It’s important to list all of the reasons the capitol storm failed its purpose

1) Four out of 5 of the people who died were the rioters themselves

2) Biden’s win was certified

3) Trump has conceded

4) Trump pretended to condemn the very rioters he incited and very truthfully does not give a shit about what will happen to those who were arrested.

5) Trump will be impeached AGAIN.

So... what? No, Trump will not be impeached. For what? He didn't tell people to attack the capital building. What exactly do you idiots think you are going to impeach him for?

There's a solid chance he'll be impeached. Whether or not he'll be convicted is in question. I don't think it will happen.

I have yet to see any video of Trump calling for violence. Where did he do that? What will he be impeached for?

As of the last draft of the Articles of Impeachment, incitement of insurrection.

Sounds like the commies need to buy a dictionary. Disrupting congress for a couple of hours does not an insurrection make. Funny how you commies never called the occupations and violence over the summer insurrections. They fit the definition much better than what happened on the 6th. Of course we all know the commie hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Lol just because those hillbilly morons failed miserably, it doesn’t mean they weren’t attempting an insurrection. It was simply all for nothing because Trumptards can’t achieve anything of value. So much losing!
1) Four out of 5 of the people who died were the rioters themselves

2) Biden’s win was certified

3) Trump has conceded

4) Trump pretended to condemn the very rioters he incited and very truthfully does not give a shit about what will happen to those who were arrested.

5) Trump will be impeached AGAIN.

So... what? No, Trump will not be impeached. For what? He didn't tell people to attack the capital building. What exactly do you idiots think you are going to impeach him for?

There's a solid chance he'll be impeached. Whether or not he'll be convicted is in question. I don't think it will happen.

I have yet to see any video of Trump calling for violence. Where did he do that? What will he be impeached for?

As of the last draft of the Articles of Impeachment, incitement of insurrection.

Sounds like the commies need to buy a dictionary. Disrupting congress for a couple of hours does not an insurrection make. Funny how you commies never called the occupations and violence over the summer insurrections. They fit the definition much better than what happened on the 6th. Of course we all know the commie hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Lol just because those hillbilly morons failed miserably, it doesn’t mean they weren’t attempting an insurrection. It was simply all for nothing because Trumptards can’t achieve anything of value. So much losing!

The only thing that failed is your stupid thread.

There are more than a thousand sworn affidavits, of course you commies just ignore them. Also there is no dispute that States violated their own laws and Constitutions, by altering election procedures without the approval of the State legislatures, and the US Constitution. They also denied their citizen equal protection, by treating voters differently. Every thing will eventually come out, unfortunately it will be too late for the country.

Where are these thousands of affidavits? Links please? Or just more fake news?
No they did not violate their own constitutions. Again, evidence please. It is not lost on me all the states were trying to do was enfranchise their voters due to a pandemic. And that pandemic was out of control due to an absolutely useless president. Once again, a rightie is blaming somebody or something else due to their own incompetence and refusing to take responsibility for their own actions. How come Deplorables are always trying to shift blame while pretending they are accountable? Maybe because they are acolytes of one of the greatest grifters the world has seen?
1) Four out of 5 of the people who died were the rioters themselves

2) Biden’s win was certified

3) Trump has conceded

4) Trump pretended to condemn the very rioters he incited and very truthfully does not give a shit about what will happen to those who were arrested.

5) Trump will be impeached AGAIN.

So... what? No, Trump will not be impeached. For what? He didn't tell people to attack the capital building. What exactly do you idiots think you are going to impeach him for?

There's a solid chance he'll be impeached. Whether or not he'll be convicted is in question. I don't think it will happen.

I have yet to see any video of Trump calling for violence. Where did he do that? What will he be impeached for?

As of the last draft of the Articles of Impeachment, incitement of insurrection.

