It's Good To Be Rich! More Republican Tax Breaks!

OH the irony, it sounds like you want free education and training so you can apply for a job at a corporation :laugh:
I'm a retired teacher/ businessman who's worried about the mess your idiotic pander to the idiot rich GOP policies have wrecked the country, dingbat dupe- see sig. Perhaps you functional dolts should look past the end of your ignorant, bigoted brainwashed noses...

Ah, a taxpayer sponge why am I not surprised. Do you even know who owns these evil corporations you people hate? You may want to have a look at what your public employee pension is invested in skippy.
The issue is not who owns the large corporations but who controls them. Small investors have virtual no voice in how large corporations are run. Typically the only voice they have is a vote for a slate of pre-selected board members and the auditor. In most corporations, Usually, the board members control enough shares to control the outcome of all votes so stockholder meeting are just a formality. If a stockholder doesn't send in their proxy, their broker with vote their shares. And for the 46% of households that own mutual fund shares, they have no voice at all in how their fund directors vote the shares owned by the fund.

Large corporations are controlled by other large corporations, principally banks, financial companies, and investment companies. Under the corporate laws of states like Delaware where many large corporations are incorporated, only the largest shareholders have any real voice in the how corporation is run.
The Kochs own theirs, and they're a screw the workers and the environment disgrace. Not to mention buying the GOP along with Adelson and Murdoch. Scum.
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Exactly, RW idiocy, hater dupe.
The depth (or lack of) of understanding of the fiscal realities continues to boggle my mind...

Where do you suppose that money that is 'invest[ed] in the market' goes? It goes into companies. Whether they invest in their company, or invest in someone else's, it makes no difference ... your argument is fallacious.

The point that I was trying to make that you missed, is that corporate America isn't trying to make a better widget, corporate America is making money by investing money.
And more and more of those investments are going abroad where the widgets are made. No only are investments going abroad but the money is stating abroad to the tune 2.1 trillion dollars.

Get with the program! Money abroad is used to buy the widgets, ship them to the United States, then sell them to the public and be able to write off the cost without paying tax on the original money.
Yea, it's just great for Wall Street but not for America. We are becoming a nation that manufactures nothing and consumes everything.
We manufacture more products today than we did 20 years ago.
Another myth of the Left exploded.
Today, just under 12 million Americans work in manufacturing, down from a peak of nearly 20 million in the late 1970s. If US manufacturing had kept up with population growth we would have over 35 million manufacturing jobs.

Of course, the reason for the decrease in manufacturing jobs in the US is not just corporate investment abroad. Automation took a huge toll in manufacturing. Also the wage differential between US and many other nations was responsible for losses not just in manufacturing but in many sectors. Who's going to pay ten or fifteen dollars an hour for workers in the US to manufacture widgets when it can done in 3rd world countries for two dollars and hour?

In the second half of the 20th century when first automation and then foreign competition took away jobs, we were told don't worry. New technology and better education would tip the scales in favor of American workers and there would be plenty of jobs and not just jobs but much better jobs with higher pay. What a lot of B.S. that was. High school students that had little or no aptitude for college filled the rolls of colleges across the country driving college cost up and the quality down. As a result we have millions of people that were best suited for working in semiskilled jobs that now have college degrees, a ton of college loan debt, and low paying dead end jobs.

Has U.S. manufacturing s comeback stalled
The point that I was trying to make that you missed, is that corporate America isn't trying to make a better widget, corporate America is making money by investing money.
And more and more of those investments are going abroad where the widgets are made. No only are investments going abroad but the money is stating abroad to the tune 2.1 trillion dollars.

Get with the program! Money abroad is used to buy the widgets, ship them to the United States, then sell them to the public and be able to write off the cost without paying tax on the original money.
Yea, it's just great for Wall Street but not for America. We are becoming a nation that manufactures nothing and consumes everything.
We manufacture more products today than we did 20 years ago.
Another myth of the Left exploded.
Today, just under 12 million Americans work in manufacturing, down from a peak of nearly 20 million in the late 1970s. If US manufacturing had kept up with population growth we would have over 35 million manufacturing jobs.

