It's Gone Hot: Texas Guard Defending Border Defying SCOTUS and Biden, More Razor Wire

Of course I am. There is nothing pieces of shit like you can do about it.

No, no you aren't. And it ain't me you vacuous turd. Your hero xiden, and his Chinese masters are flooding this country with illegals.

THEY are going to make your life a miserable hell. Not me.

We warned you useful idiots a long time ago. So you have only yourselves to blame.
No, no you aren't. And it ain't me you vacuous turd. Your hero xiden, and his Chinese masters are flooding this country with illegals.

THEY are going to make your life a miserable hell. Not me.

Two things, one I am not afraid of brown people like you and number two, I will not be in this country when I am retired, so they will not being a damn thing to me.
Two things, one I am not afraid of brown people like you and number two, I will not be in this country when I am retired, so they will not being a damn thing to me.

What makes you think I am afraid of brown people, you bigot. I AM one! And no, child....if you have to wait 5 years to leave, you're screwed. You haven't got the time.

But it will be fun to watch you melt down when that realization finally hits you.
What makes you think I am afraid of brown people, you bigot

but of course you are just like you are married to a French super model and you have a million dollars hidden in your basement!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

if you have to wait 5 years to leave, you're screwed. You haven't got the time.

A little early in the morning for such dramatics don't you think?
but of course you are just like you are married to a French super model and you have a million dollars hidden in your basement!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

A little early in the morning for such dramatics don't you think?

Oh, you petulant child, I never claimed she was a super model. She is certainly pretty, but not gorgeous. As far as cash goes I have proven I can buy you with what I keep in my safe, so your maniacal laughter is only you trying to keep your self in control.

Work harder boy, and maybe you can flee to Panama in three years.

But I don't think you have even that much time. Zuck and all his other billionaire buddies are building their bunkers, and when those are finished they will have no further need of you useless types.
It is beyond comprehension that "Jose Gonzalez" can come here from Guatemala, prove who he is, prove he is not a criminal, and prove that he needs asylum because thugs are out to get him.
Jose is an illegal alien .. and the Biden administration is allowing Jose, and his millions of comrades to freely come across our borders. Using the legal system on bullshit terminology and backlogging the legal system so Jose stays in the United States for years!

Meanwhile, Jose and his comrades are being planted in communities across the United States, consuming tax payer dollars and responding with crime and unsanitary conditions. They are like cockroaches .. who won't adjust to American culture and scatter when the lights are turned on.
Oh, you petulant child, I never claimed she was a super model. She is certainly pretty, but not gorgeous. As far as cash goes I have proven I can buy you with what I keep in my safe, so your maniacal laughter is only you trying to keep your self in control.

Work harder boy, and maybe you can flee to Panama in three years.

But I don't think you have even that much time. Zuck and all his other billionaire buddies are building their bunkers, and when those are finished they will have no further need of you useless types.
No one with money gives a shit about immigrants at the border. :lmao: That shit has zero impact on their lives. Only poor whites, fearful of competition, give a shit.
Whatever you fraud….if that makes you feel better….Just know that you’re exposed….

yes, I was exposed by you being too fucking lazy to read the thread and see the post I had responded to.

I hate it when that happens! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :cheers2:
Jose is an illegal alien .. and the Biden administration is allowing Jose, and his millions of comrades to freely come across our borders. Using the legal system on bullshit terminology and backlogging the legal system so Jose stays in the United States for years!

Meanwhile, Jose and his comrades are being planted in communities across the United States, consuming tax payer dollars and responding with crime and unsanitary conditions. They are like cockroaches .. who won't adjust to American culture and scatter when the lights are turned on.
I got news for you, you fail whites are allowing it too. You've already allowed your children to become demographic minorities in this country. This razor wire isn't going to stem the tide of your demographic demise, and it isn't designed to. It's just designed to make you feel a little better in your impotency by enacting some measure of cruelty. That's it. You're still being replaced and all your leaders offer you are gimmicks like bussing immigrants to other States. Whether they breed in Texas or Chicago their children are still American citizens and in the end you still lose. :funnyface:

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