It's Mueller Time!

Nope, not at all....

He did not make any determination on criminality or the lack of criminality, when it came to the president, because he was not allowed to make an indictment, even if he did find colossal evidence that he committed a crime..... thus, he was not going to make a definitive decision that us in the public would see....

if you had watched the hearing, Mueller made that very clear... and thru the congressional questioning it became clear that the president likely committed obstruction of an official hearing, multiple times.... but Mueller was not going to hand down that determination, express such, out loud...

it is up to Congress to handle it in other constitutional means if they deem such is necessary, so that we do not become a lawless Nation, where the president, is above the law and constitution.

It's Mueller Time!

It’s up to the AG. This is tiresome. You see what you want to see.
It's up to the [current] Attorney General. Should trump lose the next election, the new Attorney General will rise to his/her own determinations, at which time, Trump will no longer be shielded by being a sitting president. Meanwhile, it's up to the current Congress what to do for now within their powers.

And that would be? Step up, Fawn. You pussy.
I've already said. But I don't mind repeating it for those with such limited capacity to retain information. Their powers include impeachment. It's up to them to decide if that's the road they want to go down.

Except they don’t have enough to impeach and you know this. The Independent voters would turn on them and they would lose the 2020 election. You’re stupid. Russia interference started in mid 2016. Before Trump was even the fave. Mueller never investigated that, never looked into Glen Simpson, never looked into Christopher Steele. LMAO. Weak!!! Could not even opine on Fusion GPS. I am Not loyal to any party. Run someone better than Trump and I ll vote for them. But when all the candidates raise their hands to provide free healthcare for illegals and Bernie and Liz want to forgive college debt, they don’t leave me much choice. You, like a pussy will likely vote for Biden or Sanders. Weak!
They may as well impeach. Slim as they were they've already blown their 2020 chances to hold the House or win the WH. About all they can hope for now is to avoid a Repub super majority in the Senate and they've done it all to themselves.

Very sad. :)
Mueller could have concluded that crimes had been committed in his report if he had the evidence of such. Concluding that crimes have been committed is separate from the ability to indict a setting president. Had the Mueller report exposed Trump of committing high crimes or misdemeanors by laying out the evidence, the democrat led house would most certainly impeach Trump.
There WAS NO MUELLER REPORT. It was a façade made to look like an investigation, with a report at the end. Mueller was a quarter of a Million $$ ACTOR, who had to do nothing more than pose for cameras, and say nothing.

Know why it took so LONGGGGG ? Because the longer it took, the more money the masterminds (Wiseman & Co.) were sucking out if it.

Wanna know how these things really tick ? Always follow the MONEY TRAIL.
Perhaps, but lets play along since congress believes there is a Mueller report.
It's up to the [current] Attorney General. Should trump lose the next election, the new Attorney General will rise to his/her own determinations, at which time, Trump will no longer be shielded by being a sitting president. Meanwhile, it's up to the current Congress what to do for now within their powers.

And that would be? Step up, Fawn. You pussy.
I've already said. But I don't mind repeating it for those with such limited capacity to retain information. Their powers include impeachment. It's up to them to decide if that's the road they want to go down.

Except they don’t have enough to impeach and you know this. The Independent voters would turn on them and they would lose the 2020 election. You’re stupid. Russia interference started in mid 2016. Before Trump was even the fave. Mueller never investigated that, never looked into Glen Simpson, never looked into Christopher Steele. LMAO. Weak!!! Could not even opine on Fusion GPS. I am Not loyal to any party. Run someone better than Trump and I ll vote for them. But when all the candidates raise their hands to provide free healthcare for illegals and Bernie and Liz want to forgive college debt, they don’t leave me much choice. You, like a pussy will likely vote for Biden or Sanders. Weak!
"Except they don’t have enough to impeach and you know this. The Independent voters would turn on them and they would lose the 2020 election. You’re stupid."


You never learn.


It's now in Congress' hands to take action on it, if they so choose. And as I said earlier, I hope they don't. I hope they leave it up to the American electorate to decide trump's fate next year.
I hope not. Let America decide next year.
Impeach him for what?
Faun: "They shouldn't impeach. There's not enough there to justify an impeachment"

"I've always said trump has done nothing worthy of impeachment and I hope Dems don't impeach him."

