It's Mueller Time!

One of the ridiculous Dems called the bubbling idiot Mueller, "doctor." :p
My take is this:

The R's are attacking the character of Mr Mueller

The D's are making the case for Obstruction of Justice.

The R's are making speeches for the biddable, the D's are asking questions on material facts within the report.

What a shock, that's been your "take" for the last three years. Guess what, no one gives a crap about your take.

Nor yours.
What was the purpose for Sessions to "unrecuse" himself?
He was not one of the 'Secret Society members' out'-ed in the memos.

Just a member of the Trump campaign. The very people under inveatigation.

Dope is holding a hearing to try to save The Democrat Party's Reputation and Destroying your Star Witnesses Reputation!

As in you had to be smoking a lot of dope to think this was going to work.

Reading pre-printed, pre-prepared speeches with quotes, "everything I heard you say today" is hilarious!
Irrelevant to Trump's actions.
The purpose of the "unrecusal" was so Sessions could then limit the investigation. IOW, obstruction.

What actions?

There was full cooperation by The Administration with the investigation in to the Russian Collusion Hoax.

It's not like The President Burned 30,000 emails with Bleach Bit to cover his tracks for a non crime and event that never happened.

Contrast that with the treatment of Clinton who not only committed numerous felonies, but destroyed evidence and actually obstructed justice, and her treatment vs the vicious witch hunt and personal vendetta against The President.
What actions?
Jesus, dude. Can you not follow?

The actions of trying to get Sessions to "unrecuse".


What was the purpose for Sessions to "unrecuse" himself?
Site US CODE that was Violated or STFU.

I asked and you deflected.

Nothing illegal or unethical about asking an AG to Un-Recuse himself and do his job.
Nothing illegal or unethical about asking an AG to Un-Recuse himself and do his job.
It is when he's a subject of the investigation and the purpose of the "unrecusal", (not a word), is to limit the investigation.
This quote from post one:

Ratcliffe continued: “You didn’t follow the special counsel regulations. It clearly says write a confidential report about decisions reached. Nowhere in here does it say write a report about decisions that weren’t reached.”

bolding mine


I have pointed this out about 25 times in the forum, that Mueller didn't follow the Special Counsel LAW on the obstruction charges, his idiotic statement about something he didn't even make an actual charge of.

Here is the LAW once again, lets see how many stoooopid democrats here will bring up a department policy (NOT A LAW) as their rationalization that Mueller didn't have to make a charge.

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

"(c)Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel."

bolding mine

The LAW Trumps any department policy, he was REQUIRED BY LAW to chose either a PROSECUTION decision or a DECLINATION decision, nothing more, nothing less.

Lets see if any of the raging leftist morons continue to ignore the FACT that Mueller never posted any Prosecution charges anywhere in the report. Without any legal charges, there is NOTHING to pursue, case is CLOSED!!!
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What actions?

There was full cooperation by The Administration with the investigation in to the Russian Collusion Hoax.

It's not like The President Burned 30,000 emails with Bleach Bit to cover his tracks for a non crime and event that never happened.

Contrast that with the treatment of Clinton who not only committed numerous felonies, but destroyed evidence and actually obstructed justice, and her treatment vs the vicious witch hunt and personal vendetta against The President.
What actions?
Jesus, dude. Can you not follow?

The actions of trying to get Sessions to "unrecuse".


What was the purpose for Sessions to "unrecuse" himself?
Site US CODE that was Violated or STFU.

I asked and you deflected.

Nothing illegal or unethical about asking an AG to Un-Recuse himself and do his job.
Nothing illegal or unethical about asking an AG to Un-Recuse himself and do his job.
It is when he's a subject of the investigation and the purpose of the "unrecusal", (not a word), is to limit the investigation.

Again, Mueller stated in this very dog and pony show that his investigation was never limited, and that he was allowed to do his job and complete his investigation.

Your COUP failed again, Turnip.

Congrats on being a loser....



How did you manage to ruin Mueller's reputation and fail at your last ditch Hail Mary on the same day!
My take is this:

The R's are attacking the character of Mr Mueller

The D's are making the case for Obstruction of Justice.

The R's are making speeches for the biddable, the D's are asking questions on material facts within the report.

