It's Gone Hot: Texas Guard Defending Border Defying SCOTUS and Biden, More Razor Wire

Figures that you would love whatever the goat fucker says.

And you claim to be a libertarian.

What a farce.
1. You don't understand libertarianism. Border control to a real libertarian, especially under the guise of protecting domestic workers is protectionism. And protectionism is the antithesis of free markets as much as tariffs or subsidies.

2. Because you're an uneducated Bingo, rather than understand any of this the best retort you could manage was to come here and tell us you fantasize about goat fucking. Figures.
I got news for you, you fail whites are allowing it too. You've already allowed your children to become demographic minorities in this country. This razor wire isn't going to stem the tide of your demographic demise, and it isn't designed to. It's just designed to make you feel a little better in your impotency by enacting some measure of cruelty. That's it. You're still being replaced and all your leaders offer you are gimmicks like bussing immigrants to other States. Whether they breed in Texas or Chicago their children are still American citizens and in the end you still lose. :funnyface:
I do not disagree we are being replaced .. wash out the white in hopes the new generations will lead us in an undesirable and predictable path. It's watching the movie Idiocracy in real time.
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I do not disagree we are being replaced .. wash out the white in hopes the new generations will lead us in an undesirable and predictable path. It's watching the movie Idiocracy in real time.
Yes. Watching you Bingos trying to stop it is like watching Idiocracy. You even elected a carnival barker for President who suggested things like using light and bleach in your body to cure covid and my personal favorite, nuking a hurricane to show it who's boss or something. :lmao:
Once people choose to ignore the SCOTUS, we are done as a nation of laws and freedom.

There is no chance of turning back now, once that door is opened, it will never be closed, all states will just start to ignore whatever rulings they do not like.

You people need to learn to be careful what you ask for.
That was done long ago, when states and cities declared themselves sanctuaries that would not enforce federal immigration law. This is the inevitable backlash against that.
That was done long ago, when states and cities declared themselves sanctuaries that would not enforce federal immigration law. This is the inevitable backlash against that.
Not at all. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the legal system.

You are almost never under any obligation to assist law enforcement.

But you are obligated to refrain from inhibiting them.
And Mike Johnson and GOP RINOs just sit with their thumbs up their butts not impeaching Biden. Traitors all, US Texas patriots.

Will China plant Biden succeed in getting Texas Guard and USBP to draw on each other and plunge us into civil war? Is this what we are going to let that old peedough do?

Border Patrol must disobey Biden illegal orders to violate US Constitution and resign. Bidens orders are to not uphold Art. 4. Article 4 sec. 4 "the United States SHALL protect each [state] against invasion."

What was missing was any text giving states the right to assume federal responsibilities they don't think are being satisfactorily seviced. Why are you people so STUPID?
Not at all. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the legal system.

You are almost never under any obligation to assist law enforcement.

But you are obligated to refrain from inhibiting them.
You can split hairs all you want, but when cities and states basically encourage illegal immigration, leaving border states to deal with the fallout, the border states are going to fight back. Hence, you have busloads of illegal immigrants landing in NYC, which gives them heartburn, and now a border state taking measures that the federal government won't.
And Mike Johnson and GOP RINOs just sit with their thumbs up their butts not impeaching Biden. Traitors all, US Texas patriots.

Will China plant Biden succeed in getting Texas Guard and USBP to draw on each other and plunge us into civil war? Is this what we are going to let that old peedough do?

Border Patrol must disobey Biden illegal orders to violate US Constitution and resign. Bidens orders are to not uphold Art. 4. Article 4 sec. 4 "the United States SHALL protect each [state] against invasion."

I don't see anyone in that video installing razor wire. There is no mention in any major news source of the Texas National Guard defying the SCOTUS order or the US Border Patrol. Representative Chip Roy has urged Texas to do so and Abbott seems amenable to the idea, but I see no real evidence that such things are happening.

God you people are stupid.
Why are YOU so fucking STUPID?????????
I'm not. I'm the one here that can tell the difference between an immigrant and an invader. Your problem would seem to be the way your judgement is swayed by your ethnic prejudice.
You can split hairs all you want, but when cities and states basically encourage illegal immigration, leaving border states to deal with the fallout, the border states are going to fight back. Hence, you have busloads of illegal immigrants landing in NYC, which gives them heartburn, and now a border state taking measures that the federal government won't.
Shouldn’t the states fight back legally?
I'm not. I'm the one here that can tell the difference between an immigrant and an invader. Your problem would seem to be the way your judgement is swayed by your ethnic prejudice.
Just like your DELUSIONAL BULLSHIT about the fucking WEATHER!!!!
GTFOH!!!!!!!! :eusa_hand:
Just like your DELUSIONAL BULLSHIT about the fucking WEATHER!!!!
GTFOH!!!!!!!! :eusa_hand:
How many of those immigrants crossing the Rio Grande have been armed? How many of them have used force to get past the border patrol or law enforcement? What US territory have they seized? And, again, where does the US Constitution say that states can assume federal responsibilities if they're not happy with the way Washington is doing it? I don't know how you people feed yourselves. You seem to be operating with the intelligence of fucking ten year olds.
How many of those immigrants crossing the Rio Grande have been armed? How many of them have used force to get past the border patrol or law enforcement? What US territory have they seized? And, again, where does the US Constitution say that states can assume federal responsibilities if they're not happy with the way Washington is doing it? I don't know how you people feed yourselves. You seem to be operating with the intelligence of fucking ten year olds.
Go fuck yourself, cricket.
One could say that the federal government is not only illegally failing to uphold its obligation to protect the border, but actively fighting against it and the 10th amendment applies.
One could stay that, but it’s up to the courts to decide.

Isnt it? That’s what the constitution says.
One could stay that, but it’s up to the courts to decide.

Isnt it? That’s what the constitution says.
Sure, it is. That's where it will be fought, and ultimately, Texas will do what it needs to do. Don't be surprised to see sanctuary cities get REALLY mad when big numbers start showing up because they advertised for illegal aliens and the federal government wouldn't stop them at the border.

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