"Why would I know when I said I don't want him impeached?"
"It was bullshit when the GOP did it to Bill Clinton. It's bullshit now."

I couldn't agree more.

"Either way, I think the Dems in Congress should do it, because..."

That I disagree with. Impeachment is a big fucking deal and is not good for the country. If a House is going to impeach, it should only be for a good fucking reason.
Any day now!!!
What's any day now?
He could recommend it. He completely retracted what he said to Lieu about obstruction and the report always stated there was no conspiracy. These are facts. Pussies like you don’t have the mental capacity to understand basic English.
He could have but he said he chose not to because a sitting president can't be indicted. Obviously, you'll never understand this...
You're fucking CLUELESS. The report was an internal DOJ doc. Mueller could have concluded anything he chose to. He chose "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Bend, fold, and mutilate to your heart's content but there is NOTHING ambiguous about those 11 words.

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone found to not have committed a crime, and for one who claims to accept that no Trump criminality was uncovered, you certainly spend a lot of time arguing otherwise.
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Perhaps, but lets play along since congress believes there is a Mueller report.
They know there was no real investigation or report (at least NOW they certainly do), but they will still play the game, because they know there are still ignorant voters out there, whom they think they can influence to VOTE Democrat, by disparaging Trump any way they can.

These loons are too desperate to use logic. They will do anything to regain power - import illegally voting aliens, give criminals right to vote, accept the ISIS trojan horse, etc
The article's author is a liar, and you are an idiot to keep citing this moron. How many times do people have to play back / re-post Mueller's own words from his testimony before Congress, during which time he clearly stated he and his team did NOT FIND EVIDENCE to declare he obstructed Justice or to indict him? Every time you declare that he DID obstruct justice in the face of Mueller's own words you sound as feeble and as confused as Mueller did much of the time during his testimony.

Mueller never said that in his testimony, dope.
The 10 instances of obstruction cited in the linked article come directly from the report.
Like I said. You dopes have no clue what Mueller said in his testimony.
The article's author is a liar, and you are an idiot to keep citing this moron. How many times do people have to play back / re-post Mueller's own words from his testimony before Congress, during which time he clearly stated he and his team did NOT FIND EVIDENCE to declare he obstructed Justice or to indict him? Every time you declare that he DID obstruct justice in the face of Mueller's own words you sound as feeble and as confused as Mueller did much of the time during his testimony.

Mueller never said that in his testimony, dope.
The 10 instances of obstruction cited in the linked article come directly from the report.
Like I said. You dopes have no clue what Mueller said in his testimony.
I can’t wait for a judge to see Andrew Weissmanns obstructing charges lol
We are all gonna laugh hahah
He could recommend it. He completely retracted what he said to Lieu about obstruction and the report always stated there was no conspiracy. These are facts. Pussies like you don’t have the mental capacity to understand basic English.
He could have but he said he chose not to because a sitting president can't be indicted. Obviously, you'll never understand this...
You're fucking CLUELESS. The report was an internal DOJ doc. Mueller could have could have concluded anything he chose to. He chose "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Bend, fold, and mutilate to your heart's content but there is NOTHING ambiguous about those 11 words.

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone found to not have committed a crime and for one who claims to accept that no Trump criminality was uncovered, you certainly spend a lot of time arguing otherwise.
Pssst. Someone got to Mueller. He had no choice but to make Trump look innocent. :spinner:
You're fucking CLUELESS. The report was an internal DOJ doc. Mueller could have could have concluded anything he chose to. He chose "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Bend, fold, and mutilate to your heart's content but there is NOTHING ambiguous about those 11 words.

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone found to not have committed a crime and for one who claims to accept that no Trump criminality was uncovered, you certainly spend a lot of time arguing otherwise.
The lawyers recruited by Rosenstein and Wiseman couldn't have cared less about anyone being indicted or anything like that. I suspect Papadopolous spent 12 days in jail just to make it look authentic

As long as these guys pocketed their Millions$$, that all they cared about. Thus the 11 words >> "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." fit perfectly, in the interest of keeping things simple, as lawyers ordinarily like to do,
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The article's author is a liar, and you are an idiot to keep citing this moron. How many times do people have to play back / re-post Mueller's own words from his testimony before Congress, during which time he clearly stated he and his team did NOT FIND EVIDENCE to declare he obstructed Justice or to indict him? Every time you declare that he DID obstruct justice in the face of Mueller's own words you sound as feeble and as confused as Mueller did much of the time during his testimony.

