It's Good To Be Rich! More Republican Tax Breaks!

Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.

Less air traffic controllers? Less radar? Less INS? Less police? Less Fire Fighters?

Riiiight, because those are the ONLY things we can possibly cut spending on.

Do you know how incredibly tired I am of hearing you leftist extortioners blatting about how you're going to eviscerate society unless we pay you off?

Or perhaps you'd like to cut aging services.

Yeah, that little straw-man of "We need to steal even more, or no services! Society collapses!" only works on people stupid enough to believe government budgets are already cut to the bone, bare-minimum, no pork or fat anywhere.

Which is what I just said, and you totally ignored to repeat the same tired canard.

There is no number of times you can say this bullshit that is going to make me believe it and get an emotional panic reaction. None. Nada. Not happening. Do NOT tell me about cuts to essential services, starving old people, tortured puppies, what-the-hell-ever heartstring you're trying to tug, and expect me to take it or you seriously.
You're not increasing the economy --- you are reassigning it. You also fail to consider the impact of removing investment capital from the economy.

If more people had more money to buy products, how would that not be good for the economy?

Corporate America has tens of trillions in investment dollars available. The problem is they invest in the market instead of their business.

Forcibly taking one person's money and handing it to someone else is not "more people having more money", nor is it good for the economy. Cripes, you leftists view macroeconomics like a game of Monopoly, don't you?
Your suppossed to leave your legacy to bleeding heart , self righteous, leftist parasites......
Not your family. Lmfao
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
I simply don't care. If Daddy made the money and wants to give it to his children, it's HIS choice, not yours. Why should they have to pay anything on a gift from their father?
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
I simply don't care. If Daddy made the money and wants to give it to his children, it's HIS choice, not yours. Why should they have to pay anything on a gift from their father?

Why is it I have to pay taxes on my money and they don't?
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

But the people who are getting it don't have to pay taxes on it...if I have to pay taxes on money I've earned seems to me they should.
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
I simply don't care. If Daddy made the money and wants to give it to his children, it's HIS choice, not yours. Why should they have to pay anything on a gift from their father?

unless the estate is worth over $10.8 million dollars, mom and dads kids don't pay squat either ... and dear old dad didn't get and keep the estate by being a dumbass. His financial lawyers and estate planners know exactly how to protect the kids. Anyone who believes he doesn't is dumb as a hammer.
But the people who are getting it don't have to pay taxes on it...if I have to pay taxes on money I've earned seems to me they should.

Wealthy Clintons Use Trusts to Limit Estate Tax They Back - Bloomberg Business

June 17 (Bloomberg) -- Bill and Hillary Clinton have long supported an estate tax to prevent the U.S. from being dominated by inherited wealth. That doesn’t mean they want to pay it.

To reduce the tax pinch, the Clintons are using financial planning strategies befitting the top 1 percent of U.S. households in wealth. These moves, common among multimillionaires, will help shield some of their estate from the tax that now tops out at 40 percent of assets upon death.

The Clintons created residence trusts in 2010 and shifted ownership of their New York house into them in 2011, according to federal financial disclosures and local property records.

Among the tax advantages of such trusts is that any appreciation in the house’s value can happen outside their taxable estate. The move could save the Clintons hundreds of thousands of dollars in estate taxes, said David Scott Sloan, a partner at Holland & Knight LLP in Boston.
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

But the people who are getting it don't have to pay taxes on it...if I have to pay taxes on money I've earned seems to me they should.

its more dramatic for the RW drama queens to scream "foul" about the government than it is to face the facts ... its almost like old money never existed before this century.
1916 $50,000 10%
1917 - 1923 $50,000 25%
1924 - 1925 $50,000 40%
1926 - 1931 $100,000 20%
1932 - 1933 $50,000 45%
1934 $50,000 60%
1935 - 1940 $40,000 70%
1941 $40,000 77%
1942 - 1976 $60,000 77%
1977 $120,000 70%
1978 $134,000 70%
1979 $147,000 70%
1980 $161,000 70%
1981 $175,000 70%
1982 $225,000 65%
1983 $275,000 60%
1984 $325,000 55%
1985 $400,000 55%
1986 $500,000 55%

70% estate tax under Reagan ... how did this country ever survive ????

Year Estate Tax Exemption Top Estate Tax Rate
1997 $600,000 55%
1998 $625,000 55%
1999 $650,000 55%
2000 $675,000 55%
2001 $675,000 55%
2002 $1,000,000 50%
2003 $1,000,000 49%
2004 $1,500,000 48%
2005 $1,500,000 47%
2006 $2,000,000 46%
2007 $2,000,000 45%
2008 $2,000,000 45%
2009 $3,500,000 45%
*2010 $5,000,000 or $0 35% or 0%
2011 $5,000,000 35%
**2012 $5,120,000 35%
**2013 $5,250,000 40%
**2014 $5,340,000 40%

Obama lower than Bush ... damn his brown ass !!!
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June 17 (Bloomberg) -- Bill and Hillary Clinton have long supported an estate tax to prevent the U.S. from being dominated by inherited wealth. That doesn’t mean they want to pay it.

Ya think just because they are Democrat Plutocrats that they are dumb? Republican plutocrats do the same. Ya think the Dems in CONgress aren't glad the Repugs are fighting the good fight for them too?
Really plutocrats have the same par tay; power and money. Money and power.

They got it (power and money), we don't, and i don't give a fuck if more is taken away from them.
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

But the people who are getting it don't have to pay taxes on it...if I have to pay taxes on money I've earned seems to me they should.

The money was already earned by their family. I see no reason why the government is entitled to any piece of it simply because they pass it down to their children or grandchildren. This is nothing more than a class warfare argument.
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.

So? That doesn't answer my question. Why does that entitle the government to any portion of it?
If more people were working and making money, wouldn't business make more money?

And that has what to do with leftist tax-and-redistribute plans?

No, that is an example of business investment to further the economy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and mugging people at gun point to pay your drug dealer is a "business investment to further the economy" too, by that logic.
ROFLMAO! Can we say WALTONS....they didn't do a FUCKING THING to earn any of their wealth. They INHERITED their daddies company and have gotten richer off the backs of the hard working workers selling,making and transporting their cheap SHIT made with slave labor in China.

You forgot married into it.

Well, YOU didn't marry him and put up with him, so how do you figure YOU'RE more entitled to it?
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.

So? That doesn't answer my question. Why does that entitle the government to any portion of it?

rewrite the tax code, asking stupid questions is irrelevant.
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
You're not getting this. When Daddy earned it HE paid taxes. When Daddy died, his estate paid taxes. Which part of that is unclear to you?
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

But the people who are getting it don't have to pay taxes on it...if I have to pay taxes on money I've earned seems to me they should.
THey have to pay taxes on money they earned too. They didnt earn the inheritance. It was a gift. Whats hard to understand here?

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