It’s hysterical to me the GOP wanted to give Trump the Nobel prize and yet to the surprise of....

Notice how gleeful all the leftist Regressives are that bringing North Korea into the modern world has been put on hold
Notice how the incompetence of this administration sabotaged bringing NK into the modern world. This admin has spent all its time attacking everybody we’re supposed to be making deals with (except our #1 allies Saudi Arabia and Israel). This is eventually what’s going to happen with all those deals.

How does a President fuck up an opportunity like NK accidentally destroying it’s nuke program last year? Unbelievable.
Considering if he went to the meeting you would call him a sell out, this is a clear case of you complaining just to complain.
Aww sad conservative victim has to invent bullshit to cope with his pathetic failure of a President :itsok:

Coming from a wanna-be revolutionary cuck that is comical.

This is normal diplomacy. Isn't one of the complaints you morons had that Trump ignores the niceties of his position.

Trump sends a nasty letter: ZOMG he's gonna get us all killed pissing other countries off!
Trump sends a nice letter: ZOMG he's capitulating to the Norks and going to get us all killed!
This isn’t normal diplomacy.
You talk about nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used.
Translation: "Mine's bigger."

Donald demonstrates his dick size

Only a fool who had no idea of the history of negotiations with N Korea would have thought Trump's goofy plan would work, and Trump is definately that fool.

We've never had a president who was more ignorant about American history and lacked the intellectual curiosity to LEARN.
That would be Obama.

This tells me you are not a serious person. He had extensive knowledge of US presidents.
He had experience being a racist, anti American, communist, community organizer.
Notice how gleeful all the leftist Regressives are that bringing North Korea into the modern world has been put on hold

NK giving up their nukes doesn't mean the leadership will change or its oppressive rules on its people.
I expect Trump will soon be tweeting something to the effect, "I never said..."
Notice how gleeful all the leftist Regressives are that bringing North Korea into the modern world has been put on hold
Notice how boastful Trump was about the failures of others.

Bitch slapped by karma once again.
Only a fool who had no idea of the history of negotiations with N Korea would have thought Trump's goofy plan would work, and Trump is definately that fool.

We've never had a president who was more ignorant about American history and lacked the intellectual curiosity to LEARN.
That would be Obama.

This tells me you are not a serious person. He had extensive knowledge of US presidents.
He had experience being a racist, anti American, communist, community organizer.

Feel better now?
Trump should have studied Nixon’s approach to China or Obama’s approach to Iran. He might learn something, at the very least, that there is more to it then public posturing and self aggrandizing.
The Iran deal is a lesson in how NOT to do it.
That is a matter of ( mostly partisan) opinion. The thing is we had a deal that put the breaks on nuclear development in Iran, and it did not involve loud posturing, and bellicose threats that gave neither room to maneuver. Or save face. Had they quietly laid the groundwork ahead, we might see different results. So you don’t like the Iran deal? Fine, look at Nixon’s approach to China. The thing is we don’t have a president who studies or is willing to learn from others. He operates impulsively from the gut, and that is not helpful.
You don’t need to capitulate to make deals. Everyone knows that but the worthless government employees that don’t have to produce anything worth a crap to survive. Watch Trump, this is how the real world works. In addition to Un he has put every other country on notice that we are working trade deals with right now. You deal straight or we walk. The political ass kissing days are gone.
Notice how gleeful all the leftist Regressives are that bringing North Korea into the modern world has been put on hold

There is nothing to be gleeful over.

And yet you are all so thrilled that it failed

The summit isn't the end game, why is it treated as such?

For me, it's the sad reality that I don't think this summit would have been productive and very possibly could make things worse. I have no problem with the United States siting down with North Korea however not with the guy who is bragging that he doesn't need to prepare, not the guy who is schizophrenic with his relationships for both allies and enemies. Not a guy who hires John Bolton as his NSA, the very same guy who first hired Flynn.

It's horrible that with our current leadership that it's not unreasonable to think that our relations could be worse off after having a summit. I'm not celebrating, we're between a rock and a hard place, we knew if this moron became president that our standing in the world and our ability to negotiate in it would be diminished. Well, that's happening now, Sorry, I'm not properly emoting according to your standards.
So it looks like the meeting between Trump and N.Korea's only fat guy is off.

Mike Pence should have kept his mouth shut,
The Orange Dumpster Fire should have kept HIS mouth shut. As in, maybe don’t do a victory lap before you’ve even agreed to a meeting.
The "DON" to L'l Kim: I'm breaking up with you before you break up with me.

This from the "master negotiator".

Hell, the "master negotiator" isn't even a master debater.

For the past few weeks, I have been watching people like you on this board cheer for the failure of this summit, simply because you hate Trump. You never held any expectation of success.

So, I think it is warranted here fore me to say...

Go fuck yourself.
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Trump has made some boneheaded moves. Let's hope someone is giving him a fucking education.

"Nobody knew negotiating with North Korea was so hard!"
When oh when dear Lord will the American stupid get it through its thick skull that Donald J. Trump is a con man, a bullshiter and a coward. Trump could never in a zillion years, with his inability to listen to advisors, learn and read up on shit, this bitch could never hold court with any leader that isn't willing to kiss his fat white flabby orange ass and he knew that. That's why he pulled out, because the Trump bullshit con wasn't gonna work with this Kim Fuckyou.

Trump is a bullshitter, motherfuckers that talk a good game to idiots, ie white people, then do a 160 on their ass and they fall for the shit.

He talked shit about

Obama wire tappin his dungeon, still waiting on that report
about the wall, still waiting on Mexico's check
the infastructure bill, still waiting on that
bringing jobs back from China, still waiting on them to get the jobs first
the trickle down tax cuts, still haven't went to the little guy
Healhcare so cheap, you're gonna love it
challenging the NRA, then have dinner with them the next day
draining the swamp, then takes a bath in it

There are none so blind, so ignorant, so pathetic, than a white man's love for corruption for which he plainly see's all because a mf is white just like himself
Considering if he went to the meeting you would call him a sell out, this is a clear case of you complaining just to complain.
Aww sad conservative victim has to invent bullshit to cope with his pathetic failure of a President :itsok:

Coming from a wanna-be revolutionary cuck that is comical.

This is normal diplomacy. Isn't one of the complaints you morons had that Trump ignores the niceties of his position.

Trump sends a nasty letter: ZOMG he's gonna get us all killed pissing other countries off!
Trump sends a nice letter: ZOMG he's capitulating to the Norks and going to get us all killed!
This isn’t normal diplomacy.

Welcome to the new Normal.

and this letter is probably pretty typical of what is exchanged, just this one was released, unlike the one Obama sent to daddy Jong back in 2009.

Obama wrote a personal letter to North Korea's Kim Jong Il

President Obama has written a personal letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il that was delivered by the administration's special envoy for North Korea during a visit to Pyongyang last week.

The existence of the letter has been closely held, with the administration insisting to its partners in disarmament talks with North Korea that it not be publicly discussed. State Department and White House officials confirmed this week that envoy Stephen W. Bosworth delivered a letter from Obama for Kim, but they declined to describe its contents.
Trump was an idiot for thinking the Norks will give up their nukes. It's their one and only bargaining chip.

He was also an idiot for appointing failure John Bolton as his adviser. And he was an idiot for threatening to tear up the JCPOA.

All these boneheaded mistakes sent all the wrong signals to the Norks.

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