It’s hysterical to me the GOP wanted to give Trump the Nobel prize and yet to the surprise of....

FYi. There are 100's of US citizens in NK. Who will be captured now?
I hope they DIE! For being so stupid to go there.
FYi. There are 100's of US citizens in NK. Who will be captured now?
I hope they DIE! For being so stupid to go there.

Your empathy is very impressive....right up there with that of the Liar in Chief.
You don’t need to capitulate to make deals. Everyone knows that but the worthless government employees that don’t have to produce anything worth a crap to survive. Watch Trump, this is how the real world works. In addition to Un he has put every other country on notice that we are working trade deals with right now. You deal straight or we walk. The political ass kissing days are gone.

Isn’t that exactly what is wrong with things today? Negotiable = capitulation. If each either side gives on anything or meets halfway it is capitulation.

Has there been any major international agreement involving us that did not involve each side giving on some demands?

Watch Trump. What international agreements does he have on his presidential belt? So far...he has pulled us out of three, and negotiated zero. That is how to do it?
Yes it is better. It’s always better to have no deal than a crappy one hanging around your neck. Trump shed the dead weight of stupid deals designed to make a name for the politicians instead of being best for us. You don’t give ground just to be likeable to those you’re negotiating with.
So have had any major negotiated agreements that did not involve some give from both sides? Any?

For some reason the concept of win-win has become toxic to you guys.
Win win is not for you to decide or even shoot for. You negotiate to win, period. Now, when the dealing is over and both sides feel they got something that’s fine and that’s a win win. You don’t start at that point you end there.
Did I say otherwise? That doesn’t alter what I said about how you regard it as capitulation.
Yes actually. You said we should give in order for this perfect win win. No we don’t. Just win. The rest takes care of itself.
Isn’t that exactly what is wrong with things today? Negotiable = capitulation. If each either side gives on anything or meets halfway it is capitulation.

Has there been any major international agreement involving us that did not involve each side giving on some demands?

Watch Trump. What international agreements does he have on his presidential belt? So far...he has pulled us out of three, and negotiated zero. That is how to do it?
Yes it is better. It’s always better to have no deal than a crappy one hanging around your neck. Trump shed the dead weight of stupid deals designed to make a name for the politicians instead of being best for us. You don’t give ground just to be likeable to those you’re negotiating with.
So have had any major negotiated agreements that did not involve some give from both sides? Any?

For some reason the concept of win-win has become toxic to you guys.
Win win is not for you to decide or even shoot for. You negotiate to win, period. Now, when the dealing is over and both sides feel they got something that’s fine and that’s a win win. You don’t start at that point you end there.
Did I say otherwise? That doesn’t alter what I said about how you regard it as capitulation.
Yes actually. You said we should give in order for this perfect win win. No we don’t. Just win. The rest takes care of itself.
What exactly do you mean? That doesn’t make any sense.
Yes it is better. It’s always better to have no deal than a crappy one hanging around your neck. Trump shed the dead weight of stupid deals designed to make a name for the politicians instead of being best for us. You don’t give ground just to be likeable to those you’re negotiating with.
So have had any major negotiated agreements that did not involve some give from both sides? Any?

For some reason the concept of win-win has become toxic to you guys.
Win win is not for you to decide or even shoot for. You negotiate to win, period. Now, when the dealing is over and both sides feel they got something that’s fine and that’s a win win. You don’t start at that point you end there.
Did I say otherwise? That doesn’t alter what I said about how you regard it as capitulation.
Yes actually. You said we should give in order for this perfect win win. No we don’t. Just win. The rest takes care of itself.
What exactly do you mean? That doesn’t make any sense.
It means we shouldn’t give a crap if Un actually wins anything. We get what we want. If that means we have to leave fat boy in a puppet position that’s fine. But we get what we want, their nukes.
So have had any major negotiated agreements that did not involve some give from both sides? Any?

For some reason the concept of win-win has become toxic to you guys.
Win win is not for you to decide or even shoot for. You negotiate to win, period. Now, when the dealing is over and both sides feel they got something that’s fine and that’s a win win. You don’t start at that point you end there.
Did I say otherwise? That doesn’t alter what I said about how you regard it as capitulation.
Yes actually. You said we should give in order for this perfect win win. No we don’t. Just win. The rest takes care of itself.
What exactly do you mean? That doesn’t make any sense.
It means we shouldn’t give a crap if Un actually wins anything. We get what we want. If that means we have to leave fat boy in a puppet position that’s fine. But we get what we want, their nukes.

When did he say he was going to give up his nukes? Link one NK is back to square one with SK within weeks of that stupid announcement.

Turns out tough talk on the level of maturity of a caveman doesn’t do jack shit to keep our enemies in line. “Fire and fury” is officially useless as an empty threat. Un is always going to think his dick is bigger regardless of the 8th grader shit Trump says. They’re both just two boys on a playground talking shit but with no walk.
Doesn't matter.

The Summit Meeting was never going to happen, anyway.