Mueller never said that in his testimony, dope.
The 10 instances of obstruction cited in the linked article come directly from the report.
Like I said. You dopes have no clue what Mueller said in his testimony.
How come the Mueller report you waited 2 years to see never mentions any of them?
Mueller could have concluded that crimes had been committed in his report if he had the evidence of such. Concluding that crimes have been committed is separate from the ability to indict a setting president. Had the Mueller report exposed Trump of committing high crimes or misdemeanors by laying out the evidence, the democrat led house would most certainly impeach Trump.
There WAS NO MUELLER REPORT. It was a façade made to look like an investigation, with a report at the end. Mueller was a quarter of a Million $$ ACTOR, who had to do nothing more than pose for cameras, and say nothing.

Know why it took so LONGGGGG ? Because the longer it took, the more money the masterminds (Wiseman & Co.) were sucking out if it.

Wanna know how these things really tick ? Always follow the MONEY TRAIL.
It reads like a pre-law comic book. The authors - whoever they were - needed to justify the 2 yrs and $35 million wasted so they fluffed their findings into a 448 page travesty. They could have started and ended with the only words that would matter to any judge, jury, or defense attorney: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."
BOOM!!! Case closed … let's have a Mueller Beer. :beer:
He's right. You dopes ignored the report when it came out while we did our thought it better to ridicule. Not unlike today.
So now, you dopes have no frame of reference for this testimony because Mueller destroyed your narrative like a god damned tsunami.

Yall are some floundering bitches as a result.

Good job.....:thup:
You are very happy in your obliviousness, Ignorance is bliss.

EARTH TO HS: It was a SCAM, you nitwit. Mueller (OBVIOUSLY) was nothing but a prop to make it look authentic (as evidenced by his ignorance of the "report")
A bunch of Democrat lawyers got rich stealing taxpayers money ($35 Million), and you're still blabbering about the whole thing as if it was a real investigation.

You're dumb.

Wanna buy a bridge ?

View attachment 271153

That's your line now? " it was a scam"?

Good job, dope.......:thup:
The article's author is a liar, and you are an idiot to keep citing this moron. How many times do people have to play back / re-post Mueller's own words from his testimony before Congress, during which time he clearly stated he and his team did NOT FIND EVIDENCE to declare he obstructed Justice or to indict him? Every time you declare that he DID obstruct justice in the face of Mueller's own words you sound as feeble and as confused as Mueller did much of the time during his testimony.

Mueller never said that in his testimony, dope.
The 10 instances of obstruction cited in the linked article come directly from the report.
Like I said. You dopes have no clue what Mueller said in his testimony.
Mueller's report did not conclude that a crime had been committed. Congress is welcome to make that conclusion and impeach. Of course The House of Representatives could theoretically impeach the president for having two scoops of ice cream if they can muster up the votes.
No, it doesn't mean that. Mueller even explained he couldn't indict trump because trump is the sitting president and a sitting president can't be indicted. Not surprisingly, you're just not bright enough to understand.

Nope. He came back and stated there was not enough evidence. Keep trying.

No worries. Your derangement is noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

Talking down to me? LOL you chicken shit.
When you talk like an idiot you get treated like an idiot. Mueller never said there is not enough evidence to indict. Not once. Not in his report and not in his testimony. Those are your words, not his.

If there were enough evidence he would. Stating there was not enough to find a crime is the same thing. You pussy. Honestly. You’re a pussy. A wimp. A coward. If there was a smidgeon of wrongdoing he would have been impeached and the Leftists on MSNBC and CNN would not be crying.
If there were enough evidence he would
No he wouldn't. Mueller has explained that 20 different ways. All of which you missed.

