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It's important for the rightwing to realize that the liberal outrage over Trump is unprecedented


Mass deportation is going to tank the economy. You're already hearing push back from farmers and other businesses on that issue. There are numerous scientific articles that definitively show that the US economy is propped up by illegal workers. And it is going to cost BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS to deport folks, putting a further strain on the economy.

As far as trade policy goes, that's all pretty much doomed to failure. Trump isn't talking trade policy, he's talking tariff wars which crashed the global economy last time it happened. Not only that, automation of manufacturing is at the point where factories don't need the workers they needed before. Hell, the labs that build your eyeglasses are highly automated now and employ a fraction of the workers they did before. Manufacturing won't be a major driver for the US economy.

We need to start on the process getting rid of the friggin illegals. It won't be done overnight and there will be no modern day equivalent of "The Trail of Tears".

We secure the border, ship all the criminals out and then work on the others. Probably won't get all of them but in eight years we can get rid of a a shitload of them and that will be good.

We don't need them in our economy being a burden on our government services and welfare system. We sure as hell don't need the gangs, criminals, welfare queens, disability assholes and the children costing our school system.

We will see what Trump does. Hopefully he will do what he says. That will be refreshing for a politician for change, won't it?
'It's important for the rightwing to realize that the liberal outrage over Trump is unprecedented'

I think it is more important for the snowflakes to realize it.

President Trump won the election, and out of sheer hatred they have vandalized, robbed, and firebombed GOP HQs, have assaulted elderly men for holding up a Trump sign, have chased down and beat up kids at Trump rallies, have rioted, looted, and burned / destroyed public property.

The Candidate for a major political party was implicated in her campaign PAYING her supporters to engage in violence against the very same Americans she sought to 'rule'.

The President of the United States was confirmed to have met numerous times with the organizer the Hillary Campaign hired to organize the violence against American citizens who supported the opposing party's candidate.

Liberals have seditiously, subversively, and very publicly burned the American flag, called for the racist murder of white Americans, called for the overthrow of the United States, and have called for the assassination of the next US President.....

Conservatives have NOT missed the importance / severity of these actions / events and are appalled and extremely concerned about them....

...while liberals continue to seek to justify these acts, which is exactly what the OP tries to do.
Can leftist flowers provide reasons for said outrage? Perhaps you can prove my belief wrong, which is you're a spoiled, emotionally lost, dumbed down and corrupt public.
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.
No, that is a lie. When George W. Bush won in 2000, Al Gore demanded a recount, and the media backed his play.
This election was about real issues, with a real choice between the status quo and real change.
I'm calling bullshit on that point right there. Trump doesn't represent real change. He represents rejection. That's not the same as change. If you voted for Trump expecting real change you're going to have a really sad and disappointing 4 years.
Thanks Kreskin. Like we've been enjoying the shit out of the last 8.
A lot of folks voted for Obama thinking he'd represent real change. If anything, he was 8 more years of Bush. A lot of folks are pretty disappointed.

I don't see Trump as being any different, especially as we see his cabinet appointments and start to see the GOP establishment push back against his policies. I think like Obama, and Bush, and Clinton before them he WANTS to be different and he WANTS to have his vision play out. But that isn't what's going to happen.
Can leftist flowers provide reasons for said outrage? Perhaps you can prove my belief wrong, which is you're a spoiled, emotionally lost, dumbed down and corrupt public.

Safe to say what I and many others say about liberals is true? They operate on emotions and critical thought runs on fumes.
Better Trump than Bush, Cruz, or Pence. There's still the hope that Trump was lying his fat ass off to win and will go back to being the liberal populist he's always been. Which will be hard, but not as bad as the other 3. After all, they literally believe that if they dream that Jesus tells them to go to war or do some other crazy shit then they're mandated by God or whatever to go make it happen.

What scares me is the rwnj he's going to appoint to the Supreme Court. He has to or his base will kill him. And have you seen his cabinet yet?

