It's Gone Hot: Texas Guard Defending Border Defying SCOTUS and Biden, More Razor Wire

If Greg Abbott wants to solve immigration, he and the rest of the governor should sit down with the president and work out a strategy and Congress should strike a bi-partisan committe to draft the legislation.

Unless and until they start doing real stuff that addresses the real problems, it’s all just political theatre to rile up the base.
He does have a plan regarding immigration. When more migrants drown while crossing the border, There will be more news stories about it. When more Mexicans realize they'll die trying to cross the border, the number of border crossings will decrease.
You mean like in Texas? How's that working out?

Did Sponge Brains Shits Pants say, "BOO!" and frighten those cowboys away?

He did threaten them with SCOTUS. They ruled in his favor as a matter of Law.

How's that working out for him?

Tell us, oh wise one, Oracle of the Politics Message Board...... What is Sponge Brains Shits Pants gonna do now?

Tell us? The Texas NG isn't a bunch of unarmed Patriots, they're fighting Men. You gonna send in the FBI? Lawyers? :auiqs.jpg: Persecutors? :dunno::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:The fucking Media???

Why don't you go frighten them away, tough guy. Send us a postcard from your basement while you're deciding.

It has begun and Sponge Brains Shits Pants will either back down or the Country will go up in flames. And you will lose. You will lose big time, in a big way.

I don't want that. As much as I'd like to see you lose any and all power in the political process, (because dimocraps are scum) I know what will happen when it starts, when it escalates, and when it ends.

You are a child teasing the Lion in his cage. And the cage is about to break

Are you talking about the same Texas NG that let that asshole shoot all those little kids to death because they were afraid of his gun. Those brave Texas law and order guys?

The "shit for brains" is Greg Abbott who should look after Texans and do right by them instead of pretending he's doing anything by making the border situation worse to cover for his complete failures with covid, abortion, and the power grid.
Are you talking about the same Texas NG that let that asshole shoot all those little kids to death because they were afraid of his gun.
Holy shit you are a moron. The Texas NG didn't respond to the Uvalde shooting.

If you ever grew a brain you would take it out and play with it.

Seriously, go fix your own shithole country and STFU about America. You don't know a fucking thing about it. Nothing.
Dude. I stated two irrefutable facts:

  1. Biden claims he can't fix the border crisis without more money.
  2. Biden is suing Texas for fixing HIS border problem with Texas money, and he is suing them to stop.

Nothing about those facts is a straw man, Dumbass. Please explain how you think it is.
This is what you said.
Tater says he doesn’t have enough money to do his job at the border, which is bullshit. But then he sues Texas for spending their money to do his job at the border.
  • Show Biden has enough money to do his job at the border.

  • Show that Texas is doing Biden's job at the border.

  • Make another straw man.
This is what you said.

  • Show Biden has enough money to do his job at the border.

  • Show that Texas is doing Biden's job at the border.

  • Make another straw man.
Irrefutable facts. Thats what I posted.

Which is why all you can bleat is STRAW MAN! what a clown.
Which you can't back up. Show your argument is valid or it's time for you to go and mow another hay paddock for your next straw man.
You are obviously completely ignorant on this topic, vermin.

Biden saying he needs more money to secure the border:

Texas doing his job:

Well, if the fed won't do its job, the state must take care of itself and not rely on a worthless federal govt at this point.
Joe Biden should be impeached for the failure to ensure that the laws of our nation are enforced.

If he keeps pushing, Texas may just decide to leave the Union. Then what? Will Joe attack Texas with his F15s?

Once again it is beginning to look like Obama was right about Joe.

