It's Good To Be Rich! More Republican Tax Breaks!

Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
You're not getting this. When Daddy earned it HE paid taxes. When Daddy died, his estate paid taxes. Which part of that is unclear to you?

what you're not getting is Obama has the lowest inheritance tax % since 1924 .... your boss paid tax on the money he made to keep the doors on his business open then you pay tax on the money YOU make .. as much as RW's want one, there is no free ride ..

This is the same motherfucking lie that Democraps used to fight against the Bush tax-cuts. Same false Marxist propaganda tripe they spread like so much manure.
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
You're not getting this. When Daddy earned it HE paid taxes. When Daddy died, his estate paid taxes. Which part of that is unclear to you?

what you're not getting is Obama has the lowest inheritance tax % since 1924 .... your boss paid tax on the money he made to keep the doors on his business open then you pay tax on the money YOU make .. as much as RW's want one, there is no free ride ..
Yeah......I want have Obama's baby now that I know that shit!!!!
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
You're not getting this. When Daddy earned it HE paid taxes. When Daddy died, his estate paid taxes. Which part of that is unclear to you?

what you're not getting is Obama has the lowest inheritance tax % since 1924 .... your boss paid tax on the money he made to keep the doors on his business open then you pay tax on the money YOU make .. as much as RW's want one, there is no free ride ..
What part of what I wrote is unclear to you? Obama does not have the lowest tax rate sice 1924. It is bullshit.
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
You're not getting this. When Daddy earned it HE paid taxes. When Daddy died, his estate paid taxes. Which part of that is unclear to you?

what you're not getting is Obama has the lowest inheritance tax % since 1924 .... your boss paid tax on the money he made to keep the doors on his business open then you pay tax on the money YOU make .. as much as RW's want one, there is no free ride ..
What part of what I wrote is unclear to you? Obama does not have the lowest tax rate sice 1924. It is bullshit.

post# 371
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
I simply don't care. If Daddy made the money and wants to give it to his children, it's HIS choice, not yours. Why should they have to pay anything on a gift from their father?

unless the estate is worth over $10.8 million dollars, mom and dads kids don't pay squat either ... and dear old dad didn't get and keep the estate by being a dumbass. His financial lawyers and estate planners know exactly how to protect the kids. Anyone who believes he doesn't is dumb as a hammer.
Irrelevant. The money is his and his to distribute as he pleases upon his death. The government has no imperative to take any of it.
No, just less confiscation. Interestingly enough, the more you grab for, the less the government actually ends up with. It's a documented phenomenon.

I see, you complain about 'confiscation' but enjoy driving down public streets without paying a toll.

You do realize that taxes that some of us pay go to pay for those streets, right?
EVERYONE pays plenty of taxes EXCEPT the greedy rich, dupe.

Riiiiight. Rich people pay no taxes. And the greed is on the side of people keeping what belongs to them, rather than people demanding money from others. And black is white, up is down, a very merry un-birthday to you . . .

You do realize that this isn't Wonderland, right?
So Romney paid 10% in all taxes, while you pay 28%- very fair, Hater dupes!! And many others pay zero- including 55% of giant corps with their legions of lawyers, accountants, and lobbyists. Great job, RW idiots...
The point that I was trying to make that you missed, is that corporate America isn't trying to make a better widget, corporate America is making money by investing money.
And more and more of those investments are going abroad where the widgets are made. No only are investments going abroad but the money is stating abroad to the tune 2.1 trillion dollars.

Get with the program! Money abroad is used to buy the widgets, ship them to the United States, then sell them to the public and be able to write off the cost without paying tax on the original money.
Yea, it's just great for Wall Street but not for America. We are becoming a nation that manufactures nothing and consumes everything.
We manufacture more products today than we did 20 years ago.
Another myth of the Left exploded.
Today, just under 12 million Americans work in manufacturing, down from a peak of nearly 20 million in the late 1970s. If US manufacturing had kept up with population growth we would have over 35 million manufacturing jobs.

Of course, the reason for the decrease in manufacturing jobs in the US is not just corporate investment abroad. Automation took a huge toll in manufacturing. Also the wage differential between US and many other nations was responsible for losses not just in manufacturing but in many sectors. Who's going to pay ten or fifteen dollars an hour for workers in the US to manufacture widgets when it can done in 3rd world countries for two dollars and hour?

In the second half of the 20th century when first automation and then foreign competition took away jobs, we were told don't worry. New technology and better education would tip the scales in favor of American workers and there would be plenty of jobs and not just jobs but much better jobs with higher pay. What a lot of B.S. that was. High school students that had little or no aptitude for college filled the rolls of colleges across the country driving college cost up and the quality down. As a result we have millions of people that were best suited for working in semiskilled jobs that now have college degrees, a ton of college loan debt, and low paying dead end jobs.

