It’s hysterical to me the GOP wanted to give Trump the Nobel prize and yet to the surprise of....

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...

Then why did he brag that many people thought he should win it?

And what are they going to do with this bad idea?

Collectors item

It'll go great with my four leaf clover collection and mounted jackalope antlers.
Notice how gleeful all the leftist Regressives are that bringing North Korea into the modern world has been put on hold

There is nothing to be gleeful over.

And yet you are all so thrilled that it failed

The summit isn't the end game, why is it treated as such?

For me, it's the sad reality that I don't think this summit would have been productive and very possibly could make things worse. I have no problem with the United States siting down with North Korea however not with the guy who is bragging that he doesn't need to prepare, not the guy who is schizophrenic with his relationships for both allies and enemies. Not a guy who hires John Bolton as his NSA, the very same guy who first hired Flynn.

It's horrible that with our current leadership that it's not unreasonable to think that our relations could be worse off after having a summit. I'm not celebrating, we're between a rock and a hard place, we knew if this moron became president that our standing in the world and our ability to negotiate in it would be diminished. Well, that's happening now, Sorry, I'm not properly emoting according to your standards.
I agree, it isn't the end game, but the fact that you can get concessions from NK that no one has AND to the fact that they know Trump will make them stick to's far more than we've had from other Presidents

Possibly, but with two caveats. Other presidents have gotten hostages released, so while that is good it is not unprecedented. The other, destroying test sites is mixed and more symbolic then substantial. Hasn’t NK completed all its testing?
Good points, I think the thing is we got hostages for essentially nothing. And while it may not be unprecedented, it is pretty rare.
As for them completing testing, I think they still have some things to do, their missile reliability is still horrible. As for the nukes, I'm not sure, so I think inspections and verification would really help there.
No shit, but after you guys were saying he's gonna start WW 3 it's come along way...

Again, what did Obama get his for?

What's come along way?

Obama didn't do much at all for his except maybe get out of Iraq, but I'm not claiming he earned it either. Duh.
From YOU PEOPLE saying Trump was starting WW 3, to getting him to agree to the Olympics and sitting down a table to talk. What did Obama do again?
Ooooh he agreed to the Olympics?! WTF? #WINNING!

Still more than Obama did....but you're right trying to get a dialog between them and get agreement on issues is a bad lefties have get your ass kicked daily and just come back for more.
There were Olympics in South Korea under Obama? :lmao:
The Olympics were just held......was Obama President this year?
His Excellency
Kim Jong Un
Chairman of the State Affairs Commission
of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Dear Mr. Chairman:
We greatly appreciate your time, patience, and effort with respect to our recent negotiations and discussions relative to a summit long sought by both parties, which was scheduled to take place on June 12 in Singapore. We were informed that the meeting was requested by North Korea, but that to us is totally irrelevant. I was very much looking forward to being there with you. Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting. Therefore, please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not take place. You talk about nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used.
I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me, and ultimately, it is only that dialogue that matters. Some day, I look very much forward to meeting you. In the meantime, I want to thank you for the release of the hostages who are now home with their families. That was a beautiful gesture and was very much appreciated.
If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write. The world, and North Korea in particular, has lost a great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth. This missed opportunity is a truly sad moment in history.
Sincerely yours,
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America

Calls him "his excellency," laments the end of the "wonderful dialogue" with a villainous monster that he was so looking forward to hanging out with, praises as a beautiful gesture that Kim senselessly held Americans hostage for years (their release is no change whatsoever from decades of NK policy)

I cannot believe he released this blubbering mess. There is no strongman dictator thug in the world that Trump doesn't love.
Oh please you guys love the mullahs in Iran, Saddam Husien, Yassir Arafat, and other dictators, so stop being a dick.
Flattery works sometimes, its a tool try get the best know this or you are a complete moron.
You love to invent nonsense when you have no argument :itsok:
No you never post links for your shit, I do. And you guys love you some terrorists and dictators......

mullahs in Iran.....lefties love those, even invite them to speak at colleges in the US
Saddam Hussein....thought he was a great man, wasn't going to hurt anyone, and should stay in power, rape rooms and torture chambers were much better than waterboarding and Gitmo.
and Yassir guys loved this guy so much you gave him the Nobel Prize for Peace....yes you gave a terrorist the Nobel Peace Prize......LOLOLOLOL

I cant make this stuff up.
That's not the issue and you know that, it's that THEY gave it to him, so we mock them for it. Trump did more than Obama...

