept people as how God made them, is not civilized and will self-distruct.
You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children?.

What is it with homophobes like you not understanding the idea of 'Consent'?

This comes up often- always with people who like you have a real issue with equal rights when it comes to homosexuals.

If you do not understand the concept of 'consent'- then I am concerned that no women or children would be safe around you.

Or is this just a strawman you are raising?

Well I thought I understood the concept of "marriage" but apparently I was wrong. So why is "consent" any different?

I don't know - why don't you understand the concept of consent?

Why do you not understand that it is wrong to rape a 4 year old girl? Or a 40 year old girl?

The answer is consent.

If you don't understand consent- then you do know what rape is.

I've already told you... I understand consent. I also thought I understood marriage. Why do you not understand that two people of the same gender can't marry?

Clearly you don't understand consent- since you keep bringing up pedophilic relationships- and indeed in your OP your concern that gays would be forcing you to have sex with them.

Two people of the same gender can marry- not only is it legal- I have been to a wedding between two men- it was like every other wedding I have been to- except slightly more fun.

You don't have to accept those marriages are 'real' of course- no more than I have to accept your opinion as real.
You were allowed to marry the person you loved.

What is wrong with gays wanting what you have?

What's wrong with pedophiles marrying children?.

What is it with homophobes like you not understanding the idea of 'Consent'?

This comes up often- always with people who like you have a real issue with equal rights when it comes to homosexuals.

If you do not understand the concept of 'consent'- then I am concerned that no women or children would be safe around you.

Or is this just a strawman you are raising?

Well I thought I understood the concept of "marriage" but apparently I was wrong. So why is "consent" any different?

I don't know - why don't you understand the concept of consent?

Why do you not understand that it is wrong to rape a 4 year old girl? Or a 40 year old girl?

The answer is consent.

If you don't understand consent- then you do know what rape is.

What I understand by all this is, if we can alter the meaning of what "marriage" is, we can also alter the meaning of what "consent" is... not hard to do. In fact, you've made it easy to do because all that needs to happen is someone claim a violation of their rights is occurring and a liberal activist court agreeing with them... poof... the word is changed!

Or a Conservative Congress could decide to legalize child rape- a Conservative Congress with an attitude like yours- could decide that since there is now 'gay marriage' that they should legalize men being able to rape 4 year old girls.

It is possible that a Conservative Congress could be as blind to the concept of consent as you are- or perhaps as bitter about homosexuals being able to marry that they will legalize child rape in order to get their 'revenge' on gay Americans.

I mean if we are going to engage in really stupid speculation like you are doing.
What is wrong is pedophilia and incest are crimes while homosexuality is not

It used to be. And you're absolutely right, it is wrong. From a Constitutional rights perspective, how can you make one type of sexuality legitimate without making all sexuality legitimate? The Constitution is clear about equal protection. That is exactly the problem with legalizing sexuality as a basis for marriage. You've now opened Pandora's Box.

So you think if one type of sexuality is legitimate- i.e. a man inserting his penis in a woman's vagina- then every possible sexual act must therefore be legitimate?

Do you think that a man putting his penis in a 4 year old girl is a sexual act? Or rape?
What we are witnessimg are the final emotional throws of bigots who have to come to grips with the rest of society for some reason no longer supporting their bigotry.

No, what you are witnessing is otherwise tolerant and rational people becoming frustrated because they can't ever seem to do enough for gays. You keep pushing and pushing for something you're never going to have...

You see, what you really want is to be accepted as normal... but you're not normal, are you? You realize what you do is wrong and abnormal for human beings and you seek to have your abnormal behavior accepted and legitimized... but you know that it never will be. No amount of tolerance will ever suffice, you'll keep on pushing until society pushes back, and they will.
What specifically bugs you so much. It seems the homosexual community wants what every other citizen wants. That is full access to our system of jurisprudence i.e. marriage equality. They want to conduct commerce without undeserved humiliation and discrimination. They want to no longer fear their professional positions by way of their conduct in their personal lives. They want to do away with undue humiliation and discrimination. Nothing more.

Why oppose those simple, basic conditions of human existence? Would you discriminate against your fellow Americans if you thought their personal lives did not conform with. Yours? What would be the rationalization for that?
I fully understand this thread will catch a lot of flack from the left but I don't care. I also want to say, I have several dear and sweet homosexual friends and family members who I love very much and it makes what I am about to say very difficult for me personally.

I am starting to think it would be easier for us to condemn homosexuality than to tolerate it. Clearly to me, we (society) are trying to accept homosexuality in our culture without passing judgement but it's simply impossible because it won't be allowed. They continue to push harder for more and more special conditions to be established in order to accommodate their gayness. If there is the least bit of opposition, that is immediately turned into "homophobia" and the objector is vilified as a hater and bigot.

We've bent over backwards to try and please them but they won't be satisfied. We've taught our kids to accept them, our pastors and ministers preach about being tolerant, love the sinner and hate the sin. We've allowed them the dignity of coming out of the closet but it seems no matter what efforts are made to try and accept their behavior, it's simply not enough. We're pushed and pushed even further. There is no end... it's becoming sheer madness.

One of these days, I look for some gay lobby to push for a law which allows gay men to openly shove their penis in your mouth or ass when in public, so as to accommodate their sexual urges... and IF you deny them that "right" you are a homophobic bigot! Don't laugh, it's where this kind of shit always ends because there is no giving them what they want. It will never be enough.

At what point does society STOP being tolerant and PC? When do we reach that tipping point where we say... ya know what, maybe it was a mistake to accept you people and tolerate this? Perhaps your behavior is inappropriate and wrong, and we have been foolish trying to condone it for all this time? Could we ever reach such a 'backlash' point? I think we can because inevitably it's where they are going to push us. They are bound and determined to turn America against them or die trying. Change your laws! Make marriage be about your sexual behaviors and not what it has traditionally meant for 5,000 years! Tolerate it in your face every day 24/7 or face being castigated as a bigot.

No... You can't enjoy your favorite TV show anymore, we're going to make you watch two men kissing because you are a bigot who needs it shoved in your face. No, you can't hold your own personal religious beliefs anymore, it violates our rights! We gay people demand you accept our sexually deviant behavior as "normal" and not compare us with other deviants because we're fucking special! You got that, bigot?

When does society stand up and say, you know what? We're done being nice! Go to hell and take your cock-sucking perverted friends with you! WE don't have to tolerate YOU... YOU have to tolerate US! --WE don't have to accept you being gay... you need to abandon that behavior or get help, but don't ask for special treatment anymore... we're done!

What will it take? Anthony Kennedy legislating from the bench to "find a right" for homos to publicly molest heterosexuals without fear of reprisal? Eventually, this is where this all leads because we can't ever give them what they want. They seek legitimacy for an abnormal sexual behavior which they know and realize is abnormal. What we are doing is encouraging and enabling their condition.... it's like offering kiddie porn to pedophiles. It's NEVER going to be enough!

Now, patiently we've tried for the past 30 years or so, to accept gay people and be tolerant of their lifestyles. We're no closer to appeasing them now than we've ever been and I don't know that we can ever appease them enough. It might just be easier to roll all this back and start over with the mindset that something is wrong with you gay people and we're not going to accept it into our culture anymore. If you don't like it, move to France or somewhere homosexuality is normal.

...Let the flames begin!
So don't tolerate it. So what?
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