It’s hysterical to me the GOP wanted to give Trump the Nobel prize and yet to the surprise of....

Very true, but Obama didn't talk about it either, it's not his fault they gave it to him.
That's not the issue and you know that, it's that THEY gave it to him, so we mock them for it. Trump did more than Obama...

You can mock the Nobel Prize committee all you want, I could care less. I think it's funny that you think nominating Trump for it is making a joke out of the Nobel Peace Prize. That's hilarious.

How many wars has Trump pulled us out of?
Well he crushed ISIS, Obama didn't

He didn't deviate from the plan set by Obama at all. ISIS was already on the run and I'd also be careful about saying ISIS is 'crushed'.

and how many did Obama pull us out of.......ask progressives....they will say ZERO!!!!! In fact they said he inherited 2 wars and started 5 more.

Iraq, I know this because we kept hearing how bad that was from conservatives.

Oh, so how did Obama crush ISIS with no troops?


Trump's 'Secret Plan' to Defeat ISIS Looks a Lot Like Obama's
His Excellency
Kim Jong Un
Chairman of the State Affairs Commission
of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Dear Mr. Chairman:
We greatly appreciate your time, patience, and effort with respect to our recent negotiations and discussions relative to a summit long sought by both parties, which was scheduled to take place on June 12 in Singapore. We were informed that the meeting was requested by North Korea, but that to us is totally irrelevant. I was very much looking forward to being there with you. Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting. Therefore, please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not take place. You talk about nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used.
I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me, and ultimately, it is only that dialogue that matters. Some day, I look very much forward to meeting you. In the meantime, I want to thank you for the release of the hostages who are now home with their families. That was a beautiful gesture and was very much appreciated.
If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write. The world, and North Korea in particular, has lost a great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth. This missed opportunity is a truly sad moment in history.
Sincerely yours,
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America

Calls him "his excellency," laments the end of the "wonderful dialogue" with a villainous monster that he was so looking forward to hanging out with, praises as a beautiful gesture that Kim senselessly held Americans hostage for years (their release is no change whatsoever from decades of NK policy)

I cannot believe he released this blubbering mess. There is no strongman dictator thug in the world that Trump doesn't love.
Oh please you guys love the mullahs in Iran, Saddam Husien, Yassir Arafat, and other dictators, so stop being a dick.
Flattery works sometimes, its a tool try get the best know this or you are a complete moron.
You love to invent nonsense when you have no argument :itsok:
Not really what?

And no, Trump hasn't earned the Nobel Peace prize that he so obviously wanted. It's odd that Republicans nominated him for almost holding a summit as though that summit were the end game instead of just the beginning for any peace talks.

It's like what your girlfriend's parents once said, 'I don't know what you see in him, hopefully you'll grow out of it.'
No shit, but after you guys were saying he's gonna start WW 3 it's come along way...

Again, what did Obama get his for?

What's come along way?

Obama didn't do much at all for his except maybe get out of Iraq, but I'm not claiming he earned it either. Duh.
From YOU PEOPLE saying Trump was starting WW 3, to getting him to agree to the Olympics and sitting down a table to talk. What did Obama do again?
Ooooh he agreed to the Olympics?! WTF? #WINNING!

Still more than Obama did....but you're right trying to get a dialog between them and get agreement on issues is a bad lefties have get your ass kicked daily and just come back for more.
There were Olympics in South Korea under Obama? :lmao:
Once again, the wimp Trump gives into the Neocons (in this case, John Bolton - who always HATED the prospect of a deal with North Korea).

Just as Trump gave into the Neocons on Afghanistan and Libya...he has caved in on North Korea as well.

Pathetic wimp...America First? Like Hell.

Very true, but Obama didn't talk about it either, it's not his fault they gave it to him.
That's not the issue and you know that, it's that THEY gave it to him, so we mock them for it. Trump did more than Obama...

You can mock the Nobel Prize committee all you want, I could care less. I think it's funny that you think nominating Trump for it is making a joke out of the Nobel Peace Prize. That's hilarious.

How many wars has Trump pulled us out of?
Well he crushed ISIS, Obama didn't

He didn't deviate from the plan set by Obama at all. ISIS was already on the run and I'd also be careful about saying ISIS is 'crushed'.

and how many did Obama pull us out of.......ask progressives....they will say ZERO!!!!! In fact they said he inherited 2 wars and started 5 more.

Iraq, I know this because we kept hearing how bad that was from conservatives.

Oh, so how did Obama crush ISIS with no troops?
Where did you get the idea Obama had no troops? I regularly posted on this very forum how many sorties had been carried out by our troops every month, every time dipshits like you tried to give credit to your hero Putin for ISIS getting their asses kicked. Putin was doing virtually nothing against ISIS all that time. Our troops were doing all the heavy lifting and fighting.

You people make me sick taking the credit due our fighting men and attributing it to a fucking KGB thug.
The saddest thing about summit cancellation is that they could have switched hair.

It would have been TERRIFIC! :D

Trump scraps summit with North Korea

There goes that Nobel Peace prize.