The Imperial Cheeto simply couldn't stand the idea of not being the first to "break up" ( stop "going steady" ).
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Win win is not for you to decide or even shoot for. You negotiate to win, period. Now, when the dealing is over and both sides feel they got something that’s fine and that’s a win win. You don’t start at that point you end there.
Did I say otherwise? That doesn’t alter what I said about how you regard it as capitulation.
Yes actually. You said we should give in order for this perfect win win. No we don’t. Just win. The rest takes care of itself.
What exactly do you mean? That doesn’t make any sense.
It means we shouldn’t give a crap if Un actually wins anything. We get what we want. If that means we have to leave fat boy in a puppet position that’s fine. But we get what we want, their nukes.

When did he say he was going to give up his nukes? Link
Right at the beginning dipshit. Do a google search.
FYi. There are 100's of US citizens in NK. Who will be captured now?
I hope they DIE! For being so stupid to go there.

Your empathy is very impressive....right up there with that of the Liar in Chief.
How so? NK has taken many US citizens that have gone there for decades.
We have Travel warnings not to go to NK..
How many times should I care about these people?
After NK has taken some 12 people over the years?
That be 10 more than I need to see, to stop caring about them. one NK is back to square one with SK within weeks of that stupid announcement.

Turns out tough talk on the level of maturity of a caveman doesn’t do jack shit to keep our enemies in line. “Fire and fury” is officially useless as an empty threat. Un is always going to think his dick is bigger regardless of the 8th grader shit Trump says. They’re both just two boys on a playground talking shit but with no walk.
I wrote here on the USMB that you are supposed to negotiate FIRST and THEN have the summit.

Trump wanted the summit first. That's nonsense. It's always been nonsense.
You could see where this was going. That's why the whole Nobel thing was one of the most ridiculous of this administration so far.
Ya and I predicted that last nights celtics win would be 96 - 83
Did I say otherwise? That doesn’t alter what I said about how you regard it as capitulation.
Yes actually. You said we should give in order for this perfect win win. No we don’t. Just win. The rest takes care of itself.
What exactly do you mean? That doesn’t make any sense.
It means we shouldn’t give a crap if Un actually wins anything. We get what we want. If that means we have to leave fat boy in a puppet position that’s fine. But we get what we want, their nukes.

When did he say he was going to give up his nukes? Link
Right at the beginning dipshit. Do a google search.

Did I say otherwise? That doesn’t alter what I said about how you regard it as capitulation.
Yes actually. You said we should give in order for this perfect win win. No we don’t. Just win. The rest takes care of itself.
What exactly do you mean? That doesn’t make any sense.
It means we shouldn’t give a crap if Un actually wins anything. We get what we want. If that means we have to leave fat boy in a puppet position that’s fine. But we get what we want, their nukes.

When did he say he was going to give up his nukes? Link
Right at the beginning dipshit. Do a google search.

I did and NOTHING! Provide a link where Kim said he was going to give up his nukes.....or go away.
It sure is telling how low of standards the left judged Obama on with foreign policy matters, and how high they are with Trump.
Only way Trump could win wit the left is if he ended world poverty, all nukes were destroyed, and the whole world nightly sang Kumbaya in unison. And then, only maybe.
No, they would claim fake news.
This is just a misunderstanding/miscommunication. Dipstick Bolton didn't think his words through real well; invoking the "Libya model" (meaning the 2011 disarm,) vs Kim freaking out that the US was going to off him if he didn't. It's pretty much a wash because Kim basically said that he's not going to give up his nuclear program, he's not going to give up chemical weapons, he's not going to 'disarm.' There's basically no point in there even being a meeting if Kim isn't going to drop nukes so whatever.
Except Obama didn't brag about it, didn't have members of his own party nominate him, didn't do anything to promote it. How embarrassing for Republicans to lick at his heels and nominate him.

Nobody cares. You're the one who should be embarrassed..I'm embarrassed for you every time you post. But you fools don't have enough intelligence or integrity to see what abject scumbags you are.

Nobody cares but for some reason you chose to bring Obama into this.

Trump cares about the Nobel Peace prize he'll never get.


Sure he does, skippy. Another baldfaced lie.

When he gossips like a little school girl that 'everyone thinks' he should get the nobel peace prize then you know he wants it. Too bad.
You obviously don't know when you and the media are being played. Trump and his supporters could not care less about phony awards like the Nobel and other such crap. The only people that take that stuff seriously is the left. They give you an award for putting your shoes on correctly in the morning.
18 House Republicans Nominate Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize

:laughing0301: that the Nobel Peace Prize flying out the window.....SAD.....

We know you are truly thrilled that normalizing relations with North Korea has failed. Anything that denies Trump a political victory is obviously better than peaceful relations around the world

Trump did it to himself. It was his choice alone to blow up the process so publicly rather than refocus and redouble his efforts. It's that failure that draws ridicule and not any potential breakthrough with NK.

I'm personally disappointed. I thought that maybe our own mad man could communicate with KJU on a level that no one else could. It seems I was mistaken.

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