It's Mueller Time!

How can he not be familiar with Fusion GPS? Every USMB member more informed than him?

You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

So Steele committed a crime. Glad you finally admitted that. He was paid by Comey and McCabe and Strozk for his actions, so that makes them accessories to a crime.

Steele is getting sued by Russian Oligarchs.... Sorry you are all pro Russia and want the US undermined...
Second allegation... Again Proof...

Ummm, the evidence is that it is the DEMS who are undermining the us to further russian influence. Are you that stupid, or are you in on it with your pal pootin?
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1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice

Seems clear to me

And the American people must respond by voting Trump and Pence out of office next year.
You really are stupid aren't you.
1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice

Seems clear to me

But it wasn't. You missed a step. Yes, Trump ordered someone to fire someone, but then they told him no, and no one was fired.

You can't charge someone with obstruction that never happened.
Obstruction Of Justice Verified In Mueller Hearing
What an amazing feat of typical leftard clairvoyance, considering that the 2nd half of the hearings just begun!
1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.
2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.
3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.
With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice
Seems clear to me
Concrete would seem clear to you, asshole. Too bad you were in such a rush to post this thread you didn't wait to hear Mueller himself say that neither his report nor him agreed with all three of those claims!
  1. Firing Comey was well within the purview of a president. Requesting a different investigator than Mueller was ALSO within the purview of the president given sound reasons! Those were Mueller's words. The act of making those requests COULD be interpreted as obstruction. Still unproven that it was. Indeed, a good case was made that Trump could not have acted any other way.
  2. It was an official proceeding.
  3. Mueller DISAGREED that corrupt intent was proven. In fact, circumstances pointed to quite the opposite. Again, this is Mueller and his own report speaking, not me.
So, Screwed, a possible maybe on 1, a yes on 2 (the least important) and a no on 3, the one that matters most.

As they say in Russia, no borscht for you.
Yup, that was brilliant! The Republican just went full Professor Kingsfield (from The Paper Chase) on Mueller and gave Mueller and the democrats and MSM a lesson in Western law.
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What an epic failure by Dems, Mueller was exposed as a bumbling old fool.

I don't know. I'd say Mueller has many many more achomlishments than Trump.


I guess if you consider lying your ass off and looking like a total jackass an “acccomplishment”, then yea Mueller has many.

Oh that's not my spelling, dotard. It's your bumbling fool of a president's spelling. He can't spell and can barely read.

BTW-your spelling is not much better. Dotard. Accomplishments.


'Achomlishments': Photographer snaps look at Trump's notes in Rose Garden news conference

I’m my goodness, he scribbled a word down wrong! Stop the presses!

He didn't even get near the proper spelling. Because he's a bumbling old dotard who doesn't read.

You called me a jackass for spelling it wrong, lmao. You're way too easy.
Mueller is "not familiar" w/Fusion GPS

He says the dossier is "outside his purview"

But taxi medallion schemes & income tax fraud was?

The spreading of Russian disinformation literally was his mandate! He knows all about the dossier bc his team tried & failed to verify it!

Elizabeth Harrington on Twitter

Robert “I-can’t-get-into-that” Mueller. What a pathetic piece of garbage.
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.
What? You think he should wait until the investigation is well under way and THEN start wondering how to stop it? Oh my, Trump is way stupider than I thought.
How can he not be familiar with Fusion GPS? Every USMB member more informed than him?

You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

Along with perjury charges for Mueller.

Oh? Perjury for what?

If POTUS “wanted”to fire Mueller, but DID the mother fuck is that obstruction?

Trump ordered the firing of Mueller and other interference in the investigation.

The only reason it didn't happen was due to INSUBORDINATION. His people straight up REFUSED his corrupt orders.

Obstruction charge requires only the act on corrupt intent (Trump's corrupt orders), not successful thwarting of investigation.
Firing Mueller was well within his constitutional authority. A president can't be convicted of obstruction for exercising what the Constitution gives him the authority to do.

He can't be convicted, while he is President... But he can be impeached because he said he did it in relation to an investigation of Russian illegal influence in the election...
And yet Mueller just shot that down by admitting he did not recommend further actions.
You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.
So Steele committed a crime. Glad you finally admitted that. He was paid by Comey and McCabe and Strozk for his actions, so that makes them accessories to a crime.

Steele is getting sued by Russian Oligarchs.... Sorry you are all pro Russia and want the US undermined...
Second allegation... Again Proof...

Ummm, the evidence it is the DEMS who are undermining the us to further russian influence. Are you that stupid, or are you in on it with your pal pootin?
It is Democrats that bend over and get flexible with Putin behind the American people's back before an election.

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