You can mock the Nobel Prize committee all you want, I could care less. I think it's funny that you think nominating Trump for it is making a joke out of the Nobel Peace Prize. That's hilarious.

How many wars has Trump pulled us out of?
Well he crushed ISIS, Obama didn't

He didn't deviate from the plan set by Obama at all. ISIS was already on the run and I'd also be careful about saying ISIS is 'crushed'.

and how many did Obama pull us out of.......ask progressives....they will say ZERO!!!!! In fact they said he inherited 2 wars and started 5 more.

Iraq, I know this because we kept hearing how bad that was from conservatives.

Oh, so how did Obama crush ISIS with no troops?
Where did you get the idea Obama had no troops? I regularly posted on this very forum how many sorties had been carried out by our troops every month, every time dipshits like you tried to give credit to your hero Putin for ISIS getting their asses kicked. Putin was doing virtually nothing against ISIS all that time. Our troops were doing all the heavy lifting and fighting.

You people make me sick taking the credit due our fighting men and attributing it to a fucking KGB thug.
I didn't g500, you might want to follow the conversation, that was my point, Obama never withdrew ALL the US troops out of Iraq, we were always still involved there......thank you for supporting my point
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Because it's a joke, you guys award any lefty terrorist who hates America even more than you do.
We only wanted to see the Nobel committee have to give it to him....kinda like the ending in Iron Man 2. Priceless
I'll explain since you wouldn't know about it. Gary Shandling plays a senator who wants Tony Starks Tech. Tony tells him to fuck off in a congressional hearing. Shandling HATES Tony Stark. But tony saves the day and gets a medal....guess who he wants to pin it on him.....yep Shandling...

So in this scenario, Trump is Tony Stark, and the left wing committee is Shandling.....

Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Because it makes people like you and HJ lose your minds.
Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Because it makes people like you and HJ lose your minds.

No, he was doing what he always does, self promote. Him winning the Nobel Peace Prize is a joke.
Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Because it's a joke, you guys award any lefty terrorist who hates America even more than you do.

^Confused about who 'you guys' are.
Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Because it's a joke, you guys award any lefty terrorist who hates America even more than you do.

^Confused about who 'you guys' are.
No you aren' guys....aka the left, leftwingers, progressives, democrats, liberals, commies, Nazis, socialists, anti-Americans, SJWs. I don't have time to list all the filth in that club, but those are the bigger groups
Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Because it makes people like you and HJ lose your minds.

No, he was doing what he always does, self promote. Him winning the Nobel Peace Prize is a joke.

It would be hilarious!
And that's the extent of it's value. Obama destroyed it forever.
Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Because it's a joke, you guys award any lefty terrorist who hates America even more than you do.

^Confused about who 'you guys' are.
No you aren' guys....aka the left, leftwingers, progressives, democrats, liberals, commies, Nazis, socialists, anti-Americans, SJWs. I don't have time to list all the filth in that club, but those are the bigger groups

'No you aren't what' what? Confused? I'm not, I know who the Nobel Prize committee consists of, you apparently don't.
so I think inspections and verification would really help there.

It's funny you mention that.
you disagree?

Of course inspections and verification would be helpful. Problem is we had that with Iran, we pulled out, so why would North Korea even want to broach that subject? We already told them we wanted to treat them like Libya.
We had no such thing with Iran, Obama gave them money and that's about it. And yes NK will try to cheat, but I trust Trump to be more aggressive and stay on top of their asses than I would ever trust Obama or a Clinton (Remember the Oslo accords he signed that were supposed to prevent NK from getting nukes?)
Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Because it makes people like you and HJ lose your minds.

No, he was doing what he always does, self promote. Him winning the Nobel Peace Prize is a joke.

It would be hilarious!
And that's the extent of it's value. Obama destroyed it forever.

Yep, you guys just can't help wanting what Obama got regardless of him not earning it. Anyway, Trump, you and others make quite a big deal out of the impossible.
Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Because it makes people like you and HJ lose your minds.

No, he was doing what he always does, self promote. Him winning the Nobel Peace Prize is a joke.

It would be hilarious!
And that's the extent of it's value. Obama destroyed it forever.
They really don't understand....these people are consumed only with leftwing politics, they really do not try to understand anyone else.....they take everything literally we righties say. The left has no sense of humor, I guess because they think everything will kill you and global warming will kill everyone in 2 months.

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