It’s hysterical to me the GOP wanted to give Trump the Nobel prize and yet to the surprise of....

Well since North Korea blew up their nuclear testing facility I’m not sure what was left to negotiate.

CNN sees apparent North Korea nuclear tunnel demolition - CNN Video
If I remember correctly, NoKo's ICBM launches recently have been from mobile units. The "test center" may be demolished, but I doubt if his missiles were.
Do you have any idea what an ICBM is?
Did I say it wrong? Is it not an intercontinental ballistic missile of the type NoKo was regularly firing until Nov. '17, a few over Japan territory/waters? Those would be the ones, equipped with a nuclear warhead, that could hit the U.S. The military has said that based on the trajectories of the missiles they have fired, the ICBM's could reach anywhere in the continental U.S.

They would not be using those to strike So. Korea. They have plenty of regular armaments to pulverize Seoul.
Please explain what I missed.
The intercontinental part. Tossing a missile of the coast of NK doesn't qualify. Throw a rock in the air and tell me that the trajectory of rock means that it will slip the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of God (not original, I know).
A letter from the President to Chairman Kim Jong Un: "It is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting."



The White House on Twitter

No worries. The Nobel committee is way ahead of you on this one. The orange ass clown was in no danger of ever being considered for the prize. much less receiving it.
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.
Not really, he still did more than Obama ever did.....What did Obama get his for again?

Not really what?

And no, Trump hasn't earned the Nobel Peace prize that he so obviously wanted. It's odd that Republicans nominated him for almost holding a summit as though that summit were the end game instead of just the beginning for any peace talks.

It's like what your girlfriend's parents once said, 'I don't know what you see in him, hopefully you'll grow out of it.'
No shit, but after you guys were saying he's gonna start WW 3 it's come along way...

Again, what did Obama get his for?
Trump should have studied Nixon’s approach to China or Obama’s approach to Iran. He might learn something, at the very least, that there is more to it then public posturing and self aggrandizing.
The Iran deal is a lesson in how NOT to do it.
That is a matter of ( mostly partisan) opinion. The thing is we had a deal that put the breaks on nuclear development in Iran, and it did not involve loud posturing, and bellicose threats that gave neither room to maneuver. Or save face. Had they quietly laid the groundwork ahead, we might see different results. So you don’t like the Iran deal? Fine, look at Nixon’s approach to China. The thing is we don’t have a president who studies or is willing to learn from others. He operates impulsively from the gut, and that is not helpful.
You don’t need to capitulate to make deals. Everyone knows that but the worthless government employees that don’t have to produce anything worth a crap to survive. Watch Trump, this is how the real world works. In addition to Un he has put every other country on notice that we are working trade deals with right now. You deal straight or we walk. The political ass kissing days are gone.

Isn’t that exactly what is wrong with things today? Negotiable = capitulation. If each either side gives on anything or meets halfway it is capitulation.

Has there been any major international agreement involving us that did not involve each side giving on some demands?

Watch Trump. What international agreements does he have on his presidential belt? So far...he has pulled us out of three, and negotiated zero. That is how to do it?
No worries. The Nobel committee is way ahead of you on this one. The orange ass clown was in no danger of ever being considered for the prize. much less receiving it.
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.
Not really, he still did more than Obama ever did.....What did Obama get his for again?

Not really what?

And no, Trump hasn't earned the Nobel Peace prize that he so obviously wanted. It's odd that Republicans nominated him for almost holding a summit as though that summit were the end game instead of just the beginning for any peace talks.

It's like what your girlfriend's parents once said, 'I don't know what you see in him, hopefully you'll grow out of it.'
No shit, but after you guys were saying he's gonna start WW 3 it's come along way...

Again, what did Obama get his for?

What's come along way?

Obama didn't do much at all for his except maybe get out of Iraq, but I'm not claiming he earned it either. Duh.
North Korea is a sovereign country. If they want nukes, they are entitled to have nukes. Someone needs to explain this to Trump. He doesn't get to stamp his foot and make a sovereign country do his bidding.

The US and its allies can use economic pressure to get a sovereign country to do their will, but threatening that country with destruction only emboldens and polarizes that country. Someone needs to explain this to Trump.