And yes, Ben Carson is the Ape.
Trump supporters and surrogates need to take a step back from covering-up and apologizing for his glaring inadequacies and horrifying blunders--in other words, pull head from ass.
Trump won because the Democrats ran Hillary Clinton.
Don't like the fact Trump is President? Blame the Dems.
Hillary ran a crappy campaign, that is for sure. But blame the Democrats for Trump? I don't think that works
If the Dems had run a better candidate - and they had better candidates - Trump would not have won.
But no, they ran Hillary.
Oh, the DNC deserves some blame here. Hillary herself does too. As I understand it folks did sit down with her and tell her not to run and she ignored them. She felt entitled to the White House and no one in the DNC had the guts to run against her or to tell her no. So yeah, they deserve blame.

I'm just saying there will be enough blame to go around should Trump turn into a trainwreck. The media will get blame for trying to normalize him in the context of balanced coverage and for giving him free advertising. Twitter and Facebook should have cracked down on the bots and false news feeds. The Federal Bureaucracy should have called foul on how much interference came from Russia. The American voters will especially have blame to square up to because a vast majority either stayed home or voted for Trump. Even those that voted against him will have plenty of blame. We all were in our bubble and failed to engage with Trump voters prior to the election.

So if this all turns into a trainwreck, we all get the blame.
Better Trump than Bush, Cruz, or Pence. There's still the hope that Trump was lying his fat ass off to win and will go back to being the liberal populist he's always been. Which will be hard, but not as bad as the other 3. After all, they literally believe that if they dream that Jesus tells them to go to war or do some other crazy shit then they're mandated by God or whatever to go make it happen.

What scares me is the rwnj he's going to appoint to the Supreme Court. He has to or his base will kill him. And have you seen his cabinet yet?

And yes, Ben Carson is the Ape.
Yes it will be bad. Still better than the total fucking loons Bush, Pence, or Cruz would have nominated.

Ginsberg and Kennedy better be eating their vegetables.
In my opinion liberal outrage over Trump just confirms what idiotic assholes they are. Maybe I could be concerned about their poor wittle feeelins if I didn't find their antics so hilarious.

It's not just us

I am a Republican presidential elector, one of the 538 people asked to choose officially the president of the United States. Since the election, people have asked me to change my vote based on policy disagreements with Donald J. Trump. In some cases, they cite the popular vote difference. I do not think presidents-elect should be disqualified for policy disagreements. I do not think they should be disqualified because they won the Electoral College instead of the popular vote. However, now I am asked to cast a vote on Dec. 19 for someone who shows daily he is not qualified for the office.


Eh. I was fully in the "Both suck" category this year and was actively looking for a moderate Republican so I could vote against Hillary. I'm pretty clear about my opinion that Trump sucks considerably worse than Hillary though.

Trump is a big government Liberal but less so than this stupid Crooked Hillary bitch. Between the two it was was a no brainier to vote against Crooked Hillary. She has more baggage than Delta Airlines and belongs in jail. Probably the most flawed, corrupt and dishonest person to ever run for President. Even more so than Slick Willy. Good thing she lost.
I understand the disdain for her. I just despise Trump more. I'm convinced he's the worst combination of corrupt and stupid. Years in Louisiana has taught me that "corrupt+stupid" is a far more dangerous combination than "corrupt+intelligent".

Eh. I was fully in the "Both suck" category this year and was actively looking for a moderate Republican so I could vote against Hillary. I'm pretty clear about my opinion that Trump sucks considerably worse than Hillary though.

Trump is a big government Liberal but less so than this stupid Crooked Hillary bitch. Between the two it was was a no brainier to vote against Crooked Hillary. She has more baggage than Delta Airlines and belongs in jail. Probably the most flawed, corrupt and dishonest person to ever run for President. Even more so than Slick Willy. Good thing she lost.
I understand the disdain for her. I just despise Trump more. I'm convinced he's the worst combination of corrupt and stupid. Years in Louisiana has taught me that "corrupt+stupid" is a far more dangerous combination than "corrupt+intelligent".
Dick Chaney & George Bush taught me that lesson.
This election was about real issues, with a real choice between the status quo and real change.
I'm calling bullshit on that point right there. Trump doesn't represent real change. He represents rejection. That's not the same as change. If you voted for Trump expecting real change you're going to have a really sad and disappointing 4 years.
Thanks Kreskin. Like we've been enjoying the shit out of the last 8.
A lot of folks voted for Obama thinking he'd represent real change. If anything, he was 8 more years of Bush. A lot of folks are pretty disappointed.