Sounds like the commies need to buy a dictionary. Disrupting congress for a couple of hours does not an insurrection make. Funny how you commies never called the occupations and violence over the summer insurrections. They fit the definition much better than what happened on the 6th. Of course we all know the commie hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Lol just because those hillbilly morons failed miserably, it doesn’t mean they weren’t attempting an insurrection. It was simply all for nothing because Trumptards can’t achieve anything of value. So much losing!

The only thing that failed is your stupid thread.

Lol oh really? Biden was certified by Congress and Trump finally pussed out and said he’d be the next president. You definitely lost.
I think the purpose was to test how long liberals would whine about one thing without surcease. So far, so good, endless whining since the event occurred. That's about four days beyond their normal gnat like attention span.
Oh fuck off jerk. Will you cons even take responsibility for your actions? Seriously. You never do. So the chick that got shot spent the past four years tweeting about Trump and MAGA, told all her friends and family and husbands that she was a Trumpster, but in reality loved Biden and got herself shot and killed for the cause? Is that how it went down? You need a psychiatrist not a message board.
I'm not a con, stupid.
Okay, you're a conspiracy theory whackadoodle. Gotcha....
I think the purpose was to test how long liberals would whine about one thing without surcease. So far, so good, endless whining since the event occurred. That's about four days beyond their normal gnat like attention span.
LOL....most ironic post on the thread.
Trump's own legal team refused to argue fraud had occurred. They were asked repeatedly if they were alleging that fraud had occured....and they consistently confirmed they were NOT.
That does NOT change the fact that the courts refused the evidence, stupid.
There are many, many posts right here in this forum with evidence- if you didn't look at all of it, of course you didn't see any of it- yes, I said "you"- and that goes for the rest of your brethren pretending to be something you ain't and neither are they, which, at this game is, informed- you're just regurgitating- there is no way, on god's green earth anyone with a half modicum of intelligence could watch the videos and read the stories and declare there is no evidence- what there is none of, here and amongst talking heads, and politicians, is intellectual honesty-
Why don't you just mosey on over the Conspiracy Theory folder and play with you toys there?
I think the purpose was to test how long liberals would whine about one thing without surcease. So far, so good, endless whining since the event occurred. That's about four days beyond their normal gnat like attention span.
LOL....most ironic post on the thread.
How so? Its you folks whining about a little tiff in DC, days ago, like it's the start of the apocalypse. What will you little bitchy drama queens do when you don't have Trump to whine about?
1) Four out of 5 of the people who died were the rioters themselves

2) Biden’s win was certified

3) Trump has conceded

4) Trump pretended to condemn the very rioters he incited and very truthfully does not give a shit about what will happen to those who were arrested.

5) Trump will be impeached AGAIN.

So... what? No, Trump will not be impeached. For what? He didn't tell people to attack the capital building. What exactly do you idiots think you are going to impeach him for?

There's a solid chance he'll be impeached. Whether or not he'll be convicted is in question. I don't think it will happen.
And this may not be over. The domestic terrorists may have one or more attacks planned for their jihad.

State governments -- particularly the swing states -- need to be on guard as well. These people are dangerous.
I think the purpose was to test how long liberals would whine about one thing without surcease. So far, so good, endless whining since the event occurred. That's about four days beyond their normal gnat like attention span.
LOL....most ironic post on the thread.
How so? Its you folks whining about a little tiff in DC, days ago, like it's the start of the apocalypse. What will you little bitchy drama queens do when you don't have Trump to whine about?
How so you ask??? Er, haven't you little Petal Deplorables been whining since the election? Or was that in some other bizarro world?
As for whining about Trump, no more or less than you little wieners spent moaning and whinging about Obama for eight years...
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1) Four out of 5 of the people who died were the rioters themselves

2) Biden’s win was certified

3) Trump has conceded

4) Trump pretended to condemn the very rioters he incited and very truthfully does not give a shit about what will happen to those who were arrested.

5) Trump will be impeached AGAIN.

The peaceful protest did exactly what it was intended to do, remind America that the election was stolen.

