It's even worse...

The thing is - he's not a Republican. He's a life-long, hard-core liberal Democrat. Which explains all of the racism!

Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

Let's just call him what he is ----- a whore. He'll buy and sell this party, that party, some other party, or no party at all, whatever it takes to enrich Numero Uno.

And no, none of that "explains the racism". Liberal is the anthithesis of racism. He ain't "liberal" or "conservative", he's a very simple greed sponge. And just as he'll say one thing today and the opposite of it tomorrow he has no party affiliation and no philosophy whatsoever of how a government or a society should work, because that would involve some thought about what benefits other people ---- and he's not even capable of that level of rumination.

The racism, well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case the orange. I'm sure he's taught that by his same source for gaming the government system, his father, who was infamous for discrimination in his residences in New Yawk. I wouldn't call it necessarily "racism" so much as "elitism". He literally thinks he's above everybody else, and works relentlessly every day to drive that point home to anyone who will still listen. Somewhere deep down though he knows that's a load of bullshit, which is why he relentlessly runs around putting down everybody he sees as "rapists", "disgusting pigs", "losers" and the like. He's an insecure paranoid little twat.

Perhaps his most revealing line is "they're laughing at us" referring to Japan (or whoever). That's where his values lie --- being laughed at because he knows how full of absolute shit he is. It's what makes him melt into a puddle.
The thing is - he's not a Republican. He's a life-long, hard-core liberal Democrat. Which explains all of the racism!

Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

Let's just call him what he is ----- a whore. He'll buy and sell this party, that party, some other party, or no party at all, whatever it takes to enrich Numero Uno.

And no, none of that "explains the racism". Liberal is the anthithesis of racism. He ain't "liberal" or "conservative", he's a very simple greed sponge. And just as he'll say one thing today and the opposite of it tomorrow he has no party affiliation and no philosophy whatsoever of how a government or a society should work, because that would involve some thought about what benefits other people ---- and he's not even capable of that level of rumination.

The racism, well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case the orange. I'm sure he's taught that by his same source for gaming the government system, his father, who was infamous for discrimination in his residences in New Yawk. I wouldn't call it necessarily "racism" so much as "elitism". He literally thinks he's above everybody else, and works relentlessly every day to drive that point home to anyone who will still listen. Somewhere deep down though he knows that's a load of bullshit, which is why he relentlessly runs around putting down everybody he sees as "rapists", "disgusting pigs", "losers" and the like. He's an insecure paranoid little twat.

Perhaps his most revealing line is "they're laughing at us" referring to Japan (or whoever). That's where his values lie --- being laughed at because he knows how full of absolute shit he is. It's what makes him melt into a puddle.

And you see, I don't think he's a racist. I think that what you are describing does explain the "racism". It isn't racism that drives Donald Trump. It isn't sexism (although I do believe, based on his past behaviour toward women, which is a matter of record, that he is more of a sexist than a racist). It is political opportunism.

Does Trump hate Muslims? Nope. Nothing in his past would seem to indicate that. Does he recognise that there is a rather wide streak of nationalism which fears Islam, and radicalism? You bet your ass he does, and he will exploit that to his benefit. Does Trump hate Latinos, or even hold latinos in disregard? I don't think so. But he does recognise that there is a large demographic of Americans who hold immigrants, and Latinos in particular, responsible for every perceived ill in this country from crime, to welfare, to job loss. Trump sees this, and banks on it.

Now, I remember watching the video of a Senate hearing where Trump was being...less than polite...about Native Americans. However, again, Trump wasn't disparaging Native Americans because he disliked them; he was disparaging them, because they were receiving, in his perception, an unfair government assistance to their casino business that he was not. If the government offered Trump the same tax breaks, etc., that they were offering the Native Americans, I promise he would never have said a word.

The point is, it is not Trump's racism that drives him; it it Trump's recognition of the racism inherent in large groups of demographics in America, and his mercenary willingness to use that racism to get what he wants. Now, I could draw an historical parallel, but I rather think some folks might be angry, and I would be accused of invoking Godwin's Law. So, I will leave it here.
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The thing is - he's not a Republican. He's a life-long, hard-core liberal Democrat. Which explains all of the racism!

Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

Let's just call him what he is ----- a whore. He'll buy and sell this party, that party, some other party, or no party at all, whatever it takes to enrich Numero Uno.