Has U.S. manufacturing s comeback stalled
Funny how the Germans and others have plenty of good maufacturing jobs, thanks to good gov't funded education and training. Great job, shortsighted dingbat dupes of the IDIOT rich, ie GOP.
Yup...and in this case, the OP is about the Estate Tax which only affects a tiny portion of the richest of the rich and, is about inheritance. Those spoiled buggers didn't work for that money. Their parents or grandparents did.

Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
I simply don't care. If Daddy made the money and wants to give it to his children, it's HIS choice, not yours. Why should they have to pay anything on a gift from their father?

unless the estate is worth over $10.8 million dollars, mom and dads kids don't pay squat either ... and dear old dad didn't get and keep the estate by being a dumbass. His financial lawyers and estate planners know exactly how to protect the kids. Anyone who believes he doesn't is dumb as a hammer.
Irrelevant. The money is his and his to distribute as he pleases upon his death. The government has no imperative to take any of it.
Way to protect the 0.1% who have to pay estate taxes....after getting many millions untaxed to little trust fund tool GOPers...moron. GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country. Then there are the greedy chumps like you the GOP screws with their bs tax cuts, which end up only helping the very richest.
Agreed, but how does that entitle the government to any more of it? They already paid taxes on that money when they earned it.

when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
I simply don't care. If Daddy made the money and wants to give it to his children, it's HIS choice, not yours. Why should they have to pay anything on a gift from their father?

unless the estate is worth over $10.8 million dollars, mom and dads kids don't pay squat either ... and dear old dad didn't get and keep the estate by being a dumbass. His financial lawyers and estate planners know exactly how to protect the kids. Anyone who believes he doesn't is dumb as a hammer.
Irrelevant. The money is his and his to distribute as he pleases upon his death. The government has no imperative to take any of it.
Way to protect the 0.1% who have to pay estate taxes....after getting many millions untaxed to little trust fund tool GOPers...moron. GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country. Then there are the greedy chumps like you the GOP screws with their bs tax cuts, which end up only helping the very richest.
What gives you, or the government, the right to take anything from the wealth a person accumulates during their lifetime? Answer, nothing. It's pure greed. And ya gotta love idiots who use stupid phrases like "GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country". Chumps.
when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
I simply don't care. If Daddy made the money and wants to give it to his children, it's HIS choice, not yours. Why should they have to pay anything on a gift from their father?

unless the estate is worth over $10.8 million dollars, mom and dads kids don't pay squat either ... and dear old dad didn't get and keep the estate by being a dumbass. His financial lawyers and estate planners know exactly how to protect the kids. Anyone who believes he doesn't is dumb as a hammer.
Irrelevant. The money is his and his to distribute as he pleases upon his death. The government has no imperative to take any of it.
Way to protect the 0.1% who have to pay estate taxes....after getting many millions untaxed to little trust fund tool GOPers...moron. GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country. Then there are the greedy chumps like you the GOP screws with their bs tax cuts, which end up only helping the very richest.
What gives you, or the government, the right to take anything from the wealth a person accumulates during their lifetime? Answer, nothing. It's pure greed. And ya gotta love idiots who use stupid phrases like "GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country". Chumps.

You must understand who these statists are... in their minds, they are entitled to 100% of everything. Everything belongs to the state and anything they don't take is a gift.

They're completely nutz most of them.
when Daddy earned it, the kids who are getting it didn't pay squat.
I simply don't care. If Daddy made the money and wants to give it to his children, it's HIS choice, not yours. Why should they have to pay anything on a gift from their father?

unless the estate is worth over $10.8 million dollars, mom and dads kids don't pay squat either ... and dear old dad didn't get and keep the estate by being a dumbass. His financial lawyers and estate planners know exactly how to protect the kids. Anyone who believes he doesn't is dumb as a hammer.
Irrelevant. The money is his and his to distribute as he pleases upon his death. The government has no imperative to take any of it.
Way to protect the 0.1% who have to pay estate taxes....after getting many millions untaxed to little trust fund tool GOPers...moron. GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country. Then there are the greedy chumps like you the GOP screws with their bs tax cuts, which end up only helping the very richest.
What gives you, or the government, the right to take anything from the wealth a person accumulates during their lifetime? Answer, nothing. It's pure greed. And ya gotta love idiots who use stupid phrases like "GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country". Chumps.
GOOD citizens don't mind paying their fair share. You are shortsighted, selfish and a brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich who are screwing you and the country. YOUR taxes have gone UP under Reaganism, while the richest a-hole Pubs are laughing at you all the way to the bank.
I simply don't care. If Daddy made the money and wants to give it to his children, it's HIS choice, not yours. Why should they have to pay anything on a gift from their father?