Every time Trump makes a threatening gesture or tweet toward North Korea, he is playing right into Kim's hands. He is also playing right into the hands of all our enemies.

The United States needs to accept that North Korea is a nuclear power, and will remain so. The genie is already out of the bottle. The approach needs to be one of arms limitation, just as we have done with every other nuclear power on Earth.
Considering if he went to the meeting you would call him a sell out, this is a clear case of you complaining just to complain.
Aww sad conservative victim has to invent bullshit to cope with his pathetic failure of a President :itsok:

Coming from a wanna-be revolutionary cuck that is comical.

This is normal diplomacy. Isn't one of the complaints you morons had that Trump ignores the niceties of his position.

Trump sends a nasty letter: ZOMG he's gonna get us all killed pissing other countries off!
Trump sends a nice letter: ZOMG he's capitulating to the Norks and going to get us all killed!
This isn’t normal diplomacy.

Welcome to the new Normal.

and this letter is probably pretty typical of what is exchanged, just this one was released, unlike the one Obama sent to daddy Jong back in 2009.

Obama wrote a personal letter to North Korea's Kim Jong Il

President Obama has written a personal letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il that was delivered by the administration's special envoy for North Korea during a visit to Pyongyang last week.

The existence of the letter has been closely held, with the administration insisting to its partners in disarmament talks with North Korea that it not be publicly discussed. State Department and White House officials confirmed this week that envoy Stephen W. Bosworth delivered a letter from Obama for Kim, but they declined to describe its contents.
is this a good normal?
The "DON" to L'l Kim: I'm breaking up with you before you break up with me.

This from the "master negotiator".

Hell, the "master negotiator" isn't even a master debater.

For the past few weeks, I have been watching people like you on this board cheer for the failure of this summit, simply because you hate Trump. You never held any expectation of success.

So, I think it is warranted here fore me to say...

Go fuck yourself.

Saying "I knew the orange fool would fuck things up worse" isn't cheering failure dumb ass.
Nobody cares. Obama ruined that institution forever for the us... along with all the others he destroyed.

Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.
Not really, he still did more than Obama ever did.....What did Obama get his for again?

Not really what?

And no, Trump hasn't earned the Nobel Peace prize that he so obviously wanted. It's odd that Republicans nominated him for almost holding a summit as though that summit were the end game instead of just the beginning for any peace talks.

It's like what your girlfriend's parents once said, 'I don't know what you see in him, hopefully you'll grow out of it.'
No shit, but after you guys were saying he's gonna start WW 3 it's come along way...

Again, what did Obama get his for?

What's come along way?

Obama didn't do much at all for his except maybe get out of Iraq, but I'm not claiming he earned it either. Duh.
From YOU PEOPLE saying Trump was starting WW 3, to getting him to agree to the Olympics and sitting down a table to talk. What did Obama do again?
Trump should have studied Nixon’s approach to China or Obama’s approach to Iran. He might learn something, at the very least, that there is more to it then public posturing and self aggrandizing.
The Iran deal is a lesson in how NOT to do it.
That is a matter of ( mostly partisan) opinion. The thing is we had a deal that put the breaks on nuclear development in Iran, and it did not involve loud posturing, and bellicose threats that gave neither room to maneuver. Or save face. Had they quietly laid the groundwork ahead, we might see different results. So you don’t like the Iran deal? Fine, look at Nixon’s approach to China. The thing is we don’t have a president who studies or is willing to learn from others. He operates impulsively from the gut, and that is not helpful.
You don’t need to capitulate to make deals. Everyone knows that but the worthless government employees that don’t have to produce anything worth a crap to survive. Watch Trump, this is how the real world works. In addition to Un he has put every other country on notice that we are working trade deals with right now. You deal straight or we walk. The political ass kissing days are gone.

Isn’t that exactly what is wrong with things today? Negotiable = capitulation. If each either side gives on anything or meets halfway it is capitulation.

Has there been any major international agreement involving us that did not involve each side giving on some demands?