And no, none of that "explains the racism". Liberal is the anthithesis of racism. He ain't "liberal" or "conservative", he's a very simple greed sponge. And just as he'll say one thing today and the opposite of it tomorrow he has no party affiliation and no philosophy whatsoever of how a government or a society should work, because that would involve some thought about what benefits other people ---- and he's not even capable of that level of rumination.

The racism, well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case the orange. I'm sure he's taught that by his same source for gaming the government system, his father, who was infamous for discrimination in his residences in New Yawk. I wouldn't call it necessarily "racism" so much as "elitism". He literally thinks he's above everybody else, and works relentlessly every day to drive that point home to anyone who will still listen. Somewhere deep down though he knows that's a load of bullshit, which is why he relentlessly runs around putting down everybody he sees as "rapists", "disgusting pigs", "losers" and the like. He's an insecure paranoid little twat.

Perhaps his most revealing line is "they're laughing at us" referring to Japan (or whoever). That's where his values lie --- being laughed at because he knows how full of absolute shit he is. It's what makes him melt into a puddle.

And you see, I don't think he's a racist. I think that what you are describing does explain the "racism". It isn't racism that drives Donald Trump. It isn't sexism (although I do believe, based on his past behaviour toward women, which is a matter of record, that he is more of a sexist than a racist). It is political opportunism.

Does Trump hate Muslims? Nope. Nothing in his past would seem to indicate that. Does he recognise that there is a rather wide streak of nationalism which fears Islam, and radicalism? You bet your ass he does, and he will exploit that to his benefit. Does Trump hate Latinos, or even hold latinos in disregard? I don't think so. But he does recognise that there is a large demographic of Americans who hold immigrants, and Latinos in particular, responsible for every perceived ill in this country from crime, to welfare, to job loss. Trump sees this, and banks on it.

Now, I remember watching the video of a Senate hearing where Trump was being...less than polite...about Native Americans. However, again, Trump wasn't disparaging Native Americans because he disliked them; he was disparaging them, because they were receiving, in his perception, an unfair government assistance to their casino business that he was not. If the government offered Trump the same tax breaks, etc., that they were offering the Native Americans, I promise he would never have said a word.

The point is, it is not Trump's racism that drivers him; it it Trump's recognition of the racism inherent in large groups of demographics in America, and his mercenary willingness to use that racism to get what he wants. Now, I could draw an historical parallel, but I rather think some folks might be angry, and I would be accused of invoking Godwin's Law. So, I will leave it here.

Fully agree, Rump is a manipulative con artist, or at least fancies himself as one. And he's milking for example the Nativist paranoia strictly for its payback, just as the Klan did, just as its philosophical father the Know Nothing Party did before them.

In fact, worthy tangent, Rump should just run on the Know Nothing ticket, since he has so much in common with them --- Wiki: Know Nothing Party.

He's already got the mantra down:

"I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists.”

“I have to look at the group. I mean, I don’t know what group you’re talking about. You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about?” --- Don of Orange "Knows Nothing"
Apparently I'm not the only one this has occurred to.

And before somebody else thinks of it ----- I got his perfect running mate right here:

The thing is - he's not a Republican. He's a life-long, hard-core liberal Democrat. Which explains all of the racism!

Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

Let's just call him what he is ----- a whore. He'll buy and sell this party, that party, some other party, or no party at all, whatever it takes to enrich Numero Uno.

And no, none of that "explains the racism". Liberal is the anthithesis of racism. He ain't "liberal" or "conservative", he's a very simple greed sponge. And just as he'll say one thing today and the opposite of it tomorrow he has no party affiliation and no philosophy whatsoever of how a government or a society should work, because that would involve some thought about what benefits other people ---- and he's not even capable of that level of rumination.

The racism, well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case the orange. I'm sure he's taught that by his same source for gaming the government system, his father, who was infamous for discrimination in his residences in New Yawk. I wouldn't call it necessarily "racism" so much as "elitism". He literally thinks he's above everybody else, and works relentlessly every day to drive that point home to anyone who will still listen. Somewhere deep down though he knows that's a load of bullshit, which is why he relentlessly runs around putting down everybody he sees as "rapists", "disgusting pigs", "losers" and the like. He's an insecure paranoid little twat.

Perhaps his most revealing line is "they're laughing at us" referring to Japan (or whoever). That's where his values lie --- being laughed at because he knows how full of absolute shit he is. It's what makes him melt into a puddle.

Trump broke the color and religious barriers in Palm Beach and shamed the other clubs. This is on record. In the 90's. Go fuck yourself Pogo that this man is racist and an anti semite. One of his number one employees is a black female and his son in law and daughter and grand babies are Jewish.

