It's January 2013, Morning In America

I just like pointing it out whenever Rabbi makes a post. Since he is a racist, I don't take anything he posts as being worthy of a real reply.

But the post had nothing to do with race and was a decent scenario generator...

And yet... also.. you posted... so I guess it was significant enough

Rabbi's viewpoint on blacks and their ability to lead directly relates to his dream scenario. I was merely pointing that out.

Where do you get that from? Say what you want but at least he's not a birther.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

Hopefully it would be the defunding of the following:

US Dept of Education

US Dept of Energy

etc., etc., etc.

So...of the bolded items above, do you replace them with anything or do we just do away with any sort of environmental standards or regulatory enforcement?
Rabbi is a racist and deserves to be called such everywhere he goes because that is his legacy.

Need to see proof of that...don't toss that term around lightly.

Add the Great Gasbag to your birther list though.
Just so everyone can see Rabbis comments for themselves. Read the whole thread if you want. Him being a racist is not something we made up.

Post #6 Rabbi displays his racism

Very eye opening, thanks for the link.

What a sad example of a human being.

That's what happens when blacks run things.

Anyway, who cares? What difference does this make? Are they filing bankruptcy? Are they asking for a bailout from the Feds?
Thread fail.


Is this any worse than this?

Black Caucus: Whites Not Allowed - Josephine Hearn -

As a white liberal running in a majority African American district, Tennessee Democrat Stephen I. Cohen made a novel pledge on the campaign trail last year: If elected, he would seek to become the first white member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Now that he's a freshman in Congress, Cohen has changed his plans. He said he has dropped his bid after several current and former caucus members made it clear to him that whites need not apply.

"I think they're real happy I'm not going to join," said Cohen, who succeeded Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tenn., in the Memphis district. "It's their caucus and they do things their way. You don't force your way in. You need to be invited."

Cohen said he became convinced that joining the caucus would be "a social faux pas" after seeing news reports that former Rep. William Lacy Clay Sr., D-Mo., a co-founder of the caucus, had circulated a memo telling members it was "critical" that the group remain "exclusively African-American."

While both are sad commentaries on race relations in today's United States, they ARE today's United States.
On January 1st 2013 the hard working middle class will wake up and report to work. Their company will tell them that their wages will be frozen and that they will have to pay more in again for their already inflated health insurance.
It really doesnt matter who is in charge.
And their idiot bosses will actually tell them they should thank their lucky stars that they get to have this job. What a crock this is.
THe rich shall laugh all the way to the bank knowing they are getting a little more piece of the pie on the backs of the middle class. Ya gotta love it. Anyone who says class warfare has no business in america should be ashamed.
The death of America as a Superpower.

No more safety net for our seniors.

No more jobs because all companies will move to other countries because they'll get a huge tax break.

Honestly this will happen, its not a maybe. It will. Republicans are hellbent to destroy what makes America great. People came to this country for a better life, not a worse one. Why? America was the land of opportunity. People would be taken care of here. We don't do that anyone.

United we stand, divided we fall. If Republicans keep waging Class warfare on the poor, elderly, and downtrodden of this country and keep giving them no help to get back on their feet, we will not be the same country ever again. Stop this "We Can't" attitude. Yes we can and you know why? We're fucking Americans that's why.

That about says it all... America is great because people came here to be taken care of. Yep, I remember the drawings of the Pilgrims lined up at the Plymouth welfare office.

Jesus, Joseph and Mary... how do these people know enough to breathe?
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

LOL. As long as it's not a black man in charge everything will start to get better, right?

And the race card should have been played here WHY??

It's all they have.
The death of America as a Superpower.

No more safety net for our seniors.

No more jobs because all companies will move to other countries because they'll get a huge tax break.

Honestly this will happen, its not a maybe. It will. Republicans are hellbent to destroy what makes America great. People came to this country for a better life, not a worse one. Why? America was the land of opportunity. People would be taken care of here. We don't do that anyone.

United we stand, divided we fall. If Republicans keep waging Class warfare on the poor, elderly, and downtrodden of this country and keep giving them no help to get back on their feet, we will not be the same country ever again. Stop this "We Can't" attitude. Yes we can and you know why? We're fucking Americans that's why.

Race card and ^^^ FEAR!
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

I think it is Silly to Think about this now. Keep your head in the Game. Obama is kicking Romney's ass in the PR game.

You guys are going to sit around talking about what were going to do once we beat him, and wake up to another 4 years.
What I would like to see happen.

Issue the ONLY Executive Order under this President. The Democrats will sit in the back of the bus and shut up, we're driving now.

If Legislation has not been written, begin work on the following legislative items.

  1. Repeal the Obama taxcare bill. Replace it with nothing.
  2. Pass a three year overdue budget. I would prefer that it would be a balanced budget, but right now, any budget will do. However, this budget should eliminate the following:

  • All overseas bases will be shuttered with the exception of two regional bases per continent.

  • Withdraw from NATO.

  • Use the savings to pay down the debt or expand our Navy

  • Remove baseline budgeting and outlaw it.

  • Eliminate 10 year budget planning. Budgets are not to exceed the next FY.

  • Make use of government dependents (welfare and others) as border agents or infrastructure workers. This will necessitate that they are educated in Law Enforcement and/or modern construction techniques. Make it a stipulation of accepting a check from the taxpayer.
With regard to Government

  1. Remove every Czar from governments. Only people approved by the Congress will be appointed to Cabinet level positions. There will be no more Czars. Begin legislation outlawing the practice.
  2. Revamp the entire tax code.
  3. Remove unneeded Cabinet level offices and budgets.
  4. Remove redundant responsibilities.
  5. Repeal any and all unfunded State Mandates
File charges against Eric Holder for wrongful death.

The next year......
Well, what I would want to see take place (and I know this won't happen) but then President Romney's first year in office will be living under Ex-President Obama's last budget. So don't worry about any of the shit you've read up til now. It isn't going to happen. Literally, most of it is against the law.

Take a year.

Start with a blank sheet of paper.

Start from zero. Not a dollar allocated. Decide what you want to fund and go from there. Won't happen but the odds of it taking place are about the same as a Romney Presidency are anyway.

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