Watch Trump. What international agreements does he have on his presidential belt? So far...he has pulled us out of three, and negotiated zero. That is how to do it?
Yes it is better. It’s always better to have no deal than a crappy one hanging around your neck. Trump shed the dead weight of stupid deals designed to make a name for the politicians instead of being best for us. You don’t give ground just to be likeable to those you’re negotiating with.
If the affirmative action Negro was President Obama would be offering the NORKs hundreds of billions of dollars to let him kiss their ass and get nothing in return. You know, like he did with the Iranians and the Cubans.

If that asshole Crooked Hillary had won she would have cut a deal to give the NORKs anything they wanted in exchange for a lucrative donation to her money laundering foundation and a nice speaking fee for Slick Willy.
Trump should have studied Nixon’s approach to China or Obama’s approach to Iran. He might learn something, at the very least, that there is more to it then public posturing and self aggrandizing.
The Iran deal is a lesson in how NOT to do it.
That is a matter of ( mostly partisan) opinion. The thing is we had a deal that put the breaks on nuclear development in Iran, and it did not involve loud posturing, and bellicose threats that gave neither room to maneuver. Or save face. Had they quietly laid the groundwork ahead, we might see different results. So you don’t like the Iran deal? Fine, look at Nixon’s approach to China. The thing is we don’t have a president who studies or is willing to learn from others. He operates impulsively from the gut, and that is not helpful.
You don’t need to capitulate to make deals. Everyone knows that but the worthless government employees that don’t have to produce anything worth a crap to survive. Watch Trump, this is how the real world works. In addition to Un he has put every other country on notice that we are working trade deals with right now. You deal straight or we walk. The political ass kissing days are gone.

Isn’t that exactly what is wrong with things today? Negotiable = capitulation. If each either side gives on anything or meets halfway it is capitulation.

Has there been any major international agreement involving us that did not involve each side giving on some demands?

Watch Trump. What international agreements does he have on his presidential belt? So far...he has pulled us out of three, and negotiated zero. That is how to do it?
Yes it is better. It’s always better to have no deal than a crappy one hanging around your neck. Trump shed the dead weight of stupid deals designed to make a name for the politicians instead of being best for us. You don’t give ground just to be likeable to those you’re negotiating with.
So have had any major negotiated agreements that did not involve some give from both sides? Any?

For some reason the concept of win-win has become toxic to you guys.
North Korea is a sovereign country. If they want nukes, they are entitled to have nukes. Someone needs to explain this to Trump. He doesn't get to stamp his foot and make a sovereign country do his bidding.

The US and its allies can use economic pressure to get a sovereign country to do their will, but threatening that country with destruction only emboldens and polarizes that country. Someone needs to explain this to Trump.

Every time Trump makes a threatening gesture or tweet toward North Korea, he is playing right into Kim's hands. He is also playing right into the hands of all our enemies.

The United States needs to accept that North Korea is a nuclear power, and will remain so. The genie is already out of the bottle. The approach needs to be one of arms limitation, just as we have done with every other nuclear power on Earth.

I disagree, sometimes you have to let people know you hold all the cards and you're not taking their shit anymore. If NKorea wants to dance we will obliterate them. Trump makes it clear he will not hesitate at all to blow him up. Kim knows this and it scares him. He's used to pushing people around, Trump is like fuck you man. It always reminds me of Lethal Weapon, when the guy says he wants to jump. Martin Riggs scares him and then has him jump, you find out the guy was full of shit.
At this point Kim has moved closer than under any other President. And He knows Trump doesn't fuck around. It may not happen in June, but Kim will have a come to Trump moment at some point.
Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.
Not really, he still did more than Obama ever did.....What did Obama get his for again?

Not really what?

And no, Trump hasn't earned the Nobel Peace prize that he so obviously wanted. It's odd that Republicans nominated him for almost holding a summit as though that summit were the end game instead of just the beginning for any peace talks.

It's like what your girlfriend's parents once said, 'I don't know what you see in him, hopefully you'll grow out of it.'
No shit, but after you guys were saying he's gonna start WW 3 it's come along way...

Again, what did Obama get his for?

What's come along way?

Obama didn't do much at all for his except maybe get out of Iraq, but I'm not claiming he earned it either. Duh.
From YOU PEOPLE saying Trump was starting WW 3, to getting him to agree to the Olympics and sitting down a table to talk. What did Obama do again?