You guys are really looking like complete assholes over these claims. Pity. I used to respect you. Not now. Not when you can flat out lie like this.
The thing is - he's not a Republican. He's a life-long, hard-core liberal Democrat. Which explains all of the racism!

Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

Let's just call him what he is ----- a whore. He'll buy and sell this party, that party, some other party, or no party at all, whatever it takes to enrich Numero Uno.

And no, none of that "explains the racism". Liberal is the anthithesis of racism. He ain't "liberal" or "conservative", he's a very simple greed sponge. And just as he'll say one thing today and the opposite of it tomorrow he has no party affiliation and no philosophy whatsoever of how a government or a society should work, because that would involve some thought about what benefits other people ---- and he's not even capable of that level of rumination.

The racism, well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case the orange. I'm sure he's taught that by his same source for gaming the government system, his father, who was infamous for discrimination in his residences in New Yawk. I wouldn't call it necessarily "racism" so much as "elitism". He literally thinks he's above everybody else, and works relentlessly every day to drive that point home to anyone who will still listen. Somewhere deep down though he knows that's a load of bullshit, which is why he relentlessly runs around putting down everybody he sees as "rapists", "disgusting pigs", "losers" and the like. He's an insecure paranoid little twat.

Perhaps his most revealing line is "they're laughing at us" referring to Japan (or whoever). That's where his values lie --- being laughed at because he knows how full of absolute shit he is. It's what makes him melt into a puddle.

Trump broke the color and religious barriers in Palm Beach and shamed the other clubs. This is on record. In the 90's. Go fuck yourself Pogo that this man is racist and an anti semite. One of his number one employees is a black female and his son in law and daughter and grand babies are Jewish.

You guys are really looking like complete assholes over these claims. Pity. I used to respect you. Not now. Not when you can flat out lie like this.

Palm Beach.... why does that sound familiar, Palm Beach........ oh yeah, that's where he sued the county --- three times --- because he didn't do his due diligence before buying the place and then found out he was in a flight path. Planes flying over the estate, Jeeves, how ghastly. We must sue them again as the noise is interfering with one's tennis! :gay:

You need to sober up before you read. I just said it wasn't racism, but rather elitism. And I didn't even mention or make any allusion to anti-Semitism. Other than the whole Know Nothing thing but that was well after the post you quoted.
Go fuck yourself Pogo that this man is racist and an anti semite.

Believe it, or not, TD, as I pointed out in my response, I actually agree with you. I don't think Trump's rhetoric have anything to do with his racism, or lack thereof. I think it is entirely about political expedience, and his mercenary opportunism. I think he recognised a niche in American politics, and he is exploiting it to his full advantage.

I also think that in the general election that is going to bite him in the ass, as he has to choose between continuing to appease the faction that got him nominated, and making himself appear more reasonable, and rational to those he will need to actually get elected.

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Trump broke the color and religious barriers in Palm Beach and shamed the other clubs. This is on record. In the 90's. Go •••• yourself Pogo that this man is racist and an anti semite. One of his number one employees is a black female and his son in law and daughter and grand babies are Jewish.

You guys are really looking like complete assholes over these claims. Pity. I used to respect you. Not now. Not when you can flat out lie like this.

More like Liberals/Democrats; employing a standard wrong-wing strategy when faced with a debate that they cannot win by honest, rational means; to throw out gratuitous accusations of racism and bigotry, hoping that some of it will stick.
Trump broke the color and religious barriers in Palm Beach and shamed the other clubs. This is on record. In the 90's. Go •••• yourself Pogo that this man is racist and an anti semite. One of his number one employees is a black female and his son in law and daughter and grand babies are Jewish.

You guys are really looking like complete assholes over these claims. Pity. I used to respect you. Not now. Not when you can flat out lie like this.

More like Liberals/Democrats; employing a standard wrong-wing strategy when faced with a debate that they cannot win by honest, rational means; to throw out gratuitous accusations of racism and bigotry, hoping that some of it will stick.

More like TD making up strawmen because she's too freaking schnockered to read what the post actually said. :alcoholic:

The only poster claiming "racism" was from Buttsoiler. Post 11. It's on the record.
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The thing is - he's not a Republican. He's a life-long, hard-core liberal Democrat. Which explains all of the racism!

Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

Let's just call him what he is ----- a whore. He'll buy and sell this party, that party, some other party, or no party at all, whatever it takes to enrich Numero Uno.