There can be little doubt that illegals and migrants are being encouraged and enabled into taking up permanent residence in our country. By the millions. No one can deny that. What you are "discussing" for want of a nicer word, is exactly why and who, Why would this be happening? Can it be that there is so much empathy in our government behind it? I don't think so as we are bombing several countries into oblivion without any sense of remorse and yes even some warghasm pleasure in it. Cheap labor for corporations? Possibly, but that is false economy, and that would be the very short game plan. There is something else at play here. This is fundamentally changing America, which was one of Obama's pet jingles, and it carried him far. This is very reminiscent of the failed North American Union of a few years ago, an attempt to create an economic and security block similar to the EU. It failed for lack of enthusiasm but is probably not dead, and maybe incorporated into the 2030 agenda which is very much alive. I think that we are being melded into the bigger plan for the movement of people and goods across borders. What we are seeing is the death of States ( US of A) rights, and the beginning of the end of individual national rights. Every immigrant that stays here will immediately petition and be granted a free pass for relatives, so you must figure those expanded numbers into your figures. This is a historical culture shift, not based on economics or disease as in the past, but on calculated moves by people in power who may or may not be obvious.
The reason that Greg Abbott is going after illegal immigrants is because he can’t take the heat of the abortion debate or Texans dying in the cold. The immigration debate is a massive deflection from his failures as a governor.
You're deflecting from the very real issue of illegal immigration.
Start facing reality and stop listening to all the bullshit that the right wingers are pushing about immigration. Their goal is to keep you riled up and voting against your best interests.
Illegal immigration is a very real issue. Stop pretending it's not just to give cover to the Quid Pro administration. You know they're not dealing with it effectively.
If Greg Abbott wants to solve immigration, he and the rest of the governor should sit down with the president and work out a strategy and Congress should strike a bi-partisan committe to draft the legislation.

Unless and until they start doing real stuff that addresses the real problems, it’s all just political theatre to rile up the base.
They had a working strategy with the prior president that was working quite well. This one, however, literally predicted a surge to the border when he took office and it happened. He seems to have welcomed it, first putting the ineptest person he could find in charge of it, then trying to ignore the problem. You seem to approve of that, blaming the people who have to deal with the pressures of the illegal immigration instead of those responsible to handle it. Well, at any rate, they seem to have found an acceptable way of dealing with it, just spread the problem around to the places that said they were on board with it.
The reason that Greg Abbott is going after illegal immigrants is because he can’t take the heat of the abortion debate or Texans dying in the cold. The immigration debate is a massive deflection from his failures as a governor.

Start facing reality and stop listening to all the bullshit that the right wingers are pushing about immigration. Their goal is to keep you riled up and voting against your best interests.

If Greg Abbott wants to solve immigration, he and the rest of the governor should sit down with the president and work out a strategy and Congress should strike a bi-partisan committe to draft the legislation.

Unless and until they start doing real stuff that addresses the real problems, it’s all just political theatre to rile up the base.
As we see with the Senate now backing away from their border security deal they were just touting. Trump wants his folks mad for the election.
Just watch how the rhetoric changes to exactly that.
This is what you said.
  • Show Biden has enough money to do his job at the border.
  • Show that Texas is doing Biden's job at the border.
  • Make another straw man.
1. Biden has more than enough money. He has more than Trump had.
2. TX is stopping the flow of illegals into the US. That one is easy.

Biden is making "political" straw men instead of doing his "national security" job.
1. Biden has more than enough money. He has more than Trump had.
2. TX is stopping the flow of illegals into the US. That one is easy.

Biden is making "political" straw men instead of doing his "national security" job.
Which job is that? The president sets policy.
Congress enacts law and changes of law.
Why is the Senate backing away from the deal they were just touting as “as good as it gets”?
Why did they abandon any gains they could have gotten in favor of simply bitching?

Because bitching keeps you mad, dupe.
1. Biden has more than enough money. He has more than Trump had.
2. TX is stopping the flow of illegals into the US. That one is easy.

Biden is making "political" straw men instead of doing his "national security" job.
That clown won't be back. I chased him off with post 270.

He is just a pathetic troll.
Once people choose to ignore the SCOTUS, we are done as a nation of laws and freedom.

There is no chance of turning back now, once that door is opened, it will never be closed, all states will just start to ignore whatever rulings they do not like.

You people need to learn to be careful what you ask for.
You need to learn to vote for people who will do the job they are voted in to do!

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