unless the estate is worth over $10.8 million dollars, mom and dads kids don't pay squat either ... and dear old dad didn't get and keep the estate by being a dumbass. His financial lawyers and estate planners know exactly how to protect the kids. Anyone who believes he doesn't is dumb as a hammer.
Irrelevant. The money is his and his to distribute as he pleases upon his death. The government has no imperative to take any of it.
Way to protect the 0.1% who have to pay estate taxes....after getting many millions untaxed to little trust fund tool GOPers...moron. GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country. Then there are the greedy chumps like you the GOP screws with their bs tax cuts, which end up only helping the very richest.
What gives you, or the government, the right to take anything from the wealth a person accumulates during their lifetime? Answer, nothing. It's pure greed. And ya gotta love idiots who use stupid phrases like "GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country". Chumps.

You must understand who these statists are... in their minds, they are entitled to 100% of everything. Everything belongs to the state and anything they don't take is a gift.

They're completely nutz most of them.
ANYTHING but stupid talking points and insults, brainwashed functional moron? Taxes and spending on the NOT mega rich go up under Pubs, and wars, corrupt recessions, depressions, and scandals happen under YOUR corrupt heroes, dingbat dupe. Prosperity under Dems. DUH.
unless the estate is worth over $10.8 million dollars, mom and dads kids don't pay squat either ... and dear old dad didn't get and keep the estate by being a dumbass. His financial lawyers and estate planners know exactly how to protect the kids. Anyone who believes he doesn't is dumb as a hammer.
Irrelevant. The money is his and his to distribute as he pleases upon his death. The government has no imperative to take any of it.
Way to protect the 0.1% who have to pay estate taxes....after getting many millions untaxed to little trust fund tool GOPers...moron. GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country. Then there are the greedy chumps like you the GOP screws with their bs tax cuts, which end up only helping the very richest.
What gives you, or the government, the right to take anything from the wealth a person accumulates during their lifetime? Answer, nothing. It's pure greed. And ya gotta love idiots who use stupid phrases like "GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country". Chumps.

You must understand who these statists are... in their minds, they are entitled to 100% of everything. Everything belongs to the state and anything they don't take is a gift.

They're completely nutz most of them.
ANYTHING but stupid talking points and insults, brainwashed functional moron? Taxes and spending on the NOT mega rich go up under Pubs, and wars, corrupt recessions, depressions, and scandals happen under YOUR corrupt heroes, dingbat dupe. Prosperity under Dems. DUH.

Could you resubmit this in English?

Irrelevant. The money is his and his to distribute as he pleases upon his death. The government has no imperative to take any of it.
Way to protect the 0.1% who have to pay estate taxes....after getting many millions untaxed to little trust fund tool GOPers...moron. GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country. Then there are the greedy chumps like you the GOP screws with their bs tax cuts, which end up only helping the very richest.
What gives you, or the government, the right to take anything from the wealth a person accumulates during their lifetime? Answer, nothing. It's pure greed. And ya gotta love idiots who use stupid phrases like "GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country". Chumps.

You must understand who these statists are... in their minds, they are entitled to 100% of everything. Everything belongs to the state and anything they don't take is a gift.

They're completely nutz most of them.
ANYTHING but stupid talking points and insults, brainwashed functional moron? Taxes and spending on the NOT mega rich go up under Pubs, and wars, corrupt recessions, depressions, and scandals happen under YOUR corrupt heroes, dingbat dupe. Prosperity under Dems. DUH.

Could you resubmit this in English?

ANYTHING? Your heroes are a disaster, and you are brainwashed DUH.
Coyote seems to believe that if you didnt work for your money you should be taxed on it. He also believes that if you did work for you money you should be taxed on it.
The truth is leftists dont give a shit how you got your money. I f you have it, they think the government should get it.

Don't worry Rabbi, the federal estate tax exemption is MUCH more than you'll leave to your heirs.
Riiiiight. Rich people pay no taxes. And the greed is on the side of people keeping what belongs to them, rather than people demanding money from others. And black is white, up is down, a very merry un-birthday to you . . .

You do realize that this isn't Wonderland, right?

The wealthy do pay taxes, however, it's a much lower percentage of total income than you pay.
Tips for the CLUELESS...

No one owes you your "Fair Share".
Equality is a Myth, in Every Aspect.

Your Welcome
Forcibly taking one person's money and handing it to someone else is not "more people having more money", nor is it good for the economy. Cripes, you leftists view macroeconomics like a game of Monopoly, don't you?

Taxing income isn't correct.

Remember, middle class spending helps America prosper.
The money was already earned by their family. I see no reason why the government is entitled to any piece of it simply because they pass it down to their children or grandchildren. This is nothing more than a class warfare argument.

Income tax is individual or couple, not family.

Besides, estate tax is exempt below $5.34M, why would you care?

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