And no, none of that "explains the racism". Liberal is the anthithesis of racism. He ain't "liberal" or "conservative", he's a very simple greed sponge. And just as he'll say one thing today and the opposite of it tomorrow he has no party affiliation and no philosophy whatsoever of how a government or a society should work, because that would involve some thought about what benefits other people ---- and he's not even capable of that level of rumination.

The racism, well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case the orange. I'm sure he's taught that by his same source for gaming the government system, his father, who was infamous for discrimination in his residences in New Yawk. I wouldn't call it necessarily "racism" so much as "elitism". He literally thinks he's above everybody else, and works relentlessly every day to drive that point home to anyone who will still listen. Somewhere deep down though he knows that's a load of bullshit, which is why he relentlessly runs around putting down everybody he sees as "rapists", "disgusting pigs", "losers" and the like. He's an insecure paranoid little twat.

Perhaps his most revealing line is "they're laughing at us" referring to Japan (or whoever). That's where his values lie --- being laughed at because he knows how full of absolute shit he is. It's what makes him melt into a puddle.

Trump broke the color and religious barriers in Palm Beach and shamed the other clubs. This is on record. In the 90's. Go fuck yourself Pogo that this man is racist and an anti semite. One of his number one employees is a black female and his son in law and daughter and grand babies are Jewish.

You guys are really looking like complete assholes over these claims. Pity. I used to respect you. Not now. Not when you can flat out lie like this.

Libtards like Pogo have been crying "racist" for the past 20 years when they are threatened by a candidate or when they lose a debate. The party of racists can't get racism off of their mind.
The thing is - he's not a Republican. He's a life-long, hard-core liberal Democrat. Which explains all of the racism!

Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

Let's just call him what he is ----- a whore. He'll buy and sell this party, that party, some other party, or no party at all, whatever it takes to enrich Numero Uno.

And no, none of that "explains the racism". Liberal is the anthithesis of racism. He ain't "liberal" or "conservative", he's a very simple greed sponge. And just as he'll say one thing today and the opposite of it tomorrow he has no party affiliation and no philosophy whatsoever of how a government or a society should work, because that would involve some thought about what benefits other people ---- and he's not even capable of that level of rumination.

The racism, well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case the orange. I'm sure he's taught that by his same source for gaming the government system, his father, who was infamous for discrimination in his residences in New Yawk. I wouldn't call it necessarily "racism" so much as "elitism". He literally thinks he's above everybody else, and works relentlessly every day to drive that point home to anyone who will still listen. Somewhere deep down though he knows that's a load of bullshit, which is why he relentlessly runs around putting down everybody he sees as "rapists", "disgusting pigs", "losers" and the like. He's an insecure paranoid little twat.

Perhaps his most revealing line is "they're laughing at us" referring to Japan (or whoever). That's where his values lie --- being laughed at because he knows how full of absolute shit he is. It's what makes him melt into a puddle.

Trump broke the color and religious barriers in Palm Beach and shamed the other clubs. This is on record. In the 90's. Go fuck yourself Pogo that this man is racist and an anti semite. One of his number one employees is a black female and his son in law and daughter and grand babies are Jewish.

You guys are really looking like complete assholes over these claims. Pity. I used to respect you. Not now. Not when you can flat out lie like this.

Libtards like Pogo have been crying "racist" for the past 20 years when they are threatened by a candidate or when they lose a debate. The party of racists can't get racism off of their mind.

The only thing funnier than a poster too schnockered to read the original post ---- is another poster too schnockered to see that the schnockered poster was schnockered.

Or too schnockered to see that *YOU* are the only one who brought up "racism". Post 11.

Roll tape.
The thing is - he's not a Republican. He's a life-long, hard-core liberal Democrat. Which explains all of the racism!

--- a charge which was then refuted by myself and Czernobog. And possibly by TD once she sobers up and reads coherently.

You're all alone, Buttsoiler. All alone. :itsok:

Oopsie. Looks like it's time to run away with another name change.
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Ya know, I just came across this meme:


and the first thought that crossed my mind is, "It's even worse..." Forget the three marriages thing. Republicans are practically tripping over themselves to explain how, suddenly, bankruptcy is the responsible thing for a business man to do. The established view of bankruptcy has always been that it ruins one's credit rating, it screams "failure", and it is the shelter that low-lifes, crooks, and scam artists run to to get away with screwing the people they owe money to.

But, now, suddenly, bankruptcy is the thing that all fiscally responsible people do?!?!? REALLY??????

