It’s hysterical to me the GOP wanted to give Trump the Nobel prize and yet to the surprise of....

In the meantime, I want to thank you for the release of the hostages who are now home with their families. That was a beautiful gesture and was very much appreciated.
Kim responds, "That's okay. We can always grab some more hostages any time we wish to stroke your fat ego again."
Trump should have studied Nixon’s approach to China or Obama’s approach to Iran. He might learn something, at the very least, that there is more to it then public posturing and self aggrandizing.
The Iran deal is a lesson in how NOT to do it.
Notice how gleeful all the leftist Regressives are that bringing North Korea into the modern world has been put on hold
Considering if he went to the meeting you would call him a sell out, this is a clear case of you complaining just to complain.
Aww sad conservative victim has to invent bullshit to cope with his pathetic failure of a President :itsok:

Coming from a wanna-be revolutionary cuck that is comical.

This is normal diplomacy. Isn't one of the complaints you morons had that Trump ignores the niceties of his position.

Trump sends a nasty letter: ZOMG he's gonna get us all killed pissing other countries off!
Trump sends a nice letter: ZOMG he's capitulating to the Norks and going to get us all killed!
Not all diplomacy? Praising a murderous dictator is normal diplomacy? Sending your minions off to gloat about some of the most sensitive negotiations in history is normal? Fucking stupid.

Trump is the only President who could presidenover North Korea accidentally destroying their own nuclear program, and STILL not get them to come to the table over their nuclear program. What a dotard.
100 -1 our foreign policy experts got Trump in a closet and explained the facts of NK to his stupid ass then told him to sit down and stfu
Well since North Korea blew up their nuclear testing facility I’m not sure what was left to negotiate.

CNN sees apparent North Korea nuclear tunnel demolition - CNN Video
If I remember correctly, NoKo's ICBM launches recently have been from mobile units. The "test center" may be demolished, but I doubt if his missiles were.
Do you have any idea what an ICBM is?
Did I say it wrong? Is it not an intercontinental ballistic missile of the type NoKo was regularly firing until Nov. '17, a few over Japan territory/waters? Those would be the ones, equipped with a nuclear warhead, that could hit the U.S. The military has said that based on the trajectories of the missiles they have fired, the ICBM's could reach anywhere in the continental U.S.

They would not be using those to strike So. Korea. They have plenty of regular armaments to pulverize Seoul.
Please explain what I missed.
Considering if he went to the meeting you would call him a sell out, this is a clear case of you complaining just to complain.
Aww sad conservative victim has to invent bullshit to cope with his pathetic failure of a President :itsok:

Coming from a wanna-be revolutionary cuck that is comical.

This is normal diplomacy. Isn't one of the complaints you morons had that Trump ignores the niceties of his position.

Trump sends a nasty letter: ZOMG he's gonna get us all killed pissing other countries off!
Trump sends a nice letter: ZOMG he's capitulating to the Norks and going to get us all killed!
Not all diplomacy? Praising a murderous dictator is normal diplomacy? Sending your minions off to gloat about some of the most sensitive negotiations in history is normal? Fucking stupid.

Trump is the only President who could presidenover North Korea accidentally destroying their own nuclear program, and STILL not get them to come to the table over their nuclear program. What a dotard.

yes, normal diplomacy, although Trump starting off the letter with "hey fuckwit" would, I admit be hilarious.

He's saying he will cancel the meeting because Whoa Fat! can't keep his trap shut. Look for more diplomacy to follow and the meeting to be held sometime in the next two months.
Trump should have studied Nixon’s approach to China or Obama’s approach to Iran. He might learn something, at the very least, that there is more to it then public posturing and self aggrandizing.
The Iran deal is a lesson in how NOT to do it.
That is a matter of ( mostly partisan) opinion. The thing is we had a deal that put the breaks on nuclear development in Iran, and it did not involve loud posturing, and bellicose threats that gave neither room to maneuver. Or save face. Had they quietly laid the groundwork ahead, we might see different results. So you don’t like the Iran deal? Fine, look at Nixon’s approach to China. The thing is we don’t have a president who studies or is willing to learn from others. He operates impulsively from the gut, and that is not helpful.
If the U.S. President really wrote this, it is the clearest example so far of an incapacity of coherent thought and expression to date. If he didnt write it, whoever did should be fired immediately.
How is it that North Korea's 'leader' must change his mind? He didn't refuse the meeting. How could the cancellation be good for both parties and at the same time bad for the world?
The text is a poor mish-mash of verbiage that in an English class would receive a very low grade.

Totally Trumpy and obviously he wrote it. Horrendous - I've seen better from 6th graders.
LoL, Trump is using a car dealing tactic on Un. Negotiate, dude won’t give you that last detail to close the deal and you walk out. Un will be back at the table before Trump gets halfway to the parking lot.
Maybe. Hope so. I think Trump was just sick and tired of all the threats and complaining from NoKo. So yeah, he called Un's bluff. But what Pence said about Libya? Unbelievably stupid. I don't see that KJU's response was at all shocking, considering.
Try this again. I think Un was believing our liberal media’s hype and thought he’d use it against Trump. He probably figured Trump was too invested in this meeting to cancel so why not try to soften up the demands a bit. Well surprise. Trump didn’t give a crap about the media, Nobel or any of that stuff that motivated previous presidents. Un is probably one of the most surprised that atrump just yanked the plug. Now he’s in a bad spot. Does he forget the negotiations all together? Or does he come back with his tail between his legs?

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