It’s hysterical to me the GOP wanted to give Trump the Nobel prize and yet to the surprise of....


This sounds like a Middle School breakup letter. Our allies must be rolling in the floor laughing at a country that would elect an illiterate...

Putin smiles....

This sounds like a Middle School breakup letter. Our allies must be rolling in the floor laughing at a country that would elect an illiterate...

Putin smiles....
It wasn't very officious and full of typical impenetrable government speak, no. And there was that "my nukes are bigger than your nukes" crack. Trump couldn't resist that, no surprise.
So what was wrong with it, exactly?
Seriously, did anyone doubt that Trump would not fumble this? Jina wins bigly. I wouldn't have been shocked it the Sacred Womb VP had offered to pray for Kim to receive the Holy Spirit.

Kim keeps his nuke but stops with the ICBM thing. Moon and Kim make peace and plan for econ development. Everyone promises no regime change. Jina gets to sell Kim tractors and shit. But no, Team Trump had to roll out Kadaffi's dead and rotting corpse.

This sounds like a Middle School breakup letter. Our allies must be rolling in the floor laughing at a country that would elect an illiterate...

Putin smiles....
It wasn't very officious and full of typical impenetrable government speak, no. And there was that "my nukes are bigger than your nukes" crack. Trump couldn't resist that, no surprise.
So what was wrong with it, exactly?

Please....this is not a letter one world leader writes another world sounds like a junior high break up letter saying...."I'm gonna break up with you before you break up with me...." But if you change your mind.....give me a call.

The man dictated this....
Seriously, did anyone doubt that Trump would not fumble this? Jina wins bigly. I wouldn't have been shocked it the Sacred Womb VP had offered to pray for Kim to receive the Holy Spirit.

Kim keeps his nuke but stops with the ICBM thing. Moon and Kim make peace and plan for econ development. Everyone promises no regime change. Jina gets to sell Kim tractors and shit. But no, Team Trump had to roll out Kadaffi's dead and rotting corpse.
And nixed the Iran deal, confirming that the U.S. cannot be trusted to keep its word.

This sounds like a Middle School breakup letter. Our allies must be rolling in the floor laughing at a country that would elect an illiterate...

Putin smiles....
It wasn't very officious and full of typical impenetrable government speak, no. And there was that "my nukes are bigger than your nukes" crack. Trump couldn't resist that, no surprise.
So what was wrong with it, exactly?

Please....this is not a letter one world leader writes another world sounds like a junior high break up letter saying...."I'm gonna break up with you before you break up with me...." But if you change your mind.....give me a call.

The man dictated this....
That's exactly what it was. Trump had to break off before Kim could. It was about ego, and being "winner." And his team fucked the thing up thinking Kim would give up his nuke deterrent. Definitely something lost in translation.

But the best part is Trump pissed all over his big day at Justice and "outing the spy."

This sounds like a Middle School breakup letter. Our allies must be rolling in the floor laughing at a country that would elect an illiterate...

Putin smiles....
It wasn't very officious and full of typical impenetrable government speak, no. And there was that "my nukes are bigger than your nukes" crack. Trump couldn't resist that, no surprise.
So what was wrong with it, exactly?

Please....this is not a letter one world leader writes another world sounds like a junior high break up letter saying...."I'm gonna break up with you before you break up with me...." But if you change your mind.....give me a call.

The man dictated this....
Okay. I'm not seeing it, but you all enjoy yourselves.
Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Because it's a joke, you guys award any lefty terrorist who hates America even more than you do.
We only wanted to see the Nobel committee have to give it to him....kinda like the ending in Iron Man 2. Priceless
I'll explain since you wouldn't know about it. Gary Shandling plays a senator who wants Tony Starks Tech. Tony tells him to fuck off in a congressional hearing. Shandling HATES Tony Stark. But tony saves the day and gets a medal....guess who he wants to pin it on him.....yep Shandling...

So in this scenario, Trump is Tony Stark, and the left wing committee is Shandling.....

How dare you joke about such serious matters!
For shame! You know you think the Nobel Peace Prize is The Most Important Thing In The World! It became The Most Important Thing In the World when the Magical Negro managed to secure it. It has now been touched by his Essence and that means you should care!

Don't you know what's important? Egads.

Sour Grapes because Crooked Donnie won’t win a Nobel Prize while the Great Obama had already won one by this time in his Presidency
Setting one's demands and walking before the talking even starts, is not negotiating.
If anything, it is dictating, similar to Hitler with Chamberlain, only worse.
Officials of the U.S. Government (if it were a foreign country, we would say "régime") made what could not be mistaken, especially in the context, for other than bellicose pronouncements. They were backing him into a corner, and that is a no-no in any concept of negotiation.

This sounds like a Middle School breakup letter. Our allies must be rolling in the floor laughing at a country that would elect an illiterate...

Putin smiles....
It wasn't very officious and full of typical impenetrable government speak, no. And there was that "my nukes are bigger than your nukes" crack. Trump couldn't resist that, no surprise.
So what was wrong with it, exactly?