Of course, the reason for the decrease in manufacturing jobs in the US is not just corporate investment abroad. Automation took a huge toll in manufacturing. Also the wage differential between US and many other nations was responsible for losses not just in manufacturing but in many sectors. Who's going to pay ten or fifteen dollars an hour for workers in the US to manufacture widgets when it can done in 3rd world countries for two dollars and hour?

In the second half of the 20th century when first automation and then foreign competition took away jobs, we were told don't worry. New technology and better education would tip the scales in favor of American workers and there would be plenty of jobs and not just jobs but much better jobs with higher pay. What a lot of B.S. that was. High school students that had little or no aptitude for college filled the rolls of colleges across the country driving college cost up and the quality down. As a result we have millions of people that were best suited for working in semiskilled jobs that now have college degrees, a ton of college loan debt, and low paying dead end jobs.

Has U.S. manufacturing s comeback stalled
That supports my point, it doesnt refute it. We manufacture more but efficiency improvement have meant many fewer people are engaged in doing it. Just like agriculture 100 years ago. It isnt the crisis the left talks about.
The point that I was trying to make that you missed, is that corporate America isn't trying to make a better widget, corporate America is making money by investing money.
And more and more of those investments are going abroad where the widgets are made. No only are investments going abroad but the money is stating abroad to the tune 2.1 trillion dollars.

Get with the program! Money abroad is used to buy the widgets, ship them to the United States, then sell them to the public and be able to write off the cost without paying tax on the original money.

hmmmm ... made overseas ... taxes paid overseas.

And, you have a problem with that, why?

You have an American company that makes money overseas and uses the money to buy product to be sold in the US. Then they use taxpayer based services to get the product to the US. This is my favorite, they deduct the cost of the product from their taxes on money they've never paid tax. You don't see a problem with that?
Do you actually understand any of what you write or do you just Google business phrases and string them together? I'm voting the latter.

I understand how to avoid paying taxes, although I don't take the extreme that many of the offshore companies do.
And more and more of those investments are going abroad where the widgets are made. No only are investments going abroad but the money is stating abroad to the tune 2.1 trillion dollars.

Get with the program! Money abroad is used to buy the widgets, ship them to the United States, then sell them to the public and be able to write off the cost without paying tax on the original money.

hmmmm ... made overseas ... taxes paid overseas.

And, you have a problem with that, why?

You have an American company that makes money overseas and uses the money to buy product to be sold in the US. Then they use taxpayer based services to get the product to the US. This is my favorite, they deduct the cost of the product from their taxes on money they've never paid tax. You don't see a problem with that?
Do you actually understand any of what you write or do you just Google business phrases and string them together? I'm voting the latter.

I understand how to avoid paying taxes, although I don't take the extreme that many of the offshore companies do.
You chiefly avoid paying taxes by not having any income.
And more and more of those investments are going abroad where the widgets are made. No only are investments going abroad but the money is stating abroad to the tune 2.1 trillion dollars.

Get with the program! Money abroad is used to buy the widgets, ship them to the United States, then sell them to the public and be able to write off the cost without paying tax on the original money.
Yea, it's just great for Wall Street but not for America. We are becoming a nation that manufactures nothing and consumes everything.
We manufacture more products today than we did 20 years ago.
Another myth of the Left exploded.
Today, just under 12 million Americans work in manufacturing, down from a peak of nearly 20 million in the late 1970s. If US manufacturing had kept up with population growth we would have over 35 million manufacturing jobs.

Of course, the reason for the decrease in manufacturing jobs in the US is not just corporate investment abroad. Automation took a huge toll in manufacturing. Also the wage differential between US and many other nations was responsible for losses not just in manufacturing but in many sectors. Who's going to pay ten or fifteen dollars an hour for workers in the US to manufacture widgets when it can done in 3rd world countries for two dollars and hour?

In the second half of the 20th century when first automation and then foreign competition took away jobs, we were told don't worry. New technology and better education would tip the scales in favor of American workers and there would be plenty of jobs and not just jobs but much better jobs with higher pay. What a lot of B.S. that was. High school students that had little or no aptitude for college filled the rolls of colleges across the country driving college cost up and the quality down. As a result we have millions of people that were best suited for working in semiskilled jobs that now have college degrees, a ton of college loan debt, and low paying dead end jobs.

