It's Gone Hot: Texas Guard Defending Border Defying SCOTUS and Biden, More Razor Wire

Texas needs to stop killing migrants, stop killing pregnant women, and start looking after the people.

They're not migrants, you bleeding idiot.

At best they're job seekers.

At worst they're terrorists.

Fuck your idiotic leftard word games.

These people are ILLEGAL, they have no business being here.

Brown yellow or indifferent, they're stealing our jobs and our tax dollars.

They have NO RIGHTS to do those things.

Not a single fucking right, human or otherwise.
Jose is an illegal alien .. and the Biden administration is allowing Jose, and his millions of comrades to freely come across our borders. Using the legal system on bullshit terminology and backlogging the legal system so Jose stays in the United States for years!

Meanwhile, Jose and his comrades are being planted in communities across the United States, consuming tax payer dollars and responding with crime and unsanitary conditions. They are like cockroaches .. who won't adjust to American culture and scatter when the lights are turned on.
Reminds me of an episode of MASH. These South Korean civilians kept on showing up there in a long line to get free medical care. All of the males had the name Kim Luck. Hawkeye was in charge of the line one day and noticed everyone was named Kim Luck so he asked one of them if he had an ID and the man pointed at himself and said, "This is me" and Hawkeye (AKA Biden) just shrugged and said something like, "well, I guess you ought to know who you are" and let the man through for his free medical care, followed by a long line of other Kim Lucks.
Yes. Watching you Bingos trying to stop it is like watching Idiocracy. You even elected a carnival barker for President who suggested things like using light and bleach in your body to cure covid and my personal favorite, nuking a hurricane to show it who's boss or something. :lmao:
It's sad the current administration freely allows the illegals to flow into the United States ... non-Americans are leading to the Idiocracy of education and the requirements to be proficient in basic skills like math, reading and writing. The United States may have "orange hair," at least he attempts to address the record high illegal immigration and direct impact to communities across the United States.
Only the federal govt can enforce federal law, dupe.
Then what is a sanctuary city?

Wiki, which we all know is sacrosanct in its definitions, defines a sanctuary city as:

A sanctuary city is a municipality that limits or denies its cooperation with the national government in enforcing immigration law

It would seem from that definition that a city which refuses to cooperate with the federal government is in fact refusing to help enforce immigration law, from which comes the inescapable conclusion that it is refusing to enforce federal law. At any rate, expanding that concept to Texas and further, it would seem then that Texas has no obligation to assist the federal government in any of its efforts, including things like firearms licensing laws.
Then what is a sanctuary city?

Wiki, which we all know is sacrosanct in its definitions, defines a sanctuary city as:

A sanctuary city is a municipality that limits or denies its cooperation with the national government in enforcing immigration law

It would seem from that definition that a city which refuses to cooperate with the federal government is in fact refusing to help enforce immigration law, from which comes the inescapable conclusion that it is refusing to enforce federal law. At any rate, expanding that concept to Texas and further, it would seem then that Texas has no obligation to assist the federal government in any of its efforts, including things like firearms licensing laws.
Sanctuary might as well be declared a rape endorsement city. It’s all made up malevolent hogwash to violate the law over feelings
Reminds me of an episode of MASH. These South Korean civilians kept on showing up there in a long line to get free medical care. All of the males had the name Kim Luck. Hawkeye was in charge of the line one day and noticed everyone was named Kim Luck so he asked one of them if he had an ID and the man pointed at himself and said, "This is me" and Hawkeye (AKA Biden) just shrugged and said something like, "well, I guess you ought to know who you are" and let the man through for his free medical care, followed by a long line of other Kim Lucks.

and the MASH unit was none for the worse for doing so
Oh you mean those who have been processed and are here legally.
No one supports illegals except those who choose the employ them.
See your people don’t get to break the law and enter snd get arrested and then have the arrest turn into potential legal processing. Thats circumvention and along with their very first act on American soil being a criminal one, if you could think then you would recognize the wrong in all of this
See your people don’t get to break the law and enter snd get arrested and then have the arrest turn into potential legal processing. Thats circumvention and along with their very first act on American soil being a criminal one, if you could think then you would recognize the wrong in all of this.
With all your hysterical pant shitting aside…
Seeking asylum is not a crime. Only those eligible are processed. Those who are not are exited.

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