Your incompetence on this subject is glaring.
It's Mueller Time!
Mueller did not write the report. He is just a senile figure head. This was a political hit job. Mueller made a fool of himself.
Yanno, Mueller certainly destroyed any future efforts to hold his toes to the flame but I'm not convinced it wasn't an act and one he practiced with Adam Schiff. Mueller understood every question Shiffty asked and gave rapid-fire responses. We can even call it the Vincent Gigante defense:

Vincent Gigante - Wikipedia
For the better part of 30 years, Gigante feigned insanity in an effort to throw law enforcement off his trail. Dubbed "The Oddfather" and "The Enigma in the Bathrobe" by the press, Gigante often wandered the streets of Greenwich Village in his bathrobe and slippers, mumbling incoherently to himself. He was indicted on federal racketeering charges in 1990, but was determined to be mentally unfit to stand trial. In 1997 he was tried and convicted of racketeering and was given a 12-year sentence. Facing new charges in 2003, he pleaded guilty and admitted that his supposed insanity was an elaborate effort to avoid prosecution
It's Mueller Time!

It’s up to the AG. This is tiresome. You see what you want to see.
It's up to the [current] Attorney General. Should trump lose the next election, the new Attorney General will rise to his/her own determinations, at which time, Trump will no longer be shielded by being a sitting president. Meanwhile, it's up to the current Congress what to do for now within their powers.

And that would be? Step up, Fawn. You pussy.
I've already said. But I don't mind repeating it for those with such limited capacity to retain information. Their powers include impeachment. It's up to them to decide if that's the road they want to go down.

Except they don’t have enough to impeach and you know this. The Independent voters would turn on them and they would lose the 2020 election. You’re stupid. Russia interference started in mid 2016. Before Trump was even the fave. Mueller never investigated that, never looked into Glen Simpson, never looked into Christopher Steele. LMAO. Weak!!! Could not even opine on Fusion GPS. I am Not loyal to any party. Run someone better than Trump and I ll vote for them. But when all the candidates raise their hands to provide free healthcare for illegals and Bernie and Liz want to forgive college debt, they don’t leave me much choice. You, like a pussy will likely vote for Biden or Sanders. Weak!
"Except they don’t have enough to impeach and you know this. The Independent voters would turn on them and they would lose the 2020 election. You’re stupid."


You never learn.


It's now in Congress' hands to take action on it, if they so choose. And as I said earlier, I hope they don't. I hope they leave it up to the American electorate to decide trump's fate next year.
I hope not. Let America decide next year.
Impeach him for what?
Faun: "They shouldn't impeach. There's not enough there to justify an impeachment"

"I've always said trump has done nothing worthy of impeachment and I hope Dems don't impeach him."

"Why would I know when I said I don't want him impeached?"
"It was bullshit when the GOP did it to Bill Clinton. It's bullshit now."

I couldn't agree more.

"Either way, I think the Dems in Congress should do it, because..."

That I disagree with. Impeachment is a big fucking deal and is not good for the country. If a House is going to impeach, it should only be for a good fucking reason.

Chaos. What are you trying to say?
He could recommend it. He completely retracted what he said to Lieu about obstruction and the report always stated there was no conspiracy. These are facts. Pussies like you don’t have the mental capacity to understand basic English.
He could have but he said he chose not to because a sitting president can't be indicted. Obviously, you'll never understand this...
You're fucking CLUELESS. The report was an internal DOJ doc. Mueller could have concluded anything he chose to. He chose "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Bend, fold, and mutilate to your heart's content but there is NOTHING ambiguous about those 11 words.

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone found to not have committed a crime, and for one who claims to accept that no Trump criminality was uncovered, you certainly spend a lot of time arguing otherwise.

Exactly which part of, he could have but chose not to, leaves you blabbering like a wiggling bowl of jello?
The article's author is a liar, and you are an idiot to keep citing this moron. How many times do people have to play back / re-post Mueller's own words from his testimony before Congress, during which time he clearly stated he and his team did NOT FIND EVIDENCE to declare he obstructed Justice or to indict him? Every time you declare that he DID obstruct justice in the face of Mueller's own words you sound as feeble and as confused as Mueller did much of the time during his testimony.

Mueller never said that in his testimony, dope.
The 10 instances of obstruction cited in the linked article come directly from the report.
Like I said. You dopes have no clue what Mueller said in his testimony.
Mueller's report did not conclude that a crime had been committed. Congress is welcome to make that conclusion and impeach. Of course The House of Representatives could theoretically impeach the president for having two scoops of ice cream if they can muster up the votes.
Conversely, it did not conclude that crimes had not been committed either.

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