Did anyone besides Trump Kool-aid drinkers actually think Trump was going to control Kim Jong Fat?

Trump got played. And the world laughs at us yet again.
No actually dumbass, this is part of ze Art of ze deal. Never want a deal so much that you aren't willing to walk away from it.

Maybe he should have sent billions in cash on pallets on a plane and gotten on his knees like your messiah Hussein Obama did with Iran?

Anything that happens....literally anything...will be heralded by Trombies as expert dealmaking.

So it looks like the meeting between Trump and N.Korea's only fat guy is off.

Mike Pence should have kept his mouth shut, I think mentioning Libya was stupid. The reason the norks claim they need nukes is because of what the meat puppet faggot did to Qaddafi.

So does this make foaming at the mouth moonbats happy? Trump doesn't get credit for making peace and we're back on the brink of a nuclear exchange?
Very disappointing, but I'd be a little surprised if this is permanent.

Trump loves to play this game, maybe it will work.
Agree. Just because the meeting was cancelled, doesn't equate to the negotiations are off the table. I expect the left to think in check out line mentality and they are.
Many of them are hoping for the worst, of course. Trump has done this before. We'll see.

Many of them? Who? Who is hoping for the worst? The worst is a war on the Korean Peninsula and use of nuclear weapons. Who is hoping for that, asshole?
Once again, the wimp Trump gives into the Neocons (in this case, John Bolton - who always HATED the prospect of a deal with North Korea).

Just as Trump gave into the Neocons on Afghanistan and Libya...he has caved in on North Korea as well.

Pathetic wimp...America First? Like Hell.

Next to Trump, Chickenhawk Walrus Bolton is the most dangerous man in America.

Many of them are hoping for the worst, of course. Trump has done this before. We'll see.

Who is hoping for the worst? Be specific, give examples.
People like you. Hardcore left wing partisan ideologues.

If you don't like my opinion on that, tough shit.

So, you have no examples of people hoping for the worst? Figures, ya' lying sad sack. :21:

As long as you realize it applies to both sides perfectly, Mac.

Careful. You’ll make him too excited.
The Iran deal is a lesson in how NOT to do it.
That is a matter of ( mostly partisan) opinion. The thing is we had a deal that put the breaks on nuclear development in Iran, and it did not involve loud posturing, and bellicose threats that gave neither room to maneuver. Or save face. Had they quietly laid the groundwork ahead, we might see different results. So you don’t like the Iran deal? Fine, look at Nixon’s approach to China. The thing is we don’t have a president who studies or is willing to learn from others. He operates impulsively from the gut, and that is not helpful.
You don’t need to capitulate to make deals. Everyone knows that but the worthless government employees that don’t have to produce anything worth a crap to survive. Watch Trump, this is how the real world works. In addition to Un he has put every other country on notice that we are working trade deals with right now. You deal straight or we walk. The political ass kissing days are gone.

Isn’t that exactly what is wrong with things today? Negotiable = capitulation. If each either side gives on anything or meets halfway it is capitulation.

Has there been any major international agreement involving us that did not involve each side giving on some demands?

Watch Trump. What international agreements does he have on his presidential belt? So far...he has pulled us out of three, and negotiated zero. That is how to do it?
Yes it is better. It’s always better to have no deal than a crappy one hanging around your neck. Trump shed the dead weight of stupid deals designed to make a name for the politicians instead of being best for us. You don’t give ground just to be likeable to those you’re negotiating with.
So have had any major negotiated agreements that did not involve some give from both sides? Any?

For some reason the concept of win-win has become toxic to you guys.
Win win is not for you to decide or even shoot for. You negotiate to win, period. Now, when the dealing is over and both sides feel they got something that’s fine and that’s a win win. You don’t start at that point you end there.
Who is hoping for the worst? Be specific, give examples.
People like you. Hardcore left wing partisan ideologues.

If you don't like my opinion on that, tough shit.

So, you have no examples of people hoping for the worst? Figures, ya' lying sad sack. :21:

As long as you realize it applies to both sides perfectly, Mac.

Careful. You’ll make him too excited.
A letter from the President to Chairman Kim Jong Un: "It is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting."



The White House on Twitter

No worries. The Nobel committee is way ahead of you on this one. The orange ass clown was in no danger of ever being considered for the prize. much less receiving it.
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
No worries. The Nobel committee is way ahead of you on this one. The orange ass clown was in no danger of ever being considered for the prize. much less receiving it.
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...

Then why did he brag that many people thought he should win it?

And what are they going to do with this bad idea?

No worries. The Nobel committee is way ahead of you on this one. The orange ass clown was in no danger of ever being considered for the prize. much less receiving it.
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...
He sure seemed to bring it up enough
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.

He doesn't care about the Nobel Peace prize idiot.

You seem to care about it a lot. And you seem really butthurt about the fact that Obama filthified it and now nobody cares who gets it...

Then why did he brag that many people thought he should win it?

And what are they going to do with this bad idea?

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