Has U.S. manufacturing s comeback stalled
That supports my point, it doesnt refute it. We manufacture more but efficiency improvement have meant many fewer people are engaged in doing it. Just like agriculture 100 years ago. It isnt the crisis the left talks about.
We manufacture more high end products which requires smaller numbers of workers, many of them highly trained. This is fine for the top 50% in the country. For the rest, it's dead end jobs in retailing, construction, and the service industry which provides barely enough money to survive. Unless we provide better jobs for the bottom 50%, the socialism that exist to day will continue to grow.
I'm a retired teacher/ businessman who's worried about the mess your idiotic pander to the idiot rich GOP policies have wrecked the country, dingbat dupe- see sig. Perhaps you functional dolts should look past the end of your ignorant, bigoted brainwashed noses...

Ah, a taxpayer sponge why am I not surprised. Do you even know who owns these evil corporations you people hate? You may want to have a look at what your public employee pension is invested in skippy.
The issue is not who owns the large corporations but who controls them. Small investors have virtual no voice in how large corporations are run. Typically the only voice they have is a vote for a slate of pre-selected board members and the auditor. In most corporations, Usually, the board members control enough shares to control the outcome of all votes so stockholder meeting are just a formality. If a stockholder doesn't send in their proxy, their broker with vote their shares. And for the 46% of households that own mutual fund shares, they have no voice at all in how their fund directors vote the shares owned by the fund.

Large corporations are controlled by other large corporations, principally banks, financial companies, and investment companies. Under the corporate laws of states like Delaware where many large corporations are incorporated, only the largest shareholders have any real voice in the how corporation is run.
The Kochs own theirs, and they're a screw the workers and the environment disgrace. Not to mention buying the GOP along with Adelson and Murdoch. Scum.
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Exactly, RW idiocy, hater dupe.
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.
Get with the program! Money abroad is used to buy the widgets, ship them to the United States, then sell them to the public and be able to write off the cost without paying tax on the original money.
Yea, it's just great for Wall Street but not for America. We are becoming a nation that manufactures nothing and consumes everything.
We manufacture more products today than we did 20 years ago.
Another myth of the Left exploded.
Today, just under 12 million Americans work in manufacturing, down from a peak of nearly 20 million in the late 1970s. If US manufacturing had kept up with population growth we would have over 35 million manufacturing jobs.

Of course, the reason for the decrease in manufacturing jobs in the US is not just corporate investment abroad. Automation took a huge toll in manufacturing. Also the wage differential between US and many other nations was responsible for losses not just in manufacturing but in many sectors. Who's going to pay ten or fifteen dollars an hour for workers in the US to manufacture widgets when it can done in 3rd world countries for two dollars and hour?

In the second half of the 20th century when first automation and then foreign competition took away jobs, we were told don't worry. New technology and better education would tip the scales in favor of American workers and there would be plenty of jobs and not just jobs but much better jobs with higher pay. What a lot of B.S. that was. High school students that had little or no aptitude for college filled the rolls of colleges across the country driving college cost up and the quality down. As a result we have millions of people that were best suited for working in semiskilled jobs that now have college degrees, a ton of college loan debt, and low paying dead end jobs.

Has U.S. manufacturing s comeback stalled
That supports my point, it doesnt refute it. We manufacture more but efficiency improvement have meant many fewer people are engaged in doing it. Just like agriculture 100 years ago. It isnt the crisis the left talks about.
We manufacture more high end products which requires smaller numbers of workers, many of them highly trained. This is fine for the top 50% in the country. For the rest, it's dead end jobs in retailing, construction, and the service industry which provides barely enough money to survive. Unless we provide better jobs for the bottom 50%, the socialism that exist to day will continue to grow.
Thanks for confirming that I was right and you were wrong. That's some kind of progress.
So your contention is that 50% of the workforce is in "dead end" jobs (whatever those are) that barely provide enough to survive? That is also false. The standard of living has risen considerably in this country over the last 30 years at least. Now, over the last 8 years there has been stagnation as there is little job creation and virtually no business creation. Blame Democrats for that one.
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.
Coyote seems to believe that if you didnt work for your money you should be taxed on it. He also believes that if you did work for you money you should be taxed on it.
The truth is leftists dont give a shit how you got your money. I f you have it, they think the government should get it.
I don't see how allowing people to keep more of their money screws anyone but the politicians.