Who sat down at what table?

Agree to the Olympics? Not sure if you know it's not unprecedented for North Korea to be in the Olympics. As far as joining with South Korea that is an accomplishment between those two countries.

Trump has not earned the Nobel Peace Prize, even if it's so obviously important to you (and him).
I think Kim was playing Donald all along. That’s what NK does. And Donald played himself right into his hands. Donald does a good job of making himself look like a fool, but Kim gave him a little help this time.

Having said that, if Kim was serious, I wonder how much of a role Donald tearing up the Iran agreement played in this.

Donald can’t negotiate.
Its called negotiation....if Kim isn't willing to deal,,, Trump walks away......and it's a very good tactic.....
They cant figure Trump out, and that's a good thing
Cancelling a negotiation meeting is negotiating?
Kim said nothing to indicate he was unwilling; U.S. representatives made what amounted to threatening statements before negotiation could even take place, similar to "an offer he can't refuse".
That is a good tactic if one is really not serious about peace.
Yes it is. you really don't know how to negotiate. In order to have power and the ability to negotiate well, you need to be able to walk away. It's pretty simple negotiating 101. Youi lefties and the world leaders aren't used to someone being unpredictable and willing to say I don't like the deal, I'm out. they stay in and change a word or two and come out with we won.....when nothing changed. Trump says fuck that, if my demands aren't met, I'm out.
Considering if he went to the meeting you would call him a sell out, this is a clear case of you complaining just to complain.
Aww sad conservative victim has to invent bullshit to cope with his pathetic failure of a President :itsok:

Coming from a wanna-be revolutionary cuck that is comical.

This is normal diplomacy. Isn't one of the complaints you morons had that Trump ignores the niceties of his position.

Trump sends a nasty letter: ZOMG he's gonna get us all killed pissing other countries off!
Trump sends a nice letter: ZOMG he's capitulating to the Norks and going to get us all killed!
This isn’t normal diplomacy.

Welcome to the new Normal.

and this letter is probably pretty typical of what is exchanged, just this one was released, unlike the one Obama sent to daddy Jong back in 2009.

Obama wrote a personal letter to North Korea's Kim Jong Il

President Obama has written a personal letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il that was delivered by the administration's special envoy for North Korea during a visit to Pyongyang last week.

The existence of the letter has been closely held, with the administration insisting to its partners in disarmament talks with North Korea that it not be publicly discussed. State Department and White House officials confirmed this week that envoy Stephen W. Bosworth delivered a letter from Obama for Kim, but they declined to describe its contents.
is this a good normal?

Depends on the results.

On this and Iran Trump is throwing down the gauntlet while also saying we will play nice IF the other side agrees to our terms.
Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.


Sure he does, skippy. Another baldfaced lie.

When he gossips like a little school girl that 'everyone thinks' he should get the nobel peace prize then you know he wants it. Too bad.
You obviously don't know when you and the media are being played. Trump and his supporters could not care less about phony awards like the Nobel and other such crap. The only people that take that stuff seriously is the left. They give you an award for putting your shoes on correctly in the morning.
They don’t care about the Nobel? Why so many threads by them? Why did the Republicans nominate him? Very publicly? :lol:

Very obvious...because the nobel prize is a joke, Yassir Arafat, a terrorist has one, Jimmy Carter and then Obama got one for doing NOTHING. We were pushing Trump, because he did more than Obama and it exposes how stupid and useless that award is.
No one nominated Trump for anything. The nomination was a fake, like everything DEMS-13 does.

Doesn't matter if he was nominated or not. The committee decides who is considered for the prize, and that's a list Trump will never be on.

The only thing that's important to me is Obama won it, Trump never will, and he will die an angry and bitter little man behind that fact, and people like you will be angry, and lose a little life yourselve's behind that blood pressure level being just a little higher.


Obama won the Nobel for doing...nothing. He was two weeks on the job.

Very true, but Obama didn't talk about it either, it's not his fault they gave it to him.
That's not the issue and you know that, it's that THEY gave it to him, so we mock them for it. Trump did more than Obama...

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