I don't see Trump as being any different, especially as we see his cabinet appointments and start to see the GOP establishment push back against his policies. I think like Obama, and Bush, and Clinton before them he WANTS to be different and he WANTS to have his vision play out. But that isn't what's going to happen.

I beg to differ...

He is already showing us he is different.

The best is yet to come

I've read through the posts and it's safe to conclude the very reason for the unprecedented liberal outrage is they're butt-hurt. I suspect the BIGGEST reason for their pain is the liberal media promised them Hillary would win. Heck, she was the winner before she was the loser. They're also upset the Democrats proved to be corrupt, from the Obama's admin. to the DNC to the liberal media.
EVERY sitting President has turned moderate when taken office. Trump is no exception.

During the campaign more than 50 Republican former national security officials and foreign policy experts co-signed a letter opposing him. In their words, “he would be a dangerous president.” During the campaign Mr. Trump even said Russia should hack Hillary Clinton’s emails. This encouragement of an illegal act has troubled many members of Congress and troubles me.

Mass deportation is going to tank the economy. You're already hearing push back from farmers and other businesses on that issue. There are numerous scientific articles that definitively show that the US economy is propped up by illegal workers. And it is going to cost BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS to deport folks, putting a further strain on the economy.

As far as trade policy goes, that's all pretty much doomed to failure. Trump isn't talking trade policy, he's talking tariff wars which crashed the global economy last time it happened. Not only that, automation of manufacturing is at the point where factories don't need the workers they needed before. Hell, the labs that build your eyeglasses are highly automated now and employ a fraction of the workers they did before. Manufacturing won't be a major driver for the US economy.

We need to start on the process getting rid of the friggin illegals. It won't be done overnight and there will be no modern day equivalent of "The Trail of Tears".

We secure the border, ship all the criminals out and then work on the others. Probably won't get all of them but in eight years we can get rid of a a shitload of them and that will be good.

We don't need them in our economy being a burden on our government services and welfare system. We sure as hell don't need the gangs, criminals, welfare queens, disability assholes and the children costing our school system.

We will see what Trump does. Hopefully he will do what he says. That will be refreshing for a politician for change, won't it?
I've been an advocate of addressing illegal immigration for a long while. Illegal workers are the modern America version of slaves. They get paid crap, work in unsafe condition, are abused regularly, and have no recourse if they are abused. We absolutely need to close up the border, deport any arrested for criminal activity, and crack down on those employing illegals. In a perfect world if the INS caught you using illegal aliens you'd face such high penalties you'd lose your business.

That's a change that you can make over time and solve the issues. Pair that with allowing those that are here with clean records to stay while on the path to citizenshp and I'd be fine. The problem is we only ever do amnesty without the others. Or we discuss the others and fail to implement them. You have to do all of it or it doesn't work.
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.

And this is why we love Trump. You guys expose yourselves as.the fucking psychopath nut jobs you are. And you guys would do this with any republican, you guys were worse with bush.......
I beg to differ...

He is already showing us he is different.

The best is yet to come

I'm glad you think so. I was worried he'd be different in that a lot of his talk in the campaign came straight out of the playbooks of the dictators of the 20th century. Talk of prosecuting political opponents, going after the press, and his willingness to openly and aggressively go after private citizens. Hell, he was signalling a willingness to openly go to war with the Judiciary over his business interests AS PRESIDENT. That screamed corrupt authoritarian so loudly it's no wonder Putin loves him.

Now he's President-Elect? He's just shown himself to be incompetent. And incompetent Presidents get led around by the nose by Congress. Given who's in control over there, I don't expect any real change coming from Trump's administration.
[. The problem is we only ever do amnesty without the others. Or we discuss the others and fail to implement them. You have to do all of it or it doesn't work.

Hopefully Trump will change the paradigm. He is the best hope we have had since Eisenhower sent the illegals packing.
Mass deportation will tank the economy? December 6, 2016 opposite day? Perhaps you're just afraid your benefits will be cut due to the availability of jobs.

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