Please....this is not a letter one world leader writes another world sounds like a junior high break up letter saying...."I'm gonna break up with you before you break up with me...." But if you change your mind.....give me a call.

The man dictated this....
Okay. I'm not seeing it, but you all enjoy yourselves.

Compare it to the breakup letters u received in middle school....u will see the similarity.
No worries. The Nobel committee is way ahead of you on this one. The orange ass clown was in no danger of ever being considered for the prize. much less receiving it.
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...

a) you do not know him AT ALL. So you are in no position whatsoever to state - matter-of-factly no less - what he does or does not 'care about'.

b) he clearly seems to want the stupid thing:
'Asked if he thought he deserved the Nobel, Trump smiled and, as humbly as he could, sidestepped the question: “Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it.”

Trump: "The prize I want is victory for the world"

What a load of bullshit. 'Everyone' said no such thing you moron Trump. It's just Trump's typical way of trying to drum up support for something he likes...he suggests that 'everyone' wants it hoping that it will catch on.
The doofus did not even say 'everyone seems to think so'. But he said 'everyone thinks so' it was a fact.

A guy who did not want it would say 'I don't care' or 'No idea'. Not say something as inaccurate and stupid as 'everyone thinks so'.

c) I do not think for one second that Obama deserved the Nobel, in case you were wondering.
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...

a) you do not know him AT ALL. So you are in no position whatsoever to state - matter-of-factly no less - what he does or does not 'care about'.

b) he clearly seems to want the stupid thing:
'Asked if he thought he deserved the Nobel, Trump smiled and, as humbly as he could, sidestepped the question: “Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it.”

Trump: "The prize I want is victory for the world"

What a load of bullshit. 'Everyone' said no such thing you moron Trump. It's just Trump's typical way of trying to drum up support for something he likes...he suggests that 'everyone' wants it hoping that it will catch on.
The doofus did not even say 'everyone seems to think so'. But he said 'everyone thinks so' it was a fact.

A guy who did not want it would say 'I don't care' or 'No idea'. Not say something as inaccurate and stupid as 'everyone thinks so'.

c) I do not think for one second that Obama deserved the Nobel, in case you were wondering.

Yeah we hear the trump fake news and lot...."Everyone is saying it."
Setting one's demands and walking before the talking even starts, is not negotiating.
If anything, it is dictating, similar to Hitler with Chamberlain, only worse.
Officials of the U.S. Government (if it were a foreign country, we would say "régime") made what could not be mistaken, especially in the context, for other than bellicose pronouncements. They were backing him into a corner, and that is a no-no in any concept of negotiation.
Not really, for NK to meet with us is a big deal, especially for them, in order for them to meet they have to jump through a few hoops (aka conditions)...
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...

a) you do not know him AT ALL. So you are in no position whatsoever to state - matter-of-factly no less - what he does or does not 'care about'.

b) he clearly seems to want the stupid thing:
'Asked if he thought he deserved the Nobel, Trump smiled and, as humbly as he could, sidestepped the question: “Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it.”

Trump: "The prize I want is victory for the world"

What a load of bullshit. 'Everyone' said no such thing you moron Trump. It's just Trump's typical way of trying to drum up support for something he likes...he suggests that 'everyone' wants it hoping that it will catch on.
The doofus did not even say 'everyone seems to think so'. But he said 'everyone thinks so' it was a fact.

A guy who did not want it would say 'I don't care' or 'No idea'. Not say something as inaccurate and stupid as 'everyone thinks so'.

c) I do not think for one second that Obama deserved the Nobel, in case you were wondering.
Good neither do we and it's a joke, especially since they have a overt political bias.
You know thinking about this, imo it was Bolton who found a way to get what he wanted all along. The Kim denuclearization thing was not as definite as Team Trump wanted to portray.

On Friday, Mr. Kim and Mr. Moon signed a joint declaration recognizing “a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula” and “complete denuclearization” as a common goal of the two Koreas. But during the summit events, some of which were broadcast live around the world, Mr. Kim never publicly renounced his nuclear weapons.

Even in the additional details released on Sunday by South Korean officials, Mr. Kim appeared to hedge his bets, indicating that denuclearizing his country could be a long process that required multiple rounds of negotiations and steps to build trust. But he laid out a vague idea of what his impoverished country would demand in return for giving up its nuclear weapons.

“If we meet often and build trust with the United States, and if an end to the war and nonaggression are promised, why would we live in difficulty with nuclear weapons?” Mr. Kim was quoted as saying by South Korean officials.
Kim Says He’d End North Korea Nuclear Pursuit for U.S. Truce

Trump's position was that if we promise to not invade, you don't need nukes. Which of course is precisely why any one sane would not give up nukes. Maybe if Jina, SK and Japan all had an agreement to have NK's back if the US decided to invade anyway .... but denuclearization was never a near term deal.

Then Bolton posits the "Libya model." That got Kim's attention. LOL

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