These liberal filth feel entitled to money other people worked hard to earn. I know it sounds insane but they feel cheated.
ROFLMAO! Can we say WALTONS....they didn't do a FUCKING THING to earn any of their wealth. They INHERITED their daddies company and have gotten richer off the backs of the hard working workers selling,making and transporting their cheap SHIT made with slave labor in China.

Well, they spent years getting along with their father well enough for him to leave them in the will. What did YOU do to earn that money? You didn't even know the guy, so why are you more entitled to it?
No, just less confiscation. Interestingly enough, the more you grab for, the less the government actually ends up with. It's a documented phenomenon.

I see, you complain about 'confiscation' but enjoy driving down public streets without paying a toll.

You do realize that taxes that some of us pay go to pay for those streets, right?
EVERYONE pays plenty of taxes EXCEPT the greedy rich, dupe.

Riiiiight. Rich people pay no taxes. And the greed is on the side of people keeping what belongs to them, rather than people demanding money from others. And black is white, up is down, a very merry un-birthday to you . . .

You do realize that this isn't Wonderland, right?
Exactly how does it "screw" the Middle Class and the poor? Please explain. Thanks.
FYI -- Basically, with the amount of waste and fraud, every single citizen gets screwed. Our tax dollars are given away to foreign governments, used for the care and support of illegal immigrants, we build mosques on foreign soil, we supply weapons to drug lords and terrorists, we pay bribes to North Korea and Iran, we engage in senseless deadly costly wars, defense spending is out of control, we have way too many military bases on foreign soil, we give ridiculous perks and benefits to members of Congress, we bailout Wall Street, the financials, and corporate America, and we're exploring the far reaches of the universe, all on taxpayers' hard earned dollars.

The above doesn't include Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption, the fraud and corruption associated with the ACA, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, and income tax evasion by hiding money off-shore. And, some large corporations pay no taxes at all ( GE ).

Now, exactly how are we getting screwed? Especially the Middle Class and the poor?

Less money for public services which are used by the middle class and poor much more than rich folks.

For instance, who got screwed when Republicans cut IRS employees? Not me, I can afford to hire my own people.

Less money for fire? Doesn't affect me, I have sprinklers. If I get really paranoid, I'll buy my own fire engine and staff it.

Less money for Police? I'll hire my own.
Federal government doesnt provide fire department services, Mister Masters In Business.
The money would be wasted on studies of CHinese whores. More money for bureaucrats!

Cow flatulence! It's highly important that we measure the amount of methane exiting cow asses!
I don't see how allowing people to keep more of their money screws anyone but the politicians.

These liberal filth feel entitled to money other people worked hard to earn. I know it sounds insane but they feel cheated.
ROFLMAO! Can we say WALTONS....they didn't do a FUCKING THING to earn any of their wealth. They INHERITED their daddies company and have gotten richer off the backs of the hard working workers selling,making and transporting their cheap SHIT made with slave labor in China.

So what? What's it to you? Man, you lefties are such busy-bodies.
Pointing out a lie. Quite common with you right wing scum

Like you would recognize the truth if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek.
I'm still waiting for one person to present a cogent argument for why the government is entitled to a cut of a person's estate.

its up to the person to protect their estate and there are numerous LEGAL ways to do that. If they don't its not the governments fault they're not responsible to do so. Wealthy people are totally capable of protecting themselves and do just that. Idiots like you not so much. You'd rather bitch about the big bad government fucking everyone.

"It's not our job to stop assaulting you! It's your job to fight us off!"

And then you lefties wonder why your advice on guns and personal safety isn't listened to, with that attitude.
So what? What's it to you? Man, you lefties are such busy-bodies.
Pointing out a lie. Quite common with you right wing scum

What's the lie?
Those Waltons DID NOT use hard work to get rich. They were rich when their daddy died and they took over the business. HE busted his ass and built Wal Mart...I wonder what he paid his employees.

Those Walton's who inherited the business are not sitting on their butts either.
If they had the business would have gone out of business.
No the kids who inherited it expanded the business beyond what their Dad ever dreamed of.
Using slave labor in India,Pakistan,Vietnam etc and NO they did not keep it going their employees they treat like shit did.The Waltons don't sell anything,making anything,etc

Wow, what you know about the economies of developing countries rivals your ignorance on . . . everything else on Earth.

Congratulations on your consistency. :clap:

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