I'm reminded of the last election cycle, when Mitt Romney was condemned for a lot of the fallout from his business ventures. What this ignored, of course, is that the form of business activity in which Mr. Romney was involved—venture capital investing—is a very high-risk form of investing, supporting businesses that have a high chance of failure. When they fail, they tend to fail spectacularly, but when they succeed, they tend to succeed spectacularly.

It's rather like condemning an oncologist (a physician who specializes in treating cancer) for having a much higher patient death rate, than, say, a dermatologist, who treats minor skin issues.

I don't really know enough about the nature of Trump's business to know for sure, but I'd bet that a similar principle probably applies to him. In any event, he's certainly had a great many successes as well. What experience and successes has Hillary Clinton had in business and investing?

And while having had two marriages fail in divorce is not exactly admirable, I'll put that over someone who is known to have willingly aided and abetted a violent sexual predator.

You're business answer is correct, but REALLY women tend to support the victim in adultery which in this instance is Hillary Clinton--LOL And if you can't win the largest voting block in this country--(women) you won't get near the White House.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republican women organize to support Hillary Clinton -

Barbara Bush, former 1st lady puts it very plainly.
The thing is - he's not a Republican. He's a life-long, hard-core liberal Democrat. Which explains all of the racism!

Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

Let's just call him what he is ----- a whore. He'll buy and sell this party, that party, some other party, or no party at all, whatever it takes to enrich Numero Uno.

And no, none of that "explains the racism". Liberal is the anthithesis of racism. He ain't "liberal" or "conservative", he's a very simple greed sponge. And just as he'll say one thing today and the opposite of it tomorrow he has no party affiliation and no philosophy whatsoever of how a government or a society should work, because that would involve some thought about what benefits other people ---- and he's not even capable of that level of rumination.

The racism, well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case the orange. I'm sure he's taught that by his same source for gaming the government system, his father, who was infamous for discrimination in his residences in New Yawk. I wouldn't call it necessarily "racism" so much as "elitism". He literally thinks he's above everybody else, and works relentlessly every day to drive that point home to anyone who will still listen. Somewhere deep down though he knows that's a load of bullshit, which is why he relentlessly runs around putting down everybody he sees as "rapists", "disgusting pigs", "losers" and the like. He's an insecure paranoid little twat.

Perhaps his most revealing line is "they're laughing at us" referring to Japan (or whoever). That's where his values lie --- being laughed at because he knows how full of absolute shit he is. It's what makes him melt into a puddle.

Trump broke the color and religious barriers in Palm Beach and shamed the other clubs. This is on record. In the 90's. Go fuck yourself Pogo that this man is racist and an anti semite. One of his number one employees is a black female and his son in law and daughter and grand babies are Jewish.

You guys are really looking like complete assholes over these claims. Pity. I used to respect you. Not now. Not when you can flat out lie like this.

Libtards like Pogo have been crying "racist" for the past 20 years when they are threatened by a candidate or when they lose a debate. The party of racists can't get racism off of their mind.

To be honest P@triot, I wish Trump were a racist. At least then he would be expounding honest views. Instead, we have a sociopathic mercenary who will say whatever he needs to in order to secure for himself the White House, and no one will have any clue who he really is until it is far too late...
To be honest P@triot, I wish Trump were a racist. At least then he would be expounding honest views. Instead, we have a sociopathic mercenary who will say whatever he needs to in order to secure for himself the White House, and no one will have any clue who he really is until it is far too late...
No disagreement there at all Czern. The sad part is - Hitlery Clinton is the exact same way. She too will say or do anything to be president because she is so power hungry. This nation is screwed no matter what.
To be honest P@triot, I wish Trump were a racist. At least then he would be expounding honest views. Instead, we have a sociopathic mercenary who will say whatever he needs to in order to secure for himself the White House, and no one will have any clue who he really is until it is far too late...
No disagreement there at all Czern. The sad part is - Hitlery Clinton is the exact same way. She too will say or do anything to be president because she is so power hungry. This nation is screwed no matter what.

"No disagreement" huh? Then why did you try to hang a "racism" label on Rump in the first place back in post 11?

Did you have some kind of pathetic dishonest hack epiphany? :banghead:
And while having had two marriages fail in divorce is not exactly admirable, I'll put that over someone who is known to have willingly aided and abetted a violent sexual predator.

You're [sic] business answer is correct, but REALLY women tend to support the victim in adultery which in this instance is Hillary Clinton…

Willingly aiding and abetting a violent sex offender is not the same thing as being a victim of adultery.

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