It's Mueller Time!

An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
An investigation into a bogus charge is
Facepalm........christ you dopes are dumb.

There is no charge during an investigation, dope.
There has to be a charge of a criminal act that may have occurred to even have a special counsel appointed.

What Crime was Mueller Appointed to Investigate?

No charge is required in any way to initiate an investigation.

The reasons for appointing a SC were given at the time of his appointment, dope.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime. The evidence of that crime or the suggestion of a High Crime or Misdemeanor being committed, must be cited to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel. That is the sole purpose of a Special Counsel.

Yet no alleged crime was cited. They simply went in search of a crime, which is very Russian Like, and is in conflict with the laws, statutes and policies outlining the creation and appointment of a special counsel.

The Soviet Union called and wants their Cold War back.

Obama answered that call, and it was Putin on the other line, running The Obama DOJ and FBI.


Some call that treason.

The Democrat Party just calls that a day at the office.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime.


You are hallucinating.

Go sober up.
The reasons for appointing a SC were given at the time of his appointment, dope. was based on a report Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, & FBI all KNEW was unreliable, debunked, un-substantiated....they approved the appointment / investigation based on lies / FISA Court abuses!

It was based on Trump firing Comey, dope.
Trump's own action.
You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS
And you are okay with that?...why? you know as do the rest of us that it was a frame job from the beginning?....
Key word, "beginning." Mueller said in his opening statement that those questions should be asked to the FBI or the Department of Justice.
That happened before he came on board.
Which of course is irrelevant to obstructing the investigation.
Mueller SPENDING 2 YEARS TRYING TO FIND Obstruction and walking away with no indictments of anyone and only a 400-page partially-debunked essay is 'irrelevant'?


Criminal charges, dope.
Please cite US CODE for the Crimes you assert were committed.
Zero Crimes were shown to have been committed by the President in The Mueller Report.
My take is this:

The R's are attacking the character of Mr Mueller

The D's are making the case for Obstruction of Justice.

The R's are making speeches for the biddable, the D's are asking questions on material facts within the report.
Evidently you are watching a different hearing than me. What I see are Democrats grandstanding by all repeating the same mantra at the end of their time that it is clear that anyone else would have been indicted. They all toss that in because Mueller isn't giving them the sound bite they desire to whip the public into an impeachment fury. This dies after today.
They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
What was bogus about the investigation in to the Russians interfering?
Hilarious.... CNN is portraying Mueller as a White Knight battling the enemy!! (Republicans)

...and that is exactly how the Democrat voters will also view it.

Objectivity / adjective: "An extinct human ability where one based judgement without personal feelings or opinion; No longer found in the United States".
OH DEAR! Mullier isn't sentient enough to even know where he is! He doesn't even know where to look at the committee members when they are asking him questions!
The reasons for appointing a SC were given at the time of his appointment, dope. was based on a report Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, & FBI all KNEW was unreliable, debunked, un-substantiated....they approved the appointment / investigation based on lies / FISA Court abuses!

It was based on Trump firing Comey, dope.
Trump's own action.
Mueller said in this very hearing that The President can fire Mueller or Comey for any Reason.

Are you now calling Mueller a Liar?
Listen to this. Mueller appears very shaken. He's not sure if he's coming or going.

I'll bet he gathers some confidence when the Dems. begin to question him. That will speak volumes.

Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
What was bogus about the investigation in to the Russians interfering?
Anyone who worships Satan will obviously cling to lies, and abhor the truth.
Mueller: We did not exonerate Trump of obstruction.

Collins: did anyone in the administration hinder your investigation in any way

Mueller: NO

Ratcliffe: “Which DOJ policy or principle sets forth a legal standard that an investigated person is not exonerated if their innocence from criminal conduct is not conclusively determined?” asked Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, a former federal prosecutor. “Where does that language come from, director? Where is the DOJ policy that says that?”

When Mueller didn’t respond, Ratcliffe asked the 74-year-old former special counsel to “give an example other than Donald Trump where the Justice Department determined that an investigated person was not exonerated because their innocence was not conclusively determined.”

“I cannot, but this is a unique situation —” Mueller said before he was interrupted by Ratcliffe.

Ratcliffe: “Let’s just leave it at you can’t find it because — I’ll tell you why — it doesn’t exist,” said Ratcliffe.

“Respectfully, director, it was not the special counsel’s job to conclusively determine Donald Trump’s innocence or to exonerate him because the bedrock principle of our justice system is a presumption of innocence,” Ratcliffe said, raising his voice. “It exists for everyone. Everyone is entitled to it — including sitting presidents.”

Ratcliffe continued: “You didn’t follow the special counsel regulations. It clearly says write a confidential report about decisions reached. Nowhere in here does it say write a report about decisions that weren’t reached.”

The lawmaker argued that the second part of the report, which detailed 10 instances of potential obstruction by Trump, was written “in violation of every DOJ principle about extra-prosecutorial commentary.”

“I agree with Chairman [Jerry] Nadler this morning when he said Donald Trump is not above the law,” Ratcliffe said. “But he damn sure should not be below the law, which is where Volume II of this report puts him.”

What I saw was the expected dog & pony show. Every time a demo dummy asks a question Mueller answers anything a Republican asks gets I dunno or I'm not gonna answer. Like the rest of the Russia Russia Russia farce it's nothing but a bunch of hyped up BULLSHIT! And it's not what those assholes were put there to be doing.
Just more fodder for the fake news media to hash and re-hash and distract from real issues.
Found it interesting that not ONE of Mueller's team was a Republican or supported Trump's campaign. All 16 lawyers hired were Democrats and collectively they contributed a significant amount to Hillary's campaign. But Mueller claims never to vet potential hires' political leanings. Not ONE Republican...sure, not looking at political affiliation here...
You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS
And you are okay with that?...why? you know as do the rest of us that it was a frame job from the beginning?....
Key word, "beginning." Mueller said in his opening statement that those questions should be asked to the FBI or the Department of Justice.
That happened before he came on board.
If Mueller had an ounce of integrity left in him he would not have taken this job...He ruined his reputation this morning....He lied about the OLG guidelines when he said that was why he didn't recommend prosecution but he told Barr last month the OLG had nothing to do with his decision to not indict...he lied today over and over...that should tell us all this was a hoax from the beginning...
You amateur lawyers, if Trump says he wants Mueller fired and Trumps attorney advises against it and Trump DOES NOT FIRE’s not fucking collusion.

Dimms just wanted it out there that Trump wanted Mueller fired.

No obstruction occurred!
Mueller is facing the sheer horror of delegating the investigation to Partisan Hack Andrew Weissmann and letting his reputation be destroyed as a result. That's why he's tongue-tied.

Nance is getting her wish - no impeachment. It's dead.
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My take is this:

The R's are attacking the character of Mr Mueller

The D's are making the case for Obstruction of Justice.

The R's are making speeches for the biddable, the D's are asking questions on material facts within the report.

What a shock, that's been your "take" for the last three years. Guess what, no one gives a crap about your take.

That's ^^^ a lie. You are one of the biddable, and you've proved to be incapable of being honest and forthright.
It's not a lie. You are one of the board tards and I never see you make non partisan points in any of your posts.

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