It's Hot In Texas Mr. Abbott

The ironic thing is that we create dirty energy based on foreign made solar panels and we kill migratory birds with useless windmills. If we had alternate energy sources that worked, they would work. What we have is an international extortion racket based an a freaking theory created by a failed politician who had no scientific background.
The bird argument always cracks me up…. Do you also run an anti windshield and grill org because of the mass murder of bugs that happens on our highways?
Except for all that dirty production to make that 'clean energy'. What are windmills and solar panels made from? You folks are a riot.
Nobody’s saying that we can survive without dirty energy, some of us are just promoting moving toward clean.
No thanks. I care about the world I live in and the one I will leave for future generations

Like you care about all those black folks being gunned down on the streets of Chicago, Baltimore, St, Louis, etc., right?

No, you don't really. It's nothing more than a social identity and a means of absolving yourself from your own feelings of guilt.
Like you care about all those black folks being gunned down on the streets of Chicago, Baltimore, St, Louis, etc., right?

No, you don't really. It's nothing more than a social identity and a means of absolving yourself from your own feelings of guilt.
Why are you talking about black folks in Chicago?! Has nothing to do with this conversation. Get your head out of the clouds.
Why are you talking about black folks in Chicago?! Has nothing to do with this conversation. Get your head out of the clouds.

My head is right where it should be. You don't really care about the world you live in and the one you will leave for future generations. Climate change is merely part of your social identity. It's merely one element of "wokeness" that defines who you are, so you can identify yourself to others who share the same beliefs.

You can't see that but I can, because I used to be right where you're at.
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My head is right where it should be. You don't really care about the world you live in and the one you will leave for future generations. Climate change is merely part of your social identity. It's merely one element of "wokeness" that defines who you are, so you can identify yourself to others who share the same beliefs.
Well since you’re not a mind reader and you’re not going to convince anybody that you are a mind reader then your assertions are obvious BS and again off topic
Well since you’re not a mind reader and you’re not going to convince anybody that you are a mind reader then your assertions are obvious BS and again off topic

Like I said, I used to be right where you are. I can see right through you, and know what makes you tick, bro.
Like I said, I used to be right where you are. I can see right through you, and know what makes you tick, bro.
Again with the mind reader shit. You have too much confidence in your perceptions and are too quick to make assumptions. Makes you sound like an ass
How was the west won? Most Americans conjure up images of tough cowboys with six shooters. However, in our modern times, the "west" was actually "won" with the invention of the air conditioner (and the electricity needed). Think of Las Vegas.. or Phoenix or Riverside County CA. These places would be miserable to live in, and essentially, un inhabitable without air-conditioning. A pissed off American relaxing in the comfort of air conditioning is far different then a pissed off American sweltering in the heat because "global warming" has been used as an excuse to cut off his air conditioning.
No thanks. I care about the world I live in and the one I will leave for future generations
Then return to your cave or mud hut.
So why not emphasize and promote hydrogen fuel cell and nuclear? Natural gas and clean coal are viable back up solutions, when needed, yet they don’t fit your political narrative do they?
The point I'm trying to make is.. It would be dangerous to take air conditioning away from Americans, by making it unaffordable. Gas prices and grocery prices are one thing, but air conditioning is a whole different kettle of fish. History shows many examples of how "heat waves" can turn normal people into raving maniacs eager for violence and mayhem.
It gets hot and cold in Texas. Is Abbott on the ball with that thar tricity?
Not much Abbott can do about it. Texas went stupid and bought into the Green Hoax. But, at least they aren’t as bad as California.
I do believe we need to take another look at nuke plants. They are very clean energy. Zero emissions.

I also like solar farms. Not the kind with panels. The kind with mirrors all pointing at a big collector.

I like hydropower as well. Nice clean energy. Unfortunately, our rivers are drying up. Lake Mead is so low that one of the original water intake valves has been exposed since the first time it was installed in 1971.

This is not good. Shit is drying up.

We also need to start investing in desalinization plants. The hard part is they currently require massive amounts of electricity to create water. But we have some of our best people on the problem.

Saudi Arabia has a fascinating experiment going on with desal using solar power. The Saudis are investing $500 billion in the project.

Then return to your cave or mud hut.
So why not emphasize and promote hydrogen fuel cell and nuclear? Natural gas and clean coal are viable back up solutions, when needed, yet they don’t fit your political narrative do they?
When have you ever seen me speak bad about those?! Can you post a quote?
Like you care about all those black folks being gunned down on the streets of Chicago, Baltimore, St, Louis, etc., right?

No, you don't really. It's nothing more than a social identity and a means of absolving yourself from your own feelings of guilt.
What would you people do without Chicago to run to every day? The governor of Texas played the Chicago card when a classroom full of 4th graders were gunned down. Mass murder of children wasn`t a big deal for the chicken shit because of Chicago.

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