The ones that were let into the Capitol by police and the few that broke a window to get in showed the world what cowards Congress is.

View attachment 439956
"peaceful protest"......lying so glibly....your orange god is pleased with your offering.
Trump promised to to lead them down there but went home to eat McDonalds and watch OANN.
True to his Cadet Bone Spurs mindset, Rump led-from-the-rear again, sent his people into harm's way, and then deserted them. Cowardly kokksukker.
If I were Biden, I'd be watching my back- and not because of Republican voters- this whole capitol invasion thing reeks like another False Flag-
Sounds like a threat.....forwarding.....
I think the purpose was to test how long liberals would whine about one thing without surcease. So far, so good, endless whining since the event occurred. That's about four days beyond their normal gnat like attention span.
LOL....most ironic post on the thread.
How so? Its you folks whining about a little tiff in DC, days ago, like it's the start of the apocalypse. What will you little bitchy drama queens do when you don't have Trump to whine about?
How so you ask??? Er, haven't you little Petal Deplorables been whining since the election? Or was that in some other bizarro world?
As for whining about Trump, no more or less than you little wieners spent moaning and whinging about Obama for eight years...

Pointing out the fraud and inherent dishonesty in liberals isn't really whining. Not like this, you folks have gone off the rails over a little tiff, even though you hypocrites ignored months of riots. Actually nobody could whine about Obama, you had to discuss policy or be branded a racist. More liberal lies.
If I were Biden, I'd be watching my back- and not because of Republican voters- this whole capitol invasion thing reeks like another False Flag-

Who benefitted from this false flag? Certainly not 5 dead US citizens. Certainly not our standing among our allies. Trump simply wanted to overturn the election.
1) Four out of 5 of the people who died were the rioters themselves

2) Biden’s win was certified

3) Trump has conceded

4) Trump pretended to condemn the very rioters he incited and very truthfully does not give a shit about what will happen to those who were arrested.

5) Trump will be impeached AGAIN.

The only problem I see, is about 270 commies survived that shouldn't have.

Gee, why weren't you there to help out? Kowardly Keyboard Kommando only?
1) Four out of 5 of the people who died were the rioters themselves

2) Biden’s win was certified

3) Trump has conceded

4) Trump pretended to condemn the very rioters he incited and very truthfully does not give a shit about what will happen to those who were arrested.

5) Trump will be impeached AGAIN.

The only problem I see, is about 270 commies survived that shouldn't have.

Fascist. You know you are.
A Kowardly one who only talks tough.
1) Four out of 5 of the people who died were the rioters themselves

2) Biden’s win was certified

3) Trump has conceded

4) Trump pretended to condemn the very rioters he incited and very truthfully does not give a shit about what will happen to those who were arrested.

5) Trump will be impeached AGAIN.

The only problem I see, is about 270 commies survived that shouldn't have.


And that's why 'conservative' is just another synonym for sedition.

Seditious to your commie agenda, and I'll maintain that till the day I die. It's you commies that are trying to undermine our Republic. Now run along a suck a commie dick.


Yet another seditionist calling for the wholesale murder of political opposition.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the American Conservative. The single greatest threat to American democracy.

Actually I'm an American Constitutionalist and proud of it. Of course that's a subject you commies have no knowledge of.


Nothing says 'American Constitutionalist' like calling for the brutal murder of political opposition when they are carrying out their constitutional duties.

Sorry my little 'constitutionalist'....but you're just a garden variety sore loser.
While hiding behind his keyboard at home.
Pointing out the fraud and inherent dishonesty in liberals isn't really whining. Not like this, you folks have gone off the rails over a little tiff, even though you hypocrites ignored months of riots. Actually nobody could whine about Obama, you had to discuss policy or be branded a racist. More liberal lies.
So you were incessantly whining since Nov election and Obama..thanks for confirming. Not only that, you just whined again about the totally unproveable and never happened so-called fraud.

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