What a shock, that's been your "take" for the last three years. Guess what, no one gives a crap about your take.

That's ^^^ a lie. You are one of the biddable, and you've proved to be incapable of being honest and forthright.
My take is this:

The R's are attacking the character of Mr Mueller

The D's are making the case for Obstruction of Justice.

The R's are making speeches for the biddable, the D's are asking questions on material facts within the report.
There is no case for obstruction. The D's are too stupid to read and listen. Bunch of scum morons.
Folks it is like I said.... it is very simple.
Law Enforcement in a Democratic society do not investigate people... they investigate CRIME. And the people they find a long the way in that investigation.
That is a crucial difference between a nation with individual rights, and one without.
It''s also the difference between America and Totalitarian Socialist States.
They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
What was bogus about the investigation in to the Russians interfering?
What they left out is that Russia interfered in every American election since the breakup of the USSR at least. Really
Yes, of course they have, BUT NEVER AND NOT TO THE EXTENT IN THE 2016 Election, which was systematic and bold.... by releasing what they stole from the Democratic national committee's private emails.... they have never been so bold.... they have stolen tons of crap from us, but have used it behind the scenes so not to alert us of their actions, but this time that was not the case.

And they had a multi prong extensive interference plan this time that was heavily involved with the internet and troll farms they created with thousands of trolls being paid to deceive us on social media, wikileaks distributing the stolen merchandise, straw man donations to the NRA so they could run ads against Hillary and pro trump, backdoor attempts to offer assistance to the Trump campaign.... bit coin purchase for servers that deflected from the original hackers, posing as Americans to gather people in the USA to oppose Hillary, social media ads, BOTS to spread the news from their Russian influenced propaganda internet sites on the the trump campaign so they too could spread more of an audience to the Russian propaganda etc etc etc

The interference was colossal, beyond anything we could have ever even imagined.
Mueller shouldn’t be in charge of investigating who took a bite of my sub, much less POTUS AND PUTIN RIGGING THE ELECTION.
A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
An investigation into a bogus charge is
Facepalm........christ you dopes are dumb.

There is no charge during an investigation, dope.
There has to be a charge of a criminal act that may have occurred to even have a special counsel appointed.

What Crime was Mueller Appointed to Investigate?

No charge is required in any way to initiate an investigation.

The reasons for appointing a SC were given at the time of his appointment, dope.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime. The evidence of that crime or the suggestion of a High Crime or Misdemeanor being committed, must be cited to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel. That is the sole purpose of a Special Counsel.

Yet no alleged crime was cited. They simply went in search of a crime, which is very Russian Like, and is in conflict with the laws, statutes and policies outlining the creation and appointment of a special counsel.

The Soviet Union called and wants their Cold War back.

Obama answered that call, and it was Putin on the other line, running The Obama DOJ and FBI.


Some call that treason.

The Democrat Party just calls that a day at the office.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime.

Any doubts now that Mueller is part of the frame Trump coup?....

Because he's destroying the exoneration narrative?
He is bias as hell and has a conflict of interest a mile long....
He is bias as hell and has a conflict of interest a mile long....

Back to that narrative, huh? Not going to well for you.
You ARE SMOKING DOPE if you think that this was anything but another abject and embarrassing failure for The Dem Tard party.

Chris WALLACE, who I despise, said it was a failure, and I absolutely hate that weasel son of a bitch, but he had to admit it for what it was. A slap to the face of The Leftist Hate Mob.
When its the dems turn to question Mueller I turn the sound to mute....:113:
Interesting. If you mute the testimony and observe Mueller's body language, he's not just speaking volumes, he's screaming his disdain for the Republicans and he's lapping at the Dems cornholes. Turn up the volume and he is so much more responsive to Dems and pretty much stonewalls the Reps.
My take is this:

The R's are attacking the character of Mr Mueller

The D's are making the case for Obstruction of Justice.

The R's are making speeches for the biddable, the D's are asking questions on material facts within the report.

What a shock, that's been your "take" for the last three years. Guess what, no one gives a crap about your take.

That's ^^^ a lie. You are one of the biddable, and you've proved to be incapable of being honest and forthright.

Oh Nooo!!! Not the liar, liar pants on fire come back.

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